Prompt #1: Following the example in the “Good to Great Connections” PowerPoint presentation under the Module 5 Lectures / Presentations / PPT's / Clips content area (and taking your Personal Purpose Statement and Mission Statement development efforts last module into consideration), carefully develop your own personal long term BHAG (10-25 years out – depending on your age; for example, a 55 year old person might be closer to the 10 year BHAG, whereas a 30 year old, or younger, person should be considering a BHAG 25 years out). This BHAG may be related to your overall life / lifestyle aspirations, or it could be related to some organizational, protean, or entrepreneurial vision that you have for the future. That’s up to you. There are three sub-prompts here:What is your BHAG? My BHAG is to own a non-profit healthcare organization in greater Grand Rapids, live in North Carolina, and have a vacation home in St. Lucia. I will be a successful business women, financially well off. My organization will be nationally recognized as one of the top non-profits helping people that are less fortunate, and cannot otherwise afford quality healthcare. I will have some of the best, most reputable clinicians on staff. My children will be off to college, and come home as much as possible. My husband and I will be as close as ever, and take several vacations a year white water rafting and hiking, exploring the world! Please also provide a vivid description of life “the way it will be” once your BHAG is realized. (Take a look at the “Teaching Company” example in the Module 5 PPT presentation cited above.)My companies’ mission is to “improve the health and healing, and address the needs of the people within the communities we serve.” We do this by providing exceptional care, and products to those in need. Because of our outstanding service we have been recognized in several articles, and have received several awards from the state of Michigan, the Governor, and even the President. Because of this press, and our amazing reviews, the business is growing and continues to be very successful. Because of the financial success of the company, I was able to hire a full time director. This director is hands on in the day to day business needs. I only need to visit the office once a month for our board meetings. This allows me to have more time for my family, enjoying our vacation home, traveling, and visiting my children at college. How does your BHAG align with your purpose and mission?My BHAG fits very well with my purpose and mission statement. My statements both include giving back to my community, and those less fortunate. My BHAG clearly checks that box. My statements also include having a successful marriage, and being there for my children. My BHAG addresses both of those areas. Lastly, my BHAG represents a successful businesswoman, which is in both of my statements. Prompt #2: Since this is an online course, you will have to share your creation electronically (be sure to use a file format that can easily be opened by standard viewers – and if you are linking to something on the internet, that it is available for public viewing).In addition to your “creation” please contextualize your contribution with a paragraph or two of text explaining your creative process and your intended meaning (the “vision” of your future that you are representing) – as well as any “aha” moments that you may have experienced.Most importantly, have fun with it. We all need to exercise our “right brain” every once in a while – and, many times, it’s amazing to discover how differently we think about an issue when we “translate” the context into something different and wondrous. My lifestyle representation collage is something I am proud of. I compiled it by thinking about things that are consistant between my life today, my purpose and mission statements, goals, and my BHAG. One itms I have reiterated throughout this course is community and giving back. This is extremely important to me. In my collage, the middle image, top row represents community, and helping one another. Directly below that is a healthcare heart. This has multi-symbolism, it represents the community and helping health needs, as well as staying healthy myself. Health is important, because if I am not healthy I cannot work, cannot be there for my husbad and children, and cannot go hiking and rafting which I greatly enjoy. The top left image is a cairn. A cairn is something I truly enjoy the symbolism of, I actually have one on my desk right in front of me. Cairns are stacked as landmarks along paths to show the way. For me, staying on path and direction is important. There are many variables in life, but only I can determine the path I take and decisions I make. The top right image shows a stable structure. This symbolizes structure and stability in my life, for myself and my family. Speaking of family, the middle image, bottom row is a picture of my family, which is very important to me. Everything I do, I have the best interest of my family in mind. Along the same thought, the far right image, second row is a picture of a knot tied in the shape of a heart. This picture represents my marriage and the strength and love we have, tied together, forever. The bottom left image is one I like the most. It shows several broken light bulbs, with one unbroken and shining. I feel like this is the story of my life. There have been several broken pieces and struggles, but it is coming together nicely, and shining through. As a part of these broken pieces, I have embarked on unique journeys, and have stood out to others. This is represented in the bottom right image. Al of the pencils are lined up neatly, and then there is one that is sharp and sticking out, making a statement. All of which I would like to think I have done. Because of my successes, I am fortunate to be able to travel and explore. This is represented by the first image in the middle row, a set of hands with a map of the world painted on them. As the famous Dr. Seuss once quoted “Oh, the places you will go.” I am excited to embark on future journeys, exploring and enjoying the world with my family! Prompt #3: Provide the link to your epic E-Portfolio here! ................

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