
Name _________________________________ Period ____________

“Mean Girls” Essay Rubric

Part I (Use Erikson notes)

Erik Erikson believed building an identity was a task unique to adolescence. Describe Erikson and Marcia’s ideas and define identity crisis. Erikson believed most adolescents go through an identity crisis. Think about Kady’s identity crisis. What problems did she go through in the movie? Describe her internal and external changes.

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Part II (Use Erikson and Marcia notes)

James Marcia also believed in the existence of an adolescent identity crisis. He broke it down into four statuses, diffusion, foreclosure, delay and achievement. In the movie there are many characters struggling through adolescence, like Janice, Regina, Gretchen, and Karen. Think about their internal and external problems and decide what status they would fall into based on who they were at the beginning at the movie and their identity by the end. Make sure you can support your thoughts with details and events from the movie.

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no effort poor fair average above average outstanding

Part III

In class we have been discussing developmental tasks, which are things teens have to go through in order to be a successful adult. These include becoming independent, developing a concept of self and changing relationships with your parents. Discuss the relationship Kady has with her parents throughout the film. Describe her relationship with her parents at the beginning of the movie and how it’s unique? How do her parents differ in their approaches to her identity crisis? (think about the Christmas dance and the party). How does Kady show independence and maturation by the end of the movie?

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no effort below average average above average outstanding

Part IV

There are other developmental tasks that we discussed, for example physical appearance, impulse control and peer pressure. Pay close attention to each character and their adolescent struggles to see if they experienced these tasks and if they overcame them. Explain the struggles and outcomes for each character. Then look at the group as a hole to see if they struggled with peer pressure? How did the group enforce conformity? What choices did the girls make because of the pressure to conform?

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Part V: Relation of the events in the film to student’s own adolescent experience

Reflect on your own adolescent crisis. Which status would you say you are in right now? Describe your internal and external problems. Also, describe your struggles with the developmental tasks. How close are you to becoming a successful adult? In your reflection relate the events in this film to your own experiences in adolescence. Do you identify with any of these characters? How did this film help you reflect on the adolescent development?

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no effort poor fair average above average outstanding


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