
The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Vocabulary Activities

Unit Word List:

1- disheartening

2- tedious

3- deliberation

4- tantalize

5- scandalized

6- incredulous

7- imploringly

8- winced

9- provoked

10- monotonous

11- inexorably

12- implacable

13- vengeance

14- decorum

15- incoherent

16- ingenious

17- tryst

18- concoct

19- instigation

20- intercede

Activity 1: Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe  (majority of these activities are not for the bolded words, please read the fine print)  Follow the directions in each square and complete the activity using the list of vocabulary words for the current unit. You must do 3 squares in a line (just like winning tic-tac-toe) up and down, side to side, or diagonally. All 3 activities are due on test day.

|Make a Digital Collage |Frayer Model | Acrostics (similar to Steven Schnur’s poems) |

|Or |Use the frayer model in your interactive notebook and |Make an acrostic for each word. Using the |

|Word Cloud  |make one for all the non bolded of your vocabulary |following example. This is not your elementary |

| |words. |acrostic. Use at least 6 vocabulary words |

|Use all of the non bolded vocabulary words | |[pic] |

| | | |

| | | |

|Make a Crossword Puzzle | |Concept Map / Bubble Map  |

|or |Use all of the words in a paragraph. |Sketch a bubble map that shows how this unit’s |

|Word Search with clues |The paragraph should describe the unit and what you |vocabulary words are related to each other. |

| |have learned. |Use all of the non bolded vocabulary words |

|You can do this online or by hand with graph | | |

|paper. | | |

|Use all the non bolded of the vocabulary words | | |

| | | |

|Vanity License Plates |Cartoon Strip OR Song  |  Hieroglyphics |

|Make vanity plates related to or using the |Create a cartoon strip that uses at least 6of the |Draw a symbol or hieroglyph |

|vocabulary words and concepts we have covered |words in the conversations between the characters. |(Think Like an Egyptian) |

|this unit. Remember only 8 characters will fit!|OR |That represents the meaning of each word  |

|“CO2 SVR” |Make up a song about ALL of the non bolded vocabulary |Use all the non bolded of the vocabulary words|

|Make at least 6 plates |words and set it to music we already know. | |

Name _________________________________ Date________

Activity 2: WORD PARTS

Many words are like a puzzle. They can be broken down into smaller parts: prefix/root/suffix. Each part has a meaning. By putting these meanings together, you can determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. Use the following Greek & Latin roots to help you determine the meaning of the following words from your novel:

Prefix Meaning

de opposite of

dis not, opposite of

in, im, ir, ill not

inter between, among

mono one, single

Suffix Meaning

-ous full of, having

-able, -ible able, capable

1- Disheartening Word Meaning:

prefix: dis- ________________

root: hearten ______________

suffix: -ing ________________

2- Implacable Word Meaning:

prefix: im- ________________

root: placate________________

suffix: -able ________________

3- Incoherent Word Meaning:

prefix: in- ________________

root: coherent______________

4- Intercede Word Meaning:

prefix: inter- _________________

root: cede _________________

5- Monotonous Word Meaning:

prefix: mono-_________________

root: tone __________________

suffix: -ous __________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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