Modality:___Musical Activity___Name of Resource #1: Most Intense Musical Chairs EverMedium: YoutubeWeblink: : This musical activity is called musical chairs. The video showed a set of chairs in a circle that is one less the amount of participants involved. A song was played and the activity began with the participants walking around the chairs. Once the music stopped, everyone tried to sit down in a chair. The participant without a chair is considered out of the activity and the next round would start again with an additional chair being removed. This would continue until there is one chair in the middle and two participants trying to sit in the chair. The final participant that sits on the chair is the winner, which is the objective of the activity.Three Outcomes (be specific and describe why): One of the outcomes of musical chairs would be the increase in speed because participants would need quick reflexes to sit in a chair after hearing the song stop. The participants do not want to be the person without a chair because that would mean that they are out. Being quick in musical chairs would earn a participant a chair and a step closer to being the winner. The second outcome would be the increase ability in moving around equipment such as the chairs. The participants would need to have the ability to move around the chairs with enough stability without getting injured. There could be multiple rounds of participants walking in circles around the chairs so having them walk around it would be practice in moving around equipment and other close objects. The pace of the musical chairs could also be slowed down to adapt to participants who need more assistance so that they could feel comfortable walking around the chairs without feeling rushed. The third outcome would be the increase in walking short distances depending on the group of participants involved. The more the participants there are, the more chairs and the bigger the circle the participants would have to walk around. This can also depend on the person controlling the music being played because they could make the participants walk in multiple rounds of circles until they stop the music unexpectedly for the participants to try to get a chair. This could get the participants to be physically active as well.Name of Resource #2: Easy DIY Maracas Medium: Pinterest TutorialWeblink: : The musical activity is how to make maracas. The Pinterest tutorial showed pictures of the materials needed which were five plastic eggs, ten plastic spoons, washi tape, and uncooked rice and beans. The picture showed various colors of the eggs, tape, and spoons. The uncooked rice and beans were put into the plastic eggs about halfway. Two spoons were shown taped together at the handle facing each other. Where the space was between the head of the spoons would be where the plastic egg with the rice and beans was placed. Washi tape was wrapped around the egg and the two spoons to secure the maracas when it shakes. After making the maracas, participants can shake it and make sounds. This activity allows participants to make their own music and be creative. They can make the maracas and produce their favorite song with it and have people guess the song.Three Outcomes (be specific and describe why): One outcome of the maracas would be an increase in self-expression because the participants could choose how to make their maracas unique with different washi tape designs and colored plastic eggs. For example, a participant who likes the color pink may make everything for the maracas pink while someone else might make theirs a combination of colors. The second outcome would be the increase in fine motor coordination because participants would be picking up small objects such as the rice and beans to be placed into the plastic eggs. The process of utilizing their fingers would indicate fine motor skills. The third outcome of the activity would be an increase in pincer grasp, which would be represented in picking up the rice, beans, and spoons. During this activity, there would be many instances where participants would need to pick up or hold the items, which would be held with their index finger and thumb.Name of Resource #3: Follow You, Follow MeMedium: WebsiteWeblink: : The activity includes small percussions that include tambourines, drum sticks, and maracas. Participants would each get an instrument and there would be a leader who starts the activity by playing simple beats with their instrument that everyone else would have to play back. As the group gets comfortable with the activity, more rhythms and longer beats could be added to increase complex. If the group struggles, the beats would be played shorter so that everyone is on the same level. This activity would be helpful for older adults with dementia in helping them improve memory skills.Three Outcomes (be specific and describe why): One outcome of this musical activity would be the increase in short-term memory. Participants would need to remember the beats that were played by the leader, which would get longer as the activity progressed. As the participants try to recall the beats that were played, their short-term memory would be improving. The second outcome would be an increase in focused attention because the participants would need to watch the leader as well as others to determine how many beats were added into the music. The more focused the participants are, the more successful the participants would be in imitating the musical beats played by the leader. The third outcome would be an increase in feeling a sense of connection and belonging because this is a group activity and everyone would be involved. Participants would also be able to contribute to the music to add in their own instrumental beat. The new beats they add could be long or short which can change the variation in the music. Some may play beats that are fast and others may play it slowly. By being able to contribute, it will give them a sense of belonging and acceptance from other participants. ................

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