III - WAT Web Alignment Tool

Training Materials

The central goal of this training manual is to enable state staff members to conduct the Beta Test of Automated Alignment Tool. With that goal in mind, the following materials are intended to assist in the training of reviewers.

Training materials included:

I. Training Agenda Template

II. Specifications for CD tool set-up and installment

III. Alignment Criteria

IV. Training Evaluation Survey Template

V. Listing of contact information for assistance

Agenda Template

Automated Alignment Beta Test

Training Agenda


1:00-1:15pm Goals/Purpose of Training Introductions

1:15-1:45pm Overview of Alignment Process and WAT

1:45-2:45pm Training on DOK levels

2:45-3:00pm Break

3:00-4:00pm Training on Group Consensus and Coding Items

4:00-4:30 Introduction to Reports



8:30-10:30am Beta Test

10:30-10:45am Break

10:45-12:00pm Beta Test

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

1:00-2:30pm Continue Beta Test

2:30-2:45pm Break

2:45-4:00pm Finish Beta Test

4:00-4:30pm Wrap-up and Evaluation Survey


II. CD Alignment Tool Setup

General requirements to run and use the CD Alignment Tool:

▪ Intel Pentium Computer (800 mhz or higher)

▪ Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows 2000

▪ A local area network (multiple computers connected together. For example, a computer lab.)

The CD alignment tool is composed two main components:

1.       A database that contains individual reviewers data

2.       A small web server that serves up web pages that allows reviewers to interact with the system.

The database is powered by a product called Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE). The web server is a custom program built on the Microsoft .Net Framework. Both of these items are on the CD to be installed. The .Net Framework is only necessary if it isn't currently on the computer. Newer versions of Microsoft Windows may already have the .Net Framework installed. If you are unsure run the setup program off the CD and it will tell you if it is already installed.

Installation Procedure

1. The first step is to install MSDE. Click on Setup MSDE to start the setup program. If the web browser asks to save or open the file click on 'Open'. If you are having difficulty getting the installer started you can access the setup program directly off the CD. Just go to 'My Computer' and open the CD-ROM. To view the contents of the CD right click on the CD-ROM and select 'open'. Open up the 'MSDE' folder and double click the 'Setup' program. The setup program won't ask for any user input. When it is completed continue to the next step.

2. Click on Install .Net Framework to start the setup program. If the web browser asks to save or open the file click on 'Open'. If you are having difficulty getting the installer started you can access the setup program directly off the CD. Just go to 'My Computer' and open the CD-ROM. To view the contents of the CD right click on the CD-ROM and select 'open'. Double click the 'dotnetfx' program. When it is completed continue to the next step.

3. After MSDE has been installed the computer must be restarted.Click on Restart Computer to restart the computer. If the web browser asks to save or open the file click on 'Open'. If you are having difficulty getting the computer restarted you can do it manually from the start menu.

4. Once the computer has restarted, the next step is to build the database. This step loads in the database structure and some sample data. Click on Build Database to start the database build script. A command-line window will come up as the database is being built. (A command-line window will most likely look black and have lots of text scrolling down on it.) The command-line window takes about a minute to run. Just let it go, it will close by itself. If you close the window before it is completed the database might not be setup properly. If you think you might have closed the window prematurely just rerun the Build Database program. If the web browser asks to save or open the file click on 'Open'. If you are having difficulty getting the installer started you can access the setup program directly off the CD. Just go to 'My Computer' and open the CD-ROM. To view the contents of the CD right click on the CD-ROM and select 'open'. Double click the 'builddatabase.bat' program. When it is completed continue to the next step.

5. Finally, install the CDAT program. This is the web server and the web pages that the reviewer will use.Click on Install CDAT install the CDAT. If the web browser asks to save or open the file click on 'Open'. If you are having difficulty getting the installer started you can access the setup program directly off the CD. Just go to 'My Computer' and open the CD-ROM. To view the contents of the CD right click on the CD-ROM and select 'open'. Open up the 'CDATSetup' folder, then 'Release' folder, and double click the 'Setup' program.

You are now done with the installation process. You can start the CDAT by opening the 'Start Menu' and going to 'Programs\WCER' and running the program called 'CD Alignment Tool'. Once the tool is loaded click the 'Start' button and open a web browser with the web link supplied by the program.

Setup MSDE

Install .Net Framework 

Restart Computer

Build Database

Install CDAT

III. Assessment Coding Sheet: Example

Coding Form State__ _ Reviewer___________________ Date:____

Content Area:_________________Grade___________ Test Form___________________

|Item Number |Item DOK |Primary Obj |Secondary Obj |Secondary Obj |Source of |Notes |

| | | | | |Challenge | |

|1 | | | | | | |

|2 | | | | | | |

|3 | | | | | | |

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|14 | | | | | | |

|15 | | | | | | |

|16 | | | | | | |

|17 | | | | | | |

|18 | | | | | | |

|19 | | | | | | |

|20 | | | | | | |

Evaluation Template

Beta Test Evaluation Survey

1. What did you find most helpful about the training?

2. What would you like to know more about?

3. How comfortable did you feel taking the test?

1 2 3 4

Not Somewhat Comfortable Very

Comfortable Comfortable Comfortable

4. Overall rating of the training process?

1 2 3 4

Poor Fair Good Very Good


Beta Test Training Assistance

WCER Contact Information

Norman L. Webb, Project Leader



Brian Vesperman, Computer Programmer



Maria S. Cormier, Project Assistant




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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