

On-Line Release & Permit Application

– Step by Step User Guide


Office of Information Technology

Investment & Governance Division

July 2007 (revised)


Creating a Release & Permit Request – Step by Step 3

Login (Accessing the Application) 3

Reminders & Announcements 4

Creating a New Online Request 5

General Guidelines 5

Core Information 6

Request Details 9

Attachments 16

Attachment Requirements and Types 18

Request Actions 19

Validate and Submit a Request for Authorization 21

Modification of R&P Requests – Step by Step 23

Login (Accessing the Application) 23

Reminders & Announcements 23

Entering a Modification – Dollar Amount 23

Core Information 26

Request Details 27

Attachments 29

Validate the Request 31

Vendor Change Request 32

Vendor & Vendor Contact Information 34

Vendor Search 34

Adding Agency Contacts 35

Request Search Functions 36

Requests – General 36

Requests – Req # or RP # 39

My Profile Functions 42

Changing Your User Profile & Password 42

Application Help & Documentation 44

Accessing On Line Help 44

Accessing On Line Documentation 45

R&P Application Contacts 46

Creating a Release & Permit Request – Step by Step

Login (Accessing the Application)

• Open your Internet Browser and type or into the address bar.

• Enter your User Name and Password

➢ If you have forgotten your password, click the “Forgot Password?” link below the login button. An email with a new system generated password will be sent to you.

➢ For help changing your password, see the “Changing Your Password” topic documented in this user guide.


Reminders & Announcements

After a successful login, the Reminders / Announcements screen (shown below) appears with links to lists of requests associated with your User Name. Select these links as a shortcut to process requests you have created or to view all requests for your agency. Any announcements issued by Acquisitions Management will be listed at the top of this page.

TIP for SUCCESS: To return to this page, click REMINDERS from the left navigation bar at anytime.


Note: The grids shown under Requests that you created and Request for which you are a contact do not display by default when the screen is first displayed. By clicking the appropriate link the associated grids will be displayed.

Creating a New Online Request

General Guidelines

• Use the Tab key to move from field to field on the request application screens.

• Once a request is assigned to a Signature Authority, the Designated Requestor is no longer allowed to change the request.

Note: Changes can be made to the request if the Signature Authority returns the request to the Designated Requestor.

o DO NOT assign a request to a Signature Authority who will be out of the office for an extended amount of time. The request will be delayed waiting on the Signature Authority’s action.

TIPS for SUCCESS: Click the [pic] button to check spelling at any time during request creation.

During the creation of the Request remember to click the SAVE button before leaving a display screen.


Core Information

• Select CREATE REQUESTS from the Navigation Bar on the left. The options under Create Requests include;

Enter Online Request, Modify Release & Permit, Enter Blanket Request & Proceed with CB.

• To create a new R&P request select ENTER ONLINE REQUEST.

• Complete the following “Required” fields:

a. Request Title (Agency provided)

b. Request Type (Hardware, Software and/or Services)

c. Procurement Type (IT or NON-IT)

d. Purchasing Authority


e. Fiscal Year

TIP for SUCCESS: To find user information regarding purchase authority definitions (or other application functionality) select the R&P “HELP” menu option from the left navigation bar; then select “Enter an Online Request”; and then choose the “Purchasing Authority”

Note: Required R&P request fields are also designated in bold letters. The Agency field will be automatically filled for you with your agency information.

• Click the SAVE button at the bottom of the screen.

Once you click Save; the Request Details, Attachments and Request Actions tabs will become active. In addition your request will be assigned a request number that appears in red letters above the Core Information tab and in the black “Request Title” bar at the top of the screen. Your agency will use the request number to track the progress and status of the request throughout the R&P application.

• Select a Signature Authority from the drop-down list.

• Select a Primary Agency Contact from the drop-down list.

Note: If the desired contact does not show in the drop-down list, click the Add New Agency Contact link to add contact information. See page 25 of this document for instructions regarding adding agency contact information.

• Select a Secondary Agency Contact from the drop-down list, if appropriate.

• Enter an Agency Tracking Number if appropriate. The agency tracking number is provided for your agency to use.

• Enter Purchase Justification text. Use the space provided to enter your purchase justification.

TIP for SUCCESS: You may attach a Purchase Justification (e.g., MSWord, MSExcel, PDF) document from the Attachments tab of the request, rather than entering your justification here. The Purchase Justification must provide a Business / Purchase description that explains the reason for the procurement.

• Enter any Additional Comments that will be helpful in reviewing and approving your request.

• Click SAVE.

• Click the Request Details tab.

A R&P request with the Core Information fields completed is provided on the next page.


Request Details

The Request Details screen display will differ depending on the IT Purchasing Authority selected on the Core Information tab. The Chart provided on page 15 of this document shows the information required for IT requests; an “R” indicates required and an “O” indicates optional.


Actions required by the designated requestor to complete the Request Details will depend upon the IT Purchase Authority selected on the Core Information tab.

All IT Purchase Authority requests will require the entry of either a Vendor Tax ID “OR” a Vendor OAKS ID, once the requestor has entered a valid Vendor TAX ID or OAKS ID they should click the Verify button.

• Clicking the Verify button will display the Selected Vendor: VENDOR NAME DISPLAYED, and

• Provide a valid list of Contracts (STS, MMA, RFP, ITB, etc.) that are active for the selected vendor.

In this Step-by-Step guide scenario the requestor would select the appropriate IT / State Term Schedule (STS) request. Per the Selected Vendor: SOPHISTICATED SYSTEMS the valid STS Contracts available via the drop-down display are shown below:


• Select the appropriate IT Plan option from the IT Plan drop-down list. Available options are:


• If you selected the IT Project option from IT Plan. The IT Project drop-down function will be displayed showing the requestor’s specific agency IT Projects as identified in the agency’s IT Plan. Select the appropriate IT Project entry for the request.


• For “No IT Plan” and “Not in IT Plan” requests the entry of an Initiative Justification is required. The justification is entered by the requestor as shown in the screen shot provided on the next page.


• Enter the Request Amount in the field provided. For example for a requested amount of $100,100.99, enter 100100.99 (the dollar sign and commas should not be included).

• Job number Allocations. The agency may allocate the entire amount to a single job number or you may divide the amount among several job numbers.

You may allocate the entire amount by selecting the appropriate Job Number from the drop-down function and then clicking the

Allocate Entire Amount link at the right of the Add button. See figure below.

You may allocate by specific dollar amount or by percentage by selecting a job number, entering an amount and then selecting

the $ radial button; or by entering a number (percentage) and selecting the % radial button and then clicking the Add button. See

figure below for an example:


TIP for SUCCESS: If you enter an amount to an incorrect job number, click the DELETE link to the left of the incorrectly entered allocation to remove it.

• After completing all Request Detail tab fields and saving the entered information the Request Details screen should look similar to the screen shot provided on the following page.


TIP for SUCCESS: If you have added a New Vendor Contact but it does not immediately appear in the drop-down list on the Request Details tab, click the Save button or click the Verify button. The new contact should now appear in the Vendor Contact drop-down list.

The following chart shows required R&P Request Details information applicable to IT requests.

|IT (Information Technology Purchase Requests) |

|Field Name |

|Purchasing Authority |IT Requests |

| |Hardware |Software |Personal Services |

|Blanket |n/a |n/a |n/a |

|Controlling Board Request |Draft CBR, Quote |Draft CBR, Quote, SLA |Draft CBR, PSA/SOW |

|CBR Agency Issued (1st Pass) |Draft RFP or CBR | | |

|Permission to Issue RFP/CBR |Draft CBR, Quote |Draft CBR, Quote, SLA |Draft CBR, PSA/SOW |

|OIT Issued ITB |Quote |Quote | |

|OIT Issued RFP |Quote |Quote | |

|Direct Purchase |Quote |Quote, SLA |PSA/SOW |

|MMA |Hardware Contract, Quote |Quote, SLA | |

|ORC | | |PSA/SOW |

|STS |Quote |Quote |PSA/SOW, Quote |

|Attachment Types and Abbreviations: | |

|Contract = Contract Document |LOA = Letter of Assignment (required for a MOD if vendor changes) |

|Draft CBR = Draft Controlling Board Request |PSA/SOW = Personal Services Agreement or Statement of Work |

|Draft RFP = Draft Request for Proposal |Quote = Vendor Quote / Cost Itemization |

|Ext Rev = External Review |SLA = Software License Agreement |

|HW Contract = Hardware Contract | |

|Attachment File Types Accepted | | |

|Microsoft Excel (*.xls) |Microsoft Word (*.doc) |Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) |

|Plain Text (*.txt) |JPEG Image (*.jpg) |GIF Image (*.gif) |

|Bitmap Image (*.bmp) |Comma Separated Text (*.csv) |HTML File (*.htm, *.html) |

|Microsoft Project (*.mpp) |Rich Text File (*.rtf) |Microsoft Visio (*.vsd) |

|WordPerfect Document (*.wpd) |Compressed File (*.zip) |Microsoft PowerPoint (*.ppt) |

Request Actions

• Click the Request Actions tab to display the Request Actions menu, which is displayed below.


There are a number of actions that you may execute from the Request Actions tab.

• View Status History – provides the user with the processing history of the request (e.g., when it was opened, reviewed and approved).

• Add to Favorites – a user may add the request as a favorite in Internet Explorer.

• View/Send Correspondence – a user may initiate an email with questions or information regarding the request.

Note: When an agency user receives an email from Acquisitions requesting additional information, a user may respond via this action.

• View Issues – a user may view information pertaining to issues which have been generated for the request. You can determine the status of the issue, history of the issue, issue resolution and whether the issue is designated as “critical”. Critical issues will change the status of the request to “On Hold”.

• View/Add Comments – a user may add comments pertaining to the request or view comments which have been added to the request by a user.

• Validate Request – a designated requestor can validate the request information entered and submit the request for signature authority (SA) review and approval.

Note: See Validate and Authorize a Request functions described below.

• Cancel Request – a designated requestor may cancel (delete) this request if it is not valid.

Note: The designated requestor may only cancel requests which have not been forwarded to a signature authority. If the request has been submitted to the SA for review and approval at some point, only the SA can cancel the request.

Validate and Submit a Request for Authorization

1. Select the Request Actions tab.

2. Click Validate Request.

3. If you have any missing elements to your request, you will receive a screen similar to the one below indicating which requirements of

the request failed validation.


4. Review each of the missing requirements and make appropriate modifications to the request as needed. Once you feel you have

updated all the requirements which were missing, return to the Request Actions tab and re-Validate the request.

5. Repeat the re-validation and entry of appropriate modifications until the application displays the Submit for Authorization screen as

shown below.

6. To submit the request for authorization, click the Submit for Authorization button. An email confirmation to the selected signature authority will automatically be generated notifying the SA that a request has been submitted to them for review and authorization.

Note: If you do not want to send an email notification, remove the checkmark in the Notify Signature Authority box.

7. A confirmation message that the request has been validated and submitted for authorization will be returned to the workstation.


Modification of R&P Requests – Step by Step

Login (Accessing the Application)

• Open your Internet Browser and type into the address bar.

• Enter your User Name and Password

➢ If you have forgotten your password, click the “Forgot Password”? link below the login button. An email with a new system generated password will be sent to you.

➢ For help changing your password, see the “Changing Your Password” topic documented in this user guide.

Reminders & Announcements

After a successful login, the Reminders / Announcements screen appears with links to lists of requests associated with your User Name. Select these links as a shortcut to process requests you have created or to view all requests for your agency. Any announcements issued by Acquisitions Management will be listed at the top of this page.

Entering a Modification – Dollar Amount

The following steps should be followed to enter a Dollar Amount Modification to an approved R&P Request. The instructions that follow can be used for an increase or decrease in the total dollar amount of an approved request.

TIP for SUCCESS: It will be helpful if you have the original R&P Request Number assigned upon approval.

• From the left navigation bar select CREATE REQUESTS and then select MODIFY RELEASE & PERMIT as shown below.


• A screen similar to the following Modify Release & Permit screen will be displayed.

Modify Release & Permit


Note: The grid shown displays Release & Permits that have been approved for your agency and can be modified. The “Title” information has been left blank on purpose.

• Select the appropriate R&P Request Number which is to be modified. The following screen will be displayed.

Core Information


Information from the previously approved R&P Request will be pre-filled for you. Information pre-filled on the Core Information tab includes; Title, Request Type (the original R&P Number is shown), Procurement Type, Purchasing Authority, Agency, Fiscal Year and Agency Contacts. If optional data was entered in the Agency Tracking Number and Additional Comments the information is also shown.

Upon choosing to create a modification request the internal request number (new) for the request is noted in the Black title bar at the top of the screen.

TIP for SUCCESS: To review the original R&P Request click the View Original Request link located in the top right hand corner of the screen. To return to the modification request screen click the Internet Browser Back button until the modification request is re-displayed.

• Select the appropriate agency Signature Authority who will authorize the modification request.

• Enter the Purchase Justification for the Modification or attach the justification to the request as an attachment. Click the Save button located at the bottom of the screen.

• Click the Request Details tab. The Request Details screen will be displayed.

Request Details


• Again information will be pre-filled for you from the original request. Make appropriate changes as needed.

TIP for SUCCESS: Additional instructions are provided to assist in the entry of modification data in the link “Modification/Vendor Change Request Instructions”.

• Enter the Modification Amount (increase or decrease) that is required. Enter the amount as whole dollars and cents (e.g., 99999.99 for $99,999.99). Note: The $ sign and the comma are not required. The increase shown in the screen shot below is for $8,020.00 and was entered as shown in the screen.

Allocations for an Increase


• Select an appropriate Job Number and enter the amount of the increase or decrease to allocated, click the Add button. If the entire amount is to be allocated to the selected job number, click the Allocate Entire Amount link. If you allocate a wrong amount or allocate to a wrong job number click the appropriate Delete link and re-enter appropriate data.

• Enter the Vendor Selection Justification for the modification request or attach as a document on the Attachments tab. Click the Save button.

TIP for SUCCESS: The New Requested Amount will not be updated with the modification amount until you “Save” the data.

• For a decrease enter the amount as –99999.00 (minus sign). Note: In the screen shot shown below a decrease of $5,840.00 was entered for this request modification and was entered as -5840.

Allocations for a Decrease


• Select an appropriate Job Number and enter the amount of the decrease (use the minus sign for the amount) to allocated, click the Add button. If the entire amount is to be allocated to the selected job number, click the Allocate Entire Amount link. If you allocate a wrong amount or allocate to a wrong job number click the appropriate Delete link and re-enter appropriate data. Click the Save button.

Vendor Selection Justification

• Enter the Vendor Selection Justification for the modification request or attach as a document on the Attachments tab. Click the Save button. Note: An updated Vendor justification is required if the vendor has changed for some reasons (for example a merger).

TIP for SUCCESS: The New Requested Amount will not be updated with the modification amount until you “Save” the data.


• Click the Attachments tab. Attach the required documents by selecting the Attachment Type and Attachment (electronic file) and then entering a Description and Cost (if appropriate) for each attachment. Click the Save button for each attachment.

Note: The type of attachment may differ depending on the type of request, type of procurement, etc. for the request.

Modification attachments for increase in R&P approval amount.


Modification attachments for decrease in R&P approval amount.


Validate the Request

• Once all information for the Modification Request has been entered select the Validate Request action from the Request Actions tab.

• If errors are returned make the appropriate corrections to the request. Once all errors have been corrected return to the Request Actions tab and re-Validate the request.

• If the Validation completes successfully you may click the Submit for Authorization button to complete the request and submit it for Signature Authority authorization.

Vendor Change Request

There may be a need to re-assign an original R&P Request to a different vendor or a new vendor entity which was formed due to a merger, etc. The following steps should be followed to modify a request due to a change in vendor (contractor).

TIP for SUCCESS: It will be helpful if you have the original R&P Request # assigned upon approval.

• From the left navigation bar select CREATE REQUESTS and then select MODIFY RELEASE & PERMIT as shown below.


Example 1: I have not issued any purchase orders against a Release and Permit number and the vendor reports to me that they have merged with another company and they have a new Vendor ID.

1. Follow the modification instructions as listed above. In the Purchase Justification be sure to indicate that this request is to change the vendor ID.

2. On the Request Details Page:

a. Leave modification amount “0” (zero) since we are only changing the Vendor ID and the amount remains the same.

b. Enter the new Vendor ID and enter the Vendor Contact. Save the page. The new Vendor ID must be entered into the OAKS before it can be processed by the Release and Permit Application.

3. Click the Attachments Tab

a. You will need to reattach items such as a corrected vendor quote. Depending on your request type you may need to include more attachments.

b. You will be required to attach a Letter of Assignment. The “Letter of Assignment” is documentation that the vendor has in fact switched their vendor ID due to merger, buyout, etc…

1. Select Attachment Type: Letter of Assignment

2. Attach the file.

3. Enter a brief description

4. Do not enter a cost.

5. Click Save

Example 2: I have issued purchase orders against a Release and Permit number and the vendor reports to me that they have merged with another company and they have a new Vendor ID. I need to move the remaining dollar amount for the Release and Permit to a new Vendor.

Original Request was for $75,000. I have issued and processed purchase orders for the amount of $40,000. The remaining $35,000 needs to be issued for the new vendor.

1. Follow the modification instructions as listed above. In the Purchase Justification be sure to indicate that this request is to change the vendor ID.

2. On the Request Details Page:

a. Change modification amount so that New Request Amount reflects the remaining amount of money left. In the example above, we would enter -$40,000.00 in the modification amount box. Once we save this page, the new requested amount will show $35,000.

b. Enter the new Vendor ID and enter the Vendor Contact. Save the page. The new Vendor ID must be entered into the OAKS before it can be processed by the Release and Permit Application.

3. Click the Attachments Tab

a. You will need to reattach items such as a corrected vendor quote. Depending on your request type you may need to include more attachments.

b. You will be required to attach a Letter of Assignment. The “Letter of Assignment” is documentation that the vendor has in fact switched their vendor ID due to merger, buyout, etc…

1. Select Attachment Type: Letter of Assignment

2. Attach the file.

3. Enter a brief description

4. Do not enter a cost.

5. Click Save

Vendor & Vendor Contact Information

Vendor Search

Users may find information regarding vendors with the R&P application by using the Search functionality. To search for specific vendor information, complete the following steps:

1. Select the VENDORS menu item from the left navigation bar.

2. Enter a Vendor Tax ID, or OAKS Vendor ID, or a Vendor Name in the appropriate field displayed on the Search Vendors screen and click Search.


exist in the R&P database and a Vendor Record will need to be created. See Adding a Vendor, instructions below.

Adding Agency Contacts

From the left navigation bar select the CONTACTS menu item and then select Agency Contacts. The Manage Agency Contacts screen will be displayed. You may make changes to existing Agency Contact data by selecting the appropriate contact from the list displayed or you may add a new Agency Contact by clicking the Create New Contact link provided at the bottom of the screen.

The following screen will be displayed when you select the Create New Contact link.


1. On the Contact Info tab, enter data for the required (noted in bold) fields. The required fields are; first name, last name, title, email and primary phone. Click the Save button.

2. On the Address tab, enter data for the required fields. Required fields are; street 1, city, state and postal code. Click the Save button.

Note: The User Info and Phone tabs are not valid (active) functions for a Agency Contact added by agency personnel.

TIPS for SUCCESS: If the new agency contact is to be a designated requestor and/or a signature authority appropriate documentation must be submitted to Acquisitions Management via the forms provided under the R&P online Documents menu item, to have a R&P user id and password generated for the agency contact.

Request Search Functions

Requests – General

The Search function for Requests – General requires you to first choose a category, on which to search and then choose the detail search criteria.

• From the left navigation bar select SEARCH and then select Requests – General. The following screen will be displayed.


• Choose the appropriate Search Criteria (category) from the drop-down list you wish to search by. The search criteria screen will change, allowing you to enter different detailed information. The different search criteria provided by the general search function is provided in the screen display shown on the next page.

Search Criteria


• Select the search criteria General. You may now enter or select detail data as to what type of requests the search will return. Selection details will always return Requests which are related to you Agency only. The search criteria detail which may be selected includes the following:

Procurement Type; check the appropriate option(s), hardware, software and/or services.

Fiscal Year; a valid fiscal year (e.g., 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009) selected from the drop-down list.

Vendor Tax ID; enter a valid vendor Tax ID.

Vendor OAKS ID; enter a valid vendor OAKS ID.

Vendor Name; enter a valid vendor name or the first few characters of the vendor name.

Requested Amount; from the drop-down list you may optionally select a dollar amount that is less than (=) and then enter a dollar amount (e.g., 99999.99).

Status; open, pending, received, in progress, in review, on hold, closed and/or cancelled. Note: You may select multiple status

codes to search by holding the CTRL key and clicking on status code options.

Disposition; from the drop-down list select a disposition option, recommend approve, recommend deny, final disposition approve, final disposition deny, return or in progress.

• Once you have selected appropriate detail data click the Search button. A search result screen (shown on the next page) will be displayed.

TIP for SUCCESS: You must select at least one Detail Search Criteria to execute a successful R&P search operation.

Search Results


• You may open a specific Request for viewing by clicking the Req Number link provided in the results grid shown.

Requests – Req # or RP #

The Search function for Requests – The Req # or RP # search function requires the entry of a internal R&P request # (a four digit number) or the approved R&P number (e.g., SDC DAS01 05 9999, CBR AGY01 05 9999).

Tip for Success: Remember the agency business unit is now provided in the R&P request number (e.g., DAS01, TAX01, AGY01, etc.)

• From the left navigation bar select SEARCH and then select Requests – Req#/RP#. The following screen will be displayed.


• To execute a Release and Permit Number search enter a valid R&P # (e.g., SDC COM01 05 9999) and click the Search button.

• To execute a Request Number search enter a valid Req # (e.g., 9999) and click the Search button.

Release & Permit Number Search Result


• To view the Request information, click the Req# link to open the request on the desktop.

Request Number Search Result


• To view the Request information, click the Req# link to open the request on the desktop.

My Profile Functions

Changing Your User Profile & Password

Once you have logged into the R&P Application, you may click the MY PROFILE menu item from the left navigation bar. Functionality is provided under My Profile for a user to update their R&P application information (e.g., work phone, email address, title).


• To modify your user password complete the following steps:

1. Click the User Info tab.

2. Type your new password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.

TIP for SUCCESS: Passwords must be a minimum of 6 characters long and are case sensitive.

3. Click Save. You will receive a message indicating that the information entered has been saved. Your password has now been updated.

TIP for SUCCESS: If you have forgotten you password, click the Forgot Password link located below the Login button on the R&P application login screen. An email with a new system generated password will be sent to you. Upon receipt it is recommended that you update your password via the My Profile – Changing Passwords instructions provided above to a password you are comfortable with.

Application Help & Documentation

Accessing On Line Help

• To access R&P Application “Help” click the HELP selection on the left navigation bar. An “On Line Help” screen will open on the workstation, which provides R&P application information regarding the functionality, operations and definition of terms.


Accessing On Line Documentation

• To access R&P Application “Documents” click the DOCUMENTS selection on the left navigation bar. A “Documents” screen will open on the workstation, which provides a list of R&P application; Forms, Frequently Asked Questions, Guides and Contact information.


R&P Application Contacts

OIT/IGD Contacts

If you have questions regarding the operations, functions or would like to recommend additions to this document or the application, please contact any of the Acquisitions Management staff noted below:

Name Title Phone # Email Address

Carolyn Chavanne Acquisitions Supervisor 614-466-1755 carolyn.chavanne@

Jackie Flemmings Acquisition Analyst 614-644-7972 jackie.flemmings @

Bruce Reichenbach Acquisitions Analyst 614-466-7910 bruce.reichenbach@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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