Miss A

Mr. H. Arendse

Learning Strategies

Doral Academy


Welcome to the 2011-2012 school year. We have an exciting year ahead of us. Please read the following information with your parents/guardians and return the cut off portion at the end, signed.

Contact Information

• Best way to get in touch with me is via email harendse@. You can send me an email and I will respond within 48 hours.

Course Information

This class is given for students to improve their study skills and to learn how to effectively study. I will also be teaching useful strategies to help them succeed in their regular education classes. This will be accomplished by improving reading comprehension to assist students in excelling on their standardized test scores. By motivating, modeling, prompting, and practicing good reading habits students will increase their love for reading. Students will also review basic and at level math skills with my assistance and that of the cognitive tutor computer based program. Students will also have the time to complete homework and classwork assignments from other classes and receive direct assistance from me.

Discipline Plan

Classroom Expectations/ Rules

1. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak Bring all your materials to class everyday.

2. Absolutely NO GUM.

3.. Bring all your materials to class everyday.

4. No electronic devices will be allowed


1. Verbal Warning

2. Detention/Parental contact

3. Phone call home

4. Referral

Required Daily Materials

• 1 composition book

• Agenda (to use for all classes)

• 1 Pack of white copy paper

• Ruled Filler Paper

• Binder with 4 dividers. The tabs should be labeled:

• Classwork

• Notes

• Homework

• Weekly progress report (to be printed from student portal)

(This syllabus should be the first page in your binder)

Grading Scale

90% - 100% A 3.51-4.00

80% - 89% B 2.51-3.50

70% - 79% C 1.51-2.50

60% - 69% D 1.00-1.50

0% - 59% F 0 – 0.99

Your grade will be calculated as follows:

30% Tests/Journal

25% Participation (Printing of weekly progress reports and parents must sign on a weekly basis)

20% Quizzes

15% Classwork Assignment

10% HW Assignments /Agenda Check (weekly)

Home Learning and Class Work Assignments

• All assignments turned in must have the students’ first name, last name, and date.

Attendance Policy

• When absent from school, the absence must be excused through homeroom. Make up work will only be given to students with excused absences. Students will have one week per absence to make up assignments/tests they missed.

• It is YOUR responsibility to request any make up work, or set up a time (after school) to make up a quiz or a test missed due to an excused absence. Make up tests/quizzes will not be done during class time.

• Students with 10 or more unexcused absences will be subject to receiving a “No Credit” for this class.

• You are to obtain the contact information for a student in your class, so that you can inquire about assignments when you are absent:

Friend’s Name: _____________________________

Friend’s Phone # ___________________

Friend’s Email/AIM/MSN: -______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

• You are to be in your seat when the bell rings, or you will be considered tardy. Three (3) tardies will result in a detention.

Academic Dishonesty

• Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of deception in one of the following areas:

o Cheating - use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids

o Assisting – helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty

o Tampering – altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and documents

o Plagiarism – representing the words or ideas of another person as one’s own.

• Academic Dishonesty of any kind, WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!! If caught, the student will automatically receive a failing grade for the given assignment, quiz, or test.

Electronic Devices

• There are to be no cellular phones, I pods, MP3 players, PSP’s, Nintendo DS’s, etc. in class. If one is seen or heard, it will be confiscated. All electronic devices will be sent to administration that same day and a parent must come to get it back.

My wish list

• The following are items that I need, in case you wish to donate any materials to me that can be applied towards the required parent volunteer hours:

-Boxes of tissue

-Hand sanitizer

-Class set of Novels (15)



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Please return this portion of the page by Thursday 8/26/11 to Mr. Arendse

I have read and understood the expectations and classroom procedures for Learning Strategies and I will abide by them.

_______________________________ _____________

Student’s Name Student’s Signature

Date _______________

_______________________________ _____________

Parent/Guardian’s Name Parent/Guardian’s Signature

Date ________________

Period: ___________[pic][pic][pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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