Browse the sample material that follows to learn more about this professional development session.

Reading Street © 2013

Product Implementation Essentials

Professional Development

Facilitator Handbook


Pearson School Achievement Services

Reading Street © 2013

Product Implementation Essentials

Facilitator Handbook

Published by Pearson School Achievement Services, a division of Pearson, Inc.

1900 E. Lake Ave., Glenview, IL 60025

© 2012 Pearson, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.

ISBN 117056


Materials Checklist 3

Facilitator Agenda 6

Preparation and Background 8

Introduction 12

Section 1: Addressing the Common Core State Standards 17

Section 2: Planning for Instruction 28

Section 3: Delivering Instruction 43

Section 4: Utilizing Additional Resources 63

Reflection and Closing 67

References 69

Materials Checklist

|Item |ISBN |

|Melvin |978-0-328-41149-8 |In the Forest |9780328274307 |

|Let's Count |978-0-328-41373-7 |Around the Forest |978-0-328-56655-6 |

|Cat and Dog Work |978-0-328-41449-9 |People Help the Forest |978-0-328-56656-3 |

|Fun for Us |978-0-328-56624-2 |All About Food Chains |978-0-328-56654-9 |

|I Help |978-0-328-27409-3 |IN THE LAKE (ELD) |9780328501427 |

|Grade 2 Unit 1 Week 2 |Grade 3 Unit 1 Week 4 |

|How Do We Explore Space |978-0-328-58055-2 |Our Food |978-0-328-58093-4 |

|All About Astronauts |978-0-328-56848-2 |Let's Surprise Mom |978-0-328-56940-3 |

|An Astronaut Space Walk |978-0-328-56849-9 |The Shopping Trip |978-0-328-56941-0 |

|Look At Our Galaxy |978-0-328-56850-5 |The Road to New York |978-0-328-56942-7 |

|The First Trip to the Moon(ELD) |978-0-328-50452-7 |Going to the Market(ELD) |978-0-328-50484-8 |

|The First Trip to the Moon (ELL) |978-0-328-50163-2 |Going to the Market (ELL) |978-0-328-50195-3 |

|Grade 4 Unit 3 Week 4 |Grade 5 Unit 1 Week 5 |

|Hurricane! |978-0-328-58133-7 |From Six Months to Six Days |978-0-328-58169-6 |

|Surviving Hurricane Andrew |978-0-328-57079-9 |The Golden Spike |978-0-328-57167-3 |

|Severe Weather Storms |978-0-328-57080-5 |A Railroad Over the Sierra |978-0-328-57168-0 |

|Wondrously Wild Weather |978-0-328-57081-2 |The Land of Opportunity |978-0-328-18265-7 |

|WATCH OUT FOR (ELD) |9780328502462 |Love, Enid (ELD) |978-0-328-50267-7 |

|WATCH OUT FOR (ELL) |9780328505241 |Love, Enid (ELL) |978-0-328-50545-6 |

|Grade 6 Unit 3 Week 2 | |

|African American Performers (Below) |0-328-18374-1 | |

|20th Century African American Singers (On-Level) |0-328-18375-X | |

|African Americans in Film (Adv) |0-328-18376-8 | |

|Dare To Dream (Concept Literacy) |0-328-58206-9 | |

|Louis Armstrong, Jazz Artist (ELL) |0-328-50582-X | |

|Louis Armstrong, Jazz Artist (ELD) |0-328-50304-5 | |

Facilitator Agenda

Product Implementation Essentials

|Section |Time |Agenda Items |

| Introduction and Welcome |30 minutes |Slides 1–4 |

| | |Outcomes |

| | |Agenda |

| | |Activity: Zoom in on… |

| | |Activity: Background Knowledge |

| | |Research-Base |

|1: Addressing the Common Core State Standards |60 minutes |Slides 5–6 |

| | |Section 1 Big Questions |

| | |Teaching the Common Core State Standards |

| | |Bridge to Common Core |

| | |Zoom in on Common Core |

| | |Activity: Writing Engagement |

| | |Research and Inquiry |

| | |Revisit Section 1 Big Questions |

|Break |15 minutes | |

|2: Planning for Instruction |60 minutes |Slides 7–13 |

| | |Section 2 Big Questions |

| | |Grade-Level Unit Structure |

| | |Weekly Structure |

| | |Weekly Differentiation |

| | |Activity: Concept Knowledge |

| | |Activity: Assessment |

| | |Revisit Section 2 Big Questions |

|3: Delivering Instruction |60 minutes |Slides 14–22 |

| | |Section 3 Big Questions |

| | |Assessment Checkpoints for the Week |

| | |Teaching Priority Skills |

| | |Routines for Teaching Priority Skills |

| | |Activity: Early Literacy Skills |

|Lunch |30 minutes | |

|Section |Time |Agenda Items |

|3: Delivering Instruction (cont.) |60 minutes | Activity: Close Reading |

| | |Read for Understanding Routine |

| | |Activity: Read for Understanding |

| | |Small Group Time Access for All |

| | |Optional Unit Review |

| | |Unit Writing Process |

| | |Activity: Teaching Writing |

| | |Revisit Section 3 Big Questions |

|4: Utilizing Additional Resources |60 minutes |Slides 23–27 |

| | |Section 4 Big Question |

| | |Student Edition Scavenger Hunt |

| | |Culminating Activity: Organizing for Instruction |

| | |eStreet Interactive Demonstration |

| | |Revisit Section 4 Big Question |

|Break |15 minutes | |

|Reflection and Closing |30 minutes |Slides 28–31 |

| | |Reflection |

| | |Review Session Outcomes |

| | |Closing |

|Total | 6 hours | |

Preparation and Background

Program Information

Please reference the Reading Street Teacher’s Edition for the grade level of your session. The unit front matter pages from iv–xxii will be very helpful. All of the Roman numeral front matter pages in the grade-level Teacher’s Editions and student editions have the same numbers for easy referencing.

The Reading Street Common Core 101 provides in-depth information about the practices in Reading Street that teach the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for each specific grade level. In Reading Street Common Core 101, refer to the Research into Practice section, which outlines the five day lesson plan, referencing the research that informs each lesson. This will help you discuss the research during the Introduction of this session, as well as Reading Street’s instructional path, which you will highlight for teachers as you guide them through the sections on planning and delivering instruction.

The First Stop on Reading Street resource is now online under Teacher Resources on Reading Street’s Pearson SuccessNet site. Refer to this guide for background information on the different strands of literacy instruction in Reading Street, as well as an explanation of how Reading Street differentiates instruction for a variety of learners including ELLs. Here you will also find a section on new literacies that teach the 21st century skills and how these skills are developed during Research and Inquiry lessons, as well as in an optional unit writing process project.

Content Information

This one-day workshop is for teachers who are new to or need assistance getting to know Reading Street. The workshop helps participants activate the resources and built-in teaching strategies that help students become proficient readers and writers. Participants become familiar with the program components for planning instruction, delivering instruction, and reflecting on instruction.

This workshop incorporates the important instructional aspects of the CCSS that are developed in Reading Street. These are content knowledge, text-based comprehension, and writing. This workshop focuses on helping participants understand each of these ideas and how instruction builds and scaffolds so students meet the demands of the grade-level CCSS. Check with the customer about the teachers’ level of experience with the CCSS. Recommend that participants view the Reading Street 2013 tutorials on prior to the workshop.

The sections of the workshop are paced so that you will start out with a big picture view of Reading Street instruction and drill down deeper into the individual lesson plans and components in order to illustrate the instructional path teachers take to implement the program with fidelity. Options for customizing the lesson plans to fit participants’ literacy block schedules will be shared. By the end of the session, participants will be organized for instruction and prepared to deliver core parts of the program.

Workshop Preparation

In order to prepare for your grade-level workshop, refer to the following list.

• When presenting to the various grade levels, use the following grade-level Teacher’s Editions:

▪ Grade K Unit 1 Week 2

▪ Grade 1 Unit 2 Week 5

▪ Grade 2 Unit 1 Week 2

▪ Grade 3 Unit 1 Week 4

▪ Grade 4 Unit 3 Week 4

▪ Grade 5 Unit 1 Week 5

▪ Grade 6 Unit 3 Week 2

• Create your personalized “Zoom in on” (your name) nameplate.

• Prepare the four carousel brainstorming charts, each titled Foundation Skills, Content Knowledge, Text-Based Comprehension, and Writing.

• Prepare five index cards by writing the name of one Priority Skill on each card: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.

• Split apart the sticky note packs so that you have enough to share with every two participants in the group.

• Find out if you will have Internet access in the room where you will be presenting the workshop. If you will have Internet access, use the Reading Street 2013 demo account so that you can log in to eStreet Interactive on to demonstrate the digital assets and tools for teachers. Username: RSReview2013, Password: demoaccount2013. Refer to Implementing eStreet Interactive on page xx–xxi in all grade level Teacher’s Editions for digital assets to demonstrate for teachers. Also refer to the Navigating the Digital Path tutorial and guide for Reading Street 2011 on for more information about how to demonstrate the use of the digital assets. To learn how to create a demo account, watch the tutorials for Pearson SuccessNet on .

• Throughout this workshop there are activities where participants will be working in small groups. Consider creating small groups during the first section of the workshop and have participants work in these same groups through the entire workshop. That will provide consistency, and participants will have a chance to build collegiality. Participants can share their Zoom in on… nameplates in their small groups rather than the whole group to save time and also begin to build a relationship with the members of their small group.

• When presenting Section 1: Addressing the Common Core State Standards, locate a page in your grade-level Teacher’s Edition where you can refer participants to a Bridge to Common Core call-out in the margin of the page. Tab or note this page so that when you get to this point in the workshop you will be able to quickly guide participants to the location.

• Section 3: Delivering Instruction is planned for two hours or 120 minutes during the middle of the workshop. Consider breaking this section in half divided by lunch in the middle of the day. Review the Agenda in this Facilitator Handbook for timing of each section.

• Participants should bring their grade-level copy of Common Core 101 to the workshop. They will need it to read the section on Close Reading. If they do not bring Common Core 101, have the PDFs of the Close Reading pages copied and hand out to participants to read during Section 3 of the workshop. The PDFs are in the Additional Resources folder on internal MPT.

Workshop Information


• The gradual release of responsibility provides a structure for scaffolding instruction in order to prepare students to complete rigorous tasks.

• Experiences with literature and informational text, vocabulary, and writing are connected to develop content knowledge.

• To build students’ capacity to read complex texts, teachers must provide opportunities to develop understanding and build higher-order thinking skills.

• Varied writing tasks help students write to inform, explain, or express supported opinions.

Essential Questions

• How can teachers organize instruction so that skill lessons provide students with opportunities for practice and application?

• How does transfer of learning help students build long-term knowledge?

• How does close reading help students develop skills for reading increasingly complex text?

• In addition to a process writing workshop, what is the benefit of using mentor texts and mini-lessons on writing traits and craft?

Assessment Evidence

Participants will demonstrate their understanding in the following activities:

• Participants will develop background knowledge on the important ideas for ELA instruction in the CCSS in Section 1: Chart paper labeled with the areas of focus for the CCSS in Reading Street (Foundational Skills, Content Knowledge, Text-Based Comprehension, Writing) will be hung around the room. In the carousel brainstorming format, groups of participants will have thirty seconds at each poster to list what they know about that topic. This will continue until each group has visited each chart. The facilitator will review the content on each chart with the whole group and highlight findings that are embedded in Reading Street.

• Participants will apply understanding of concept knowledge in Section 2: Participants will use a template in the Participant Workbook to develop a concept map or concept board that can be created in their classrooms. As partners, they will design a map or board that includes the key elements of Reading Street that develop content knowledge.

• Participants will demonstrate understanding of the sequence of early literacy skill instruction in Section 3: Participants will create a diagram that identifies the pattern of the phonemic awareness and phonics lesson plan. On the graphic organizer in the Participant Workbook, participants use labels and icons to outline the steps of the routine for blending and segmenting.

• Participants will demonstrate their ability to teach the Reading for Understanding routine in Section 3: Using the Text-Based Comprehension lesson in their Teacher’s Edition, participants will practice teaching the Read for Understanding routine to a small group of 3–4 other participants. The teacher will use the Access Text and Close Reading questions that make up the steps of the routine to teach a portion of the main selection.

• Participants will share their understanding of the weekly writing routine in Section 3: The facilitator will lead participants in a jigsaw activity of the weekly writing routine. Participants will divide up into small groups and each participant will be assigned a day of the week. Participants will read the daily lesson they were assigned and then the entire week's writing lesson. They will share the characteristics of the lesson plan for the day they were assigned with the rest of the group. As a group, participants will answer reflection questions to identify the purpose of each daily lesson within the context of the 5-Day Planner.

• Participants will demonstrate an understanding of the practices for teaching writing in Section 4: In this estimation line-up activity, participants will form a line illustrating a continuum of how often students in their classrooms write, with teachers standing at one end if their students write once a day to ten times a day at the opposite end. Then, they will line up according to how long students write for with each task, with teachers at one end of the line who have students write for two minutes to one hour at the other end of the line. Participants will have a discussion in small groups about the benefits of having students write for a range of time and tasks. After a short discussion, they will respond independently to reflection questions in their Participant Workbook that ask them to think about the potential change in practice using the Reading Street writing instruction where students will be writing often, for varied tasks and amounts of time.

• Participants will demonstrate an understanding of the organizational structure of Reading Street in Section 6: Participants will create a graphic organizer for a week of instruction with the unit Big Question, weekly question, knowledge goals, Amazing Words, and text set represented on it. They will identify the important ideas from the CCSS that are “zoomed in on” during Reading Street instruction. This will serve as a model for planning instruction that identifies what students should know and be able to do as proficient readers and writers.


Participants will be able to

• describe the classroom components and resources in Reading Street;

• summarize the philosophy, pedagogy, and basic organization of Reading Street; and

• examine resources and strategies for differentiating instruction.

Engagement Strategies and Activities

To help participants achieve an engaging day of learning, it is important that you make the workshop interactive and that you provide the opportunity for a deep understanding of concepts. Throughout the workshop, several activities aim to make the learning interactive. If you feel that a particular activity will not work for the group or for your presentation style, or you would like to add an activity, please refer to Professional Development Activities and Engagement Strategies available on the Web site internal.. Once you log in, go to the For Trainers section, and then go to the Professional Development section. At the top of that page, you will see a link to the PD Activities Guide. You can also access the file by going to .

In the guide, you will find information on the following:

• Ice-Breakers

• Activating Prior Knowledge

• Forming Small Groups or Partners

• Discussion Formats and Activities

• Instructional Scenarios/Case Studies

• Reacting to Text or Video

• Formative Assessment

• Culminating Activities


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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