Initial Teaching & Advanced SPA (Professional Association Standards) and CAEP Scope Programs - Assessment PlansDetailed SPA Assessment Plans NAEYC, Early Childhood pages 2-5 ACEI, Elementary Education pages 5-7NCTE, Secondary Englishpages 8-13NCTM, Secondary Math & MAT Secondary Mathpages 13-15NSTA, Secondary Science & MAT Secondary Science pages 15-17NCSS, Secondary Social Studiespages 17-20CEC, Special Education (bachelors/masters/MAT)pages 21-36AMLE, MAT Middle Levelpages 36-38State of SC, Agricultural Educationpage 38-39IRA, Literacy page 40-41ELCC, Educational Leadershippage 42-47CAEP, Teaching and Learningpage 48-50NAEYC, Early Childhood Education ECEPROGRAMOUTCOME STANDARDS(Aligned with State and NAEYC Standards)6-8 KEY PROGRAM ASSESSMENTSAssessment 1(Required: State licensure content examPRAXIS II*Need rubricAssessment 2(Required: Content-based assessment)ED EC 4600 - Assessment projectAssessment 3(Required: Candidate ability to plan instruction)ED EC 4000 Lesson Plan and University supervisor evaluation from practicum Assessment 4(Required: Assessment of Student Teaching or Internship)ED EC 4840 Portfolio Assessment 5(Required: Candidate effect on student learning)EDEC 4840 Unit of Instruction during student teachingAssessment 6(Required: Additional assessment addressingNAEYCstandards)Standard 5 – Becoming a ProfessionalED EC 3000 and EDEC 4840 Philosophy of Education paper Assessment 7(Optional for NAEYC)Standard 1 – Promoting Child Development and LearningED EC 3360 Case Study Assessment 8(Optional for NAEYC)Standard 2 Building Family and Community RelationshipsEDEC 2200 Community connections assignment Standard 1 – Promoting Child Development and Learning?Young children’s characteristics and needsXXXXX?Multiple influences on development and learningXXXX?Using developmental knowledge to create learning environmentsXXXXXStandard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships?Family and community characteristicsXXXX?Supportive family relationshipsXXXX?Involving families in child’s developmentXXXXXNAEYC, Early Childhood EducationType and Number of Assessment Name of Assessment (10)Type or Form of Assessment (11)When the Assessment Is Administered (12)NAEYC Standards AlignmentAssessment #1: Licensure assessment, or other content- based assessment (required) PRAXIS II (021) State licensure exam Senior year, final semester See aboveAssessment #2: Content knowledge in early childhood education (required) Assessment Project Course ProjectSenior year, first semester– EDEC 460(Required Course)See aboveAssessment #3: Candidate ability to plan implement appropriate teaching and learning experiences (required) Lesson Plan and University Supervisor Evaluation Course ProjectSenior year, first semester (block semester) – EDEC 400(Required Course)See aboveAssessment #4:Student teaching or internship (required) Student Teaching Portfolio PortfolioSenior year, final semester – EDEC 484(Required Course)See aboveAssessment #5: Candidate effect on student leaning (required) Unit of Instruction from Student Teaching Portfolio Instructional UnitSenior year, final semester – EDEC 484(Required Course)See aboveAssessment #6:Additional assessment that addresses NAEYC standards (required) Philosophy of Early Childhood Paper Philosophy paperSophomore year, first semester – EDEC 300 and Senior year, final semester- EDEC 484(Required Course)See aboveAssessment #7:Additional assessment that addresses NAEYC standards (optional) Infant/Toddler Child Case Study Case StudyJunior year, first semester – EDEC 336(Required Course)See aboveAssessment #8:Additional assessment that addresses NAEYC standards (optional) Community Connections Assignment Course ProjectSophomore year, second semester – EDEC 220 (Required Course)See aboveACEI, Elementary EducationAssessment # and What Is Required by ACEIAssessment 1 CONTENT KNOWLEDGEAssessment 2 CONTENT KNOWLEDGEAssessment 3 PEDAGOGICAL AND PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND DISPOSITIONSAssessment 4 PEDAGOGICAL AND PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND DISPOSITIONSAssessment 5 EFFECTS ON STUDENT LEARNING: Assessment that demonstrates candidate effects on student learning.Assessment 6 REQUIREDAssessment 7 OPTIONALAssessment 8 OPTIONALName of AssessmentPLT & PRAXIS IIContent Course GradesEDEL 4870 (Social Studies) Lesson Plan with Unit OutlineEDEL 4830 (Student Teaching) Final ST evaluationEDEL 4830 (Student Teaching) APS 2 and 3 Unit PlanEDEL 4510/4520 (Science/Math) Small Group AssignmentEDEL 4830 (Student Teaching) APS 1 Long Range Plan ELA focusEDEL 3100 & EDEL 3210 (Art/PE/Health) Portfolio Project EvaluationData Sourcestate licensure testGradesProjectRating FormProjectProjectProjectProjectContact PersonDogbeyColeSpearmanGarthKaminskiTyminski/DeatonMalloyLeonard/SmithSemestervariablevariableSenior-1st SemesterSenior-2nd SemesterSenior-2nd SemesterJunior/SeniorSenior-2nd SemesterSophomore/Junior1x??xx???2.1xx?xx??x?2.2xx?xxx???2.3xx?xxx??2.4xxxxx???2.5xx?xx??x?2.6xx?xx??x2.7xx?x??x?3.1x?x?xx?3.2x?xx?xxx3.3x?xx????3.4x?xx??x?3.5x?xx????4x?xxxxxx5.1x??x?x??5.2x??x???xType and Number of Assessment Name of Assessment (10)Type or Form of Assessment (11)When the Assessment Is Administered (12)Assessment #1: Licensure assessment, or other content- based assessment (required) PLT & PRAXIS II State licensure exams Senior year, final semester Assessment #2: Content knowledge in early childhood education (required) Course Grades Content Course GradesThroughout program, completed prior to student teachingAssessment #3: Candidate ability to plan implement appropriate teaching and learning experiences (required) Lesson Plan and Unit Outline ProjectSocial Studies Lesson Plan and unit outlineSenior year, first semester – EDEL 4870 Social studies MethodsAssessment #4:Student teaching or internship (required) Rating form Final Student teaching evaluationSenior year, final semester – EDEL 4830 Student TeachingAssessment #5: Candidate effect on student leaning (required) Unit of Instruction APS 2 & 3 evaluation Unit PlanSenior year, final semester – EDEL 4830 Student TeachingAssessment #6: Additional assessment that addresses standards (required) AssignmentScience/Math Small Group AssignmentJunior/Senior Year – EDEL 4510 and EDEL 4520 Math & Science MethodsAssessment #7: Additional assessment that addresses standards (optional) Long Range Plan APS1 evaluation Long Range Plan w/ ELA focusSenior year, final semester – EDEL 4830 Student TeachingAssessment #8: Additional assessment that addresses standards (optional) Portfolio Project Portfolio Project evaluationSophomore/Junior year – EDEL 3100 & EDEL 3210 Art/PE/HealthNCTE, Secondary EnglishAssessment #1: Licensure assessment, or other content- based assessment (required) Praxis Tests Required by South Carolina for LicensurePraxis II 41 and 42 State Licensure TestNo later than January of spring semester of senior yearAssessment #2:Content knowledgein English(required)Content knowledge 1: Content knowledge for literature and multimedia textsContent Knowledge 2: Content knowledge for language and writingCourse Grades In English and English Education Courses Grades for Each Major Course Throughout Program Assessment #3:Candidate ability toplan instruction (required)Content Pedagogy 3: Planning literature and reading instructionContent Pedagogy 4: Planning composition instruction in ELALearners and learning 5: Planning, implementing, and reflecting on instructionIntegrated English Language Arts Unit PlanPerformance-Based AssessmentFall Semester of Senior Year (Prior to Student Teaching)EdSec 424 Teaching Secondary EnglishAssessment #4:Student teaching orinternship (required)NCATE STANDARDS: Learners and learning 5: Planning, implementing and reflecting on instructionProfessional knowledge 7: Interaction with students, families and colleaguesFormal Observations of Lessons During Student Teaching-Holistic Evaluation of LessonsItemized Checklist of Performance Standards Used to Evaluate Professional TeachingSpring Semester of Senior Year in EdSec 444 Student TeachingAssessment #5:Candidate effect onstudent learning(required)Learners and learning 5:Planning, implementing and reflecting on instructionTeacher Research Essay on Effects of Integrated ELA Unit on Student Learning & EngagementReflective Teacher Research EssaySpring Semester of Senior Year Near End of Student Teaching in EdSec 444 Student Teaching and EdSec 454 Capstone Seminar in the Teaching of EnglishAssessment #6:Additionalassessment thataddresses NCTEstandards(required)All standards assessed here. Showing the Pros That You Can Teach English An Oral DefenseSpring Semester of Senior Year During Student Teaching in EdSec 444 Student Teaching and in EdSec 454 Capstone Seminar in the Teaching of EnglishAssessment #7:Additionalassessment thataddresses NCTEstandards(optional)Professional Knowledge 7: Reflective Observational JournalSeries of reflective prompts connected to theories and research around social justice. Fall Semester of Senior Year (Prior to Student Teaching)EdSec 424 Teaching Secondary EnglishAssessment 1: LicensureAssessment 2: Content KnowledgeAssessment 3: PlanningAssessment 4: Formal observationsAssessment 5: Teacher research essayAssessment 6: Showing the prosAssessment 7: Reflective observation JournalI. Content Knowledge: Literature and reading???????Element 1: Range of textsXX? ? XElement 2: Reading and making meaning through media interactionxx? ? XII. Content Knowledge: Language and Writing???????Element 1: Composing formal and informal textsXX? ?? Element 2: Grammar and mechanics, Language history, language acquisitionXX? ?? Element 3: Composing texts through media interactionXX? ?? III. Content Pedagogy: Literature and Reading???????Element 1: Layering texts and activities??XX ??Element 2: Authentic assessments??XX???Element 3: Planning reading based on standards and theory.??XX ??Element 4: Designing and selecting appropriate reading assessments??XX ??Element 5: Language structure related to reading??XX???Element 6: Curriculum integration and interdisciplinary learning??XX????Assessment 1: LicensureAssessment 2: Content KnowledgeAssessment 3: PlanningAssessment 4: Formal observationsAssessment 5: Teacher research essayAssessment 6: Showing the prosAssessment 7: Reflective observation JournalIV. Content Pedagogy: Writing and composition? ? ??Element 1: Layering composition opportunities and writing processes??XX?X?Element 2: Responding to writing designing a range of assessments??XX?X?Element 3: Instruction in grammar usage and mechanics for different audiences??XX?X?Element 4: Incorporation of home and community languages??XX?X?V. Learners and learning: Implementing instruction???????Element 1: Standards-based and contextualized instruction???XX??Element 2: Student-centered learning and targeted instruction???XX??Element 3: Differentiated instruction that incorporates student input???XX??Element 4: Range of instructional strategies???XX??VI. Professional knowledge and skills???????Element 1: Instruction promotes social justice and critical engagement.????X?XElement 2: Responsive and inclusive instruction for a range of identities and histories????X?XNCTM, Bachelors and MAT Secondary Education MathType and Number of Assessment Name of Assessment (10)Type or Form of Assessment (11)When the Assessment Is Administered (12)Assessment #1: Licensure assessment, or other content- based assessment (required) Praxis II Licensure Exams State Licensure TestPRAXIS II content exam – must be passed by end of programAssessment #2: Content knowledge in secondary mathematics education(required)Grades from Selected Math CoursesGrades from selected required math coursesThroughout program, completed prior to student teaching (undergraduate)Transcript analysis for admission /Remediation courses if necessary (MAT)Assessment #3: Candidate ability toplan instruction (required)Unit Plan Methods Unit PlanEDSC 4260/EDSC 8620 Methods course - semester before student teachingAssessment #4: Student teaching(required) Final Evaluation FormFinal Student Teaching Observation Form/Formal Lesson ObservationsEDSC 4460/EDSC 8910 Student Teaching Internship - final spring semester of programAssessment #5:Candidate effect onstudent leaning (required)Impact on Learning AssignmentImpact on Learning AssignmentEDSC 4560/EDSC 8920 Student Teaching Seminar - concurrent with student teaching internship final spring semester of program Assessment #6: Additionalassessment that addresses NCTMstandards (required)Historical ProjectHistorical ProjectEDSC 4560/EDSC 8920 Student Teaching Seminar - concurrent with student teaching internship final spring semester of programNCTM CAEP StandardsA1State Licensure Test 5161A2 Content knowledgeCourse gradesA3Instruction/Unit PlanMethods Unit plan (EDSC 4260 or EDSC 8620)A4Final Student Teaching Observation Form or Formal Lesson Observations (EDSC 4460 or EDSC 8910)A5Effect on Student LearningImpact Upon Student Learning Assignment (EDSC 4560 or EDSC 8920)A6History ProjectStudent teaching seminar (EDSC 4560 or EDSC 8920)1. Content KnowledgeA.1.1, A.1.2, A.1.3, A.2.1, A.2.2, A.2.3, A.2.4, A.3.2, A.3.3, A.3.4, A.3.5, A.3.6, A.3.7, A.3.8, A.3.9A.4.1, A.4.3, A.4.4, A.4.5, A.5.1, A.5.3, A.5.5, A.6.2, A.6.3A.1.4, A.2.5 (linear algebra, MATH 3110)A.2.6* (modern algebra, MATH 4120) A.5.2, A.5.4 (MATH 1080 and MATH 2060) A.6.1, A.6.4 (discrete math, MATH 3190?) A.3.1* through geometry MATH 3080)?A.1.5, A.2.7, A.3.10, A.4.6, A.5.6, A.6.52. Mathematical Practices2e, 2f2a, 2b, 2c, 2d3. Content Pedagogy3a, 3c, 3d3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f, 3g3d4. Mathematical Learning Environment4b, 4c, 4d, 4e4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e4d5. Impact on Student Learning5b, 5c5a, 5b, 5c6. Professional Knowledge and Skills6b, 6c6a, 6b, 6c (6a from APS 10)NSTA, Bachelors and MAT Secondary Education Science Type and Number of Assessment Name of Assessment (10)Type or Form of Assessment (11)When the Assessment Is Administered (12)Assessment #1: Content Knowledge– Licensure Tests 13(required) Praxis ScoresNational Licensure Test required by the South Carolina State Department of EducationPraxis II (LT and Content Exams —completion of programAssessment #2: Content Knowledge– an assessment of general contentknowledge in discipline to be taught (required)Content Knowledge (GPA)Course gradesThroughout program , completed prior to student teaching (undergraduate)Transcript analysis for admission (MAT)Assessment #3: Pedagogical andProfessional Knowledge, Skillsand Dispositions – Planning instructionand assessment (required)Pedagogy—Teaching UnitUnit PlanEDSC 4270/EDSC 8610 Science Methods - semester before student teachingAssessment #4: Pedagogical andProfessional Knowledge, Skillsand Dispositions – Student TeachingAssessment (required)Student TeachingObservation Form-Safety EvaluationEDSC 4470/EDSC 8910 Student Teaching Internship - final spring semester of programAssessment #5: Effects on StudentLearning (required)Effects on Student LearningStudent Learning Work SamplesEDSC 4570/EDSC 8920 Student Teaching Seminar - concurrent with student teaching internship final spring semester of programAssessment #6: Professional knowledge and skillsProfessional DevelopmentProfessional Development FormEDSC 4570/EDSC 8920 Student Teaching Seminar - concurrent with student teaching internship final spring semester of programNSTAAssessment 1: PraxisAssessment 2: Content Forms/GPAAssessment 3: Methods Unit Plan (EDSC 4270/EDSC 8610)Assessment 4: Student Teaching Observation Form (EDSC 4470/EDSC 8910)Assessment 5: Student Learning Work Samples (EDSC 4570/EDSC 8920)Assessment 6: Professional Development Form (EDSC 4570/EDSC 8920)Content Knowledge??????1a. Concepts, principles, theories, laws, & relationshipsxx????1b. Supporting discipline contentxx????1c. State/National standards??x???Content Pedagogy??????2a. Variety of inquiry approaches??x???2b. Active inquiry lessons??x???2c. Na?ve/Preconceptions??x???Learning Environments??????3a. Variety of teaching strategies??x???3b. Inquiry, labs, field, NOS??x???3c. Assessment??x???3d. Safety??x???Safety??????4a. Chemicals???x??4b. Procedures???x??4c. Living organisms???x??Impact on Student Learning??????5a. Scientific Knowledg????x?5b. NOS????x?5c. Inquiry????x?Professional Knowledge and Skills??????6a. Content PD?????x6b. Education PD?????xNCSS, Secondary Education Social StudiesType and Number of Assessment Name of Assessment (10)Type or Form of Assessment (11)When the Assessment Is Administered (12)Standards AlignmentAssessment #1: Licensure assessment, or other content- based assessment (required)Praxis IIStandardized Test for Teacher CertificationPraxis II: Social StudiesSenior Year or End of the ProgramNCSS standard x…Assessment #2: Content knowledge in social studies(required)Grades in Content CoursesCourse Grades95 Hours of Completed Course Credit are Required Prior to Student-Teaching. Assessment #3: Candidate ability to plan instruction(required)Curriculum Unit PlanCandidates’ Unit PlanAssignment Grade Based on Scoring ToolDuring the Social Studies Methods Course (EDSC 4280); The Semester Prior to Student-TeachingAssessment #4: Student teaching (required)Student Teaching EvaluationEvaluation of Candidate’s Planning, Teaching, and Assessing as Aligned with the 10 NCSS Thematic StrandsAt the End of the Student-Teaching Internship (EDSC 4480)Assessment #5: Candidate effect on student leaning(required)Assessment PortfolioCompilation of Student Assessment Tools and the Candidate’s Analysis of Impact on Student LearningAssignment Grade Based on Scoring ToolDuring Student-Teaching Internship (EDSC 4580)Assessment #6: Additionalassessment that addresses NCSS standards (required)ADEPT Student-Teaching EvaluationsStudent-Teaching Evaluations At the End of the Student-Teaching Internship (EDSC 4480)Assessment #7: Additionalassessment that addresses NCSS standards (optional)Microteaching AssignmentCandidates’ Microteaching AssignmentAssignment Grade Based on Scoring ToolDuring the Social Studies Methods Course (EDSC 4280); The Semester Prior to Student-TeachingAssessment #8: Additionalassessment that addresses NCSS standards (optional)CEC, BA, Special EducationName of AssessmentType or Form of AssessmentWhen the AssessmentIs AdministeredCEC Standards Alignment1PRAXIS State licensure test: Special Education: Core Knowledge and Mild-to-moderate Applications fall semester senior yearCEC Standard 1: 1.1, 1.2CEC Standard 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3CEC Standard 4: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3CEC Standard 5: 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6CEC Standard 6: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6CEC Standard 7: 7.1, 7.2, 7.32IEP Project Candidates review a case study of a middle/secondary-aged student and develop a draft IEP using IEP software used by the state (EXCENT), including transition goals, for the student.EDSP 4970: fall semester senior yearCEC Standard 1: 1.2CEC Standard 4: 4.2, 4.3CEC Standard 5: 5.2, 5.5CEC Standard 7: 7.23Instructional Unit PlanCandidates develop a 2-week unit plan based on Common Core State Standards for a specific grade and subject in their student teaching placement. EDSP 4950: spring semester senior yearCEC Standard 1: 1.1CEC Standard 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3CEC Standard 5: 5.1, 5.2, 5.74Student Teaching Final SummaryFinal joint evaluation by the University Supervisor and Mentor Teacher of candidate’s semester-long teaching experience.EDSP 4980: spring semester senior yearCEC Standard 2: 2.1, 2.2CEC Standard 5: 5.2, 5.7CEC Standard 6: 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.65Curriculum-Based Measurement Project Field-based project where candidate collects academic performance data for an individual student and makes instructional decisions and recommendations based on student performance data.EDSP 4940: fall semester senior yearCEC Standard 1: 1.1, 1.2CEC Standard 4: 4.2, 4.4CEC Standard 5: 5.1, 5.6CEC Standard 7: 7.16Behavior Change Project Field-based project where candidates identify a target behavior to address based upon functional behavior analysis and apply specific intervention(s) to address the student’s behavior. EDSP 4930: fall semester senior yearCEC Standard 1: 1.2CEC Standard 2: 2.2, 2.3CEC Standard 4: 4.4CEC Standard 5: 5.6CEC Standard 6: 6.1CEC Standard 7: 7.1, 7.2, 7.37Assessment Report Candidates are expected to develop skills in (a) selecting and using technically adequate formal assessments, (b) recognizing strengths and limitations of various types of assessment; (c) interpreting results, and (d) adhering to procedural safeguards in determining eligibility for special education and related services. EDSP 4910: spring semester junior year CEC Standard 4: 4.1, 4.2CEC Standard 6: 6.38Assistive Technology Project Candidates analyze the information provided in a detailed case study. They use that information to design and develop a piece of low-tech equipment that addresses the assistive technology needs that have been presented in the case study description. EDSP 3730: spring semester junior yearCEC Standard 1: 1.1, 1.2CEC Standard 2: 2.3CEC Standard 3: 3.2CEC Standard 5: 5.1, 5.3, 5.4CEC Standard 7: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3Standards:Key ElementsAssessment 1:PRAXISAssessment 2: IEP ProjectAssessment 3:Unit Plan Assessment 4:Final Summary Assessment 5:CBM ProjectAssessment 6:Behavior Change ProjectAssessment 7:Assessment Report Assessment 8: Assistive Tech Project KnowledgeAppliedPerformancePerformancePerformancePerformancePerformanceAppliedEDSP 4980EDSP 4970EDSP 4980EDSP 4980EDSP 4940EDSP 4930EDSP 4910EDSP 3730Spring, Sr.Fall, Sr.Spring, Sr.Spring, Sr.Fall, Sr.Fall, Sr.Spring, Jr.Spring, Jr.1.1XXX1.2XXXXX2.1XX2.2XX2.3XXX3.1XX3.2XX3.3XX4.1XX4.2XXXXX4.3XXX4.4XXX5.1XXXX5.2XXX5.3XX5.4XXX5.5XX5.6XXXX5.7XX6.1XXX6.2XX6.3XXX6.4XX6.5XX6.6XX7.1XXXX7.2XXX7.3XXXCEC, MEd, Special EducationEmphasis in Learning Disabilities b. Emphasis in Emotional/Behavioral Disorders c. Emphasis in Intellectual DisabilitiesName of AssessmentType or Form of AssessmentWhen the AssessmentIs AdministeredCEC Standards Alignment1PRAXIS examsState Licensure Tests: Special Education: Core Knowledge & Applications AND Special Education: Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities Special Education: Core Knowledge & Applications AND Special Education: Teaching Students with Behavioral Disorders/Emotional Disturbances Special Education: Core Knowledge & Applications AND Special Education: Teaching Students with Mental Retardation last semester of programCEC Standard 1 CEC Standard 2CEC Standard 3CEC Standard 4CEC Standard 5CEC Standard 6CEC Standard 7 2IEP Project Candidates review a case study of a middle/secondary-aged student and develop a draft IEP using IEP software used by the state (EXCENT), including transition goals, for the student.EDSP 8410 offered fall of each yearCEC Standard 1: 1.2CEC Standard 4: 4.2, 4.3CEC Standard 5: 5.2, 5.5CEC Standard 7: 7.23Unit PlanCandidates develop a 2-week unit plan based on Common Core State Standards for a specific grade and subject in their student teaching placement. EDSP 8110EDSP 8140EDSP 8170CEC Standard 1: 1.1CEC Standard 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3CEC Standard 5: 5.1, 5.2, 5.74Final Practicum SummaryEvaluation by the University Supervisor of candidate’s semester-long field experience. EDSP 8120EDSP 8150EDSP 8180CEC Standard 2: 2.1, 2.2CEC Standard 5: 5.2, 5.7CEC Standard 6: 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.65Curriculum-Based Measurement Project Field-based project where candidates collect academic performance data for an individual student with disabilities and makes instructional decisions and recommendations based on student performance data.EDSP 8120EDSP 8150EDSP 8180CEC Standard 1: 1.1, 1.2CEC Standard 4: 4.2, 4.4CEC Standard 5: 5.1, 5.6CEC Standard 7: 7.16Assessment ReportCandidates develop a thorough description of a specific assessment instrument including normative data, technical adequacy, scoring guidelines, and the MMY evaluation of the instrument. Candidates then administer the assessment to a student in a local school setting. Candidates must collect relevant background information for the student and describe the results of the student’s assessment. Finally candidates write an IEP objective based on informal assessment in the identified area of weakness as determined by the formal assessment results. EDSP 8210: Spring semester each yearCEC Standard 4: 4.1, 4.2CEC Standard 6: 6.37Single-Subject Research ReportCandidates develop a behavioral intervention using multiple formal and informal assessments, with special consideration given to legal matters and ethical considerations. The assignment results in a short manuscript which mirrors published data-based research articles. Candidates must use an appropriate research design, implement a research-validated instructional intervention, measure the student’s progress through appropriate means, and include a discussion section that reflects findings and is tied to previous research.EDSP 8540: Spring semester CEC Standard 1: 1.2CEC Standard 2: 2.2, 2.3CEC Standard 4: 4.4CEC Standard 5: 5.6CEC Standard 6: 6.1CEC Standard 7: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3CEC Assessment Matrix, Special Education: Emotional and Behavior Disorders Emphasis (MEd)Standards:Key ElementsAssessment 1:PRAXISAssessment 2: IEP ProjectAssessment 3:Unit Plan Assessment 4:Practicum Summary Assessment 5:CBM ProjectAssessment 6:Assessment Report Assessment 7:Single Subject Report1.1XXX1.2XXXX2.1XX2.2XXX2.3XX3.1XX3.2XX3.3XX4.1XX4.2XXXX4.3XX4.4XXX5.1XXX5.2XXXX5.3X5.4X5.5XX5.6XX X5.7XX6.1XXX6.2X6.3XXX6.4XX6.5XX6.6X X7.1XXX7.2XXX7.3XXCEC Assessment Matrix, Special Education: Intellectual Disabilities Emphasis (MEd)Standards:Key ElementsAssessment 1:PRAXISAssessment 2: IEP ProjectAssessment 3:Unit Plan Assessment 4:Practicum Summary Assessment 5:CBM ProjectAssessment 6:Assessment Report Assessment 7:Single Subject Report1.1XXX1.2XXXX2.1XX2.2XXX2.3XX3.1XX3.2XX3.3XX4.1XX4.2XXXX4.3XX4.4XXX5.1XXX5.2XXX5.3X5.4X5.5XX5.6XX X5.7XXX6.1XX6.2X6.3XXX6.4X6.5X6.6 X7.1XX7.2XX7.3XCEC Assessment Matrix, Special Education: Learning Disabilities Emphasis (MEd)Standards:Key ElementsAssessment 1:PRAXISAssessment 2: IEP ProjectAssessment 3:Unit Plan Assessment 4:Practicum Summary Assessment 5:CBM ProjectAssessment 6:Assessment Report Assessment 7:Single Subject Report1.1XX1.2XXXX2.1X2.2XX2.3XX3.1XX3.2XX3.3XX4.1XX4.2XXXX4.3X4.4XXX5.1XXX5.2XXXX5.3X5.45.5XX5.6X X5.7XX6.1XX6.2X6.3XX6.4X6.5X6.6XX7.1XXX7.2XX7.3XCEC, MAT, Special EducationName of AssessmentType or Form of AssessmentWhen the AssessmentIs AdministeredCEC Standards Alignment1PRAXIS State licensure test: Special Education: Core Knowledge and Mild-to-moderate Applications (5354) and Special Education: Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities (5383).Summer 2/end of programCEC Standard 1: 1.1, 1.2CEC Standard 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3CEC Standard 4: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3CEC Standard 5: 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6CEC Standard 6: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6CEC Standard 7: 7.1, 7.2, 7.32IEP Project Candidates develop a draft IEP for a student in their student teaching placement with IEP software currently used by the state; The IEP must include progress monitoring data, along with other assessment data as indicated by student needs. EDSP 8230 SpringCEC Standard 1: 1.1CEC Standard 4: 4.2, 4.3CEC Standard 5: 5.2, 5.5CEC Standard 7: 7.23Unit PlanCandidates develop and implement a 2-week unit plan based on Common Core State Standards for a specific grade and subject in their practicum placement. Plan includes the use of research-based practices and pre-and post-assessment data to document effectiveness of their instruction on student learning outcomes. Candidates will include appropriate accommodations/modifications, including the use of assistive technology for students based upon their individual learning needs. Unit plan must include a description of collaboration with either the special or general education teacher in the planning and implementation of the instruction.EDSP 8580: FallCEC Standard 1: 1.2CEC Standard 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3CEC Standard 4: 4.3CEC Standard 5:5.2, 5.4, 5.74Student Teaching Final SummaryFinal joint evaluation by the University Supervisor and Mentor Teacher of candidate’s semester-long teaching experienceEDSP 8580: SpringCEC Standard 1: 1.1CEC Standard 2: 2.1, 2.3CEC Standard 3: 3.1, 3.2CEC Standard 4: 4.2, 4.4CEC Standard 5: 5.1, 5.2, 5.6, 5.7CEC Standard 6: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6CEC Standard 7: 7.35Academic Intervention ProjectEDSP 8550: FallCEC Standard 1: 1.2CEC Standard 3: 3.3CEC Standard 4: 4.1, 4.2, 4.4CEC Standard 5: 5.1, 5.6CEC Standard 7: 7.16Behavior Change Project Field-based project where candidates, in collaboration with their teacher and the student, identify a target behavior to address based upon functional behavior analysis and apply specific research-based intervention(s) to address the student’s behavior. The report includes the rationale for the behavior change, a description of the research support for the intervention, data trends identified across multiple data points, communication with students (and/or parents) about the intervention and data, and recommendations for continued use of the intervention.EDSP 8560: FallCEC Standard 1: 1.2CEC Standard 2: 2.2, 2.3CEC Standard 4: 4.4CEC Standard 5: 5.6CEC Standard 6: 6.1CEC Standard 7: 7.1, 7.2, 7.37Assistive Technology ProjectCandidates analyze the information provided in a detailed case study. They use that information to design and develop a piece of low-tech equipment that addresses the assistive technology needs that have been presented in the case study description.EDSP 8200: FallCEC Standard 1: 1.2CEC Standard 5: 5.1, 5.3, 5.4Standards:Key ElementsAssessment 1:PRAXISAssessment 2: IEP ProjectAssessment 3:Unit Plan Assessment 4:Final Summary Assessment 5:CBM ProjectAssessment 6:Behavior Change ProjectAssessment 7: Assistive Tech Project KnowledgeAppliedPerformancePerformancePerformancePerformanceAppliedBy program endEDSP 8230; SpringEDSP 8580; SpringEDSP 8580;SpringEDSP 8550;FallEDSP 8560:FallEDSP 8200; Fall1.1XXX1.2XXXXX2.1XX2.2XX2.3XXX3.1XX3.2XX3.3XX4.1XX4.2XXXX4.3XXX4.4XXX5.1XXXX5.2XXX5.3XX5.4XXX5.5XX5.6XXXX 5.7XX6.1XXX6.2XX6.3XX6.4XX6.5XX6.6XX7.1XXX7.2XXX7.3XXXAMLE, Middle Level EducationType and Number of AssessmentName of AssessmentType or Form of Assessment When the Assessment Is Administered Assessment #1: Content Knowledge– Licensure Tests (required) Praxis II National Licensure Test required by SC State Department of Education Praxis II Content Exams - Prior to Admission in Student Teaching in Spring Semester Assessment #2: Content Knowledge – an assessment of general content knowledge in discipline to be taught (required)The Adolescent Learner Knowledge IndexFinal Paper; Interview Analysis/Reflection; Gender AssignmentEDML 8030 Adolescent Learner-Initial course; Summer SessionAssessment #3: Pedagogical andProfessional Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions – Planning instruction and assessment (required)Teaching UnitUnit PlanEDML 8110, 8120, 8130, 8140 Middle Grades Methods/ Practicum – ELA/Soc Studies/Math/Science -Fall Semester prior to student teaching Assessment #4: Pedagogical andProfessional Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions – Student TeachingAssessment (required)Evaluation of Student TeachingAMLE Evaluation of Student TeachingEDML 8210, 8220, 8230, 8240 Middle Grades Student Teaching – ELA/Soc Studies/ Math/Science -Spring final semesterAssessment #5: Effects on StudentLearning (required)Effects on Student LearningPre-post UnitEDML 8210, 8220, 8230, 8240 Middle Grades Student Teaching – ELA/Soc Studies/ Math/Science -Spring final semesterAssessment #6: Professional knowledge and skillsCurriculum UnitIntegrated Unit PlanEDML 8410 Advanced Middle School Curriculum -Fall semester prior to student teachingAssessment #7: Additional assessment that addresses AMLE standards (optional)Team Plan Team PlanEDML 8410 Advanced Middle School Curriculum -Fall semester prior to student teachingAssessment #8: Additional assessment that addresses AMLE standards (optional)Professionalism EvaluationADEPT Portfolio APS 10 Evaluation RatingEDML 8210, 8220, 8230, 8240 Middle Grades Student Teaching – ELA/Soc Studies/Math/Science -Spring final semesterAMLE STANDARD APPLICABLE ASSESSMENTS FROM SECTION IIProgrammatic Standards1. Middle Level Courses and Experiences. Institutions preparing middle level teachers have courses and field experiences that specifically and directly address middle level rmation is provided in Section I, Context. SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1 2. Qualified Middle Level Faculty. Institutions preparing middle level teachers employ faculty members who have middle level experience and expertise. Information is provided in Section I, Context.Performance-based Standards1. Young Adolescent Development. Middle level teacher candidates understand, use, and reflect on the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to young adolescent development, and uses that knowledge in their practice.Assessments 2, 3, 42. Middle Level Curriculum. Middle level teacher candidates understand the major concepts, principles, theories, research, and structures of content to plan and implement curriculum that develops all young adolescents’ competence in subject matter. Assessments 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 13. Middle Level Philosophy and School Organization. Middle level teacher candidates understand the major concepts, principles, theories, and research underlying the philosophical foundations of developmentally responsive middle level programs and schools.Assessments 6, 74. Middle Level Instruction and Assessment. Middle level teacher candidates understand, use, and reflect on the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to data-informed instruction and assessment.Assessments 3, 4, 5, 65. Middle Level Professional Roles. Middle level teacher candidates understand their complex role as teachers of young adolescents. They engage in practices and behaviors that develop their competence as middle level professionals. They are informed advocates for young adolescents and middle level education and work successfully with colleagues, families, community agencies, and community members. Assessments 4, 6, 7, 8BS, Agricultural EducationNumber and Type of AssessmentName of AssessmentType of AssessmentWhen AdministeredAssessment #1 Content Knowledge - Licensure TestsPRAXIS I & PRAXIS II Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT)Grade Point AverageNational Licensure Test Required by the South Carolina Department of Education Final GradeJunior and Senior Year During academic careerAssessment # 2- Content Knowledge (General content knowledge in discipline)Grade Point Average;Student E- Portfolio’sFinal GradeGradeDuring academic careersCompletion of Ag Ed Directed TeachingAssessment # 3-- Pedagogical and Professional Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions (Planning instruction and assessment)Instructional PlanInstructional Methods- Micro-TeachingDevelopment of Unit Plans and Daily Lesson PlansAssessment of growth in Micro Teaching LessonsAg Ed 4230 CurriculumAg Ed 4010/4011Teaching MethodsAssessment # 4- Pedagogical and Professional Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions (Student Teaching Assessment)Student Teaching EvaluationsWritten /Visual Appraisal: Reflection JournalAg Ed Directed TeachingAssessment # 5- Effects on studentsFinal Summary Evaluation of Student LearningGraded Student MaterialFinal Summary APS 7 Completion of Ag Ed Directed TeachingAssessment # 6- Professional knowledge and skills Student Teaching EvaluationsProfessionalism/ dispositions Goals and reflectionWritten/ visual self-reflection Supervisor evaluation of Professionalism/ dispositions Goals and reflectionAg Ed Directed TeachingIRA, Literacy Education ?ASSESSMENT??1234567STANDARDS?PraxisFoundations Paper (EDLT 8100)Assessment report w/ Teacher Comm (EDLT 8120)Diagnostic & Instructional Case Study of a Struggling Reader and Writer (EDLT 8160)Needs Assessment and PD Plan (EDLT 8180)Comprehensive & Balanced Literacy Curriculum & Environment Project (EDLT 8110, previously 8680)Coaching Documen-tation EDLT 8770)1.1?X??X??1.2XX?????1.3?X??X??2.1????XX?2.2X?XX???2.3X??X?X?3.1X?X????3.2??XX???3.3??XX???3.4??XXX??4.1????XX?4.2???X?X?4.3????XX?5.1X???X??5.2X??X???5.3???XX??5.4??X?X??6.1????X?X6.2?X????X6.3?X????X6.4????X?XAssessmentsFoun-dationsComprehensive & Balanced Literacy Curriculum & Environment ProjectAssessment Report w/ Teacher CommunicationDiagnostic Case ReportNeeds Assessment and PD PlanCoaching Documen-tation?Coaching Levels1XX???X?2??XXXX?3????XX?Coaching Level 1: Informal--Instructional conversations with groups/participating in professional development activities (sharing ideas and materials with teachers, identifying issues or needs, setting goals for specific students, and problem solving); developing and providing materials for/with teachers; assisting with assessing students; instructing a small group of students to learn about their specific strengths and needs; leading or participating in study groups; participating in professional development activities and sharing ideas and materials with colleagues (workshops and conferences).Coaching Level 2: More Formal--Co-planning daily/weekly lesson plans; utilizing curriculum and developmental benchmarks for planning purposes; holding team meetings (grade level, reading teachers) interpreting assessment data (helping teachers use results for instructional decision-making); providing feedback and discusing teaching and learning with individuals; implementing professional presentations. Coaching Level 3: Formal--Modeling and discussing lessons; co-teaching lessons/ visiting classrooms and providing feedback through non-evaluative observations; analyzing videotape lessons with teachers. Planning, implementing, and evaluating job-embedded professional development initiatives.ELCC, Educational Leadership Building Level 2014-15 ELCC ASSESSMENT PLAN - BUILDING updated 12.9.15ELCC STANDARDSAssessment #1Praxis II 10410Assessment #22a-Program Evaluation EDL 7350 2b-Lit Review EDL 7150 Assessment #3Stewardship of a VisionEthical leadership ProjectAssessment #44a-Vision Assessment and Renewal Plan4b-Technology and Learning Analysis4c-Advocacy and Policy ProjectAssessment #66a-Budget Analysis and Simulation6b-Human Resources Policy Improvement Plan6c-School Community Relations ProjectAssessment #55a-nstructional Improvement Plan 5b-Curriculum Leadership ProjectCONTENT ASSESSMENTSPROFESSIONAL SKILLS ASSESSMENTSSKILL EFFECTSELCC 1.01.1xEDL 70001.2xEDL 70001.3xEDL 7350EDL 70001.4xEDL 7510/7560Starting Fall 2015, 4a-vision assessment moved to EDL 7500/7550 for newer cohortsELCC 2.02.1xEDL 73002.2xEDL 74002.3xEDL 73002.4xEDL 7510/7560ELCC 3.03.1xEDL 74503.2xEDL 74503.3xEDL 7350EDL 72003.4xEDL 7350EDL 72003.5xEDL 7350EDL 7200ELCC 4.04.1xEDL 71504.2xEDL 7150EDL 71504.3xEDL 71504.4xEDL 7150ELCC 5.05.1xEDL 7350EDL 72505.2xEDL 72505.3xEDL 72505.4xEDL 72505.5xEDL 7250ELCC 6.06.1xEDL 7510/75606.2xEDL 7350EDL 7510/75606.3xEDL 7350EDL 7510/7560ELCC STANDARDSAssessment #1 (A state licensure assessment, or other assessment of candidate content knowledge of concepts contained in the ELCC building-level standards.)Praxis II, Educational Leadership: Administration?and Supervision, 10410(ELCC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2. 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3)Assessment #2(Another assessment of candidate content knowledge of concepts contained in the ELCC building-level standards.)2a: EDL 7350 Program Evaluation(ELCC 1.3, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 5.1, 6.2, and 6.3)2b: EDL 7150 Lit Review (4.2)Assessment #3(Demonstration of candidate application of leadership skills in instructional leadership within a building.)3.a: EDL 7000 Stewardship of a Vision (ELCC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)3.b: EDL 7250 Ethical Leadership Project (ELCC 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5)Assessment #4(Demonstration of candidate application of leadership skills in a building level internship/clinical practice setting(s).)EDL 7510 and 7560, Starting Fall 2015, 4a-vision assessment moved to EDL 7500/7550 for newer cohorts4.a: Vision Assessment and Renewal Plan (ELCC 1.4) 4.b: Technology and Learning Analysis (ELCC 2.4)4.c: Advocacy and Policy Project (ELCC 6.1, 6.2, 6.3)Assessment #6(Demonstration of candidate application of leadership skills in organizational management and community relations within a building.)6.a: EDL 7450 Budget Analysis and Simulation (ELCC 3.1, 3.2)6.b: EDL 7200 Human Resources Policy Improvement Plan (ELCC 3.3, 3.4, 3.5)6.c: EDL 7150 School Community Relations Project (ELCC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)Assessment #5(Demonstration of candidate application of leadership skills that support an effective P- 12 student learning environment within a building.)5a: EDL 7300 Instructional Improvement Plan (ELCC 2.1, 2.3)5b: EDL 7400 Curriculum Leadership Project (ELCC 2.2)Note: Each element needs to be covered once for content and once for professional leadership skillsELCC, Educational Leadership District Level District Leadership Assessment Plan, 2014-15 updated 7 23 15ELCC STANDARDSAssessment #1 (Comprehensive Exam Case Study administered at the end of EDL 8510)Assessment #2(Linking Theory and Practice to an Organizational Vision; Instructional Leadership Literature Review; Theoretical and Personal Frameworks for Understanding Ethical leadership)Assessment #3(Strategically Implementing a Shared District Vision; Enacting Ethical Leadership)Assessment #4(Policy and Community Planning)Assessment #6(Operations and Environmental Assessment)Assessment #5(Leading District level Instructional Improvement)CONTENT ASSESSMENTSPROFESSIONAL SKILLS ASSESSMENTSSKILL EFFECTSELCC 1.01.1EDL 8150EDL 81501.2EDL 8150EDL 81501.3EDL 8150EDL 81501.4EDL 8150EDL 8150ELCC 2.02.1EDL 9250EDL 92502.2EDL 9250EDL 92502.3EDL 9250EDL 92502.4EDL 9250EDL 9250ELCC 3.03.1EDL 8510EDL 83003.2EDL 8510EDL 83003.3EDL 8510EDL 83003.4EDL 8150EDL 81503.5EDL 8510EDL 8300ELCC 4.04.1EDL 8510EDL 85104.2EDL 8510EDL 85104.3EDL 8510EDL 85104.4EDL 8510EDL 8510ELCC 5.05.1EDL 9720EDL 97205.2EDL 9720EDL 97205.3EDL 9720EDL 97205.4EDL 9720EDL 97205.5EDL 9720EDL 9720ELCC 6.06.1EDL 8510EDL 85106.2EDL 8510EDL 85106.3EDL 8510EDL 8510ELCC 7.07.1ELCC STANDARDSAssessment #1 (Comprehensive Exam Case Study)Comprehensive Exam Case Study (Administered at the end of EDL 8510) (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3)Assessment #2(Professional Portfolio)EDL 8150: The Superintendency (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 3.4)Linking Theory and Research to an Organizational VisionEDL 9250: Instructional Leadership (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)Instructional Leadership Literature ReviewEDL 9720: Ethics (5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5)Theoretical and Personal Frameworks for Understanding Ethical LeadershipAssessment #3(Demonstration of candidate application of leadership skills in instructional leadership within a district.)EDL 815: The Superintendency (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 3.4)Strategically Implementing a Shared District VisionEDL 972: Ethics (P-20) (5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5)Enacting Ethical LeadershipAssessment #4(Demonstration of candidate application of leadership skills in a district level internship/clinical practice setting(s).)EDL 8510: Internship II (Standards 4 and 6) Policy and Community PlanningAssessment #6(Demonstration of candidate application of leadership skills in organizational management and community relations within a district.)EDL 830: Business and Management in Education (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5)Operations and Environmental AssessmentAssessment #5(Demonstration of candidate application of leadership skills that support an effective P- 12 student learning environment within a district.)EDL 925: Instructional Leadership (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)Leading District Level instructional ImprovementCAEP, Teaching and LearningName of Assessment1(See attached pages.)Type or Form of Assessment2(Specific Name of Assignment)When the Assessment is AdministeredAssessment Description (the assignment given to the candidate)Scale used for meaning of the score Do you have a scoring rubric/guide? Yes/ NoDescription of Field Experience (required for all programs)Alignment to NBPTS & CF1Content KnowledgeComprehensive Exam - ContentEnd of ProgramCandidates will be challenged on content, as well as pedagogy, to address questions and problems submitted by content (& education) faculty members.1: Unsatisfactory 2: Competent 3: TargetNBPTS STANDARD 2CF Capable Knowledge Level 2,Connected Communication Level 22Content KnowledgeMultimedia Issues Project EDSC 7650 /EDEL 7600: Secondary / Elementary School CurriculumCandidates will research a contemporary issue in Elementary or Secondary curriculum and present it to the class. The paper should address how the issue relates to curriculum / school / practice and how it is affected by state standards 1: Unsatisfactory 2: Competent 3: TargetNBPTS STANDARD 3, 4CF Capable Practice Level 1, Connected Communication Level 13Planning/Implementing appropriate teaching and learning experiencesCurriculum Design PaperEDSC 7650 /EDEL 7600: Secondary / Elementary School CurriculumCandidates will design a unit of instruction that is focused on content, tied to relevant theoretical literature, and is that differentiated for individual and cultural differences.1: Unsatisfactory 2: Competent 3: TargetNBPTS STANDARD 1, 2, 3, 5CF Caring Beliefs Level 1, Connected Integration Level 14Assessment of internship or other field experiencesAction Research Project, Diversity Needs Assessment, School Profile ProjectED 8600: Action ResearchEDF 8710Candidates will work with a team to design and implement a study to measure the impact of an instructional innovation upon student performance. Candidates complete a diversity needs assessment and school profile project1: Unsatisfactory 2: Competent 3: TargetThe field experience will involve candidates as their innovation is implemented and then evaluated.NBPTS STANDARD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5CF Caring Actions Level 1CF Capable Knowledge Level 15Assessment of candidate effect on student learningAuthentic AssessmentED 8600: Action ResearchCandidates will develop and use appropriate (diagnostic, formative, and summative) assessments to determine the impact of different instructional strategies upon student learning1: Unsatisfactory 2: Competent 3: TargetCandidates will conduct the study in a classroom over a period of 4 weeks.NBPTS STANDARD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5CF Capable Practice Level 26Additional assessmentComprehensive Exam – Critical Issue in Content AreaEnd of ProgramCandidates will study an educational problem in their content area, study the literature, and propose a solution that will address standards and would enhance performance for all students in a democratic manner.1: Unsatisfactory 2: Competent 3: TargetCF Caring Beliefs Level 2,Caring Actions Level 2, Connected Integration Level 2 ................

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