EmergiPress CE Test – April 2019Paramedics respond to 1-year-old male in cardiac arrest. What is the correct CPR compression to ventilation ratio with two-rescuer CPR?5:210:215:230:2What is the most common underlying cause for non-traumatic cardiac arrest in children?Congenital Heart DiseaseHyperkalemiaHypothermiaHypoxiaA 54-year-old male is assessed for acute altered mental status and focal neurological deficits? His vital signs are BP 221/115, HR 54, RR 10, SpO2 95%. An ECG demonstrates diffuse inverted deep t-waves. What is the most likely cause for this patient’s ECG findings?Intracranial hemorrhageHypothermiaMyocardial ischemiaMyocardial infarctionWhat is the correct concentration for epinephrine when it is being administered as a “push-dose” vasopressor?0.01mg/mL0.1mg/mL0.5mg/mL1mg/mLA 72-year-old male calls 9-1-1 for weakness? When paramedics arrive, his blood pressure is 74/46. He is pale with capillary refill > 2 seconds and altered mental status. A normal saline bolus is initiated. What would be an indication for push-dose epinephrine in this patient.Altered mental status on initial assessmentImproved mental status after normal salinePersistent hypotensionRales develop with persistent poor perfusion ................

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