Children's Ministries Institute

PREPARATIONMaterialsDVD Teaching Verses and SongsQuick Start training seriesAvailable from CEF Press? or quickstartSong and Verse Visuals—From current Good News Club? yearAvailable from CEF Press ()Music CDFrom current GNC? yearAvailable from CEF PressVerse visuals are included in the GNC Resource Pack for each lesson series, but song visuals and music CDs must be ordered separately through CEF Press.Before ClassOrder and gather materials listed above.Determine how much time is needed to teach this session.The video itself is 39 minutes long. Practice ahead of time to see how much time is needed for questions at the end, as well as for singing any Good News Club songs. It is recommended that this session be no longer than 60 minutes.You may want to give your students a break between the content about verses and songs. Details for that are included within this Facilitator’s Guide.CLASS SESSIONIntroduction:Can you think of a Bible verse that has meant a lot to you? Maybe it’s one you learned when you were little or one you learned more recently. (Allow students to share.) Memorizing verses is so important to our spiritual growth. If you memorized a verse when you were a child, you most likely still know it today. Children have an amazing capacity for learning and retaining information! You can help them learn and remember God’s truth! Link: In this session, you’ll learn an effective method for teaching memory verses and songs to children so they can understand them and apply truth to their lives. As we go through this session we’re going to participate with the instructor on the screen as we learn the verse and songs. I’ll let you know when we’ll all need to participate.Also, please take notes as the video is playing and write down any questions you have.START VIDEO AND PLAY SECTION ONE—28 minutesPartway through this section, a demonstration of the memory verse John 1:12 will be given. At this time, be sure to participate along with the video teacher as instructed and encourage the students to do the same. The demonstration is 7 minutes long.PAUSE VIDEO WHEN PROMPTED AND FACILITATE THE FOLLOWING SECTIONTeaching Memory Verses:Do you have any questions or comments about using the IPEAR method for teaching memory verses?Ask the students the following questions by way of review to gauge their understanding of the content. If desired, you may choose to toss prizes to students as they answer.What are the five IPEAR steps? (Introduction, Presentation, Explanation, Application, Repetition.)What things are taught in the “Presentation” step when teaching a memory verse? (Read verse from the Bible; establish it’s from God’s Word; teach where it’s found in the Bible.)How should the memory verse be explained? (Phrase by phrase.)Who do you apply the memory verse to? (Saved and unsaved children.)Why is it important to play a repetition game with the children while learning the memory verse? (To help them learn the verse; to make it fun.)At this point show some of the memory verses that will be taught in the Good News Club year. The verse visual is available in the GNC Resource Pack. Optional: You may want to give the students a short break before going into the next section. Be sure to tell them how long the break will be so they will be ready for the next session to begin on time.RESUME AND FINISH WATCHING VIDEO—12 minutesPartway through this section, a demonstration of the song “Just Turn Around” will be given. At this time, be sure to participate along with the video teacher as instructed and encourage the students to do the same. The demonstration is 5 minutes long.AFTER THE VIDEO, FACILITATE THE FOLLOWING SECTIONTeaching Songs:Do you have any questions or comments about using the IPEAR method for teaching songs?Finish the session by showing the students the songs they will use in Good News Club this year. If time allows, sing a few of these songs to help them learn the words, tune and motions. Tell the students that the music videos for recommended songs are available on demonstration DVDs for their series as well as at freedemos. Conclusion: Memorizing Bible verses is one of the best things children (or adults) can do. Will you study and practice the IPEAR method for presenting verses and songs so the children can learn God’s Word and hide it in their hearts? ................

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