Quiz #7

pH and Alkalinity Practice Quiz April 2017

#1 pH is measured on a scale of

a. 4 – 20

b. 0 – 14

c. 1 – 14

d. 0 – 100

#2 A pH reading of 5.0 is how many times more acidic than a pH of 7.0?

a. 2 times

b. 5 times

c. 10 times

d. 100 times

#3 Alkalinity is:

a. the ability of a liquid to neutralize acid

b. the amount of alkaline substances in the liquid

c. The amount of acidic substances in the liquid

d. The amount of sulfuric acid needed to raise the pH

#4 Fresh, domestic wastewater has an alkalinity of what?

a. Less than 50 mg/L CaCO3

b. 100 mg/L CaCO3

c. 10,000 mg/L CaCO3

d. The characteristics of the drinking water supply influence wastewater alkalinity

#5 A reduction of alkalinity through the secondary treatment process likely indicates

a. Anaerobic conditions

b. Anoxic conditions

c. Nitrification is occurring

d. Denitrification is occurring

#6 The operator of the aerobic digester notices excessive foaming on the surface of the tank, dissolved oxygen readings over 3.0 mg/L and a pH of 5.3. What is most likely cause of the problem?

a. Under-aeration

b. Over-aeration

c. Excessive waste sludge flow

d. Excessive RAS flow

#7 What caused the drop in pH of the aerobic digester in question #6?

a. excessive nitrification

b. excessive denitrification

c. nutrient imbalance

d. The waste sludge pump was left running

#8 What is the most beneficial process control tool in the operation of an anaerobic digester?

a. pH measurement

b. Alkalinity measurement

c. Volatile acid analysis

d. Volatile acid to Alkalinity ratio

#9 Which of the following could cause the pH to drop in an anaerobic digester?

a. pumping too much sludge into the digester

b. withdrawing too much sludge from the digester

c. toxic material in the feed sludge to the digester

d. all of the above

#10 A by-product of nitrification is

a. Orthophosphorus

b. Organic nitrogen

c. Nitric acid

d. Bicarbonate alkalinity

#11 To correct an upset (sour) condition in an anaerobic digester, the operator could

a. stop all mixing of the tank

b. withdraw large quantities of sludge and attempt to reseed with fresh primary sludge

c. add a source of alkalinity such as lime or soda ash

d. drop the temperature two degrees

#12 The volatile acid to alkalinity ratio of a properly operating anaerobic digester is

a. 0.1 parts acid to one part alkalinity

b. 0.4 parts acid to one part alkalinity

c. 0.8 parts acid to one part alkalinity

d. 1.0 parts acid to one part alkalinity

#13 In a well operated anaerobic digester, the volatile acid is 250 mg/L. What should the bicarbonate alkalinity be?

a. 250 mg/L

b. 500 mg/L

c. 2,500 mg/L

d. 25,000 mg/L

Answer Key to pH and Alkalinity Practice Quiz

1 B

2 D

3 A

4 D

5 C

6 B

7 A

8 D

9 D

10 C

11 C

12 A

13 C


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