
Study Guide for 10/1/14 Readings75 Readings PlusDivision and Classification p.148-149Predictable Crises of Adulthood Gail SheehyThe Truth about Lying Judith ViorstWhat Secrets Tell Luc SanteThe 12 Most Annoying Types of Facebookers Brandon GriggsPredictable Crises of Adulthood Gail SheehyIn the opening of “Predictable Crises of Adulthood,” the author says that “we are not unlike a particularly hardy crustacean.” Explain why the author believes human development is like a lobster.Match the descriptions below with the corresponding developmental stage by putting an X in the right spot. Before 1818-22Trying 20sApproaching 30Early 30sMid 30s40s45-50Equilibrium is regained. A new stability is achieved, which may be more or less satisfying. Men and women alike speak of feeling too narrow and restricted.We reexamine our purposeAsk questions like “Why am I doing all this? What do I really believe in?”Women feel a “my last chance” urgencyRebounds to family are common According to the author, personal happiness takes a sharp turn upward for partners who can now accept the fact “I cannot expect anyone to fully understand me.”Men at this age wonder “Is this all there is?” and may experience a major shift from pouring all their energies into advancement“I have to get away from my parents!”We begin to settle down, put down roots and send out new shoots. People buy houses and become very earnest about climbing career ladders. Become preoccupied with working out the externals. Questions include:“How do I put my aspirations into effect?”“Where do I go?”“Who can help me?”The Truth about Lying Judith ViorstDo you feel social lies are “morally wrong?” Why or why not?Throughout the essay, Viorst asks “What about you?” For example, when discussing social lies she speaks of a man who refuses to tell them because “telling lies is morally wrong. What about you?” Do you believe there are times when telling a lie is better than telling the truth? Why or why not?Identify the type of lie that each of these is (according to Judith Viorst)Social LiePeace-keeping LieProtective LiesTrust-keeping LiesYou tell this type of lie not for personal gain, but because you believe it is for the good of the person being lied to.This type of lie involves a triangulation – with A (that’s you) telling lies to B on behalf of C (whose trust you’ve promised to keep). When you’re late for a date you say you overslept. When you forget to call a friend you say you tried but the line is busy.You may lie to a person dying about the state of their healthYou may lie to children about money You usually tell this type of lie so that people won’t disapprove of you, think less of you, or holler at you. You decline invitations with “I’m busy that night – so sorry I can’t come” when the truth is you’d rather stay home that be with so-and-soYou say things like “It’s nice to see you. “ and “I like your new haircut.” (even though this isn’t true) What Secrets Tell Luc SanteAccording to the author, why do people need secrets (last paragraph of essay)?Match the type of secret with the descriptionDescriptionPersonalRomanticGossipTradeSecret FormulasSecret SocietiesState SecretsAtomicSecretYou know your boyfriend (or girlfriend) likes to be kissed on his or her toesDiets centered on junk food mentioned in the BibleSelf-help diet books, Get Rich Quick books Secret of life and deathExamples of this type include sororities and fraternities, Easter Star, The Grand Masons, Mafia The rituals into your initiation into this will be a “secret”Examples concern the recipe for KFC fried chicken, Coke, Hershey’s chocolateThis type of secret is kept secret “by the small group of nobles who rule us” according to Kafka.It is forbidden for unauthorized persons to know certain informationYou just found out your boss is having an affair from his secretary You pick your nose when no one is lookingThe 12 Most Annoying Types of Facebookers Brandon GriggsWhat is the author’s thesis about Facebook?Do you use Facebook? If so, why. If not, why not?Do you identify with any of the “annoying types” of Facebookers? If so, which one. What is the most annoying type of Facebooker to you? Explain why.This type of Facebooker writes things like “I had 2 eggs for breakfast” and “I’m stuck in traffic.”The Town-CrierThe Sympathy-BaiterThe Chronic InviterSelf-PromoterLet-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail of My Day-BoreThe Friend-PadderThis type of Facebooker constantly sends you things like “Sign my Petition” “Support my cause” “Which Muppet Baby are You if You Were A Muppet Baby?”The Town-CrierThe Sympathy-BaiterThe Chronic InviterSelf-PromoterLet-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail of My Day-BoreThe Friend-Padder“Joan Rivers is DEAD! You heard it from me!” Facebook typeThe Town-CrierThe Sympathy-BaiterThe Chronic InviterSelf-PromoterLet-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail of My Day-BoreThe Friend-PadderYour buddy boasts he has 3,102 friends and counting.The Town-CrierThe Sympathy-BaiterThe Chronic InviterSelf-PromoterLet-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail of My Day-BoreThe Friend-PadderThese Facebookers post things like “I am so sad today.” “I’m hoping for good news.” They bait you with tales of woe. The Town-CrierThe Sympathy-BaiterThe Chronic InviterSelf-PromoterLet-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail of My Day-BoreThe Friend-Padder ................

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