
The Danger Outside The ForestPrixel was excited as today was the day to go outside of the forest. She had prepared everything and brought it in a small bag. She had some nectar and some water.Outside her home, her friend Gosh was waiting, his arms crossed. He was apprehensive on their adventure. His mind focused on any problem that might come. The red being gazed at the house in the tree. He would rather endure a beating on his belly button all day that put her at risk like that. He chuckled when she came outside with her small bag, “Ready.”She flew on his shoulder, “Ready. Everyone knows I’ll be gone for a day or two.”Her big friend cleared his throat, “Before we go, they are a few rules you have to remember.”“You told them to me already,” she grumbled.“Just to be certain. Your memories aren’t always the best,” he let out a small grin. He crossed his arms as she punched his cheek.“I have better memories than you,” she replied.“Not important,” he chuckled when she growled, “Here’s the rules. Listen to what I say. Next, you don’t go too far away from me. Even if it looks safe, there is danger everywhere. In the water, in the sky and in the grass. Not for me because I’m big. The other rule is that you do as I say when it’s getting dangerous. I can protect you,” he gently poked her chest.“I know,” she rolled her eyes.“And don’t try to antagonise anyone we meet,” he concluded.“You’re the one who antagonise Hydra,” she reminded him.Gosh rolled his eyes with a bit of amusement and annoyance, “You got it?”“Yes. Don’t go alone, stay close to you, listen to what you say and not antagonise anyone,” Prixel crossed her arms.“Good. Let’s go,” he said, not wasting any second.Gosh marched through most of the forest. He went south and never changed direction. It took part of the day, but they eventually reached the end. He felt his friend jumping on his shoulder with excitement. It was her first time they went there together and decided to not complain. He could see the light leading outside of the forest. For him and his friend, it would be unknown territory.He walked outside of the forest. Their eyes rested upon the land.Prixel had a large smile as she watched the large green field. She crossed her arms and jumped on the head of her big friend. She could see a few trees around and hills. There was even a brown line seen from the left and went on to the right, “That’s the world outside of the forest?”“Yes. I never saw the south of the forest,” he gazed back at it, “That forest is quite large,” he crossed his arms and nodded to himself, “Very large. Anyway, where you want to go? Remember, we will explore for a day or two.”She looked more carefully. She observed the field and pointed at a hill, “There. That big hill over there. We might see more above,” the little one decided.“Sure,” he grumbled with a smirk about having to climb that big hill. He began to march to his destination.When the sun was at the sky, they approached the hill. Prixel was a little bored and flew around her friend. She could see the hill getting bigger as they got closer.“Hey… I never asked you, but where do you come from?” she asked him.“I… came from the north,” Gosh replied. He scratched his chin, “I passed near that dangerous mountain where Hydra told you not to go. I felt something ominous there and I do not want to approach it myself.”“Hum… okay,” she replied. She wondered if he just didn’t want to talk about it. She decided to not press on.The reptilian being nodded with satisfaction as no more questions were asked about his past. He accelerated his pacing a little as they got closer to the hill. He realised it was much bigger than expected.They reached it and stopped at the bottom.Gosh raised his head. He joked, “You are asking a lot to me.”“You got a lot to lose too,” she replied as she gently tackled his large middle.He chuckled and tapped it, “Right.”He began to climb while his friend sat on his shoulder. She held against his red scales, “I’ll be with you.”“Thanks, but that won’t help me,” he replied.She chuckled, “I know. Gosh, I know you can do it. You are tough.”“Yeah,” he took the compliment and continued climbing for a while. He wished that he could just walk to the submit, but it wasn’t possible. He grumbled after a while and reached the submit. He was at the top and rested on the ground, “Damn. Wasn’t easy.”Prixel dropped on the large belly and chuckled, “You’re right,” she tapped his gut, “You did great Gosh. We can stay here for a while before going back down,” she laid down.“I do not mind at all,” he closed his eyes and slowly breath, “Just be careful if there is any problem.”“I will,” she tapped him a few times.After an hour of watching the sky, Prixel stood up and watched the horizon. She looked with everything she could and saw the strange lines went to something that didn’t look natural. She put her hands over her eyes and looked better, “Do you know what this is?”Gosh grumbled as he looked at her, she pointed to the left and checked at it, “Hum… a village. I passed in front of those. They are people living outside of the forests in those.”“Can we go there?” she asked.“Naw. Climbing up and down is tiresome. I don’t want to walk there. The day is coming to an end and we might take more than two days you know.”“Fine. Maybe another time,” she sighed in disappointment.“Of course, we will have another time,” he told her.Prixel smiled.“You will have to rub my belly eventually,” he chuckled.“You mean now?”“No. When we will rest at the end of the day and-” he noticed something in the sky, he suddenly grabbed him and protected her. He turned around and ignored his friend who tried to ask what was going on. He painfully grunted when something tackled his back. He painfully whined and raised his head at a flying monster turning around to charge back, “Prixel. Hold on!”“W-what?”Her big friend jumped down and used his hand to slid down. He used one hand to hold his friend. He saw the thing coming back at him and stopped dropping. It passed under him.Gosh was quickly searching for a solution. He couldn’t just use one hand to handle it. Still, he couldn’t leave her on his shoulder. He searched for a quick solution and didn’t have time.Prixel saw the monster coming at them. She couldn’t see it well, but knew they were in danger.“Prixel. Trust me in this! I’ll keep you safe!”“O-okay, but-” she saw his mouth fully opened and getting closer to her, “W-wait!” Suddenly, she was thrown in the mouth. She felt on the soft tongue, “What are you-”She yelped when she was suddenly gulped down and slid in the esophagus. Suddenly, she felt and landed on a soft ground. She pressed on it and she raised herself. A quick look around and she saw nothing. She was in absolute darkness, “Why did you just ate me?” she yelled. Prixel also noticed something. She touched the stomach, but there was no digestive fluid in there. It was all dry. It was just the stomach. She yelped when she suddenly raised in and was suspended in mid air.Outside, Gosh dropped from the hill he held and quickly felt down, “Hope you can forgive me,” he turned around and saw the thing coming at him.It was a monster around his size. It looked a little like a griffin with its white feathers on his head while the rest was brown fur. It had a long tail, a pair dark brown wings on its back. It had large fangs and charged at him.The reptilian being blocked the attack as it tried to attack with its beak. He painfully grunted while his back hit the hill. He pushed the head away and kicked the griffin. He then felt gravity pulling him down once again. At least, he was close to the ground. He landed on his feet. His legs folded to absorbed the impact. His belly was suddenly going down and stretching a lot as his friend landed on the bottom of his stomach, before she was launch in the air, “Even now she is using me as a trampoline,” he grumbled before the beast was coming at him, “Sorry Prixel.”He rolled on the side before it tried to hit him by the claws. He searched for something to fight back, but there were no weapons.Gosh waited for the griffin to come back.In the stomach, Prixel eyes were spinning with all the ups and downs she went through. She was just really glad that her friend stomach was soft and stretchy. Once, she was afraid that she might create a hole in his gut. She yelped when she was suspended in the air once again and suddenly landed head first on the wall of the stomach, before bouncing away, “It’s like jumping on his belly, but everywhere is bouncy,” she cleaned his face and grumbled when it repeated once again, “I-I hope it’s over soon.”She yelled when she was suddenly thrusted against the wall of the stomach and sunk deeply in the layer of flesh. She didn’t come out as some forces still pushed her deeper in it. She was nervous about what was happening to her friend while having a little bit of problem to breath.Outside of the stomach, Gosh was brutally pushed by the griffin monster. He couldn’t hold on and slid on the ground. He huffed when his middle was suddenly stretched. However, it was the place when it stretched that made him react strongly. He gazed down for a second. His abdomen was stretched right where his belly button was. His sensible spot. He could see the star shaped as his little friend inside of him turned his navel into an outie. He didn’t have time to joke about this. He headbutt the monster and broke a few fangs out of it. He then threw it away. The red reptilian being lost his balance and rolled on the ground. He painfully grumbled and rolled once again when it was coming back at him, “Sorry again Prixel.”He stood up and waited for it to come once again. He was covered with bruises and a few scratched on his body. He wondered why the monster was specifically after him. There was no reason, “Unless,” he muttered before pushing that aside. He dodged on the side and hit the neck with everything he got. The griffin felt on the ground and rolled until it crashed on the hill. He panted and wondered if it was over. He waited for a while.The griffin suddenly stood up and pounced at him.Gosh couldn’t avoid the claw. He felt the claws digging on his shoulder and growled loudly. He furiously gazed at the monster and went on the offensive mercilessly.Inside the stomach, Prixel was still sent everywhere in the stomach. She was bouncing anywhere. She went up, down left and right. One time, she felt like something outside of her friend tackled and sent her at the other side of the stomach. The wall of her friend inside absorbed the impact. It wasn’t hurt by the softness of her friend inside, before she bounced out the other way and landed back where she previously was. It continued for a long time.Eventually, everything calmed down. It wasn’t just a break for a minute or two. It completely stopped. Prixel let out a sighed of relief, just hoping it was really over. She simply laid down. She panted for a while. A thought came, “Gosh! You’re okay?”Outside of the stomach, Gosh panted as he walked away back towards the forest. He gazed a quick gaze behind him. The monster was down for good. He continued panting as he grabbed his belly and lifted it, “Prixel?”“What?” he heard her yelling from inside.“Are you okay?” he asked her.“Y-yeah. Really bumpy in here,” she commented.He smiled. He was glad she wasn’t hurt, “Listen. I’ll keep you in there until we are safe. I’ll walk until we return in the forest.”“O-okay,” she replied. She asked, “Gosh. What was that thing?”“Something like a Griffin. I guess it wanted to eat us. I took care of it. It won’t hurt anyone anymore. Prixel. I’m sorry I had to just swallow you up like that.”“It’s okay. I’ll give you a piece of my mind later,” she grumbled.He saw a really small bump on his gut and chuckled, “Punch me all you want. How is it inside?” he began to walk at a fast pace.“Really soft. Like your belly when I’m on it.”“Good. Glad it’s soft for you. I saw you stretching my gut from the inside,” he chuckled with a smile to ease atmosphere after his battle.“Hey. Do you mind if I bounce around? It’s boring to be in the darkness like that. I can’t see anything,” Prixel asked a little bit innocently.Gosh snickered. He could tell her no because he was worn out from his battle. He couldn’t just say yes like that, “On one condition.”“What is it?”“Remember last time with Hydra. You proposed a belly rub. I would want one once we are safe in the forest. I’m worn out and I’m sure it will feel good. So?”“Okay!” she replied.“Promise?”“Promise,” she grumbled. She yelled, “I was going to keep it. I didn’t need to say it!”“Sure. Okay. You’re free to go. Just not too hard like in the fight,” he warned her. He let go of his dome and continued forward. He gazed down. She didn’t make him wait long. He saw his belly going up and down. Stretching out when his friend pounced on his inside. He closed his eyes and felt it. During the fight, he barely noticed it. Now, he just felt his inside stretching out and sending her elsewhere in his stomach.Sometimes, he wondered if he was just a huge fun trampoline for his friend. Sometimes, he wondered if his middle was just a punching bag for her. Most of the time, Prixel was his first and best friend. They talked, played and enjoyed much of their time together.He saw the top of his stomach stretching out again and chuckled. He tapped on the bulge and sent her quickly down. His three-foot belly went down as it stretched out and went up.As the day came to an end, Gosh realised that they wouldn’t be home tonight. It would have to wait tomorrow. She stopped bouncing in his stomach and just felt her hands rubbing him a little. It didn’t count for a belly rub for him since it was his stomach, not his belly.He entered in the forest. He went for a few minutes before he stopped. He raised his gut, “Prepare yourself Prixel. It’s time to go out. Follow the light,” he then laid down on his stomach, raised his face and opened his mouth.Prixel saw a beam of light and began to walk towards it. She went down when it was too small. She crawled for a while before it turned large. She stood up and walked on the tongue. Her foot sunk in the organ. She jumped above the fangs and was outside. She closed her eyes when the light was there.“Hold on,” Gosh said before grabbing her. The giant laid down and put her on his stomach.Prixel waited for a few minutes before she could see. She looked at her friend and saw the wound on his body. They were mostly closed and partially healed up. She was quiet.“Don’t worry. I heal really fast. That’s what my kind can do,” he let out a reassuring smile.She noticed one thing. There was a lack of blood.“Anyway,” he put his hands on his back and said, “You should begin too-” he stopped when he noticed something, “Can’t believe I didn’t see that.”Prixel turned around and saw the belly button of her friend was an outie. It was funny to see it and chuckled, “What happened?”“You made it come out during the fight against the monster. Really pounced hard there. Somehow, it stayed out,” he grumbled. He moved one thumb to press it back in.“Wait!” his small friend raised her hand with a smile, “Let me handle it.”Gosh grinned and nodded.She climbed on the outie and stood in the middle of the star shaped mark of the navel. She jumped in the air and stomped on it once. She sunk on it, but the outie barely moved. She did it harder a second time and it partially sunk back. She almost lost her balance. Prixel did it one last time and she popped back in with her following suit.Her big friend lightly jumped when she landed in there and giggled when she climbed out, “Fun?”“Yup. It’s better with a hole. I won’t be cold in the night,” she replied.He showed his mouth, “I can bring you back in,” he snickered.“No thanks. It might be fun another time,” she didn’t mind it. It was fun to bounce in his trampoline stomach.“It is a perfect place to protect you. Sorry again for just gulping you like that. I needed my two hands,” she showed them and waved them.“I know Gosh.”“Anyway, it’s getting late,” he then ordered with a humoristic tone, “Before we rest, it’s time for you to rub my belly. Instead of tackling it, rub it Prixel.”Prixel chuckled as she put her small hands on his enormous dome and began to rub it. She pressed a little hard on his belly and sunk a little in his fat.Gosh closed his eyes and quietly purred. It felt good to get it gently rubbed like that. It was perfect for him after his battle and feeling her bouncing in his inside.When the night settled in, the small one finished rubbing the entire belly, “There is only one more spot left,” she sat as she approached the navel.“That too?” he thought about and nodded, “It might feel much better,” he smiled in anticipation. It was more sensible and he was well aware of it.Prixel hopped in the belly button. She began to massage the wall of the navel of her friend.Gosh began to purr loudly this time. It felt so good to feel her little hand on his sensible spot. It was much better than when she punched and kicked it. His feet scratched the ground a little, “S-so good!” he loudly declared, “Don’t stop.”His little friend finished with the wall of his belly button. She went to rub the star shaped bottom with everything she had. She pressed a little more than in the wall. Her friend purred loudly enough that it echoed in the navel. She pressed even more and her hand followed the mark at the bottom. She was relentless and continued to rub. Eventually, she was tired and stopped, “Done.”Her big friend had a large smile on his face, “That really hit the spot.”“How?”“My belly just feels good now. As if you never bounced on or in it,” he slapped it, “Good as new.”“It will be fun tomorrow,” Prixel giggled as she stood up.“Yeah,” he groaned. He was simply joking as he scratched his gut, “I’m tired. We won’t be home today. I know we should have a longer adventure, but… That thing was dangerous.”“I know. Anyway, we sleep here?”Gosh nodded, “Yup. It’s late and I rather sleep for the night.”“Okay,” she yawned. She was also tired. She returned in the belly button and did like last time.She pressed her back against the wall of the navel and rubbed her face against it. She sunk a little in the wall. She tapped the bottom of it a few times, “Good night.”“Good night,” he replied with a small smile. He chuckled when she rubbed his belly button another time before she felt asleep. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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