Narcotics Anonymous







1. Project Hope is sponsored by the combined H&I and PI subcommittees of the Snake River Valley Area of Narcotics Anonymous for the purpose of assisting inmates transition to active membership in the community upon their release by:

a. Providing information about Narcotics Anonymous to inmates who request it, to include information pamphlets (IP’s), meeting schedule(s) & a personalized letter;

b. Ongoing correspondence with the incarcerated member if desired by both parties;

c. Meeting the inmate upon release, taking them to their first few meetings, and introducing them to other NA members.

2. Project Hope volunteers must have received a volunteer orientation through their H&I and/or PI Subcommittees and demonstrate an ability to carry a clear and consistent message of recovery in Narcotics Anonymous.

3. Project Hope volunteers must have at least one year continuous clean time with a working knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous.

4. Project Hope volunteers must have a willingness to serve and the ability to answer letters in a timely manner (no more than two weeks after receiving a letter).

5. NA members with state correctional facility clearances may not correspond with inmates. In addition, any member who is on an inmates’s visiting or correspondence list anywhere in the state may not act as a Project Hope volunteer.

6. When we engage in this type of service, it will always be men writing to men, women writing to women.

7. Always use the designated post office box, no personal addresses. Personal addresses and phone numbers should not be given out for any reason during correspondence through the institution.

8. Introduce yourself and qualify briefly in your opening letter. We only share our experience, strength, and hope regarding staying clean in Narcotics Anonymous. We let the inmate know they are not alone. We always stay focused on recovery.

9. We try to let the inmate know that writing, like all other forms of sharing, helps us as much as it helps them.

10. We encourage the inmate to attend any NA meetings that are available inside their facility and we stress the importance of attending an NA meeting in the community immediately upon their release.

11. Prior to their release, the inmate will be assigned to a Project Hope volunteer in their area to take them to their first few meetings, introduce them to as many NA members as possible, and make sure they have a current area/regional meeting schedule. Whenever possible, this will be the same volunteer who has corresponded with them up to this point, but in some cases, this may not be possible due to location, change in parole plan, etc.

12. No personal or improper correspondence of any kind, i.e. personal information, photographs, sexual content, religious materials, email addresses. Ask yourself before you write, “Would I want everyone to know that I said or did this?” Also remind the incarcerated member to use personal discretion in their letters to you, as all mail is monitored in some form or another. Remember that you will be viewed as representing Narcotics Anonymous.

13. In order for the inmates to obtain bound NA literature, such as the Basic Text, It Works: How and Why, The Step Working Guide, or Just for Today, they will need to request it directly from the publisher, per institutional policy.

14. In the spirit of our 12th Tradition, and for your own anonymity and protection, it is suggested you use your first name and last initial only and always respect the anonymity of the inmate you correspond with. Always use the Project Hope return address.

15. As it is always suggested when doing NA 12-Step work, do not go alone to pick up a new or returning addict, always take another member with you.

16. Keep the committee up-to-date on your work in this area. It is preferable that you attend the monthly H&I/PI subcommittee meetings. If this is not possible, send a report with another member, or contact your H&I or PI chair prior to the monthly subcommittee meetings.

DO respond to written requests for information within 2 weeks.

DO take the member to an NA meeting within 48 hours of their release.

DO view your first meeting with the member as you would any other 12-Step call and take another member along.

DO accompany the member to a variety of meetings and review the many different meeting i.e. open vs. closed, book study, step study, question & answer, etc.

DO make sure they receive an updated meeting schedule and NA literature.

DO encourage them to introduce themselves and ask for phone numbers.

DO explain group membership and the value of having a home group.

DO explain sponsorship and refer to IP#11 - “Sponsorship.” Introduce the member to potential sponsors.

DO carry a clear and consistent NA message.

DO take the member to 3-6 NA meetings and remind them that this is a temporary arrangement.

DO discuss any questions or problems with your H&I/PI subcommittees and/or your sponsor.

DON’T sponsor the member, even temporarily. It is important that they meet and build relationships with as many other NA members as possible.

DON’T loan money, or provide housing, food, clothing, car, job, or any other welfare, social, or legal services.

DON’T provide domestic or vocational counseling; provide detoxification, medical or psychiatric services.

DON’T be involved in reports to the Justice System. Remember our 12th Tradition - Anonymity is vital!

DON’T become emotionally or romantically involved.

DON’T be responsible for the member’s actions or attitudes - in or out of the meetings.

DON’T accept money or gifts for your services, or any contributions from non-NA sources.

DON’T volunteer if you have been a victim of, or an accomplice to a crime that someone is currently incarcerated for.

DON’T engage in conversations about the incarcerated member’s crime.

Thank you for taking part in your own recovery by sharing and caring the NA way so that

“No addict, anywhere, need die from the horrors of addiction.”


PI and the NA Member H&I and the NA Member

PR Handbook H&I Handbook

Behind the Walls Reaching Out

NA: A Resource in Your Community Information About NA

Thank you for your interest in corresponding with addicts behind the walls. We are very excited about carrying the message of recovery to incarcerated addicts. As you might imagine, we need to take great care to conduct ourselves in a spiritual manner and to maintain as much of our anonymity as possible. As we receive letters from incarcerated addicts, we will distribute them as appropriate.

Some questions for potential Project Hope volunteers to think about and use as a tool to measure your own commitment.. . .

1. Is your recovery based in Narcotics Anonymous? Explain.

2. Do you have an NA sponsor?

3. Do you work the steps of Narcotics Anonymous?

4. Do you sponsor others in Narcotics Anonymous?

5. Do you attend NA meetings regularly?

6. Do you have at least one year continuous clean time?

7. Do you have a clear working knowledge of the Twelve Traditions of NA?

8. Do you have the means to reply to these letters and be reimbursed later, or would you need assistance up front for things like paper, envelopes & stamps?

9. Do you have the willingness and availability to reply to any letter you receive within two weeks?

10. Are you able and willing to attend monthly subcommittee meetings or send a report regarding your work in this area, any comments or suggestions you might have, and any assistance you might need?

11. Have you been a victim of, or an accomplice (co-defendant) to, a crime that someone is currently incarcerated as a result of?

12. Have you thought about whether this work could be a problem or conflict for you, i.e. what if you find out the person you are writing to is currently serving time for something you find morally wrong?

13. Have you spoken with your NA sponsor about becoming involved with this type of service work?

Sample Letter

(to be personalized by Project Hope volunteer, but be sure to include the following information)

Thank you for contacting Narcotics Anonymous. NA is a fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. By following the program of recovery offered in Narcotics Anonymous, our members have found a way to live clean as responsible, productive members of society. NA is an international fellowship, with more than 32,000 meetings a week in over 113 countries. Our literature is translated into 47 languages. There are no dues or fees in Narcotics Anonymous. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using and you are a member when you say you are.

While you are still in an institution there are some things you can do to work on your own program of recovery. In Chapter 5 of the Basic Text it states, “If you are in an institution of any kind and have stopped using for the present, you can with a clear mind try this way of life. Upon release, continue your daily program and contact a member of NA. Do this by mail, by phone, or in person. Better yet, come to our meetings.” Walking into a meeting for the first time can be scary, so I have volunteered to assist you through Project Hope. Project Hope is sponsored by the combined H&I and PI subcommittees of the __________________ Area of Narcotics Anonymous. Its purpose is to assist incarcerated members transition to active membership in the community upon their release by:

• Providing information about Narcotics Anonymous to incarcerated members who request it, to include information pamphlets (IP’s) and meeting schedules.

• Οngoing correspondence with the incarcerated member if desired by both parties;

• Meeting the member upon release, taking them to their first few meetings, and introducing them to other NA members.

Enclosed are some information pamphlets and a meeting schedule that will be of help to you now and upon your release. One of the pamphlets is on sponsorship. It contains a great deal of information as well as suggestions that will help to answer any questions you may have on this topic. Because sponsorship is such a personal thing, we don’t assign sponsors to people. Some additional suggestions that have worked for others on their journey of recovery are: Don’t use; Go to 90 meetings in 90 days; Get a sponsor; and read the literature.

I hope that this letter and the information I have enclosed has given you some direction and answers to your questions. I look forward to our continued correspondence and/or taking you to your first meeting in the community upon your release.

When at the end of the road we find that we can no longer function as a human being, either with or without drugs, we all face the same dilemma. What is there left to do? There seems to be this alternative: either go on as best we can to the bitter ends – jails, institutions, or death – or find a new way to live. In years gone by, very few addicts ever had this last choice. Those who are addicted today are more fortunate. For the first time in history, a simple way has been proving itself in the lives of many addicts. It is available to us all. This is a simple spiritual – not religious – program, known as Narcotics Anonymous.

Chapter Eight, Basic Text


Mail Distribution Process

For The Snake River Valley Area


¬ American Falls

¬ Blackfoot

¬ Chubbuck/Pocatello

¬ Idaho Falls

¬ Rigby

¬ Rexburg

¬ Jackson Hole, WY



ATTN: Project Hope

P.O. Box 50154

Idaho Falls, ID 83405


● All Project Hope correspondence will be sent to the Project Hope post office box located in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

● Mail from the P.O. Box will be picked up by the SRVANA treasurer approximately twice a week.

● Upon receipt of the mail the treasurer will contact the Central Mail Distributor (CMD) to notify them of the mail received and to arrange a mail transfer.

● Upon receipt of the mail by the CMD, the CMD will:

⎫ document the received date;

⎫ document the total pieces of mail received from the P.O. Box;

⎫ document the total pieces of mail received for each of the seven geographical locations;

⎫ identify and document the type correspondence received;

⎫ assign each piece of correspondence to a local Project Hope responder;

⎫ provide the responder with literature to send with their return letter;

⎫ contact the appropriate Project Hope volunteer to notify them of the mail received and to arrange a transfer of the mail and literature.

The transfer of mail to the Project Hope volunteer from the CMD should occur within 7 days of the received date.

The Project Hope responder will draft and mail their reply to the correspondence within TWO WEEKS from the date it was received. The responder will retain a copy of their response, and provide the copy and the date their response was mailed back to the CMD. The CMD will then document the date the reply was mailed, in addition to retaining the copy of the responder’s reply for quality management.


¬ distribution through local NA meetings;

¬ physical pick up or drop off;

¬ traditional U.S. mail (for rural areas)

When making arrangements for the transfer of mail, please bear in mind that time is of the essence. Please let us know about the methods you find efficient and those that are ineffective.


¬ Request for information

¬ Request for an NA member escort to a NA meeting within 48 hours of release

¬ Request for ongoing correspondence

¬ Other ___________________________________________________

¬ Other____________________________________________________

NOTE: It may be necessary for larger areas to add a geographical mail distributor to their process to serve as an extra tier in the retrieval and dissemination of the mail.


⎫ The CMD must have least one year of continuous clean time with a working knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous;

⎫ Currently serves as a member and active participant of H&I/PI;

⎫ Has the availability to prepare and present monthly reports to the H&I/PI subcommittees;

⎫ Has a willingness and desire to serve and have the ability to document accurately;

⎫ The ability to respond and perform the duties of their position in a timely manner.


Information & Request Form

For the Addict Behind the Walls



Our experience has shown that attending an NA meeting on the outside the same day you are released is one of the most important things you can do for your recovery. Narcotics Anonymous has begun a transition program called Project Hope. The Project Hope volunteer is someone from your home community that has agreed to send you information about Narcotics Anonymous. Upon your release, they may take you to your first few meetings, introduce you to other NA members, and help you get acquainted and comfortable among new friends in NA. During this time, some of the things you will learn about are sponsors, home groups, working the steps, and service.

Your Project Hope volunteer is only temporary. They won’t follow you around or control your activities, nor will they provide you with a job, money, housing, food, clothing, or any other such service. The Project Hope volunteer is NOT a sponsor, not even a temporary sponsor. We believe that it is best for you to choose a sponsor for yourself once you are released.

It is our hope that this service will help the suffering addict find the solution that we have found. Our purpose is to carry the message of recovery, “That no addict, anywhere, need die from the horrors of addiction.”

Complete the form below and mail this entire page to the NA Area or Region you will be paroling out to. See list on reverse to determine the address and include “Attention: Project Hope” on the envelope.

Please note - All mail can and may be read at the discretion of the Correctional Facility.










_____ I am requesting INFORMATION ONLY about Narcotics Anonymous.

_____ I would like to ATTEND AN NA MEETING within 48 hours of my release.

NA use only -

Received: ____________________ Given to: ____________________________ Date:________________________





P.O. Box 434, Twin Falls, ID 83303

High Desert Area = Bowmont, Caldwell, Emmett, Homedale, Kuna, Middleton, Nampa, Payette, Weiser, and Ontario, Oregon.

Address: P.O. Box 9291, Nampa, ID 83651-9291

Helpline: (208) 442-2220

Ontario: 1-888-768-6887 (toll free) or (541) 881-3314 (local)

Magic Valley Area = Bellevue, Buhl, Gooding, Hailey, Ketchum, Kimberly, Twin Falls

Address: P.O. Box 261, Twin Falls, ID 83303-0261

Helpline: 1-866-738-6224 (toll free) or (208) 736-2732 (local)

Mini-Cassia Area = Burley, Paul, Rupert

Address: P.O. Box 55, Paul, ID 83347-0055

Helpline: (208) 438-4935

Snake River Valley Area= American Falls, Blackfoot, Chubbuck, Idaho Falls, Montpelier, Pocatello, Rigby, Rexburg, and Soda Springs

Address: P.O. Box 50154, Idaho Falls, ID 83405

Helpline: (208) 525-7988

Treasure Valley Area = Boise, Mountain Home, Eagle

Address: P.O. Box 1234, Boise, ID 83701-1234

Helpline: (208) 338-4880


P.O. Box 31227, Seattle, WA 98103-1227


Northern Idaho Area = Bonner’s Ferry, Coeur D’Alene, Kellogg, Rathdrum, Sandpoint, St. Marie’s, Worley

Address: P.O. Box 414, Hayden Lake, ID 83835

Helpline: 1-888-NA-HELPS (toll free) or (208) 699-2175 local

Idaho-Washington Area = Moscow/Pullman (208) 883-5006

Lewiston – (208) 746-7632

Address: 1411 16th Street, Lewiston, ID 83501


P.O. Box 9999, Van Nuys, CA 91409





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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