
Industrialization in the Late 19th Century

1st Transcontinental Railroad

■ Pacific Railway Act of 1862

■ U.S. Government hired _____________ _______________ and ______________ ______________________ Railway Company to extend railways across the United States.

■ Central Pacific

■ Started in ________________, CA

■ Union Pacific

■ Started in _______________, NE

■ The two railroad companies met in _______________________, Utah to drive the “__________________ ______________” on May 10, 1869

The Workers

■ Workers were mainly _________________ and ______________ immigrants

■ Working conditions were poor

■ Reasons:

■ ________________

■ _____________ ________________

Railroad Developments

■ Train problems:

■ ___________, noisy, _____________________

■ 1869 George Westinghouse:

■ Development of _________ _______________

■ 1887 Granville Woods:

■ __________________________ system for train ______________________

Time Zones

■ Scheduling was a major concern

■ Set clocks according to _____________ _______________

■ Time differences from town to town created _______________________.

■ 1883: National System of __________ _____________

■ How many total time zones does the USA have?

Who did the Railroad Impact?

■ Native Americans

■ called it the _________ _______________

■ Helped _________________ expansion

■ ______________ much easier

■ Became crucial to the U.S. economy – ______________ __________ dropped drastically.

■ Hurt __________________ economically

■ Made deals with wealthy businessmen

■ ______________________


■ ___________________ ___________________ ________ of 1887 – put in place for Govt to supervise ________________ ____________________

■ Led to more financial problems (railroads were forced _________ _____ _______________, which led to the Panic of 1893)

■ This caused the __________ ______________ to start buying up the railways, which paved the way for ________ _______________

Industrialization Factors

■ ________________ and semi-skilled labor in abundance

■ New, talented entrepreneurs

■ Oil

■ Inventions

■ New technology that allows ________ _____________________

■ Bessemer Process

■ Railroads

■ Changes in business strategy

■ __________________ Integration & _____________________ Consolidation

■ ______________ _____________________

The Bessemer Process

■ Henry Bessemer

■ _______________ businessman

■ William Kelly

■ _________________ businessman

■ Developed new way of making _________________:

*** _________ ___________, add carbon, remove _______________________***

Brooklyn Bridge

■ Old way to Manhattan to Brooklyn was _______________

■ ________________: ferry could not run because of __________

■ John _______________

■ German began building

■ Dies in _______ ___________________

■ Washington Roebling completes

■ Son

■ _________________ by accident during construction

■ Completed on May 24, 1883

Growth of Big Business

Robber Barons or Capitals of Industry

■ Robber barons: business leaders who _________ ________________ from _________________ from the public.

■ Capitals of Industry: business leaders served their nation in a _______________ _______.

Social Darwinism

■ ___________ _________________ – survival of the fittest

■ Social Darwin theory evolved:

■ Society should do as _____________ ____ ________________ to interfere with peoples pursuit of success


Government did not __________ or _______________________ businesses!!!

Big Business Emerges!

■ Monopoly

■ to have ________________ _____________________ of a product or service.

■ Cartel

■ businesses who make the _____________ _______________ – agree to limit supply to keep ______________ ___________.

■ Trust

■ separate companies placed under a _____________ __________________ _________________ – Board of trustees

Andrew Carnegie

■ Scottish businessman

■ “________________ _____ _____________” (1901).

■ __________________ is inevitable and good.

■ Vertical Consolidation

■ Wealthy should act as “_______________” for their “____________ ________________.”

■ 80% of fortune went to _____________________.

■ At time of death, he had given away – _________ _________________.

John D. Rockefeller

■ _________________ ________ _____

■ Eventually owned _______ ________ _____________________ in US.

■ Horizontal consolidation

■ 40 companies

The Reorganization of Work

❖ Frederick W. Taylor

o The Principles of Scientific Management (1911)

❖ The _________________ __________

o Mass Production

❖ Child Labor

o Conditions?

▪ ________ __________

▪ Less than $__________ per week

▪ Difficult, __________________ and unhealthy work

▪ _____________ _________________

▪ Could ___________ _________________, arm or be scalped by machinery

▪ Dusty, cold/hot ____________________ __________________

▪ _________________ ________________________

Management v. Labor

Knights of Labor

❖ Terence V. Powderly

❖ An _____________ ____ _______ is the concern of all!

❖ Goals

o _____________-________ workday.

o Abolition of ___________ and ________________ labor.

o ____________ _______ for men and women.

o _______________ ___________ in the workplace.

Haymarket Riot (1886)

❖ McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.

The American Federation of Labor: 1886

❖ Samuel _________________

❖ How the AF of L Would Help the Workers

o Catered to the _______________ _________________.

o Represented workers in matters of __________________ _____________________.

o Maintained a national ______________ ___________.

o Evangelized the cause of __________________.

o _________________ _________________ among the many craft unions.

o Mediated disputes between ____________________ and ______________.

o Pushed for _______________ ______________.

Homestead Steel Strike (1892)

❖ The Amalgamated Association of ___________ & ___________ Workers

❖ Homestead Steel Works

A “Company Town”: Pullman, IL

❖ What is a Pullman car?

❖ What is a Pullman porter?

❖ The Pullman Strike of 1894

o What happened?

The Socialists

❖ Eugene V. Debs

International Workers of the World (“Wobblies”)

❖ “Big Bill” ____________________ of the IWW

❖ __________________ was justified to overthrow _______________


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