NAEYC Operations Manual Facilities and Classrooms

NAEYC Operations Manual Program

Mission, Purpose and Philosophy Goals for Children Goals for Parents Insurance Parent Advisory Group Strategic Planning

Facilities and Classrooms

First Aid Kits Americans with Disabilities Act Closings Cubbies Environmental Hazards Fire Alarms Facility Size (Sq. Footage) Fiscal Policy Parking Pest Control Group Size, Staff/Child Ratios, and Teaching Assignments Maintenance Rest/Naps Transitions Smoking

Curriculum and Assessment

Assessments and Screenings Assessment Plan Consent Cultural Sensitivity Curriculum Guidance and Discipline Goals for Children Holidays Interpretation Norm Referenced and Standardized Tests Pervasive Developmental Disorders Outdoor Play Parent-Teacher Conferences Photo, Video, Research Separation from the Group Suspected Developmental Delay Separation Report Training Teaching the Children Transition


Allergies Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan Communicable Disease Reporting Minnesota reporting rule Diapering Procedures Food and Nutrition Forms Hand Washing Health Consultant

Hepatitis B Vaccine Hospital Information Illness and Injury Immunizations Medications Outdoor Safety

Procedures for Children who require exclusion (NOT LINKED)

Pets Staff Illness Taking the Child's Temperature Tooth brushing Water/Sensory Tables


Abuse Reporting--Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Accident Prevention Accident Reports Arrivals and Departures Authorized to Pick Up Children Center First Aid Applications Cleaning and Disinfecting Confidentiality First Aid/CPR Classes Food Safety General Supervision Policy Indoor Large Motor Areas Limits of Behavior Outdoor Rules Outdoor Weather Safety Outings and Outside Parental Notification Safety of Children

Emergency Procedures

Authorized to Pick Up Children Blizzard Procedure Child Not Picked-Up Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Evacuation Procedures Plan

Fire Evacuation Procedures Tornado Evacuation Procedure Lock-Down Missing Child Utility Failure

Food Allergy Inside the Building Emergency- Evacuation Serious Injury, Fire, or Death Utility Failure Weather Procedures and Closings

VII. Children and Families

Arrivals and Departures Birthdays Blankets and Comfort Objects Child Care Outside of Hours Child Caused Injury Children with Special Needs Clothing Clothing Suited to the Weather

Communication Confidentiality Diapering Procedures

Eligibility Extraordinary Behavior Family Functions Field Trips Forms Goals for Parents Linguistically Relevant Staff and/or Volunteers Non-Enrolled Children Visiting Orientation Meeting Parent Advisory Group Parent-Teacher Communication Release of Children Toys Transition Visiting


Charge for Picking-Up Late Children Children's Files County Contracts Enrollment/Registration Fees Finals Week Payment Procedures Payment Requests Purchasing Supplies Tax Information Termination/Grievance Wait List Withdrawal and Leave of Absence Policy

Personnel Employees

Chain of Command Children's Files Code of Conduct--SCSU Code of Conduct--NAEYC Communication Custody/Family Legal Involvement Diversity Dress Duty Hours Employment through Families Files General Safety Rules Health and Wellness Meetings Opening and Closing Orientation Outdoor Rules Performance Evaluation Planning Position/Description Procedures for Reassignment or Termination Professional Development Plan Professional Resources for Teaching Staff Recruitment and Maintenance of Staff Role Salary Staff Development and Training

Staff Health Assessment Staff Illness Staff Room Substitute Teachers Summer Staff Lunch Policy Taking the Child's Temperature

Teachers and Specific Classrooms

Laboratory Practicum Experiences, Volunteers, & Student Observers

Background Checks Child Interactions Classrooms Faculty Responsibility Practicum Orienting Procedure Student Responsibility Volunteer Orienting Procedure


St. Cloud State University's Lindgren Child Care Center provides infant, toddler, and pre-school-aged care to the children of SCSU students, staff, and faculty. As a place where theory is put into practice, Lindgren Child Care Center is a training and laboratory resource to the entire campus, and a model of excellence for the community of St. Cloud. Our hours of operation follow the academic calendar. Fall and Spring semesters we provide services Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. ? 5:00 p.m. During summer sessions we are open Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. ? 4:20 p.m. We are closed according to the University schedule of holidays and days that classes are not in session. Professional development days may also result in the Center being closed.


Lindgren Child Care Center opened in September 1980 in response to a need expressed by the non-traditional student body for quality, on-campus child care services. It is one of the excellent student services administered by the Office of Student Life and Development at SCSU, serving as an adjunct to the child's family by providing quality care for children while parents participate within the University.


We believe children are entitled to receive loving care in a safe environment with an educational experience. At Lindgren Child Care Center children are challenged by age-appropriate environments and activities based on knowledge of child development and developmentally appropriate practices, implemented by professional staff. We are committed to ensuring children's health and safety, helping children establish trust in their environment, strengthening their self-identity, and igniting their curiosity through productive, satisfying activity. Through an excellent blend of professional staff and arranged environment, the curriculum helps children know their individuality, understand their special worth, develop self-discipline, and broaden their understanding of individuals different from themselves.

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