
Upper Merion CEEB Code - 392015AP Update for Upper Merion StudentsHello everyone, this is Mr. Enters from the high school. I hope that you and your families are all safe, healthy and surviving the Coronavirus shutdown. I am here today to talk about important AP Updates for our Upper Merion Students.I want to provide you with important information regarding AP student resources and exams. I also know that there is a lot of interest in when and how students will get refunds if they decide to not take the exam so I will be covering this early in my presentation. One of the most important things for everyone to take note of whether you are taking an exam or not, is Technology Considerations. Students will be accessing course resources and exams using any available device: smartphones, tablets, Macbooks, Chromebooks, or other computers. Details about exams and resources are sent to you directly from College Board, including details specifically on how you will access and take your exams.If any of you do not have the necessary mobile tools or have connectivity issues, College Board wants to help. You must contact College Board directly by April 24th. I have shared this information on twitter and Schoology but you can also email me if you needed.RefundsMultiple students, teachers and parents have reached out to me in the past couple of weeks asking about refunds if they do not want to take the test. Simply put, at this time there is NO need to email me or Mrs. Berman letting us know that you are not planning on taking the test. College Board has locked us out of the ordering system and we cannot make changes to our original exam order.College Board will be contacting ALL students that have registered for an exam with details on how to access the test and take it regardless if you have already made up your mind to not take it. If you do not want to take it and want your registration fee back simply do nothing. Do not login to “checkout” the test on exam day. Just let the email sit in your inbox.When testing is totally completed after the first week of June, College Board will give me a report of our Upper Merion AP students and what exam they completed. I will also be given a list of students that did not access their exams. These are the students who will receive a full refund. This includes any additional money paid if you ordered your exam late. Refunds will be processed through the school district business office and mailed to the student after I prepare the list of who gets a refund and the amount they are to receive. Refunds should hopefully arrive the end of June or the beginning of July.I also know this is far from ideal and that some families are hurting financially and could use the extra money now if the student isn't going to taking the exam. Unfortunately we are bound by the College Board protocol.Exam DatesThe new primary exam dates are going to be between May 11th & May 22nd.College Board is stressing that they would prefer all students try to complete their exams during the primary testing period. They will be offering late exams for those students who do not take the test at its originally scheduled time. If for some reason you do not take the test on the initial date, you can still take your exam on the assigned makeup date that will fall between June 1st & June 5th.Most Exams this year will be 45 minutes in length and be based on 1-2 free response questions. There are no multiple-choice questions in this year’s exam. If a student has special accommodations such as extended time, this will be automatically built into your online test. World Language exams will be completely verbal and require the test taker to call into a special number.Instructions for how to access and complete your test will be sent to you in an email from College Board in the next couple of weeks.College Board Accounts and EmailsThis next part of my video deals with your College Board Account and your email address that is associated with it.College Board is asking that “ALL” student accounts be associated with a personal email address. Many of you have your College Board account associated with your Upper Merion, account. This has to be changed ASAP. If you do not have a home email account then you must create one. I am suggesting that you create an account if you don’t have one using the most convenient platform available to you. For instance, I have two personal email accounts –one is gmail and the other is with Comcast (my home internet service provider). It may be wise to check with a parent or guardian if you need assistance creating a personal email account. Again – you must access your College Board account and make sure it is associated with a personal email account.Students also need to check and make sure that they have the correct High School and Code associated with their College Board account. Our Upper Merion Code is 392015. Again that is 392015. Student ResourcesYour AP teachers and College Board have been sending you information for accessing student resources over the past few weeks. I have also been tweeting out and posting things on Schoology so be sure to look for these updates. If you have not yet go online to checkout the AP YouTube Live Classes and Review that is being offered, I strongly encourage you to do so even if you are not taking the exam.Colleges and AP Exam ResultsLastly, I know that many of you and especially the seniors, are concerned that given the drastic changes to the exams this year, colleges may not accept the scores in order to award college credit. Even in prior years, Colleges have all had their own unique policies regarding the awarding of credit for AP exams. This year is no different. The good news though is that many schools, including some influential institutions, have indicated that they will accept this year’s exams for consideration and not just for seniors but also for underclassmen impacted by the Coronavirus shutdown.Thank you for taking the time to watch this video. I hope that you found it informative and helpful as you navigate the AP testing landscape over the next month and half. If you have any individual questions please do not hesitate to contact me. As always, your teachers and staff at Upper Merion have you front and center in our thoughts. These are challenging times but with perseverance we all will all get through this.Stay safe and healthy!Share ScreenHere is a quick video from College Board on how to change your email associated with your College Board account.If you are have any questions or concerns regarding changes to your email address please contact me and I will try my best to help you resolve them. ................

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