
Susanne Kellner-Johnson

Holistic Therapist


27 Victoria Street


North Yorkshire

BD20 7HY

Tel.: 01535 634569

Mobile: 075380 61174

Louise Hussain

Complaints & Litigation Manager

Bradford and District Care Trust

New Mill, Victoria Road

Saltaire, West Yorkshire

BD18 3LD


Dear Louise

Ref.: Official complaint under NHS complaints procedure about neglect of physical health care

Thank you for your letter dated 28 May, only just received it as it went to Heather Ward and they sent it on to my home address. I also note with interest that Mr Michael Shaw is the investigating officer. As Mr Shaw is intending to contact Ben, Dr Bexley’s SHO as part of his investigation, I would like to provide him with some genuine hard hitting medical facts as listed below:

• Severe uterine bleed from 31.08.09 onwards, blood test on 18.09 - result: blood count of 7. Left without necessary medical attention until 22.09, emergency admission onto ward 13 at Airedale General Hospital in afternoon. Gynae team came running stating I had given them a scare. Registrar shouted at nurse who stated that I was ‘agitated’ due to high blood pressure and pulse. He put her straight and stated that I had not enough blood left to go around my body, that my heart had been beating on empty for some time and that this was the reason for the high results.

• Immediate drip, it was thought I would need at least three units of blood and it was ordered. I received two units of spun red blood cells (I had not got any left), my blood pressure kept crashing, but I started to improve slowly. I was discharged from the ward on 25 September.

• On 6 October I started with severe uterine bleeding again and went to A&E at Airedale Hospital where they got me ready for a drip and expected to have to re-admit onto ward 13. However, my blood tests showed that my blood count was at a safe enough level to cope with it and I was sent home. Now, my blood count was only at that level because I had been working with a nutritionist who specialises in medical cases since the 26 September, and the Gynae team actually asked me repeatedly how on earth I had managed to get my blood in such a healthy state so quickly.

• However, due to giving one of your incompetent CPN’s a piece of my mind when she had asked me on 6 October why I had not been working for the last two weeks (!!!), she immediately reported concerns over a ‘deterioration’ and booked me a bed on the Heather Ward and put a letter through my door inviting me to go there. Now that was actually a criminal act. To threaten and harass a seriously physically ill person who was recovering from severe blood loss, lack of oxygen to all body systems, who had suffered near organ failure and was suffering from the after affects of severe anaemia with a prison stay is the pits, it really is.

• As I refused to obey orders to report to prison and staged a human rights protest at my house on World Mental Health Day, your criminal staff went and got a S135 warrant and marched me, with the police restraining me by the wrists, forcefully out of my premises on 14 October.

• I was offered a ride in the back of a police prison van by the police, politely declined and as luck would have it, patient transport was, on this very rare occasion, available. I was then dumped on the Heather Ward, not examined, either verbally or physically and started yelling at them that I had just come out of a medical ward, had nearly bled to death and had just had a blood transfusion. They would not have any of it. They even ripped the ward 13 wrist bracelet out of my hands that I had taken with me to prove it all, as I knew what I was in for.

• I then fainted, was unconscious and was dragged in a chair into the dining room where they simply left me to it. No paramedics, no doctor, not first aid, no checks of blood pressure or pulse, nothing whatsoever. Shown to a room and immediately medicated. Subjected to constant violent physical assaults, my clothes ripped off (same ones for two weeks again as they would not let me take anything) and constantly given forced injections. They simply would not stop. I was as white as a sheet, could barely stand up and they carried on regardless. I had to crawl to the bathroom on hands and knees on one occasion as I was so ill I could not stand upright.

• When I fought back and defended myself physically against these violent Nazi nurses who kept assaulting a seriously ill person, they stuck me onto Clover (PICCU) where they did even worse and tried to pin a forensic history on me.

• The whole thing was criminal and I am extremely lucky to still be alive. Also, whilst I was on Clover I had to go over to Airedale to see the Gynae Registrar Mr Porter. One of the Nazi prison wardens, female, accompanied me. I had to have an internal examination and they took a biopsy there and then of uterine tissue. What did that evil prison warden do? Insisted on watching! I told her in no uncertain terms that this was private and that she should stay in the doorway and the Registrar backed me up. Respect and Dignity? On paper, in your policy documents only.

• As you are well aware, I urgently requested copies of all blood test results from my prison stay 14 October 2009 – 21 January 2010 in order to give the Gynae Registrar a full picture as to developments in a follow-up appointment on 6 April 2010. I had e-mailed you about that. You subsequently got back and claimed that there were no blood test results for this period. I distinctly remembered that blood had been taken, so why were the tests all of a sudden not on file?

As Ben so kindly, for the first time ever in my 13 years in hell, did a proper job and checked all genuine medical facts out, (I have his handwritten notes to that effect), which clearly states that there were blood test results from 19 October 09 and 4 December 09. Why was I not given access to them prior to seeing the Gynae Registrar?

Ben is to be commended, the first person ever to have proper medical training and insight into physical health problems, and the first person ever to show me results and to discuss them with me on a mental ward. I have never, ever come across anyone with any kind of medical training on these wards from hell before. The Gynae team were the first proper doctors I had encountered in 13 years and Ben was another one, so they are out there!

Ben also clearly stated that there is only one place for a person with a blood count of 8 and below and that was a hospital bed. Very reassuring to finally meet someone on a mental ward who fully understood the severity and significance of the blood test results from 18 September 2009. He was absolutely right, I should have been admitted straight away on that Friday, but they left me to it for another 4 days. At home, on my own, with no help from anyone. No medical attention and no access to medical help of any kind. I survived it, only just and because I knew what to do and how to stay alive.

Yet, I was forced out of the house by the police uS135 on 14 October and dumped in your prison unit and subjected to violence galore and constantly pumped full of forced injections. The Bradford District Care Trust of course insists that they provided me with health care. And the PCT is funding those downright criminal activities, arrests and prison sentences. The mind boggles.

However, the CQC has now, after their visit to the Airedale Center for Mental Health on 17 May 2010, requested that the Care Trust provide evidence to prove their provision of physical health care. I shall love to see you try explain the above to the CQC.

What physical health care did I receive exactly during a three months prison stay other than being constantly physically assaulted and injected? Which doctor attended to me after I fainted more or less straight after S135 admission? I can name two people who witnessed this horror movie scene which was straight out of a Nazi concentration camp actually. They all stood in the door way and watched an unconscious person and did nothing. Nicholas from Fern Ward was one of them, Christine, Health Care Support Worker on Heather was another. There was a whole crowd of them who simply stood and watched from the door way in the dining room.

Before I completely blacked out in a chair in front of the Nazi nurses station, I remember them tilting the chair back, lifting my legs up, pumping them and someone holding my head straight as it was lulling about. Whilst doing that they dragged me in the chair backwards into the dining room in order not to have any patients witness what was going on. Then I lost consciousness, totally. And they simply left me to it. The BDCT and it’s solicitors can attempt all they want to silence, threaten and intimidate me, I will not be shut up anymore. I nearly died on the Heather Ward last autumn.

Yours truly

Susanne Kellner-Johnson


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