
Intro to Theater – 345Teacher – Tahtyana Ernesternestt@bc.eduQuestions to Answer: What are the different elements of theater?What elements do we use effect the audience? What is the difference between acting on a stage and in front of a camera? Class Schedule:Teacher and Student IntroductionsAnswer the QuestionsPerform short monologuesPlay groupsPerform plays for classHey everyone! I am super excited for this class! We are going to learn a lot but mostly have fun doing something that we love to do! <3 AdoptA play in one scenebyTahtyana ErnestOctober 3 2011CHARACTERSGirl, 26Girl #2, 14Girl #3 / Tyler, 14Mother (Girl #3’s), late 30s early 40sWaitress, any ageAct I – Scene I Early evening, the present, in a restaurant. (Enter Girl into an empty restaurant. Booths around. Waitress nodding off in the corner. Girl sits in nearest booth.) Waitress: Can I start you off with anything to drink? Girl: Water please? Thank you. (Waitress exits. Girl #2 enters and sits in front of Girl. Both looking at menu. Waitress re-enters brings 2 waters after noticing another person. Waitress exits.)Girl #2: I hate my boyfriend! He annoys me so much! I never know how to act around him anymore. Girl (nervously): Yeah?Girl #2: You know what he did last night? He told me that if I don’t kiss him it means that I don’t love him. I already explained to him that like, I don’t want to take that extra step right now. I mean what is so wrong with wanting your first kiss to be with someone special you know? Girl (deep/dark thoughtful look in eyes): Well, don’t do anything you don’t want to do. (Girl #2 on the verge of tears. Girl uncomfortable and trying to ignore Girl #2. Waitress enters.)Waitress (with pad and pen): Are you ready to order? Girl: Yes. Can I please have the chicken Caesar salad with light dressing?Waitress (towards Girl #2): And for you?Girl #2 (recovering): Oh, ummm, a hamburger I guess. (Waitress exits with orders.)Girl: You know, guys aren’t everything. They can be mean and rude and cold-hearted with no feelings whatsoever! They don’t really know why they are that way, they just are, and they can’t help it. That isn’t an excuse though. Your boyfriend expects something from you in your relationship that’s why he is acting this way. Never give a guy what he expects. You always get screwed over in the end. Trust me. Girl #2 (uncomfortably): Oh…(Waitress enters with food. Places it down and exits. Both girls start to eat. Girl #3 enters.)Girl #3 (in a rush to Girl #2): You were right! You were completely right! I should have known. Mom was trying to hide it and say she was going to tell me when I was ready! When I was ready?! When was I ever going to be ready for this?! Girl #2 (consoling): It’s okay. Sit here. Tell me what happened. Girl #3 (on verge of tears): I came home today and my aunts, uncles, and some cousins were there. I said hi and stuff to all of them but they were acting weird around me again! Finally I got fed up with the way they were acting and I asked my mom if I could ask her a question later. So when everyone left I told her how I felt about my aunts and uncles. Then she started saying I was thinking too much and that I am just seeing things. She got me so frustrated though because it looked like she was lying; I can tell you know? So then I asked to see my birth certificate like you suggested and she flipped! She got so mad and said this, “You’re adopted!” Just like that! Then she walked out the house. I can’t believe this! (cries) Girl #2: It’s okay. You will be fine. I am always here for you okay? You want half of my burger? Girl #3: No thanks. I think I’m just going to leave. I just had to tell you. (notices Girl, then exits)Girl #2: I’m sorry. That was a, a friend of mine from school. Girl: It’s fine.(Beat.) (Mother rushes in towards Girl #2)Girl #2 (notices Mother): Uh oh. Mother (slightly yelling): How dare you! How dare you tell my daughter to ask for a birth certificate from me? Who do you think you are little girl? Girl #2: Mrs. ---Mother (interrupting): No. You are so rude! You do not tell my daughter, MY DAUGHTER, that I am not her real mother! I am! I raised her. I have no idea how you found out in the first place, and quite frankly I do not care! You are not anything to her but a school friend, learn your place and stay out of our family business! (exits) (Beat)Girl #2 (embarrassed): I’m sorry about that too. I promise this is not how my normal nights are. You must think I’m crazy or ---Girl (interrupting): Who are you? Girl #2: Huh ---?Girl (interrupting): Who are you? I have no idea who you are? Girl #2 (stares; beat): I’m your daughter. Girl (confused): What?Girl #2 (slowly): I am your daughter. So is my friend who was here. We’re your daughters. (Girl looks in disbelief with eyes wide)Girl #2 (CONT’D): When you gave us up for adoption 14 years ago we got separated and grew up in two different families. But thankfully both of our family’s live in the same city and we both went to the same school. Girl (almost hysteric): How did you find me? How did you find your sister? How did you know you were adopted? Girl #2: I’ve known my entire life. My mother told me when I was little and I’ve been fine with it. Obviously I wanted to see you one day, so I asked my mother a few months ago if she knew who you were or anything about you that would help me find you. She told me that you teach at the public high school now. So I looked up the teachers there and I, I sorta knew it was you. (Beat) After I found you my mother decided to tell me that I had a sister. Not surprisingly it was Tyler. Tyler and I were getting very close anyways so … it just made sense. (Girl in awe of Girl #2. Girl and girl #2 are touching by now)Girl (pulling away): I’m not sorry. Girl #2: Huh? No that’s not why ---Girl (interrupting): I’m not sorry that I gave you away. I had to. I was too young to be having a baby. Hell, I was a baby! And it doesn’t matter what you say or what kind of face you make because this is the real world and in the real world things happen. People do stupid things and have to deal with the consequences on their own, by themselves, and make life changing decisions that will never leave them! Ok? Do you get that? I made a decision that will never leave me. No matter how hard I try, it won’t go away! (starts sobbing)Girl #2 (smiling sweetly): That’s not why I found you or my sister. I looked for you to tell you that I love you. And also to tell you that I am not mad at what you did. I’m grateful. (Girl #3 enters in a rush towards Girl #2. Pauses slightly when she sees the state of the conversation. Girl looks up at Girl #3, as she is sitting down, and fully cries.)Girl #2 (CONT’D): Tyler, this is our mother. I’m, I’m your sister. (Tyler has a look of surprise then it turns into tears of happiness. Girl #2 finally breaks down with the rest of them. All three are sitting holding hands above the table and crying.)The End ................

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