Secondary prevention of acute coronary syndrome with antiplatelet agents (SPACE-AA): One -year effectiveness and safety study in the French nationwide claims database, SNDS.Patrick Blin et alMaterial for Online data supplement 2Appendix I: list of ICD-10 codes for Acute coronary syndromeAppendix II: list of ICD-10 codes for ischemic or undefined strokeAppendix III: list of ICD-10 codes for major bleedingAppendix IV: list of variables used for the high-dimensional propensity score matchingAppendix I: list of ICD-10 codes for Acute coronary syndromeICD-10 codeICD-10 labelI20.0Unstable anginaI21Acute myocardial infarctionI21.0Acute transmural myocardial infarction of anterior wallI21.1Acute transmural myocardial infarction of inferior wallI21.2Acute transmural myocardial infarction of other sitesI21.3Acute transmural myocardial infarction of unspecified siteI21.4Acute subendocardial myocardial infarctionI21.9Acute myocardial infarction, unspecifiedAppendix II: list of ICD-10 codes for ischemic or undefined strokeICD-10 codeICD-10 labelI63Cerebral infarctionI63.0Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of precerebral arteriesI63.1Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteriesI63.2Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of precerebral arteriesI63.3Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteriesI63.4Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteriesI63.5Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of cerebral arteriesI63.6Cerebral infarction due to cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenicI63.8Other cerebral infarctionI63.9Cerebral infarction, unspecifiedI64Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarctionAppendix III: list of ICD-10 codes for major bleedingICD-10 codeICD-10 labelD62Acute posthaemorrhagic anemiaD68.3Haemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulantsD69.8Other specified haemorrhagic conditionsD69.9Haemorrhagic condition, unspecifiedH11.3Conjunctival haemorrhageH31.3Choroidal haemorrhage and ruptureH35.6Retinal haemorrhageH43.1Vitreous haemorrhageH45.0Vitreous haemorrhage in diseases classified elsewhereH92.2OtorrhagiaI23.0Haemopericardium as current complication following acute myocardial infarctionI31.2Haemopericardium, not elsewhere classifiedI60.0Subarachnoid haemorrhage from carotid siphon and bifurcationI60.1Subarachnoid haemorrhage from middle cerebral arteryI60.2Subarachnoid haemorrhage from anterior communicating arteryI60.3Subarachnoid haemorrhage from posterior communicating arteryI60.4Subarachnoid haemorrhage from basilar arteryI60.5Subarachnoid haemorrhage from vertebral arteryI60.6Subarachnoid haemorrhage from other intracranial arteriesI60.7Subarachnoid haemorrhage from intracranial artery, unspecifiedI60.8Other subarachnoid haemorrhageI60.9Subarachnoid haemorrhage, unspecifiedI61.0Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, subcorticalI61.1Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, corticalI61.2Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecifiedI61.3Intracerebral haemorrhage in brain stemI61.4Intracerebral haemorrhage in cerebellumI61.5Intracerebral haemorrhage, intraventricularI61.6Intracerebral haemorrhage, multiple localizedI61.8Other intracerebral haemorrhageI61.9Intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecifiedI62.0Subdural haemorrhage (acute)(nontraumatic)I62.1Nontraumatic extradural haemorrhageI62.9Intracranial haemorrhage (nontraumatic), unspecifiedI85.0Oesophageal varices with bleedingI98.3Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases classified elsewhereJ94.2HaemothoraxK22.6Gastro-oesophageal laceration-haemorrhage syndromeK25.0Gastric ulcer: Acute with haemorrhageK25.2Gastric ulcer: Acute with both haemorrhage and perforationK25.4Gastric ulcer: Chronic or unspecified with haemorrhageK25.6Gastric ulcer: Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforationK26.0Duodenal ulcer: Acute with haemorrhageK26.2Duodenal ulcer: Acute with both haemorrhage and perforationK26.4Duodenal ulcer: Chronic or unspecified with haemorrhageK26.6Duodenal ulcer: Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforationK27.0Peptic ulcer, site unspecified: Acute with haemorrhageK27.2Peptic ulcer, site unspecified: Acute with both haemorrhage and perforationK27.4Peptic ulcer, site unspecified: Chronic or unspecified with haemorrhageK27.6Peptic ulcer, site unspecified: Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforationK28.0Gastrojejunal ulcer: Acute with haemorrhageK28.2Gastrojejunal ulcer: Acute with both haemorrhage and perforationK28.4Gastrojejunal ulcer: Chronic or unspecified with haemorrhageK28.6Gastrojejunal ulcer: Chronic or unspecified with both haemorrhage and perforationK29.0Acute haemorrhagic gastritisK62.5Haemorrhage of anus and rectumK66.1HaemoperitoneumK76.2Central haemorrhagic necrosis of liverK92.0HaematemesisK92.1MelaenaK92.2Gastrointestinal haemorrhage, unspecifiedM25.0HaemarthrosisN02.0Recurrent and persistent haematuria: Minor glomerular abnormalityN02.1Recurrent and persistent haematuria: Focal and segmental glomerular lesionsN02.2Recurrent and persistent haematuria: Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritisN02.3Recurrent and persistent haematuria: Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritisN02.4Recurrent and persistent haematuria: Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritisN02.5Recurrent and persistent haematuria: Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritisN02.6Recurrent and persistent haematuria: Dense deposit diseaseN02.7Recurrent and persistent haematuria: Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritisN02.8Recurrent and persistent haematuria: OtherN02.9Recurrent and persistent haematuria: UnspecifiedN42.1Congestion and haemorrhage of prostateN92.0Excessive and frequent menstruation with regular cycleN92.1Excessive and frequent menstruation with irregular cycleN92.3Ovulation bleedingN92.4Excessive bleeding in the premenopausal periodN93.0Postcoital and contact bleedingN93.8Other specified abnormal uterine and vaginal bleedingN93.9Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding, unspecifiedN95.0Postmenopausal bleedingR04.0EpistaxisR04.1Haemorrhage from throatR04.2HaemoptysisR04.8Haemorrhage from other sites in respiratory passagesR04.9Haemorrhage from respiratory passages, unspecifiedR31Unspecified haematuriaR58Haemorrhage, not elsewhere classifiedS06.4Epidural haemorrhageS06.5Traumatic subdural haemorrhageS06.6Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhageS26.0Injury of heart with haemopericardiumS27.1Traumatic haemothoraxT79.2Traumatic secondary and recurrent haemorrhageAppendix IV: list of variables used for the high-dimensional propensity score matchingCovariates present at index date: age, gender, CMU-c (social deprivation indicator) Index PCI, Index CABG, duration (in days) of the index hospitalization, Number of days in an intensive care unit during index hospitalization,Category of hospital of the index hospitalization, At least one dispensation of ASA before index date, Incident ACS/na?ve APA, Charlson comorbidity index (in categories)??and empirical variables created from 5 dimensions, in previous history:1) Chronic diseases (ICD-10 code 3 digits) present before index date, 2) Hospitalization diagnoses (ICD-10 code 3 digits) in the year before index date, 3) Cardiovascular drugs dispensings (ATC code 7 digits) in the year before index date, 4) non-cardiovascular drugs dispensings (ATC code 7 digits) in the year before index date 5) medical or paramedical visits or lab tests (NABM code) in the year before index date ................

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