
Name: Section: ________ Date: __________

Visual Biography Project

What is a visual biography?

A biography is an account of a person’s life written by someone else. For this project, you will be creating a visual biography for the character of your choice. This means that you will show your character’s experience/journey in a visual way.

The purpose behind creating this visual biography is to allow you to take a deep look at a protagonist from one of the independent reading books you read during this unit. You will need to gather all of your observations, theories, and evidence about a character and synthesize it so that others will be able to understand it easily.

What should be included?

Your project should show the life (the biography) of the protagonist of your choice. After viewing your project, readers should have an extremely strong idea of who the character is, what he/she has gone through, how he/she has changed, and any lessons the protagonist learned. Therefore, you MUST include the following on the visual biography:

• The name of the character

• The title of the book

• The character’s personality traits

• The character’s conflicts & how they were resolved

• Any character change that occurred throughout the course of the book

• A theme in the book

HOW should all of this be represented?

You can include all of the above information in a number of ways! You can:

• Use visual symbols/objects. Visual symbols can represent character traits and significant moments/events in the character’s life. For example, you might use a light bulb to show that the character has good ideas, or you might show a picture of a grave to represent a death in the character’s family.

• Use quotes directly from the text. Direct quotes are a great way to reveal character traits and character change. They can also show the impact of specific moments/events on a character. If you choose this option, you MUST include the page on which you found the quote.

Author’s Note

You will also be required to submit an author’s note for this project, which is a written explanation of the artistic decisions you made. This part will NOT be on the visual; it will be attached separately to the back. In this note, you should:

• Choose AT LEAST THREE symbols/objects and write one paragraph for each that explains what they represent.

• Choose AT LEAST TWO quotations and write at least one paragraph that explains why you chose it (2 paragraphs total). What does it reveal? If you chose to put it in a significant spot, you should explain that as well.

The author’s note is a chance for you to explain all of the decisions you made in creating the visual biography that may not be obvious to your audience. If you make a claim (e.g. This character is curious), you should explain what evidence you have from the text that made you come to that conclusion.

Name: __________________________________ Section: ________ Date: _________

Visual Biography Rubric

|Outcome |Not Yet |Meets Standards |Exceeds Standards |

|Plan |___ During class work period, student is off |___ During class work period, student is on |___ During class work period, student is on task|

|Make deliberate plans, |task. |task most of the time, but may need some |and requires no teacher redirection. |

|reflect, and | |teacher redirection. | |

|perseverance in order |___ Student hands in the assignment late. | |___ Student hands in the assignment on time. |

|to achieve goals | |___ Student hands in the assignment on time. | |

| |___ The project is messy, looks like it was | |___ Student puts extra effort into the |

| |put together in a rush, and/or is incomplete. |___ The project has a neat and clean |appearance of the assignment; it is extremely |

| | |appearance. |creative. |

|Conclude |___ The character’s name and/or the name of |___ The character’s name and the name of the |___ The character’s name and the name of the |

|Infer meanings, analyze|the book is not included. |book is included. |book is included. |

|information and develop| | | |

|valid ideas based on |___ There are fewer than 2 personality traits|___ At least two personality traits are |___ At least two personality traits are present |

|evidence and analysis. |present on the visual. |present on the visual through symbols and/or |on the visual through creative use of symbols |

| | |quotes. The traits chosen show basic |and/or quotes. The traits chosen show a complex |

| | |understanding of the character. |understanding of the character. |

| | | | |

| | |___ The visual represents the conflict(s) the |___ The visual represents the conflict(s) the |

| |___ The visual does not represent any |character faced and how it was resolved. |character faced and how it was resolved. It also|

| |conflicts in the character’s life and/or does | |shows other significant events in the character’s|

| |not show how it was resolved. | |life and how it affected him/her. |

| | | | |

| | | |___ The visual shows character change, along |

| | |___ The visual shows character change. |with what caused the character to change. |

| |___ There is no evidence of character change | | |

| |in the biography. | |___ The most important theme in the book is |

| | |___ A theme in the book is represented. |represented and is well supported by evidence. |

| |___ A theme in the book is not represented |although it may be minor theme. It is | |

| |and/or it is inaccurate. |supported by evidence in the text. | |

| | | |___ Author’s note is complete and thorough. All|

| | |___ Author’s note is complete. She adequately|artistic decisions are fully explained, |

| |___ Author’s note is incomplete or missing. |explains all artistic decisions made and is |purposeful, and demonstrate evidence of deep |

| | |able to support her conclusions with evidence |thinking. She is able to support her conclusions|

| | |from the text. |with patterns of evidence from the text. |

| | | | |


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