
Commission for Shadow KenshenFemale weight gain, stuffing.Sasha, a black and white wolf, was sitting in the living room of her apartment, staring up at the ceiling and lazily blinking her icy blue eyes. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her she hadn’t eaten in awhile. With a sigh, she got up and padded into the kitchen, rubbing her slim stomach over her form fitting tank top. The wolf rummaged through the fridge and pantry, huffing at the sparse ingredients. She felt hungry enough to eat a house, but her kitchen was empty.?After fifteen minutes of searching, Sasha grabbed her car keys and drove to the nearest buffet, a fairly new establishment she had not yet been to before.?As she walked inside, she marveled at the gigantic, wide entrance door that seemed like it could fit fifteen Sashas through it at once.?At the doors, a short, merle pitbull with pink hair and piercings greeted her with a smile. “Hello and welcome to Lynn’s Buffet! Please, have a seat wherever you like.”“Thank you.” Sasha walked past the front desk and sat down in a booth that was closest to the buffet food. She sat down to wait for a waitress, glancing around at the other patrons stuffing themselves with rich food all around her.?“Hello. What would you like to drink, miss?”Sasha tore her gaze away from the gluttonous patrons and looked up at the waitress, a brindle pitbull in a blue apron. “Could I have some root beer, please?”“Sure honey, that’ll be right out.”As soon as she left, Sasha got out of her chair and hurried up to the buffet. There were rows and rows of tables with deep bowls filled to the brim with fresh, hot food. In a corner behind the buffet, there was a wall covered in blue velvet curtains with two silver pig statues standing guard on either side.Sasha grabbed a plate and filled it with all the food it could hold: stacks of fried chicken, heaps of hearty macaroni and cheese, a mountain of boiled potatoes, and some dinner rolls to start.When she got back to her seat, there was an entire pitcher of root beer on the table waiting for her. Sasha gave the pitcher an inquiring look as she sat down with her plate loaded with comfort food. “A whole pitcher, just for me?” She looked up and caught sight of her waitress, who winked and gestured to the soda.“Let me know if you need a refill!” She called.“Alright, thanks!” Sasha replied.?I don’t think I will, but who knows…?Far too hungry to ask questions, she grabbed a chicken leg and bit into it, tearing crunchy skin and tender meat from the bone. It was delicious and addictive, unlike any food she had ever tasted before. Every bite was somehow better than the last and the pile of chicken was gone in minutes.?As the last bite went down her throat, she reached for a fork to dig into the potatoes before she realized there was no sign of silverware on the table. She considered asking the waitress for a fork, but when she looked around the restaurant, she noticed no one was using silverware of any sort. At a booth nearby, a rather pudgy fox was shoveling pasta into his mouth with his paw, getting sauce all over his fur in the process. At another table, an even fatter donkey was scarfing down a huge container of soup with her muzzle in the bowl.I guess they want us to be more feral here.?With a shrug, Sasha picked up a few pieces of potato in her paw and popped them into her mouth one by one.?Hey, this is actually kind of fun…?She thought, picking up a larger handful of potatoes and stuffing them all into her mouth at once. The potatoes and macaroni and cheese disappeared faster than the chicken, and she quickly went on to shovel dinner rolls into her mouth two at a time.?When the bread was gone, Sasha found her throat to be very dry and was suddenly glad to have a pitcher of soda all to herself. She seized the silver pitcher and brought it to her lips, pouring root beer straight into her maw from the spout. It felt so good to have the seemingly endless soda funneling down her throat and sloshing into her belly that she finished half the pitcher in one go. The food and soda was delicious and put a bit of weight in her stomach, but she was not yet satisfied.?Sasha got up and filled another plate, this time with ribs, pasta, and the stacked slices of an entire pepperoni pizza piled on top of each other. When she got back to her table, she found her pitcher had already been refilled with more soda.?Geez, they really want you to eat and drink a lot here don’t they? I like this place!Sasha sat down and began stuffing herself again, eating pizza and pasta right off the plate and taking big gulps of root beer between bites.?By the time her plate was empty again, the waistband of her shorts was feeling rather tight. She leaned back in her seat and groaned as she rubbed her belly with both paws. The wolf's usually trim tummy had plumped out and she could see some of her white fur peeking out from underneath her tight tank top.?It feels so great to eat this much good food at last! I wonder how much I can stretch this belly out before I leave…Sasha gave her tummy an affectionate pat before she got up and returned to the buffet tables.?After four plates of greasy and filling food, she grabbed two plates piled high with brownies, ice cream, cookies, and cream puffs and sat down to eat it all. Her already stuffed stomach grew more and more, pushing her shirt up past her belly button and exposing more of her fluffy fur.?When the plates were empty and the pitcher of root beer drained, Sasha leaned back in the booth and stroked her swollen stomach. She felt so full, fuller than she had ever been before - and the feeling was ecstatic. The wolf stood up with much difficulty and waddled to the front desk to pay for her meal before she left.?“Come again!” Lynn the pitbull called as the wolf left the buffet.“Thanks, I will!”-And she did. Sasha came back a few days later and was treated just as lavishly as before. She left with even more food inside her larger belly and felt even more satisfied. She continued to return at least once or twice a week for a while.?By the sixth week she visited, she noticed that some of the pudge she had gained after eating so much and getting herself stuffed was starting to stick. Her belly and thighs and even her breasts were starting to look softer and fuller.?After a few months of such rich food and stuffing herself to the brim and then some, she soon grew out of her tank tops and shorts and had to buy larger sizes. When even the new clothes began to grow tight, the wolf got onto her scale and groaned pleasantly when she read the number.“One hundred sixty... I’ve already gained forty pounds!” Sasha growled in delight as she tenderly caressed her plumpening breasts and the new rolls of fat on her belly. She walked over to the mirror and turned around, examining her growing body from all angles while exploring every inch of new pudge with her fingers. “Feels so good to be big...but I don't think I’m big enough yet.”-On one visit to Lynn’s Buffet, Sasha sat down in her usual booth and immediately noticed the edge of the table was digging into her pillowy belly and her thighs had grown so large they took up most of the seat.?After another fulfilling meal complete with plenty of dessert and pitchers of soda, the wolf leaned back against her chair to catch her breath while rubbing her belly deeply.?Just then, the owner of the buffet walked up to the wolf and leaned over with her paw on the back of the booth. “Did you get your belly full, honey?” Lynn asked as she patted Sasha’s belly over her increasingly tight shirt.“Oh yes, everything was delicious as always.” Sasha paused to let out a burp and wiped her mouth with the back of her paw. “The food is so rich it’s made me put on a couple pounds!”“Looks likes more than just a couple!” Lynn chuckled softly. “What’s your name, sweetie?”“Sasha.” The wolf replied.?“Well, I’ve noticed you’ve been coming here a lot, Sasha. Which is why I wanted to offer you this.” The pitbull pulled something out of the pocket in her apron and handed it over to the wolf.?It was a silver card with a simple image of a round pig on the front. Sasha turned it over and read the words “Lynn’s Buffet Silver Member Card” and the buffets address and phone number on the back. “What’s this for?” She asked.“Whenever you come back, show one of my waitresses the card and you’ll receive some...special treatment.” Lynn winked.“Hmm...for how much?”?“It’s free of charge. Your enjoyment here at my establishment is payment enough for all of us!”Sasha was pleasantly surprised. “Wow, thank you!” She smiled and slipped the card into her pocket, though she had to push up on a roll of fat to reach it.-When Sasha came back a few days later, she showed the card to the brindle waitress who always refilled her soda and was escorted behind the blue velvet curtains near the buffet tables.?Behind the curtains, there was an extra room decorated with blue and silver tapestries and ornaments.?“Wow!” The wolf gazed around at the room, with it’s comfy benches lining the walls and huge, soft pillows arranged on midnight blue rugs. To the left was a wooden door marked ‘Kitchen,’ and to the right was a gigantic, ornate door decorated with golden pigs and labeled “Gold Cards Only.’“Please, have a seat. You’re the only Silver Member here at the moment, so enjoy yourself!” The brindle pitbull bowed as Sasha took a seat on a bench that creaked beneath her weight.?“My name’s Becca, by the way.” She added.?“Thank you, Becca!” Sasha looked around and was debating whether to ask what the Silver Member Card room was all about, when the door to the left opened and a group of pitbull waitresses emerged, each carrying a tray or pushing a silver cart in front of her.?Sasha’s eyes went wide and she licked her lips when she caught a whiff of the deliciously irresistible smells wafting from the many plates of gourmet food on the carts and trays.?Becca pulled a large table in front of Sasha and stepped back to let the other pitbulls arrange a plethora of plates and bowls on the table.?Sasha rubbed her belly eagerly as it let out a growl. “Is this...is this all for me?!” She cried, astonished.?“Of course! Just let us know what you like and don’t like, and we’ll customize your meals every time you visit!” Becca replied.?The last pitbull placed a pitcher of soda on the table with a smile. “I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that we don’t use silverware here, so don’t worry if you make a mess!”“In fact, we encourage it!”“Well, if you insist!” Sasha looked down at the food, unable to contain herself any longer. She grabbed a steak in one paw and a sandwich in the other, taking alternate bites of each. When the pile of sandwiches and steaks were gone, she moved on to devour several bowls of different soups, a tray of cheese and crackers, and a plate of potato salad. Each time a plate or pitcher went empty, one of the waitresses darted into the kitchen and returned with a full plate or glass.?Sasha ate and ate, rubbing her paws over her belly as it grew and filled with food. Her clothes were soon even more tight against her body than ever before. After the wolf finished what must have been a large five-course meal, the plates were cleared away and replaced by trays of sweets and treats.?For dessert, there was pie of all flavors, cream puffs, deluxe ice cream sundaes, donuts, and boxes of candy.?Sasha grabbed a pie in her paws and shoved her muzzle into the pastry, eating loudly and messily. One pie disappeared and then another and another until there was a pile of empty tins in front of her. She moaned and squeezed her belly as she filled herself with sweets.?“Ohh I'm so full but everything’s so good…I need more!” Sasha grabbed a bowl of cream puffs and dumped them all into her mouth, chewing the puffs even as she brought a bowl of chocolate ice cream to her lips.?As she gulped down the partially melted ice cream, she could feel her belly expand and push into the waistband of her shorts. All of a sudden, she felt a sudden relief of pressure as the button on her pants burst off and clattered to the floor. The zipper shot down as her heavily bloated belly sagged out into her lap.?But did that stop her? Of course not. The wolf grabbed another bowl and lapped up the frozen treat, and soon heard a tearing sound as her tight shirt split at the seams.?After piles of donuts and a few pieces of candy for good measure, Sasha’s fat stomach and thighs were spilling out of her ripped and torn clothes. She sat back against the wall, panting and licking chocolate and cream from her lips.?“Did you enjoy your first Silver Card meal, Sasha?” Becca asked with a smile.?“I sure...did...whew.” Sasha grinned and patted her stomach. “I've never...eaten so much before in my life!”“We’re pleased to hear that.” A pitbull standing near the edge of the table bowed before she collected a stack of empty plates and tins. “Please feel free to rest and digest a while in our special room until you are ready to go home.”“Not that you have to leave of course!” Becca chuckled softly. “Next time, please stay for dinner.”“You don't have to ask me twice!” Sasha giggled.After succumbing to a food coma and lapsing into a short nap, Sasha hefted herself from the table and waddled home with her incredibly stuffed and satisfied belly hanging out beneath her ripped shirt.?-Sasha doubled then effectively tripled her weight after just a few months of special Silver Card treatment. By the time the holidays arrived, the wolf weighed a whopping 600 pounds and was struggling to find big enough clothes to last before she grew out of them again.?“Ohh,” Sasha moaned as she sat in front of a mirror, squeezing her fat belly and plump breasts. She caressed her thick thighs before her paws wandered back onto her large and voluptuous belly. Even her face and buttocks had grown larger over the past months.?She purred in bliss as she admired her growing body in the wall-sized mirror. She needed such a huge mirror in order to gaze at her entire form.?Just then, Sasha’s stomach let out a huge grumble.?“I must be hungry already! I'll go get something at Lynn’s.” She got up and sidled through her bathroom door, feeling the door frame squeezing her enormous sides on her way out.?As she walked into the buffet, she felt suddenly very grateful that Lynn had installed such wide doors in the entrance. She remembered a time when she had been so skinny she was dwarfed by the huge doors.?When she walked to the front desk and showed her card, Lynn followed her into the Silver Card room.?“Sasha! I'm pleased to see you're looking well fed and very content.” Lynn was beaming with pride. “Tell me, can you still fit through your doors at home?”“Oh, just barely! I'm looking for a new place to stay that's better suited for my size. My apartment is just too small for me - I even had to order a king-sized bed!” Sasha exclaimed.?“Well then, look no further than our Gold Member Card!” Lynn pulled out a card that was shaped like a curly-tailed pig that shone gold in the soft light. “Let me show you what you will receive.”Lynn took Sasha’s paw and led her through the door painted with gold pigs. The room beyond was much, much larger and covered in soft, mattress-sized pillows. It also featured a television, bookshelves, and other household comforts, complete with an impossibly large four poster bed. There were even windows and a large sliding glass door leading out into a garden filled with beautiful flowers, stone statues, and even a pond with koi fish surrounded by benches and oversized lawn chairs.?Sasha gasped. “Wow! This place looks like an expensive hotel…”?Lynn smiled. “If you're willing to pay rent equal to that of your current apartment, you'll be able to live here for as long as you like and experience Gold Card treatment whenever you desire!”Sasha’s tail wagged. “When can I move in?!”-Gold Card treatment was similar to the Silver Card, only the wolf was fed breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with all the snacks she could possible handle in between. And when she was thirsty, Becca or one of the other waitresses fed her milkshakes and soda through a funnel.?The more she ate, the larger she grew and the more gluttonous she became. When she was too big to fit in her car and travel to work, she was employed at Lynn’s to clean plates and eat leftovers in the buffet after hours.?She found she was never bored either, as she had made friends with many of the pitbull waitresses including the owner Lynn, and when they were all busy, Sasha ventured outside and relaxed in the garden, always with a snack or two in her paw.?The waitresses all seemed ready to worship her like a goddess, as if it was their life’s purpose to feed her and take care of her.?One day, Sasha was sitting in bed after another lavish dinner and dessert, with the tattered remains of yet another shirt and shorts hanging from her plump body which now seemed to be getting too big even for this giant bed. When the plates were cleared away from the table in front of her bed, Lynn walked up to the wolf and gently rubbed her fluffy white stomach. The pitbull’s paw was dwarfed by Sasha’s huge gut and was almost lost in the soft rolls of fat there that were ever growing.“Keep up the good work, Sasha!” Lynn chuckled softly. “At this rate you'll grow out of this room and be ready for our Platinum Membership in no time!” ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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