
PennsylvaniaNew JerseyDelawareMarylandImplementationGuidelineForElectronic Data InterchangeTRANSACTION SET814Move Request Ver/Rel 004010Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Summary of Changes PAGEREF _Toc429049266 \h 4General Notes PAGEREF _Toc429049267 \h 5Pennsylvania Notes PAGEREF _Toc429049268 \h 6New Jersey Notes PAGEREF _Toc429049269 \h 6Delaware Notes PAGEREF _Toc429049270 \h 6Maryland Notes PAGEREF _Toc429049271 \h 6How to Use the Implementation Guideline PAGEREF _Toc429049272 \h 7X12 Structure PAGEREF _Toc429049273 \h 8Data Dictionary for 814 Move PAGEREF _Toc429049274 \h 9Segment:ST Transaction Set Header PAGEREF _Toc429049275 \h 14Segment:BGN Beginning Segment PAGEREF _Toc429049276 \h 15Segment:N1 Name (8S=LDC Name) PAGEREF _Toc429049277 \h 16Segment:N1 Name (SJ=ESP Name) PAGEREF _Toc429049278 \h 17Segment:N1 Name (8R=Customer Name) PAGEREF _Toc429049279 \h 18Segment:N3 Address Information PAGEREF _Toc429049280 \h 19Segment:N4 Geographic Location PAGEREF _Toc429049281 \h 20Segment:PER Administrative Communications Contact PAGEREF _Toc429049282 \h 21Segment:N1 Name (BT=Billing Address) PAGEREF _Toc429049283 \h 22Segment:N3 Address Information PAGEREF _Toc429049284 \h 23Segment:N4 Geographic Location PAGEREF _Toc429049285 \h 24Segment:PER Administrative Communications Contact PAGEREF _Toc429049286 \h 25Segment:N1 Name (PK=Party to Receive Copy of Notices) PAGEREF _Toc429049287 \h 26Segment:N3 Address Information PAGEREF _Toc429049288 \h 27Segment:N4 Geographic Location PAGEREF _Toc429049289 \h 28Segment:PER Administrative Communications Contact PAGEREF _Toc429049290 \h 29Segment:N1 Name (2C=Party to Receive Copy of Bills) PAGEREF _Toc429049291 \h 30Segment:N3 Address Information PAGEREF _Toc429049292 \h 31Segment:N4 Geographic Location PAGEREF _Toc429049293 \h 32Segment:PER Administrative Communications Contact PAGEREF _Toc429049294 \h 33Segment:LIN Item Identification PAGEREF _Toc429049295 \h 34Segment:ASI Action or Status Indicator PAGEREF _Toc429049296 \h 35Segment:REF Reference Identification (11=ESP Account Number) PAGEREF _Toc429049297 \h 36Segment:REF Reference Identification (12=LDC Account Number) PAGEREF _Toc429049298 \h 37Segment:REF Reference Identification (45=LDC Old Account Number) PAGEREF _Toc429049299 \h 38Segment:REF Reference Identification (4N=Payment Arrangement) PAGEREF _Toc429049300 \h 39Segment:REF Reference Identification (BF=LDC Bill Cycle) PAGEREF _Toc429049301 \h 40Segment:REF Reference Identification (BLT=Billing Type) PAGEREF _Toc429049302 \h 41Segment:REF Reference Identification (PC=Bill Calculator) PAGEREF _Toc429049303 \h 42Segment:REF Reference Identification (NR=LDC Budget Billing Status) PAGEREF _Toc429049304 \h 43Segment:REF Reference Identification (SPL=PJM LMP Bus) PAGEREF _Toc429049305 \h 44Segment:REF Reference Identification (17=Summary Interval) PAGEREF _Toc429049306 \h 45Segment:REF Reference Identification (KY=Special Meter Configuration) PAGEREF _Toc429049307 \h 47Segment:DTM Date/Time Reference (150=Service Start Date) PAGEREF _Toc429049308 \h 48Segment:AMT Monetary Amount (DP=Tax Exemption Percent) PAGEREF _Toc429049309 \h 49Segment:AMT Monetary Amount (KC=Peak Load Capacity) PAGEREF _Toc429049310 \h 50Segment:AMT Monetary Amount (KZ=Network Service Peak Load) PAGEREF _Toc429049311 \h 51Segment:NM1 Individual or Organizational Name PAGEREF _Toc429049312 \h 52Segment:REF Reference Identification (LF=Loss Factor) PAGEREF _Toc429049313 \h 53Segment:REF Reference Identification (LO=Load Profile) PAGEREF _Toc429049314 \h 54Segment:REF Reference Identification (NH=LDC Rate Class) PAGEREF _Toc429049315 \h 55Segment:REF Reference Identification (PR=LDC Rate Subclass) PAGEREF _Toc429049316 \h 56Segment:REF Reference Identification (RB=ESP Rate Code) PAGEREF _Toc429049317 \h 57Segment:REF Reference Identification (SV=Service Voltage) PAGEREF _Toc429049318 \h 58Segment:REF Reference Identification (TZ=Meter Cycle) PAGEREF _Toc429049319 \h 59Segment:REF Reference Identification (MT=Meter Type) PAGEREF _Toc429049320 \h 60Segment:REF Reference Identification (4P=Meter Multiplier) PAGEREF _Toc429049321 \h 61Segment:REF Reference Identification (IX=Number of Dials/Digits) PAGEREF _Toc429049322 \h 62Segment:REF Reference Identification (TU=Type of Metering) PAGEREF _Toc429049323 \h 63Segment:SE Transaction Set Trailer PAGEREF _Toc429049324 \h 64814 Move Examples: PAGEREF _Toc429049325 \h 65Example: Move Request PAGEREF _Toc429049326 \h 65Summary of ChangesOctober 16, 2013Version 0.1_DRAFTInitial Draft version of the 814 Move transaction for Pennsylvania’s Seamless Move / Instant Connect working group.October 24, 2013Version 0.2_DRAFTDraft updated to reflect discussions from the working group.Removed response portion of transactionNovember 4, 2013Version 0.3_DRAFTDraft updated to reflect discussions from 10/31 working group meetingDetermined REFBLT, REFPC, DTM150 and REFRB would be applicable as outlined in each respective gray box.Returned AMTDP to applicabilityNovember 7, 2013Version 1.0 DRAFTUpdated Table of Contents, Data Dictionary, agreed upon data elements from 11/7 working group meeting, removed all redlines and saved off as PROPOSED version.August 31, 2015Version 1.1 DRAFTUpdated proposed version as follows…Clarified N18R Customer NameClarified REF11 EGS Account NumberClarified REF17 Summary Interval IndicatorOctober 1, 2015Version 1.2 DRAFTUpdated draft version as follows…Cleaned up General & Pennsylvania Notes SectionUpdated N1*8R clarificationNovember 13, 2015Version 1.0Finalized for PennsylvaniaGeneral NotesUseThe Move Request can be used in the following situations:Customer Contacts LDC to Move (LDC sends Move request once criteria has been met.)Tracking number on Request On the request, the LIN01 is a unique tracking number for each line item (LIN) in this transaction. This number must be unique over all time, and is assigned by the sender of the request transactions. Initiated by LDCThis transaction can only be initiated by the LDC. The customer will need to contact the LDC to trigger the move process.No ESP ResponseUpon receipt of the EDI 814 Move from the LDC the ESP will not send a response transaction back to the rmation ProvidedWhen the LDC sends the Move to the ESP, it will contain the new account number, service address, meter information, etc. as applicable in each segment’s gray box.One Account per 814One customer account per 814.Multiple LINsFor the Move transaction, there may only be one LIN per account per 814.LDC Definitions:The term LDC (Local Distribution Company) in this document refers to the utility. Each state may refer to the utility by a different acronym:EDC – Electric Distribution Company (Pennsylvania)ESP Definitions:The term ESP (Energy Service Provider) in this document refers to the supplier. Each state may refer to the supplier by a different acronym:EGS – Electric Generation Supplier (Pennsylvania)Pennsylvania NotesApplicabilityAs of 10/12015, the PAPUC ordered the use of the 814 Move by Duquesne Light, FirstEnergy, PECO and PPL.New Jersey NotesApplicability:This transaction set is not used in New JerseyDelaware NotesApplicability:This transaction set is not used in DelawareMaryland NotesApplicability:This transaction set is not used in MarylandHow to Use the Implementation Guideline5303520237490This section is used to show the X12 Rules for this segment. You must look further into the grayboxes below for State Rules.00This section is used to show the X12 Rules for this segment. You must look further into the grayboxes below for State Rules.47548809461500Segment:REF Reference IdentificationPosition:030Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in REF02.4206240121920The “Notes:” section generally contains notes by the Utility Industry Group (UIG).00The “Notes:” section generally contains notes by the Utility Industry Group (UIG).402336012192000Comments:Notes:Recommended by UIG4480560514985This section is used to show the individual State’s Rules for implementation of this segment.00This section is used to show the individual State’s Rules for implementation of this segment.39319205778500PA Use:Must be identical to account number as it appears on the customer’s bill, excluding punctuation (spaces, dashes, etc.). Significant leading and trailing zeros must be included.Request:Accept Response:Reject Response:RequiredRequiredRequired NJ Use:Same as PA411480097790One or more examples.00One or more examples.3931920635000Example:REF*12*2931839200Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference Identification12Billing AccountLDC-assigned account number for end use customer.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier374904075565This column shows the X12 attributes for each data element. Please refer to Data Dictionary for individual state rules.M = Mandatory, O= Optional, X = ConditionalAN = Alphanumeric, N# = Decimal value, ID = Identification, R = Real1/30 = Minimum 1, Maximum 3000This column shows the X12 attributes for each data element. Please refer to Data Dictionary for individual state rules.M = Mandatory, O= Optional, X = ConditionalAN = Alphanumeric, N# = Decimal value, ID = Identification, R = Real1/30 = Minimum 1, Maximum 301645920118745These are X12 code descriptions, which often do not relate to the information we are trying to send. Unfortunately, X12 cannot keep up with our code needs so we often change the meanings of existing codes. See graybox for the UIG or state definitions.00These are X12 code descriptions, which often do not relate to the information we are trying to send. Unfortunately, X12 cannot keep up with our code needs so we often change the meanings of existing codes. See graybox for the UIG or state definitions.9525075565This column shows the use of each data element. If state rules differ, this will show “Conditional” and the conditions will be explained in the appropriate grayboxes.00This column shows the use of each data element. If state rules differ, this will show “Conditional” and the conditions will be explained in the appropriate grayboxes.814 General Request, Response or ConfirmationX12 StructureFunctional Group ID=GEHeadingPos.Seg.Req.LoopNotes andNo.IDNameDes.Max. UseRepeatCommentsMust Use010STTransaction Set HeaderM1Must Use020BGNBeginning SegmentM1LOOP ID - N1>1040N1NameO1n1060N3Address InformationO2070N4Geographic LocationO1080PERAdministrative Communications ContactO>1DetailPos.Seg.Req.LoopNotes andNo.IDNameDes.Max. UseRepeatCommentsLOOP ID - LIN>1010LINItem IdentificationO1020ASIAction or Status IndicatorO1030REFReference IdentificationO>1040DTMDate/Time ReferenceO>1060AMTMonetary AmountO>1LOOP ID - NM1>1080NM1Individual or Organizational NameO1 130REFReference IdentificationO>1SummaryPos.Seg.Req.LoopNotes andNo.IDNameDes.Max. UseRepeatCommentsMust Use150SETransaction Set TrailerM1Transaction Set Notes:The N1 loop is used to identify the transaction sender and receiver.Data Dictionary for 814 MoveReinstatement of Generation Services Request and Response Data DictionaryAppl FieldField NameDescriptionEDI SegmentLoop / Related EDI QualifierDataType1Transaction Set Purpose CodeRequest = 13BGN01X(2)2Transaction Reference Number A unique transaction identification number assigned by the originator of this transaction. This number must be unique over all time.BGN02 BGN01 =Request:13X(30)3System DateDate that the data was processed by the sender's application system.BGN03 9(8)4LDC NameLDC's NameN102N1: N101 = 8SX(60)5LDC DunsLDC's DUNS Number or DUNS+4 NumberN104N1: N101 = 8SN103 = 1 or 9N106 = 40 or 41X(13)6ESP NameESP's NameN102N1: N101 = SJX(60)7ESP DunsESP's DUNS Number or DUNS+4 NumberN104N1: N101 = SJN103 = 1 or 9N106 = 40 or 41X(13)8Customer NameCustomer Name as it appears on the Customer's BillN102N1: N101 = 8RX(35)Note: X(60) for MD9Customer Reference NumberA reference number assigned by and meaningful to the customer. An example would be Store numberN104N1: N101 = 8RN103 = 1 or 9X(30)10Service AddressCustomer Service AddressN301 & N302N1: N101 = 8RX(55)11CityCustomer Service AddressN401N1: N101 = 8RX(30)12StateCustomer Service AddressN402N1: N101 = 8RX(2)13Zip CodeCustomer Service AddressN403N1: N101 = 8RX(9)14CountyCustomer Service CountyN406N101 = 8RN405 = COX(30)15Customer Contact NameCustomer Contact NamePER02PER01=ICX(60)16Customer Telephone NumberContact Telephone Number for the customerPER04N1: N101 = 8RPER01 = ICPER03 = TEX(10)17Customer Billing NameName on Billing AddressN102N1: N101 = BTX(35)Note: X(60) for MD18Customer Billing Street AddressCustomer Billing AddressN301 & N302N1: N101 = BTX(55)19Billing CityCustomer Billing AddressN401N1: N101 = BTX(30)20Billing StateCustomer Billing AddressN402N1: N101 = BTX(2)21Billing Zip CodeCustomer Billing AddressN403N1: N101 = BTX(9)22Billing Country CodeCustomer Billing AddressN404N1: N101 = BTX(3)23Billing Contact NameBilling Contact NamePER02PER01=ICX(60)24Billing Telephone #Contact Telephone Number related to this billing addressPER04N1: N101 = BTPER01 = ICPER03 = TEX(10)25Third Party Name for copies of noticesName for Third Party to receive copies of noticesN102N1: N101 = PKX(35)26Street AddressAddress for Third Party to receive copies of noticesN301 & N302N1: N101 = PKX(55)27CityAddress for Third Party to receive copies of noticesN401N1: N101 = PKX(30)28StateAddress for Third Party to receive copies of noticesN402N1: N101 = PKX(2)29Zip CodeAddress for Third Party to receive copies of noticesN403N1: N101 = PKX(9)30Country CodeAddress for Third Party to receive copies of noticesN404N1: N101 = PKX(3)31Third Party Name Contact Name for Copies of NoticesThird Party Name Contact Name for Copies of NoticesPER02PER01=ICX(60)32Telephone NumberContact for Third Party to receive copies of noticesPER04N1: N101 = PKPER01 = ICPER03 = TEX(10)33Third Party Name for copies of billsName for Third Party to receive copies of billsN102N1: N101 = 2CX(35)34Street AddressAddress for Third Party to receive copies of billsN301 & N302N1: N101 = 2CX(55)35CityAddress for Third Party to receive copies of billsN401N1: N101 = 2CX(30)36StateAddress for Third Party to receive copies of billsN402N1: N101 = 2CX(2)37Zip CodeAddress for Third Party to receive copies of billsN403N1: N101 = 2CX(9)38Country CodeAddress for Third Party to receive copies of billsN404N1: N101 = 2CX(3)39Third Party Contact Name for copies of billsName for Third Party Contact to receive copies of billsN102N1: N101 = 2CX(35)40Telephone NumberContact for Third Party to receive copies of billsPER04N1: N101= 2CPER01 = ICPER03 = TEX(10)41Line Item Transaction Reference NumberUnique Tracking Number for each line item in this transaction. This number must be unique over time.LIN01 X(20)42Generation Services Indicator Indicates a customer request to:CE - switch to the designated ESP with which he or she has signed a contract for generation servicesLIN05 = CE LIN02 = SHLIN03 = ELLIN04 = SHX(2)43Action CodeIndicates that the transaction is a request, ASI01=Request: 27LIN: ASI02 = 025X(2)Note that the following REF segments may appear in any order on the actual EDI transaction.44ESP Account NumberESP Customer Account NumberREF02LIN: REF01= 11X(30)45LDC Account NumberNew Location LDC Customer Account NumberREF02LIN: REF01= 12X(30)46Old Account NumberPrevious Location LDC Customer Account NumberREF02LIN: REF01= 45X(30)47Payment ArrangementUsed to indicate whether customer has an active payment arrangement with the LDC.REF02= Y or N LIN: REF01= 4NX(1)48LDC Billing CycleLDC Cycle on which the bill will be renderedREF02LIN: REF01= BFX(4)49LDC Billing Cycle – special conditionIndicates LDC Bill Cycle has frequency other than monthlyREF03LIN: REF01= BFX(3)50Billing TypeIndicates type of billing- LDC consolidated Billing (REF02=LDC)- ESP consolidated Billing (REF02=ESP)- Dual bills (REF02=DUAL)REF02LIN: REF01= BLTX(4)51Billing Calculation MethodIndicates party to calculate bill. - LDC calculates bill (REF02=LDC)- Each calculate portion (REF02=DUAL)REF02LIN: REF01= PCX(4)52LDC Budget Billing StatusTransmits the current budget billing status shown for this customer on the LDC system.REF02= Y or NLIN: REF01= NRX(1)53PJM LMP BusPoint at which the customer is connected to the transmission gridREF03LIN: REF01= SPLX(80)54Interval Reporting IndicatorIndicates whether interval data will be reported at the detail, summary, or meter level. REF02= SUMMARY or DETAIL or METERDETAILLIN: REF01= 17X(30)55Special Meter Configuration CodeUsed to convey there’s a special meter present on the account. For example, Net MeteringREF02LIN: REF01 = KYX(3)56Special Meter Configuration InformationPPLEU-used to report the max K1 (demand) the special meter supportsREF03LIN: REF01 = KYX(80)57Service Period StartNext Meter Read date on which Energy is expected to flow to this customer for the designated ESP. DTM02LIN: DTM01 = 1509(8)Note that the following AMT segments may appear in any order on the actual EDI transaction.58Percent Tax ExemptionCustomer's Tax Exemption Percentage -Residential usually 100% (send 1), Commercial/Industrial - anything other than 0% requires you secure tax exemption certificate. (e.g., if 50% send .5)AMT02LIN: AMT01= DP9(1).9(4)59Peak Load CapacityPeak load contributions provided to PJM for Installed Capacity calculation (coincident with PJM's peak)AMT02LIN: AMT01= KC9(9).9960Network Service Peak LoadCustomer's peak load contribution provided to PJM for the transmission service calculation (coincident with LDC peak)AMT02LIN: AMT01= KZ9(9).9961Meter NumberNumber which identifies meterRequest: NM109= [meter number] orUNMETEREDNM101= MQNM102= 3NM108= 32X(30)Note that the following REF segments may appear in any order on the actual EDI transaction.62Loss FactorLoss factorREF02NM1:REF01=LFX(30)63Profile GroupA code for the Load Profile used for this customer. Differs by LDC. Codes posted on LDC's Web site.REF02NM1: REF01= LOX(30)64LDC Rate CodeCode indicating the rate a customer is being charged by LDC per tariff. Codes posted on LDC's Web siteREF02NM1: REF01= NHX(30)65LDC Rate Subclass CodeUsed to provide further classification of a rate.REF02NM1: REF01= PRX(30)6667ESP Rate CodeRate code identified by LDC that reflects the ESP billing rate categoryREF02NM1: REF01= RBX(30)68Service VoltageService voltageREF02NM1:REF01=SVX(30)69LDC Meter CycleLDC Cycle on which the meter will be readREF02NM1: REF01= TZX(2)70Meter TypeType of MeterREF02NM1: REF01= MTX(5)71Meter Type Additional InformationAdditional information for the meter typeREF03NM1: REF01= MTX(80)The following three fields each require that the Meter Type be shown in REF03:72Meter Constant/Meter MultiplierSome factor multiplied by the meter reading to give billed usage.REF02NM1: REF01= 4PREF03 = Meter Type (See REF*MT)9(9).9973Number of Dials / Digits and related decimal positionsNeeded to determine usage if meter reading rolls over during the billing period. Number of dials on the meter displayed as the number of dials to the left of the decimal, a decimal point, and number of dials to the right of the decimal.REF02NM1: REF01= IXREF03 = Meter Type (See REF*MT)9.974Type of metering used for billingIndicates the type of metering information that will be sent on the 867 transaction.REF02= 41 (on peak) or42 (off peak) 43 (intermediate)or51 (totalizer)NM1: REF01 = TUREF03 = Meter Type (See REF*MT)X(2) Segment:ST Transaction Set HeaderPosition:010Loop:Level:HeadingUsage:MandatoryMax Use:1Purpose:To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control numberSyntax Notes:Semantic Notes:1The transaction set identifier (ST01) is used by the translation routines of the interchange partners to select the appropriate transaction set definition (e.g., 810 selects the Invoice Transaction Set).Comments:PA Use:RequiredNJ Use:Not UsedDE Use:Not UsedMD Use:Not UsedExample:ST*814*000000001Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseST01143Transaction Set Identifier CodeMID 3/3Code uniquely identifying a Transaction Set814General Request, Response or Confirmation Must UseST02329Transaction Set Control NumberMAN 4/9Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group assigned by the originator for a transaction set Segment:BGN Beginning SegmentPosition:020Loop:Level:HeadingUsage:MandatoryMax Use:1Purpose:To indicate the beginning of a transaction setSyntax Notes:1If BGN05 is present, then BGN04 is required.Semantic Notes:1BGN02 is the transaction set reference number.2BGN03 is the transaction set date.3BGN04 is the transaction set time.4BGN05 is the transaction set time qualifier.5BGN06 is the transaction set reference number of a previously sent transaction affected by the current ments:PA Use:RequiredNJ Use:Not UsedDE Use:Not UsedMD Use:Not UsedRequest Example:BGN*13*199904011956531*19990401 Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseBGN01353Transaction Set Purpose CodeMID 2/2Code identifying purpose of transaction set13RequestMust UseBGN02127Reference IdentificationMAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification QualifierA unique transaction identification number assigned by the originator of this transaction. This number must be unique over time.Must UseBGN03373DateMDT 8/8Date (CCYYMMDD)The transaction creation date – the date that the data was processed by the sender’s application system. Segment:N1 Name (8S=LDC Name)Position:040Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To identify a party by type of organization, name, and codeSyntax Notes:1At least one of N102 or N103 is required.2If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:1This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the transaction processing party.2N105 and N106 further define the type of entity in N101.PA Use:RequiredNJ Use:Not UsedDE Use:Not UsedMD Use:Not UsedRequest Example:N1*8S*LDC COMPANY*1*007909411**41 (as Sender)Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN10198Entity Identifier CodeMID 2/3Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual8SConsumer Service Provider (CSP)LDCMust UseN10293NameXAN 1/60Free-form nameLDC Company NameMust UseN10366Identification Code QualifierXID 1/2Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67)1D-U-N-S Number, Dun & Bradstreet9D-U-N-S+4, D-U-N-S Number with Four Character SuffixMust UseN10467Identification CodeXAN 2/80Code identifying a party or other codeLDC D-U-N-S Number or D-U-N-S + 4 NumberMust UseN10698Entity Identifier CodeOID 2/3Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual.Used in addition to the N103 and N104 to identify the transaction sender and receiver when more than two parties are identified by N1 loops.41SubmitterEntity transmitting transaction set Segment:N1 Name (SJ=ESP Name)Position:040Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To identify a party by type of organization, name, and codeSyntax Notes:1At least one of N102 or N103 is required.2If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:1This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the transaction processing party.2N105 and N106 further define the type of entity in N101.PA Use:RequiredNJ Use:Not UsedDE Use:Not UsedMD Use:Not UsedRequest Example:N1*SJ*ESP COMPANY*9*007909422ESP1**40 (as Receiver)Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN10198Entity Identifier CodeMID 2/3Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individualSJService ProviderESPMust UseN10293NameXAN 1/60Free-form nameESP Company NameMust UseN10366Identification Code QualifierXID 1/2Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67)1D-U-N-S Number, Dun & Bradstreet9D-U-N-S+4, D-U-N-S Number with Four Character SuffixMust UseN10467Identification CodeXAN 2/80Code identifying a party or other codeESP D-U-N-S Number or D-U-N-S + 4 NumberMust UseN10698Entity Identifier CodeOID 2/3Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual.Used in addition to the N103 and N104 to identify the transaction sender and receiver when more than two parties are identified by N1 loops.40ReceiverEntity to accept transmission Segment:N1 Name (8R=Customer Name)Position:040Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To identify a party by type of organization, name, and codeSyntax Notes:1At least one of N102 or N103 is required.2If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:1This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the transaction processing party.2N105 and N106 further define the type of entity in N101.PA Use:Required. The customer may have the ability to change the name of the account during the establishment of the new service location. This is the customer name information for the new service location. NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedRequest Examples:N1*8R*CUSTOMER NAME*92*1210N1*8R*CUSTOMER NAMEData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN10198Entity Identifier CodeMID 2/3Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual8RConsumer Service Provider (CSP) CustomerUsed to identify the customer associated with the LDC service account Must UseN10293NameXAN 1/60Free-form nameCustomer Name as it appears on the customer’s billConditionalN10366Identification Code QualifierXID 1/2Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67)92Assigned by Buyer or Buyer's AgentReference Number assigned by and meaningful to the customer. Note that this number is assigned to the LDC and may or may not be applicable to the ESP.Condition: The N103 and N104 are optional only on the Request transaction. This information is provided at the point of time in the enrollment or re-instatement; an 814 change will not be processed if this data changes.ConditionalN10467Identification CodeXAN 2/80Code identifying a party or other codeReference Number assigned by and meaningful to the customer. Note that this number is assigned to the LDC and may or may not be applicable to the ESP.Condition: The N103 and N104 are optional only on the Request transaction. This information is provided at the point of time in the enrollment or re-instatement; an 814 change will not be processed if this data changes. This information may also appear on a Rate Ready 810. Segment:N3 Address InformationPosition:060Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:2Purpose:To specify the location of the named partySyntax Notes:Semantic Notes:Comments:PA Use:Required for Customer Service Address NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:N3*123 N MAIN ST*MS FLR13Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN301166Address InformationMAN 1/55Address informationOptionalN302166Address InformationOAN 1/55Address information Segment:N4 Geographic LocationPosition:070Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To specify the geographic place of the named partySyntax Notes:1If N406 is present, then N405 is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:1A combination of either N401 through N404, or N405 and N406 may be adequate to specify a location.2N402 is required only if city name (N401) is in the U.S. or Canada.PA Use:Required for Customer Service Address NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:N4*ANYTOWN*PA*18111**CO*LEHIGHN4*ANYTOWN*PA*181110001**CO*LEHIGHData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN40119City NameOAN 2/30Free-form text for city nameMust UseN402156State or Province CodeOID 2/2Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agencyMust UseN403116Postal CodeOID 3/15Code defining international postal zone code excluding punctuation and blanks (zip code for United States)ConditionalN405309Location QualifierXID 1/2Code identifying type of locationPA: N405 and N406 are provided on the request ONLY when the customer is believed to live in a taxable county for Rate Ready Consolidated Billing.COCounty/Parish and StateConditionalN406310Location IdentifierOAN 1/30Code which identifies a specific locationPA: N405 and N406 are provided on the request ONLY when the customer premise is believed to be located in a taxable county for Rate Ready Consolidated Billing. Segment:PER Administrative Communications ContactPosition:080Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directedSyntax Notes:1If either PER03 or PER04 is present, then the other is required.2If either PER05 or PER06 is present, then the other is required.3If either PER07 or PER08 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:PA Implementation:Used to provide customer contact informationPA Use:Request:Conditional: Must send for customer contact information if it is maintained in the utility’s system.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExamples:PER*IC**TE*8005559876PER*IC*JOE DOE*TE*8005559876*FX*8005551111*EM*JOE@Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UsePER01366Contact Function CodeMID 2/2Code identifying the major duty or responsibility of the person or group namedICInformation ContactOptionalPER0293NameOAN 1/60Free-form nameMust UsePER03365Communication Number QualifierXID 2/2Code identifying the type of communication numberEMElectronic MailFXFacsimileTETelephoneMust UsePER04364Communication NumberXAN 1/80Complete communications number including country or area code when applicableOptionalPER05365Communication Number QualifierXID 2/2Code identifying the type of communication numberEMElectronic MailFXFacsimileTETelephoneOptionalPER06364Communication NumberXAN 1/80Complete communications number including country or area code when applicableOptionalPER07365Communication Number QualifierXID 2/2Code identifying the type of communication numberEMElectronic MailFXFacsimileTETelephoneOptionalPER08364Communication NumberXAN 1/80Complete communications number including country or area code when applicable Segment:N1 Name (BT=Billing Address)Position:040Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To identify a party by type of organization, name, and codeSyntax Notes:1At least one of N102 or N103 is required.2If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:1This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the transaction processing party.2N105 and N106 further define the type of entity in N101.PA Use:Request:Required for Billing Address if different than Service Address. If billing address is not available at the time of move initiation, the utility would send 814C at later date if the customer provides.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:N1*BT*ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DIVISIONData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN10198Entity Identifier CodeMID 2/3Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individualBTBill-to-PartyUsed to identify a billing address for the customer Must UseN10293NameXAN 1/60Free-form name Segment:N3 Address InformationPosition:060Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:2Purpose:To specify the location of the named partySyntax Notes:Semantic Notes:Comments:PA Use:Request:Required for Billing Address if different than Service AddressNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:N3*123 N MAIN ST*MS FLR13Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN301166Address InformationMAN 1/55Address informationOptionalN302166Address InformationOAN 1/55Address information Segment:N4 Geographic LocationPosition:070Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To specify the geographic place of the named partySyntax Notes:1If N406 is present, then N405 is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:1A combination of either N401 through N404, or N405 and N406 may be adequate to specify a location.2N402 is required only if city name (N401) is in the U.S. or Canada.PA Use:Request:Required for Billing Address if different than Service AddressNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExamples:N4*ANYTOWN*PA*18111N4*ANYTOWN*PA*181110001*USData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN40119City NameOAN 2/30Free-form text for city nameMust UseN402156State or Province CodeOID 2/2Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agencyMust UseN403116Postal CodeOID 3/15Code defining international postal zone code excluding punctuation and blanks (zip code for United States)OptionalN40426Country CodeOID 2/3Code identifying the country Segment:PER Administrative Communications ContactPosition:080Loop:N1 Level:Heading:Usage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To identify a person or office to which administrative communications should be directedSyntax Notes:1If either PER03 or PER04 is present, then the other is required.2If either PER05 or PER06 is present, then the other is required.3If either PER07 or PER08 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:PA Use:Request:Required for billing contact if it is different than service address contact and it is maintained in the utility’s system.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:PER*IC*ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DIVISION*TE*8005551212Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UsePER01366Contact Function CodeMID 2/2Code identifying the major duty or responsibility of the person or group namedICInformation ContactOptionalPER0293NameOAN 1/60Free-form nameMust UsePER03365Communication Number QualifierXID 2/2Code identifying the type of communication numberEMElectronic MailFXFacsimileTETelephoneMust UsePER04364Communication NumberXAN 1/80Complete communications number including country or area code when applicableOptionalPER05365Communication Number QualifierXID 2/2Code identifying the type of communication numberEMElectronic MailFXFacsimileTETelephoneOptionalPER06364Communication NumberXAN 1/80Complete communications number including country or area code when applicableOptionalPER07365Communication Number QualifierXID 2/2Code identifying the type of communication numberEMElectronic MailFXFacsimileTETelephoneOptionalPER08364Communication NumberXAN 1/80Complete communications number including country or area code when applicable Segment:N1 Name (PK=Party to Receive Copy of Notices)Position:040Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To identify a party by type of organization, name, and codeSyntax Notes:1At least one of N102 or N103 is required.2If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:1This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the transaction processing party.2N105 and N106 further define the type of entity in N101.PA Use:Request:Optional for Party to Receive Copy of Notices (not bills)NJ Use:Not UsedDE Use:Not Used MD Use:Not usedExample:N1*PK*ANN SMITHData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN10198Entity Identifier CodeMID 2/3Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individualPKParty to Receive CopyUsed to identify a third party that is to receive a copy of all notices (not bills) to the end use customer.Must UseN10293NameXAN 1/60Free-form name Segment:N3 Address InformationPosition:060Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:2Purpose:To specify the location of the named partySyntax Notes:Semantic Notes:Comments:PA Use:Request:Optional for Party to Receive Copy of Notices (not bills)NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:N3*4251 S ELECTRIC ST*MS 25Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN301166Address InformationMAN 1/55Address informationOptionalN302166Address InformationOAN 1/55Address information Segment:N4 Geographic LocationPosition:070Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To specify the geographic place of the named partySyntax Notes:1If N406 is present, then N405 is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:1A combination of either N401 through N404, or N405 and N406 may be adequate to specify a location.2N402 is required only if city name (N401) is in the U.S. or Canada.PA Use:Request:Optional for Party to Receive Copy of Notices (not bills)NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExamples:N4*ANYTOWN*PA*18111N4*ANYTOWN*PA*181110001*USData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN40119City NameOAN 2/30Free-form text for city nameMust UseN402156State or Province CodeOID 2/2Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agencyMust UseN403116Postal CodeOID 3/15Code defining international postal zone code excluding punctuation and blanks (zip code for United States)OptionalN40426Country CodeOID 2/3Code identifying the country Segment:PER Administrative Communications ContactPosition:080Loop:N1 Level:Heading:Usage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To identify a person or office to which administrative communications should be directedSyntax Notes:1If either PER03 or PER04 is present, then the other is required.2If either PER05 or PER06 is present, then the other is required.3If either PER07 or PER08 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:PA Use:Request:Optional for Party to Receive Copy of Notices (not bills)NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExamples:PER*IC*ANN SMITH*TE*8005551212PER*IC*ANN SMITH*TE*8005551212*FX*8005551111*EM*ANN@Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UsePER01366Contact Function CodeMID 2/2Code identifying the major duty or responsibility of the person or group namedICInformation ContactOptionalPER0293NameOAN 1/60Free-form nameMust UsePER03365Communication Number QualifierXID 2/2Code identifying the type of communication numberEMElectronic MailFXFacsimileTETelephoneMust UsePER04364Communication NumberXAN 1/80Complete communications number including country or area code when applicableOptionalPER05365Communication Number QualifierXID 2/2Code identifying the type of communication numberEMElectronic MailFXFacsimileTETelephoneOptionalPER06364Communication NumberXAN 1/80Complete communications number including country or area code when applicableOptionalPER07365Communication Number QualifierXID 2/2Code identifying the type of communication numberEMElectronic MailFXFacsimileTETelephoneOptionalPER08364Communication NumberXAN 1/80Complete communications number including country or area code when applicable Segment:N1 Name (2C=Party to Receive Copy of Bills)Position:040Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To identify a party by type of organization, name, and codeSyntax Notes:1At least one of N102 or N103 is required.2If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:1This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the transaction processing party.2N105 and N106 further define the type of entity in N101.PA Use:Request:Optional for Party to Receive Copy of BillsNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:N1*2C*THOMAS SMITHData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN10198Entity Identifier CodeMID 2/3Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual2CCo-ParticipantUsed to identify a third party who shares responsibility for payment of the customer’s bill. This party will receive copies of all bills, not notices.Must UseN10293NameXAN 1/60Free-form name Segment:N3 Address InformationPosition:060Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:2Purpose:To specify the location of the named partySyntax Notes:Semantic Notes:Comments:PA Use:Request:Optional for Party to Receive Copy of BillsNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:N3*4251 S ELECTRIC ST*MS 25Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN301166Address InformationMAN 1/55Address informationOptionalN302166Address InformationOAN 1/55Address information Segment:N4 Geographic LocationPosition:070Loop:N1 Level:HeadingUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To specify the geographic place of the named partySyntax Notes:1If N406 is present, then N405 is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:1A combination of either N401 through N404, or N405 and N406 may be adequate to specify a location.2N402 is required only if city name (N401) is in the U.S. or Canada.PA Use:Request:Optional for Party to Receive Copy of BillsNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExamples:N4*ANYTOWN*PA*18111N4*ANYTOWN*PA*181110001*USData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseN40119City NameOAN 2/30Free-form text for city nameMust UseN402156State or Province CodeOID 2/2Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agencyMust UseN403116Postal CodeOID 3/15Code defining international postal zone code excluding punctuation and blanks (zip code for United States)OptionalN40426Country CodeOID 2/3Code identifying the country Segment:PER Administrative Communications ContactPosition:080Loop:N1 Level:Heading:Usage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To identify a person or office to which administrative communications should be directedSyntax Notes:1If either PER03 or PER04 is present, then the other is required.2If either PER05 or PER06 is present, then the other is required.3If either PER07 or PER08 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:PA Use:Request:Optional for Party to Receive Copy of BillsNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExamples:PER*IC*THOMAS SMITH*TE*8005552878PER*IC*TOM SMITH*TE*8005552878*FX*8005551019*EM*TOM@Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UsePER01366Contact Function CodeMID 2/2Code identifying the major duty or responsibility of the person or group namedICInformation ContactOptionalPER0293NameOAN 1/60Free-form nameMust UsePER03365Communication Number QualifierXID 2/2Code identifying the type of communication numberEMElectronic MailFXFacsimileTETelephoneMust UsePER04364Communication NumberXAN 1/80Complete communications number including country or area code when applicableOptionalPER05365Communication Number QualifierXID 2/2Code identifying the type of communication numberEMElectronic MailFXFacsimileTETelephoneOptionalPER06364Communication NumberXAN 1/80Complete communications number including country or area code when applicableOptionalPER07365Communication Number QualifierXID 2/2Code identifying the type of communication numberEMElectronic MailFXFacsimileTETelephoneOptionalPER08364Communication NumberXAN 1/80Complete communications number including country or area code when applicable Segment:LIN Item IdentificationPosition:010Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To specify basic item identification dataSyntax Notes:1If either LIN04 or LIN05 is present, then the other is required.2If either LIN06 or LIN07 is present, then the other is required.3If either LIN08 or LIN09 is present, then the other is required.4If either LIN10 or LIN11 is present, then the other is required.5If either LIN12 or LIN13 is present, then the other is required.6If either LIN14 or LIN15 is present, then the other is required.7If either LIN16 or LIN17 is present, then the other is required.8If either LIN18 or LIN19 is present, then the other is required.9If either LIN20 or LIN21 is present, then the other is required.10If either LIN22 or LIN23 is present, then the other is required.11If either LIN24 or LIN25 is present, then the other is required.12If either LIN26 or LIN27 is present, then the other is required.13If either LIN28 or LIN29 is present, then the other is required.14If either LIN30 or LIN31 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1LIN01 is the line item identificationComments:1See the Data Dictionary for a complete list of IDs.2LIN02 through LIN31 provide for fifteen different product/service IDs for each item. For example: Case, Color, Drawing No., U.P.C. No., ISBN No., Model No., or SKU.PA Use:RequiredNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExamples:LIN*MOVE1999123108000001*SH*EL*SH*CEData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseLIN01350Assigned IdentificationOAN 1/20Alphanumeric characters assigned for differentiation within a transaction setOn the request, this is a unique tracking number for each line item (LIN) in this transaction. This number must be unique over all time. This number must be returned on the response transaction in the same element. . Must UseLIN02235Product/Service ID QualifierMID 2/2Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)SHService RequestedMust UseLIN03234Product/Service IDMAN 1/48Identifying number for a product or serviceELElectric ServiceIdentifies the productMust UseLIN04235Product/Service ID QualifierMID 2/2Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)SHService RequestedMust UseLIN05234Product/Service IDMAN 1/48Identifying number for a product or serviceCEGeneration ServicesIndicates this transaction is related to Generation Services. Segment:ASI Action or Status IndicatorPosition:020Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To indicate the action to be taken with the information provided or the status of the entity describedSyntax Notes:Semantic Notes:Comments:Notes:Identifies the action to be taken or the status of a requested action for the service identified in the LIN segment.PA Use:RequiredNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedRequest Example:ASI*27*025Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseASI01306Action CodeMID 1/2Code indicating type of action27Move RequestMust UseASI02875Maintenance Type CodeMID 3/3Code identifying the specific type of item maintenance025MoveCustomer Move Segment:REF Reference Identification (11=ESP Account Number)Position:030Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:Notes:ESP Account number should exclude punctuation (spaces, dashes, etc). Significant leading and trailing zeros must be included.PA Use:Request:Required if it was provided previously. This is the ESP Account Number from the customer’s “old” service location. If the ESP wants to change the value upon receipt of the EDI 814 Move, they must submit EDI 814C to the LDC.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*11*2348400586Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference Identification11Account NumberESP-assigned account number for end use customer.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier Segment:REF Reference Identification (12=LDC Account Number)Position:030Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Must be identical to account number as it appears on the customer’s bill, excluding punctuation (spaces, dashes, etc.). Significant leading and trailing zeros must be included.Request:RequiredNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*12*2931839200Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference Identification12Billing AccountNew LDC assigned account number for end use customer at new location.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier Segment:REF Reference Identification (45=LDC Old Account Number)Position:030Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Request:Required NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*45*1105687500Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference Identification45Old Account NumberLDC assigned account number for end use customer at location prior to move.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier Segment:REF Reference Identification (4N=Payment Arrangement)Position:030Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Used to convey current LDC Payment Arrangement Status of the customer at the point of time of the Enrollment. An 814 Change would not be processed if the status changed.Request:Required for PPL EUNJ Use:Not Used DE Use:Not UsedMD Use:Not UsedExample:REF*4N*NData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference Identification4NSpecial Payment Reference NumberUsed to indicate that customer has made a payment arrangement.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification QualifierYCustomer has an active payment arrangementNCustomer does not have an active payment arrangement Segment:REF Reference Identification (BF=LDC Bill Cycle)Position:030Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Request:RequiredPA Note: Normally, Bill Cycle (REF*BF) and Meter Cycle (REF*TZ) are the same. An exception is when the account is on a summary bill. When a customer is on a summary bill, the bill cycle (REF*BF) will reflect the cycle when the bill is issued to the customer. The meter cycle (REF*TX) will continue to indicate the cycle the account is read.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*BF*15Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationBFBilling Center IdentificationLDC Billing cycle. Cycle number when the billing will be rendered.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier Segment:REF Reference Identification (BLT=Billing Type)Position:030Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Request:RequiredNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*BLT*LDCData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationBLTBilling TypeIdentifies whether the bill is consolidated by the LDC or ESP, or whether each party will render their own bill. See REF02 for valid values.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification QualifierWhen REF01 is BLT, valid values for REF02 are: LDC - The LDC bills the customer ESP - The ESP bills the customer DUAL - Each party bills the customer for its own portion Segment:REF Reference Identification (PC=Bill Calculator)Position:030Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Request:RequiredNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*PC*LDCData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationPCProduction CodeIdentifies the party that is to calculate the charges on the bill.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification QualifierWhen REF01 is PC, valid values for REF02 are: LDC - The LDC calculates the charges on the bill (Rate Ready) DUAL - Each party calculates its portion of the bill (Dual or Bill Ready)IF …THEN…Bills theCalculatesBilling PartyCalc. PartyCustomerLDC PortionESP PortionREF*BLTREF*PCLDCLDCLDCLDCLDCLDCLDCESPLDCDUALESPLDCESPESPDUALDUALLDCESPDUALDUALBe careful to use the UIG Standard Code Values LDC and ESP rather than the Pennsylvania versions of those codes. Segment:REF Reference Identification (NR=LDC Budget Billing Status)Position:030Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Used to convey the budget billing status at the point of time of the enrollment. An 814 change would not be sent if the status changed. Request:Required for PECO; Optional for othersNJ Use:Not UsedDE Use:Not UsedMD Use:Not UsedExample:REF*NR*YData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationNRProgress Payment NumberUsed to convey LDC Budget Billing StatusMust UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification QualifierWhen REF01 is NR, valid values for REF02 are: Y – LDC is Budget Billing LDC charges for this account. N – LDC is not Budget Billing LDC charges for this account. Segment:REF Reference Identification (SPL=PJM LMP Bus)Position:030Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Note that the PJM LMP Bus must appear in the REF03 because REF02 is limited to 30 characters and this field requires at least 32. Request:Required if PJM ParticipantNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*SPL** PJM192478939901287748Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationSPLStandard Point Location Code (SPLC)Point at which the customer is connected to the transmission grid (PJM LMP Bus). The represents the Wholesale Settlement Bus.Must UseREF03352DescriptionXAN 1/80A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content PJM LMP Bus – Note REF03 is used, not REF02!! Segment:REF Reference Identification (17=Summary Interval)Position:030Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:If the LDC supports the summary interval at the account level, the LDC will send the REF*17 segment as part of the reinstatement request. The value of the REF02 field for the REF*17 segment will either be “SUMMARY” or “DETAIL”. Note: The REF*17 is being sent under the LIN05 code of “CE” as part of the move.Request:Conditional – always sent if the LDC supports setting of interval summary/detail at the account level, and this is an interval account. If the EGS’s prior option is able to be ported to the new location, the LDC would pass that option. If the EGS’s prior option is unable to be ported (different meter configuration, type, etc.) to the new location, the LDC would pass their default interval data option.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*17*SUMMARYREF*17*DETAILREF*17*METERDETAIL (PECO only)Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference Identification17Client Reporting CategoryUsed to convey whether the supplier will receive summary only information for this interval account, or whether the supplier will receive detail and associated summary information for this interval account.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification QualifierWhen REF01 is 17, valid values for REF02 are: SUMMARY – Metering party will send only summary level data for this interval account. DETAIL – Metering party will send detail data and its associated summary information for this interval account. For PECO this will interpret as account-level detail. METERDETAIL – Metering party will send interval details for each meter on the account (PECO only) Segment:REF Reference Identification (KY=Special Meter Configuration)Position:030Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Required when special meter configuration is present on an account. NJ Use:Not UsedDE Use:Not UsedMD Use:Not UsedExample:REF*KY* NSUN*0000026Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationKYSite Specific Procedures, Terms, and ConditionsSpecial Meter ConfigurationMust UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification QualifierASUNAWINAHYDABIOAWSTACHPAMLTNSUNNWINNHYDNBIONWSTNCHPNFOSNMLTNETMETERNet Metering SolarNet Metering WindNet Metering HydroNet Metering BiomassNet Metering WasteNet Metering Combined Heat and PowerNet Metering Multiple Different SourcesNon-Net Metering SolarNon-Net Metering WindNon-Net Metering HydroNon-Net Metering BiomassNon-Net Metering WasteNon-Net Metering Combined Heat and PowerNon-Net Metering Fossil FuelNon-Net Metering Multiple Different SourcesNet Meter (Used for EDCs who will not report the specific type of net meter) OptionalREF03352DescriptionXAN 1/80A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their contentPPLEU: Used for the output rating of the generation equipment reporting in KW and reflects the maximum generation the equipment can produce at any one time Segment:DTM Date/Time Reference (150=Service Start Date)Position:040Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify pertinent dates and timesSyntax Notes:1At least one of DTM02 DTM03 or DTM05 is required.2If DTM04 is present, then DTM03 is required.3If either DTM05 or DTM06 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:Comments:Notes:Date which energy is expected to flow for this customer for this ESP. PA Use:Request:RequiredNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:DTM*150*19990115Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseDTM01374Date/Time QualifierMID 3/3Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time150Service Period StartThe date which energy is expected to flow for this customer for the ESPMust UseDTM02373DateXDT 8/8Date expressed as CCYYMMDD Segment:AMT Monetary Amount (DP=Tax Exemption Percent)Position:060Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To indicate the total monetary amountSyntax Notes:Semantic Notes:Comments:PA Implementation:This field is used for the non-billing party to tell the billing party the tax exemption amount that should be entered into the billing party's system in order to calculate a bill on the sender’s behalf. This is required only for rate-ready LDC Consolidated billing where the LDC has loaded the ESP rates into their system, the LDC calculates the ESP charges, and places the ESP charges on the LDC bill. The following generic rules are offered to better explain the use of the segment for PA:Residential customers default to ‘1’ (AMT*DP*1~) as 100% tax exempt unless the residence is used for business purposes or vacation home. Commercial customers default to ‘0’ (AMT*DP*0~) being 0% tax exempt unless the customer presents a sales tax exemption certificate. Should the customer have a tax exemption percentage less than 100% but greater than 0%, the value would be reported as a decimal (AMT*DP*.5~). A tax exemption certificate must be secured from the customer.It’s the ESP’s responsibility to ensure the value in the AMTDP is accurate based on the customer’s tax status. Under Rate Ready billing, correcting inaccurate customer bills due to incorrect tax exemption is not the LDC’s responsibility and in most cases requires the Supplier to address directly with the customer. PA Use:Request:Required if LDC is calculating the ESP portion of the billNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExamples:AMT*DP*.75AMT*DP*.7599Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseAMT01522Amount Qualifier CodeMID 1/3Code to qualify amountDPExemptionTax Exemption: This code is used when a portion of the provided service is exempt from taxation. Element AMT02 identifies the percentage of the service that is tax exempt.Must UseAMT02782Monetary AmountMR 1/18Monetary amountFor percentage values, the whole number "1" represents 100 percent; decimal numbers less than "1" represent percentages from 1 percent to 99.9999 percent. Segment:AMT Monetary Amount (KC=Peak Load Capacity)Position:060Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To indicate the total monetary amountSyntax Notes:Semantic Notes:Comments:Notes:Zero values may be sent if the LDC is, in fact, stating that there is no contribution for this customer’s account.PA Use:Request:Required NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:AMT*KC*752Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseAMT01522Amount Qualifier CodeMID 1/3Code to qualify amountKC ObligatedPeak Load Capacity (a.k.a. Load Responsibility): Peak load contributions provided to PJM for Installed Capacity calculation (coincident with PJM peak).Must UseAMT02782Monetary AmountMR 1/18Monetary amountPeak Load Capacity Segment:AMT Monetary Amount (KZ=Network Service Peak Load)Position:060Loop:LIN Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To indicate the total monetary amountSyntax Notes:Semantic Notes:Comments:Notes:Zero values may be sent if the LDC is, in fact, stating that there is no contribution for this customer’s account.PA Use:Request:Required NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:AMT*KZ*752Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseAMT01522Amount Qualifier CodeMID 1/3Code to qualify amountKZMortgager’s Monthly ObligationsNetwork Service Peak Load: Customer’s peak load contribution provided to PJM for the Transmission Service calculation (coincident with LDC peak).Must UseAMT02782Monetary AmountMR 1/18Monetary amountNetwork Service Peak Load Segment:NM1 Individual or Organizational NamePosition:080Loop:NM1 Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:1Purpose:To supply the full name of an individual or organizational entitySyntax Notes:1If either NM108 or NM109 is present, then the other is required.2If NM111 is present, then NM110 is required.Semantic Notes:1NM102 qualifies ments:1NM110 and NM111 further define the type of entity in NM101.Notes:This segment is used to convey meter level information. PA Use:Request:RequiredNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExamples:NM1*MQ*3******32*1234568MGNM1*MQ*3******32*UNMETEREDData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseNM10198Entity Identifier CodeMID 2/3Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individualMQMeter LocationMust UseNM1021065Entity Type QualifierMID 1/1Code qualifying the type of entity3UnknownThe entity name is not segmented; if sent, it is transmitted in NM103 only.Must UseNM10866Identification Code QualifierXID 1/2Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67)32Assigned by Property OperatorMeter NumberMust UseNM10967Identification CodeXAN 2/80Code identifying a party or other codeMeter NumberUNMETERED – for Unmetered Services on the Request transaction Segment:REF Reference Identification (LF=Loss Factor)Position:130Loop:NM1 Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Request:Required for First Energy Companies; Optional for othersNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*LF*2Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationLFLoad Planning NumberLoss FactorMust UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier Segment:REF Reference Identification (LO=Load Profile)Position:130Loop:NM1 Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Request:Required for each non-interval meter that is used for billing purposes. This segment must also be sent when account has UNMETERED services available for generation service. If a Load Profile does not exist for this customer, this segment will not be sent.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*LO*GSData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationLOLoad Planning NumberLoad profileMust UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier Segment:REF Reference Identification (NH=LDC Rate Class)Position:130Loop:NM1 Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Request:Required for each meter that is used for billing purposes. This segment must also be sent when account has UNMETERED services available for generation service.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*NH*RS1Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationNHRate Card NumberIdentifies a LDC rate class or tariffMust UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier Segment:REF Reference Identification (PR=LDC Rate Subclass)Position:130Loop:NM1 Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Request:Conditional: If maintained by utility, must be sent for each meter that is used for billing purposes. This segment must also be sent when account has UNMETERED services available for generation service.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*PR*123Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationPRPrice Quote NumberLDC Rate Subclass – Used to provide further classification of a rate.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier Segment:REF Reference Identification (RB=ESP Rate Code)Position:130Loop:NM1 Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Rate codes are established between the LDC and ESP prior to Enrollment.Request:Required if the LDC is calculating the ESP charges (Rate Ready) This segment must also be sent when account has UNMETERED services available for generation service (Rate Ready).NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*RB*A29Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationRBRate code numberESP Rate Code for the customerMust UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier Segment:REF Reference Identification (SV=Service Voltage)Position:130Loop:NM1 Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Request:Required for First Energy Companies; Optional for othersNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*SV*SECONDARYData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationSVService Charge NumberService VoltageMust UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification QualifierPRIMARYSECONDARYActual service voltage transmission value (Ex: 34.5kV) Segment:REF Reference Identification (TZ=Meter Cycle)Position:130Loop:NM1 Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:Request:Required for each meter that is used for billing purposes. This segment is optional in the NM1 Loop for UNMETERED services.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*TZ*15Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationTZTotal Cycle NumberLDC Meter Cycle. Cycle number when the meter will be read.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier Segment:REF Reference Identification (MT=Meter Type)Position:130Loop:NM1 Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:There will be only be one REF*MT segment for each NM1 loop. If there are multiple meter types on this meter, only one REF*MT will be sent. It will contain the code COMBO. The specific meter type will be identified in the REF03 field in subsequent REF segments for this meter (i.e. REF*4P, REF*IX, REF*TU). Request:Required for each meter that is used for billing purposes. This segment will not be provided in the NM1 loop for UNMETERED services. NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*MT*KHMON REF*MT*COMBO REF*MT*COMBO*IData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationMTMeter Ticket NumberMeter TypeMust UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification QualifierWhen REF01 is MT, the meter type is expressed as a five-character field. The first two characters are the type of consumption, the last three characters are the metering interval., except for the combination meter that records more than one measurement and is noted as "COMBO". Valid values can be a combination of the following values: Type of ConsumptionMetering IntervalK1Kilowatt DemandNnnNumber of minutes from 001 to 999K2Kilovolt Amperes Reactive DemandANNAnnualK3Kilovolt Amperes Reactive HourBIABi-annualK4Kilovolt AmperesBIMBi-monthlyK5Kilovolt Amperes ReactiveDAYDailyKHKilowatt HourMONMonthlyT9Thousand Kilowatt HoursQTRQuarterlyFor Example:KHMONKilowatt Hours Per MonthK1015Kilowatt Demand per 15 minute intervalOther Valid CodesCOMBOThis code is used to indicate that the meter has multiple measurements, e.g., one meter that measures both kWh and Demand.OptionalREF03352DescriptionXAN 1/80A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their contentPECO PA Use: When REF01 is MT, valid values for REF03 are:I – Interval data availableM – Interval data NOT available Segment:REF Reference Identification (4P=Meter Multiplier)Position:130Loop:NM1 Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:There will be one REF*4P segment for each Meter Type. This means that there may be more than one REF*4P segment per meter. For instance, when meter type is “COMBO”, there may be a REF*4P to indicate the meter constant for the demand (example: REF*4P*1200*K1015) and a REF*4P to indicate the meter constant for the kWh (example: REF*4P*2400*KH015).Request:Required for each meter type for each meter that is used for billing purposes. This segment will not be provided in the NM1 loop for UNMETERED services.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*4P*10*KHMONREF*4P*100*K1MONData Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference Identification4PAffiliation NumberMeter Constant (Meter Multiplier)(Ending Reading – Beginning Reading) * Meter Multiplier = Billed UsageMust UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification QualifierMust UseREF03352DescriptionXAN 1/80A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their contentMeter Type (see REF*MT for valid codes) “COMBO” is not a valid code in this element. Segment:REF Reference Identification (IX=Number of Dials/Digits)Position:130Loop:NM1 Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:There will be one REF*IX segment for each Meter Type. This means that there may be more than one REF*IX segment per meter. For instance, when meter type is “COMBO”, there may be a REF*IX to indicate the dials for the demand (example: REF*IX*5.1*K1015) and a REF*IX to indicate the dials for the kWh (example: REF*IX*6.0*KH015).Request:Required for each meter type for each meter that is used for billing purposes that has dials. This segment will not be provided in the NM1 loop for UNMETERED services.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExamples:REF*IX*6.0*KHMONREF*IX*5.1*K1MONREF*IX*4.2*K1015Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationIXItem NumberNumber of Dials on the Meter displayed as the number of dials to the left of the decimal, a decimal point, and the number of dials to the right of the decimal.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification QualifierMust UseREF03352DescriptionXAN 1/80A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their contentMeter Type (see REF*MT for valid codes). “COMBO” is not a valid code in this element.# DialsPositions to left of decimalPositions to right of decimalX12 Example660REF*IX*6.0651REF*IX*5.1642REF*IX*4.2 Segment:REF Reference Identification (TU=Type of Metering)Position:130Loop:NM1 Level:DetailUsage:OptionalMax Use:>1Purpose:To specify identifying informationSyntax Notes:1At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.2If either C04003 or C04004 is present, then the other is required.3If either C04005 or C04006 is present, then the other is required.Semantic Notes:1REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in ments:PA Use:There will be one REF*TU segment for each Time Of Use reading (for each meter type for each meter) that will be provided on the 867.Request:Required for each meter type for each non-interval meter that is used for billing purposes. This segment is provided for UNMETERED services and reflects the type of usage that is reported on the 867.NJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:REF*TU*41*K1MONREF*TU*42*K1MONREF*TU*51*K1MONMultiple TU’s will usually be sent on each 814!!!Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseREF01128Reference Identification QualifierMID 2/3Code qualifying the Reference IdentificationTUTrial Location CodeUsed to indicate the type of metering information that will be sent on the 867 transaction.Must UseREF02127Reference IdentificationXAN 1/30Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier41Off Peak42On Peak43Intermediate51 TotalizerMust UseREF03352DescriptionXAN 1/80A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their contentMeter Type (see REF*MT for valid codes). “COMBO” is not a valid code for this element. Segment:SE Transaction Set TrailerPosition:150Loop:Level:DetailUsage:MandatoryMax Use:1Purpose:To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)Syntax Notes:Semantic Notes:Comments:1SE is the last segment of each transaction set.PA Use:RequiredNJ Use:Not usedDE Use:Not usedMD Use:Not usedExample:SE*28*000000001Data Element SummaryRef.DataDes.ElementNameX12 AttributesMust UseSE0196Number of Included SegmentsMN0 1/10Total number of segments included in a transaction set including ST and SE segmentsMust UseSE02329Transaction Set Control NumberMAN 4/9Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group assigned by the originator for a transaction set 814 Move Examples:Example: Move RequestRate Ready (for Bill Ready or Dual, the AMTDP and REFRB would not be present)BGN*13*199904011956531*19990401BGN segment indicating this is a Request transaction.N1*8S*LDC COMPANY*1*007909411**41LDC Name, LDC DUNS information, submitterN1*SJ*ESP COMPANY*9*007909422ESP1**40ESP Name, ESP DUNS information, receiverN1*8R*CUSTOMER NAME*92*1210 Customer Name and reference number N3*123 N MAIN ST*FLR 13Service addressN4*ANYTOWN*PA*18111**CO*LEHIGHCity/State/Zip and County for Service Address. PER*IC*MARY JONES*TE*8005559876Customer Contact name and telephone numberN1*BT*ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPT Bill to partyN3*100 WEST AVENUEBill to addressN4*ANYTOWN*PA*18111 Bill to City/State/Zip PER*IC*KELLY WEST*TE*8005559876Bill To Contact name and telephone numberN1*PK*FRANK SMITH Party to Receive Copy NameN3*459 AVENUE BParty to Receive Copy AddressN4*ANYTOWN*PA*18111 Party to Receive Copy City/State/ZipPER*IC*FRANK SMITH*TE*8005559876Party to Receive Copy NameN1*2C*CAROL WRIGHT Co-Participant NameN3*23948 MAIN STREETCo-Participant AddressN4*ANYTOWN*PA*18111 Co-Participant City/State/ZipPER*IC*CAROL WRIGHT*TE*8005559876Co-Participant Name and telephone numberLIN*MOVE19991231002*SH*EL*SH*CETransaction reference number, and enrollment request for generation servicesASI*27*025Customer Move REF*11*2348400586ESP Account NumberREF*12*293839200LDC Account Number (New Location)REF*45*999999999LDC Account Number (Old Location)REF*BF*18LDC Billing Cycle REF*BLT*LDCLDC calculates the LDC and ESP chargesREF*PC*LDCLDC calculates ESP chargesREF*SPL**PJM192478939901287748Indicates PJM LMP Bus Number DTM*150*19990425Estimated Start DateAMT*DP*1Tax Exemption Percent (Rate Ready ONLY)AMT*KC*12.8Peak Load CapacityAMT*KZ*14.1Network Service Peak LoadNM1*MQ*3******32*123857GMeter NumberREF*LO*GSLDC Load ProfileREF*NH*GS1LDC Rate classREF*PR*123LDC Rate SubclassREF*RB*0300ESP Rate Code (Rate Ready ONLY)REF*TZ*18LDC Meter Reading CycleREF*MT*COMBOMeter TypeREF*4P*1*KHMONMeter constant on the kWh registerREF*IX*6.1*KHMONNumber of dials/digitsREF*TU*41*KHMONOff peak metering information sent on the 867REF*TU*42*KHMONOn peak metering information sent on the 867REF*4P*1*K1MONMeter constant on the demand (kW) registerREF*IX*5.0*K1MONNumber of dials/digitsREF*TU*41*K1MONOff Peak metering information sent on the 867REF*TU*42*K1MONOn Peak metering information sent on the 867 ................

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