Your Personal AstrologyFinancial Profile ReadingTable of Contents:Your Financial Profile: Understanding You and Your Finances with Astrology A Brief IntroductionPage 3Astrological Birth Chart for Oprah WinfreyPage 4The Financial Sectors:The Second House – Your Personal ResourcesPage 5The Fourth House – Your Personal SecurityPage 7The Financial Planets: The Moon – Your Financial NeedsPage 8Venus – Your Personal PreferencesPage 9Mars – Your Short-Term Goals & Degree of RiskPage 10Jupiter – Your Potentials for Abundance & WealthPage 12Saturn – Your Long-Term Goals & CommitmentPage 13? 2015 Robert Reis. All rights reserved.Your Financial Profile:Understanding You and Your Finances with AstrologyA Brief Introduction:Over the years, when I used to be a casual reader of the horoscopes found in most magazines and newspapers, I noticed that some astrologers as a part of their weekly forecasts would attempt to correlate a person’s monetary profile with the character tendencies of their Sun Sign.Although certain astrological signs, for example, Taurus and Cancer are most often associated with both money and finances, this astrologer, in particular, looks to the actual personality and environment as the primary aspects for understanding one’s relationship to money rather than solely the character traits (astrological signs), which again are important, but secondary. To emphasize, what I mean by personality is represented by the planets, whereas what’s equivalent to the environment are the twelve sectors that form the astrological chart known as ‘Houses.’Furthermore, the main focus of this reading is to help you understand you and your financial self from both a personality and environmental perspective.To begin with, I’ll first look to two main areas of your astrological birth chart that pertain to money and finances: the Second and Fourth Houses, in which the Second House represents your personal resources while the Fourth House symbolizes your personal sense of security. After briefly defining and discussing the above Financial ‘Houses,’ I’ll next analyze and interpret the particular sign found on the cusp of each financial ‘House’; how this might characterize your response and tendencies towards these two main financial areas, along with any planets that may also likely place emphasis on these two specific areas of your astrological environment.This will then be followed by my shifting attention to several key planets that are likely to reflect your financial profile including: The Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. First, I’ll discuss and interpret the Moon in reflection of the type of emotional needs you’re likely to express, while relating Venus to your basic attraction, attitude and preferences towards both your finances and overall material worth based on their respective sign placements within your astrological birth chart.Next, I’ll discuss and analyze your Mars personality based on sign placement, and how you’re likely to approach both your short-term goals and general risk-taking.This will also be followed by a brief discussion and interpretative analysis of Jupiter and how its sign placement is likely to symbolize your chances for abundance and wealth.Last, I’ll end your Financial Profile reading with a brief discussion and interpretative analysis of Saturn, and how likely are you to commit to your long-term goals based on your Saturn personality’s sign position located, once again, within your astrological birth chart. Studying and analyzing these particular key areas of your astrology chart in this way are likely to provide for you a better understanding about both yourself and your overall relationship with your finances.Thus, when reading about your Personal Astrology Financial Profile, be sure to read this with both an open heart and mind. Enjoy Disclaimer: This reading is for ideological purposes only. Therefore, this isn’t intended to be used as a quick fix solution for any money problems that you may be experiencing at this time.Personal Astrology Financial Profile ReadingAstrological Birth ChartFor Oprah Winfrey:Birthdate: January 29, 1954Birth Time: 4:30 AM Birth Place: Kosciusko, MSThe Financial SectorsThe Second House: Your Area of Personal ResourcesA Basic Overview:In this section, I’ll take a brief look at the area of the astrology chart known as the Second House; its meaning and significance, as well as representing your response to making use of your personal resources when wanting to create financial/monetary growth. Located at the lower left-hand side of the astrology chart, the Second House is interpreted to symbolize the area where we make practical use of our personal resources; creating a personal base for our own self-worth to grow and develop. When applied to the First House, the initial idea of earning money is to spend it quickly through risk-taking and spontaneous action. In the Second House, however, this is where we go from taking our monetary chances to refining it a bit further through slow and careful investment for the practical purpose of allowing our potential wealth to grow overtime. Therefore, the Second House symbolizes our area of self-worth where we can say that we have ‘ownership’ over our material possessions and earnings. The sign that sits upon the Second House may determine the style of investing and type of practical common sense that the person will utilize when cultivating and building on their personal resources. For example, the sign of Cancer is likely to characterize the individual, in terms of how they seem to make use of their personal earnings for the sake of creating savings and monetary security from the perspective of long-term growth.In addition, any planets found within the Second House are likely to place emphasis on the theme of worth and investment. In one instance, the Sun placed within the Second House would indicate the individual learning to identify with their material and personal worth, while in another example; Uranus located within this same particular House may point to learning to update and make changes in how one accumulates and amasses their monetary wealth. Next, I’ll present and interpret the sign that begins the Second House within your personal astrological birth chart, and what this might have to say about your character style approach to managing your personal resources.This then followed by an interpretative analysis of any planets that might also be present within the Second House, in order to see which aspect(s) of your personality that seem to most likely place emphasis on managing your personal worth and resources.Sign on the Second House Cusp: Aquarius You’re likely to take a unique approach to managing your personal resources as you may seek innovative ways in building and investing in your personal finances without these lofty ideas being either too unconventional or ‘outside the box.’ Although you may seem reluctant or open-minded in wanting to make changes to the way you handle your monetary resources, either way, the main lesson here is to up-date your monetary/financial profile when practical to do so; keeping your personal and financial future in mind, while in your present comfort zone.Planets in the Second House:Venus: Your personal values and preferences are likely to play a large role in your interests to manage your money and resources as you seem very methodical, deliberate, and down-to-earth in your approach to personal financing and investing. Not only does Venus in the Second House place emphasis on appreciating the very things that give pleasure and comfort, but this placement is also likely to reiterate the importance of growing and developing within your own personal and financial worth.The Sun: You’re likely learning to express yourself in ways that are methodical, practical and deliberate as your main purpose is to learn how to build up your self-worth through slow and steady expression, along with being creative in how you go about amassing and managing your personal resources. The Sun in the Second House seems to indicate you wanting to be recognized for your earnings potential as you’re likely challenged to integrate your ability to create and/or perform with your basic common sense approach to managing your financial resources.Mercury: You’re likely to be communicative, yet striving to use practical sense in your approach to managing your money and personal resources. Although neutral, here, logic and practicality are seeking to work together somehow, in that while you may seem methodical, deliberate, and down-to-earth one moment, you’re also likely to approach your area of finances from an abstract or mental way of thinking. Thus, with Mercury in the Second House, you’re really learning how to connect your ability to reason and rationalize with your potentials for growing and investing in your own personal and financial worth.The Fourth House: Your Area of SecurityA Basic Overview:In this section, I’ll briefly discuss and interpret the area of the astrology chart known as the Fourth House, and how this particular environmental aspect likely reflects your personality and response from a financial view point.Located at the 6 o’clock position of the astrology chart, the Fourth House is interpreted to represent our home environment; the very place where one can seek refuge and safety from the outside world. Hence, it’s referred to as the area of safety. In addition to symbolizing one’s home and family atmosphere, it’s also associated with the area of banking and real estate, in which we can secure both our money and property through such savings tools as, for example, savings accounts and home owner’s insurance. However, while the Second House is concerned with the growth and investment of money for the sake of creating monetary wealth, the Fourth House takes it step further by perceiving this source of wealth as creating a sense of security that the individual can fall back on as a sort of ‘safety net’ later down the road of their life. The sign that’s located on the cusp of the Fourth House indicates the particular style approach that the individual may incorporate when securing their monetary belongings. For instance, Leo on the Fourth House cusp likely interprets the individual who saves their monetary wealth for the purpose of, for example feeling entitled to protect and defend what’s rightfully theirs.What’s more, any planet(s) located within the Fourth House would also likely indicate what area of the individual’s personality is likely to express emphasis for saving and securing their monetary finances. In one example, the Moon in the Fourth would likely stress the importance of needing to feel secured in protecting their money and finances, whereas Saturn in the Fourth House might point to the notion of staying committed to protecting one’s financial resources by placing a well-structured monetary security system, in addition to securing and defending what’s reputably theirs. Next, I’ll provide an astrological analysis and interpretation for the sign that begins your Fourth House, and what this might say about your character style approach to financial security and savings. This then followed by an interpretative analysis of any planets that might also be present within the Fourth House, in order to see which aspect(s) of your personality that seem to most likely place emphasis on protecting your personal finances and monetary securities.Sign on the Fourth House Cusp: AriesYou’re likely learning to act on your own initiatives when it comes to protecting your monetary savings and other personal securities. Knowing when to be assertive versus when to put up a defense is a key lesson for those with Aries on the Fourth House Cusp, in that you must somehow reconcile your tendencies to act on impulse, while also tempering your need to follow caution before taking action to protect what’s monetarily yours.Any Planets in the Fourth House:There are no Planets in the Fourth House to report here.The Financial PlanetsThe Moon: Your Security NeedsA Brief Overview:For this next section of your reading, I’ll begin with a brief discussion and up-close analysis of the Moon; its symbolism and meaning, and how this likely reflects your financial profile from an emotional standpoint. Although, the Moon is considered by strict astronomical terms as our Earth’s satellite; it’s still treated as a planet by most astrologers. In fact, both our Moon and Sun are astrologically known as ‘illuminaries’, in that they either give off or reflect light from their surface. Astrologically, the Moon represents our mother or ‘Mother Figure,’ since the lunar energy is interpreted to be feminine in principle. The Moon not only makes reference to our actual mother or other maternal figures, but also to our own maternal instincts, as well. Another aspect that coincides with the Moon’s symbolism is the feeling of security. This particular aspect of our personality looks to fulfill the need for safety whenever we may feel threatened in any way as this type of response is likely to reflect one’s own early childhood conditioning and learned habits growing up whether we’re consciously aware of this or not. When interpreting the Moon from a financial viewpoint, we look to the sign position within a person’s chart, in order to determine whether the individual feels a need to spend by risk-taking or cautiously save their money, as well as addressing any underlining issues or fears also based on the particular individual’s Moon Sign. Thus, the Moon Sign’s likely to point to the style of expression that seems to be instilled in our emotional personality. For instance, the Moon in Gemini would interpret an emotional need for the individual to think through with their instincts while the Moon in Pisces would indicate someone who seems to have an easy time in expressing their intuitive nature instinctively with emotional clarity and resolution. Next, I’ll analyze and interpret your Moon based on its Sign position within your astrological birth chart, and how this is likely to reflect your emotional needs and instincts from a financial viewpoint. Moon in Sagittarius: You’re likely to feel the need to take an explorative, yet cautionary approach to handling your money and finances. Since the Moon’s placement within Sagittarius is considered to be an inconjunct aspect or relationship, this seems to represent your underlining desire to broaden your knowledge and understanding of how to manage and maintain your money, as well as exploring different ways to invest and save your monetary earnings. This particular yearning may also have to do with a possible lack of faith or belief in your own talents for creating potential monetary abundance, in which you’re likely wishing to somehow align your basic instincts with an optimistic expression. Therefore, the main lesson here is to learn how to follow and trust your instincts as this will likely reflect the hopes and aspirations that you might seek to aim for when looking to expand your monetary and financial resources.Venus: Your Personal PreferencesA Brief Overview:For this next section, I’ll first discuss and interpret the planet Venus; its symbolism and meaning followed by how it influences your values and preferences in relation to both your money and finance. Astrologically speaking, Venus is representative of love and beauty; ruling our sense of pleasure and attraction to the type of people, places and things we’re most drawn to. Thus, Venus is connected with our personal preferences and tastes; our most basic likes and dislikes that seem to also influence our personal value and worth. In addition, Venus also has jurisdiction over the area of money; how we evaluate it, as well as how we invest in it for both ourselves and for our own personal resources. The sign that Venus is placed in can tell a lot about the preferential style that the individual expresses when hinting at whether or not the person is a saver or thrifty spender. For instance, Venus in Leo would likely to indicate an individual who’s possibly extravagant with their money as they may prefer to flaunt their monetary possessions for everyone else to see. On the other hand, if the person has Venus in Scorpio, then the individual’s likely to be highly secretive with their money and other material belongings by storing their wealth where no one else can find it. Next, I’ll analyze and interpret your Venus Sign, and how this seems to relate to your overall taste and preference towards money and finance. Venus in Aquarius: You’re likely to grow independently in your personal preference to uniquely managing and investing in your money and financial resources as a way of expressing your individuality, progressive thoughts and ideas. With Venus forming a hidden square aspect or relationship to the Sign of Aquarius, this seems to indicate learning how to take an experimental, yet practical approach to acquiring, building and investing in your personal wealth and resources. With this particular astrological placement, you may choose to either productively share your money by contributing back to society in some small or large way or risk spending your money by being non-conforming and rebellious when looking to just be different in your approach to monetary spending that’s likely outside the social norm. Yet, in another instance, you may also express reluctance in either sharing or experimenting with your financial ideas altogether, in that these particular ideas might seem impractical, as well as too weird or ‘out-there’ to consider sharing with others. In reviewing the three above scenarios, learning how to apply moderation to your money and finances will likely be a key factor in helping you to not only realize your financial independence, but also keep within the monetary limits of society by giving back financially in your own unique way, minus any rebellious or unconventional tendencies.Mars: Your Short-Term Goals & Degree of RiskA Brief Overview:In this particular section, I’ll briefly discuss the astrological meaning and symbolism behind the planet Mars, and how this is likely to factor into your financial profile. Interpretatively speaking, Mars represents our most basic drive and energy; the level of will-power that’s used in order to create some form of action. Thus, Mars comes to symbolize our capacity for taking the initiative when wanting to set some type of action in motion as this is likely to be accompanied by a certain degree of risk whether or not the outcome turns out in our favor.When productive, Mars’ energy can be channeled through the setting of short-term goals and other projects that may help the individual to not only contain their assertiveness in a positive way, but that it may also allow for them to live out their passions for that particular moment in time, since Mars is largely concerned for living life in the present rather than past or future. When counter-productive, if Mars’ energy isn’t assigned a short-term goal that’s worthy of their true passion, then it’s likely to express itself in ways that are destructive, careless and reckless. Furthermore, looking to the Sign position of Mars in a person’s astrological birth chart may give further clues as to how they may specifically express themselves and their level of risk in pertaining to their short-term financial goals and personal motivation.For instance, if the person’s Mars was in the Sign of Sagittarius, then the individual may seem to express their actions from an explorative and knowledge-seeking perspective. Meanwhile, somebody with Mars in Scorpio is likely to be active in their capacity to initiate through emotional observation and other investigative tendencies. Below, will be a brief interpretative analysis of your Mars based on its Sign position found within your astrological birth chart, and what this might say about your level of assertiveness and motivation when going after your short-term monetary goals and initiatives. Mars in Scorpio: You’re likely yearning to act on your personal power and control when asserting yourself more intensely in your pursuit of your short-term financial goals. Here, Mars forms an inconjunct aspect or relationship to Scorpio, in which both planet and sign aren’t sure exactly on what to make of the other; indicating a sort of wish in understanding each other. However, when represented within the individual this seems to pertain to someone who seeks to realize their power source as they’re likely motivated to harness their impulse energy with more focus and concentration rather than expressing this in short spurts. When applying this type of emotional intensity to your financial goals, you’re then likely motivated in your strive for power and control in wanting to oversee the entire monetary process from beginning to end. While the potential for realizing your personal power is quite possible, be certain in making yourself aware of any underlining tendencies that could influence you to go to emotional extremes whether expressing mild or full-blown obsessive compulsion and/or other fanatical types of behavior. If this is the case, then the main lesson to consider is to continue in your strive for maintaining emotional control and mastery over your money without being extreme about it.Jupiter: Your Potentials for Abundance & WealthA Brief Overview:In this section of your reading, I’ll next turn my attention to the planet Jupiter, and how its symbolism and meaning is likely to apply to your financial profile.First and foremost, Jupiter’s often referred to as the planet of expansion, in that it represents the individual who’s looking to expand or broaden oneself whether it’s done mentally through academic learning and philosophical/ideological thinking or physically, such as through foreign travel and other outdoor activities. Thus, Jupiter comes to symbolize that part of us that aspires to utilize whatever talents and/or expertise that we may possess, in order to extend meaning to our lives. When applied to the area of money and finance, Jupiter could also represent those moments when we may experience a certain degree of abundance and wealth whether in the form of luck, such as a lottery winning or getting a raise or bonus from one’s job. Just as with Mars, there’s also a question of how much risk the individual’s willing to invest in when relating Jupiter to a person’s financial profile. While the Mars aspect within each of us is likely to get impatient and not wanting to wait for financial conditions to improve, the Jupiter part of us may remind us to look to our faith and belief that one day soon things will turn around for us.Looking to the Sign position of Jupiter in a person’s astrological birth chart may provide hints as to how one’s likely to approach their money and finances from a character perspective. In one instance, if Jupiter was placed in Aquarius, then the individual may express their interests to expand themselves through innovative thinking, keeping up-to-date and cultivating their independence. Meanwhile, if Jupiter was in its home Sign of Sagittarius, then this would place further emphasis on expanding their money and finances by utilizing one’s talents and expertise.Next, I’ll analyze and interpret your Jupiter, based on its Sign position within your astrological birth chart, and how this is likely to characterize your interests when potentially looking to expand on your monetary wealth and resources. Jupiter in Gemini: There’s potential opportunity for your money and finances to grow and expand as you may look to combine in expression both a philosophical and logical viewpoint. With Jupiter forming a hidden opposition to the Sign of Gemini, this particular planet and sign relationship could either interpret two forces joining together or one weakening the other, to which the individual’s basic intuitive philosophy and mental curiosity likely mirrors this expression. When applying this type of philosophical intelligence to your money, you’re just as likely to rely on your intellectual charm and wit as you are your knowledge and expertise when looking to be informed about certain financial opportunities that might occur. Potential problems or issues that might accompany this particular aspect include excessive spending on certain gadgets and electronics (such as, cell phones and computers), as well as taking part in activities that likely involve games of chance and other forms of gambling. If and when this does occur, then learning to balance between your explorative and curious tendencies will likely prove most beneficial, in terms of helping to stay mentally and intuitively aligned within your financial range without being too curious or experiencing wanderlust to venture beyond your monetary limits. Saturn: Your Long-Term Goals & CommitmentA Brief Overview:In this final section of your reading, I’ll first start with a brief detailed discussion of the planet Saturn, and how it plays a role in the area of money and investment when pertaining to your financial profile. Saturn represents our basic commitment, the kind of oath that we must promise ourselves to uphold when the ultimate goal is to grow as mature and responsible individuals. Hence, Saturn shows us how to be more practical with our time and energy through the establishment of long-term goals that are worth attaining. Astrologically, Saturn is often seen as the teacher or mentor who teaches the student how to structure and organize their life through necessary practical techniques that will aid the protégé in having to face many tests and obstacles that they must learn to overcome and achieve. Furthermore, Saturn’s also known as the planet of limitations, but only to teach the individual to work within certain constraints for the sake of growth and development to take place that will one day reward them with wisdom and authority.From a monetary standpoint, Saturn can be applied to how we plan and structure our money and finance by showing us how to strategically use certain monetary tools and techniques that could likely yield hefty returns for years to come.The Sign that Saturn is placed in based on the person’s astrological birth chart will likely express the style of strategic planning that the individual may incorporate when looking to attain a particular monetary status. With Saturn in Cancer, for instance, interprets the individual who’s learning to commit to working on their own emotional security, while cautiously staying committed to their own financial goals and endeavors.Next, I’ll analyze and interpret Saturn based on its sign position within your astrological birth chart, in that looking to the sign that characterizes your overall commitment and long-term approach might also provide further clues on what lessons that you may need to work on, in pertaining to your financial personality profile. Saturn in Scorpio: You’re likely committed to taking a determined approach to managing your money and finances as you may be interested in overseeing and/or involving yourself in certain monetary activities, in order to feel empowered and in financial control. Here, Saturn forms a hidden sextile aspect to the Sign of Scorpio, in which one’s own ability to commit, plan, strategize and structure is likely powered by the individual’s emotional focus, intensity and concentration. Thus, the Saturn in Scorpio aspect seems to represent within your own personality the ability to survive and thrive financially against almost any monetary adversity or challenge that’s likely thrown your way. Although the potentials for realizing your power and authority over your own money and finances are great, there also seems to be a lingering fear that someone else will secretively ‘pull the rug from under you’ by trying to take your financial position or status away from you.This inability to trust others may have its roots in certain underlining psychological issues that if others found out your so-called ‘true’ weaknesses, then you’ll likely become ineffective in your ability to exercise or carry out any level of authority; whether pertaining to money or otherwise. this is the case, then the main lesson to learn here is that such fears are likely to be unfounded resulting from an overactive imagination, and that other people may actually want to share in your wealth and power by being financially supportive rather than be out to get you for their own monetary means and hidden motives. ................

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