
Title in bold and centered in 14 pt. times new roman

as in this title

Name Surname1, Name Surname 2 and Name Surname 3

1Affiliation and address

2Affiliation and address

3Affiliation and address

The title of one-page- abstract should be in 14pt. with a fixed line spacing of 14pt. Leave a blank line after the title and then enter the names of the author(s), in 12 pt, each followed by a comma and numbers for reference to each author’s affiliation. Indicate the presenting author with by underlining his/her name. Then enter the affiliations, in 9 pt, each on a separate line. Enter another blank line before the beginning of the text of the abstract. All abstracts must be written in English and occupy a maximum of 1 page A4 written in 9 pt. Times New Roman typed in a fixed line spacing of 11pt. Leave a blank line between each paragraph ( do not indent the paragraph). The text should be justified left and right.

Please, submit one-page-abstracts in .pdf format (up to 2.0 MB). Then, please name your abstract file, using the first author’s name, in the following format: “surname_initials.pdf”. If the same first author is submitting more than one abstract, please use surname_initials_1.pdf, surname_initials_2.pdf, etc.

Figure 1. the style to be used for graphs.

Figures and tables should be referred to in the text with the proper numbering. The figures are reproduced in gray scale.

Please, submit on-page-abstract in .pdf format (up to 2.0 MB). Then, please name your abstract file, using the first author’s name, in the following format: “surname_initials.pdf”. If the same first author is submitting more than one abstract, please use “surname_initials_1.pdf”,“surname_initials_2.pdf”, etc.

Figures and tables should be referred to in the text with the proper numbering. The figures are reproduced in gray scale.

Please, submit abstracts in .pdf format (up to 2.0 MB). Then, please name your abstract file, using the first author’s name, in the following format: “surname_initials.pdf”. If the same first author is submitting more than one abstract, please use “surname_initials_1.pdf”,“surname_initials_2.pdf”, etc.

Figures and tables should be referred to in the text with the proper numbering. The figures are reproduced in gray scale.

Please, submit one-page-abstract in .pdf format (up to 2.0 MB). Then, please name your abstract file, using the first author’s name, in the following format: “surname_initials.pdf”. If the same first author is submitting more than one abstract, please use “surname_initials_1.pdf”,“surname_initials_2.pdf”, etc.

Please, submitone-page-abstracts in .pdf format (up to 2.0 MB). Then, please name your abstract file, using the first author’s name, in the following format: “surname_initials.pdf”. If the same first author is submitting more than one abstract, please use “surname_initials_1.pdf”,“surname_initials_2.pdf”, etc.

Figures and tables should be referred to in the text with the proper numbering. The figures are reproduced in gray scale.

Please, submit one-page-abstracts in .pdf format (up to 2.0 MB). Then, please name your abstract file, using the first author’s name, in the following format: “surname_initials.pdf”. If the same first author is submitting more than one abstract, please use “surname_initials_1.pdf”,“surname_initials_2.pdf”, etc.

Please, submit one-page-abstracts in .pdf format (up to 2.0 MB). Then, please name your abstract file, using the first author’s name, in the following format: “surname_initials.pdf”. If the same first author is submitting more than one abstract, please use “surname_initials_1.pdf”,“surname_initials_2.pdf”, etc.


[1] Y. E. Kalay, Y.Kuru, E. Unalan Int. J Hydrogen Energy, 12 (2015) 915–920.

| |Short biography of the presenting author (No more than 6 lines). Short biography of the presenting author (No more than|

| |6 lines). Short biography of the presenting author (No more than 6 lines). Short biography of the presenting author (No|

| |more than 6 lines). Short biography of the presenting author (No more than 6 lines) Short biography of the presenting |

| |author (No more than 6 lines). Short biography of the presenting author (No more than 6 lines). Short biography of the |

| |presenting author (No more than 6 lines) |

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| |Presentating author: Name Surname, e-mail: tel: |


Photo of the presenting author

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