
Special thanks to: ~xSini for letting me use his character for this chapter thank you.Chapter 4: Training and a personal quest.As nightfall rolled around, Brandon was getting hungry. He asked Losco if they could go up to the castle and have some dinner. Losco had told Brandon everything he needed to do and rolled up the plans. Losco had that thought in the back of his head; he knew Brandon still was not taking this situation seriously. “Alright kid you ready to meet the top dragons here in Havenview? They are the toughest beings in Havenview and will crush you like a bug if you are not careful”. Brandon did not like the sound of this. He started regretting following Losco to the castle. Brandon now wanted to stay behind where it was safe. Losco went back for Brandon, and dragged him along. “Alright Brandon, I am losing patients with you, stop being a little bitch and be a man. I sware you are the most irritating person I have ever met! Are you like this in your other world”? Brandon jerked away from Losco and stood up to him once again,“Look dude, insult me one more time and I will fight you. Oh, and no I am not like this in my other world. I am actually very respected in my other world. I have a very good job, loving wife, two kids, and a mansion. Life could never be sweeter. Here I am a weak, unlikeable dragon. So far I have been swallowed, abused, and put down by everyone in this city. So there you go Losco, want to keep going”? Losco looked at Brandon and shook his head. He knew he would have his paws full tomorrow during training. Losco led Brandon up the pathway up to the front door. There were two dragons on either side of the door guarding the entrance. The one on the right was a black ice dragon. He was all black with four spikes on his head and two spikes under his chin. He was staring Brandon down hard and was suspicious. He looked at Losco and demanded answers,“Losco who is this weak pile of nothing, Is he for real trying to get through this door? He really does not know the way of living like a dragon does he? Where did you find him Losco”? Losco had to think for a minute, he did not want to tell the dragon what he was really doing here. Brandon looked at Losco and then back at the big black dragon. He was getting impatient. Brandon knew one thing about dragons, you never keep them waiting for anything. Brandon just came out and said it,“I am from that island, uh Fieron I believe that is what it is called, My family was killed during Fierus’s last attack on the island. I was suffering and needed to find a home. Losco here being the good dragon that he is, found me and offered me a place here in Havenview. So now I am here to recive my training to become like you guys and hopefully everyone stops calling me names and making fun of me, and putting me down”. The dragon looked at the other dragon on the left, he was a grey scaled fire and poison dragon. He was grey from his back to the midway point of his side. The bottom half and his stomach was purple, to symbolize that he was a poison dragon. The dragon spoke,“Ah come on Jameson, look at this little cute dragon, now I think he really has the potential to really succeed, and if he is right about getting the training necessary he could fit in with us here in Havenview”. Jameson looked at Brandon and slowly walked up to him. His dark red eyes look into Brandon’s yellow eyes.“Let me tell you something runt, if you mess this up, this will be you”. Jameson walks over to a figure in the courtyard. He blows his icy breath all over it and turns it frozen solid, then swings his tail around and smashes it into many pieces all over the ground. Jameson smiled at Brandon. Brandon gulped and Losco led hi inside. Brandon was shaky and nervous. The top dragons reminded him of a wolf pack. They were the elite dragons, so in terms they would be the Alpha class of any organization back in his world. Kosco led Brandon down a spiral narrow corner, filled with torches and oil lamps. They were illuminating the hallway with a bright orange yellow color. Losco came to a set of double doors which was labeled Throne Room. Brandon just had a thought that popped up in his head,“Hey Losco, you know what this reminds me of, Dungeons and Dragons video game, or the Dragon age saga. This is so cool, now I am enjoying being in this world now, its like a video game”. Losco swiped Brandon on the face with his clawy paws. “Are kidding me right now boy, this is not a freakon video game, what the hell is wrong with you? You think everything is a god damn joke and I am sick of it! Shut the hell up before I finish you! I have tolerated you long enough Brandon. One more stupid comment like that and you will see the end got me”?!! Brandon said nothing and had a mad look on his face as Losco threw open the double doors and led Brandon down the path to the throne of Roello. Roello was perched up and looked down at the two dragons. Brandon just stood there clueless. Losco was bowing before Roello and Brandon was not. Losco said angrily through his teeth. “Take a bow you jackass! Show some respect. This is your king, you disrespect him and you are done for, BOW!!!” Brandon did as Losco asked and bowed. Roello looked down at Brandon and immediately flew down from his throne. Brandon looked up at the huge dragon. Roello smiled and looked at Losco.“He is not worthy of the dragon yet is he”? Losco answered,“No sir, he is far from ready. We have training tomorrow and I doubt he will survive. I have to teach him all the basics including flying and the skills of agility and quick time, and even how to use his fire breath”. “What kind of punk ass does not know how to use his fire breath or the element within them? That is dumbfounding and preposterous to me”. Losco told Roello that he was not an ordinary dragon, but with the right training, he would be the most powerful dragon in the tribe. Roelo looked at Brandon and saw the fire in him, but still had that mindset that Brandon would not succeed. Roello flew back up on his throne and invited Losco and Brandon to dne with the elite dragons for dinner. Lord Roello said that he had a few announcements he wanted to make at dinner as well. The other dragons in the throne room watched as Losco and Brandon left the throne room. They entered the brightly lit hallway again and Losco was leading Brandon to the big dining room when Brandon stopped him. He was sitting on the red carpet with his tail tucked under him. Losco stopped and looked behind him and saw the worried look in Brandon’s eyes. Losco walked up to Brandon and sat down next to him.“Look kid, I am sorry I was rough on you. I really do apologize for calling you all those names. I just want you to succeed Brandon. I am trying to get it in your head that these dragons are not playing. They are serious. They will terminate you if they feel like you can’t uphold your part as a dragon”. So lets have some dinner and enjoy tonight, because tomorrow your ass is mine for training”. Brandon agreed and Losco led him to the big dining room. All the elite dragons were coming down the stairs at the rear of the room. They all greeted Losco and ignored Brandon. All the dragons took their assigned seats at the tables and waited to be served. The waiter dragons flew around the room delivering the food to all the dragons. Brandon and Losco were the last ones to be served. Everybody looked at Brandon with dirty looks. Brandon just ignored everyone else and chowed down his dinner. The only dragon that seemed to talk to him was another small dragon, his name was Shane. He was a navy blue rough skinned dragon, he looked almost like Brandon but navy blue. He had spikes going from the top of his head all the way down his back and tail. “Hi, my name is Shane what is your name dude”? Brandon answered,“I am Brandon, Brandon Mason. I am not from this world as you can tell. I am from the human world. I was sucked through here by mistake by Lord Roello. He put an evil curse on me and I am trying to break it. Say do you know anything about that big vault door in the basement? Losco said it was classified to all dragons, but the one who upkeeps the room down there must know what is inside that vault”. Just when Shane was about to say something, The double doors off to the left side of the room opened and Roello was making his way down the stairs. It was time for the announcements. Every dragon grew quiet as he made his way to the head of the table and sat down. His two guard dragons stood on either side of the double doors keeping guard. Lord Roello began to speak,“Alright everyone listen up, I have some very important announcements to make. First we have a few competitions taking place in the square tomorrow right after the training session here. The commotions include a fire ball challenge. This will show us which dragon can shoot the biggest fire ball into the target before time runs out. If that dragon wins, they get powered up with dragon slime. They absorb it and become more powerful. Second the challenge at the bar center of the Havenview. Which dragon can drink the most dragon kisses, without blacking out of drunkenness. If that dragon survives and does not black out and beats the record, they will win the Dragon’s quest trophy. And will also receive some dragon slime as well. Simmons will be holding this event in the bar tomorrow right during the fireball challenge. Now, the big news. Tomorrow we have a training session tomorrow, so what that means is we have a guest coming into town to grade him on his efforts to becoming a dragon. That lucky dragon is Brandon Mason, Brandon where are you at? Come up here and show everyone you are willing to becoming a dragon”. Brandon just sat there and everyone looked around asking for Brandon. Brandon slowly stood up and gulped. His heart pounded in his chest as he slowly made his way to the head of the table where Roello was. Roello looked up at Brandon and stood up and raised his right arm in the air and cheered. Brandon was embarrassed that he had to go in front of everyone to show that he was a chump. Roello saw the fire in Brandon then sent him back to his seat. Then Roello continued with his announcement,“So the guest of honor tomorrow is none other than my good friend Sini”. The room got quiet when they heard this name. This dragon was tough and he was mean. He graded hard and the slightest mess up, he would fail that dragon and right them off as weak. One of the dragons spoke,“Um, my Lord, is this the Sini, the poison Dragon that lives all the way across the world? I hear he is the toughest dragon in the far west. And I must say holds the record for poison belches there too. I remember when he graded me when I was a baby dragon. He called me names and said I was worthless. So, I proved him wrong. I passed all my tests and did my personal quest to become a true worthy dragon. Sini is as tough as they come, but if you play your cards right. He will grow to like you a lot and respect you”. Brandon gulped, he was now scared of doing training now, one problem after another. Brandon could not just walk through the portal and exit the easy way. After dinner Brandon was wondering outside on the balcony pacing back and forth worried about tomorrow. Losco joined him and tried to calm his nerves. “Look kid, I tried telling you this was a serious matter. This is not a game Brandon. This dragon he is good, and he is a poison dragon, but does not come from Poisonai. He is a true western dragon and they are in my opinion the toughest dragons in this world. So, if I was you, tomorrow you put your serious face on. We drill hard tomorrow, when we are done you will be flying and using your fire element within you. I have faith in you kid. Come on inside and take it easy”. Brandon entered the room, and said he had to take a walk. He left Losco’s room and headed down the big hallway. Dragons were going into their rooms and leaving their rooms. A group of dragons were meeting up at the end of the hallway. They were on their way to the bar at the center of town. That is where Simmons was. He tailed the group of dragons who were rambling on about the contests tomorrow and the training day with Sini. Brandon followed them all the way to the entrance and followed them down the path leading into town. It was nightfall and the big moon shone bright in the sky. There were stringed lights all across the walkways going from building to building, lighting the square with a colorful and bright light. Oil lamps hung on each of the shops and looked beautiful when lit. The dragons came to an alley and went off to their right. Brandon now knew where he was. Part of him wanted to get even with Simmons; the other just wanted a drink and be left alone. Brandon came to the door and opened it. The dragons looked at the door and some already knew Brandon as they said, welcome back chump, back for another digestion? Brandon ignored them and walked over to a booth and sat down. The waiter dragon came up and asked what drink he wanted. Brandon rolled his eyes to Simmons and said ‘a dragons kiss’. The waiter looked at Brandon in shock. He was surprised he remembered the drink. Simmons heard this and turned his head and stared at Brandon. “You know kid you don’t have to prove anything to me. I already know you won’t be able to handle that drink”. They all laughed and Brandon just sat back smiling waiting for his drink. The waiter finally came back to his table and had a goblet filled with the dragons kiss. Simmons looked over his shoulder at Bandon to see if he was going to drink it. Brandon held the goblet to his maw and slowly started gulping the drink. It burned his throat as it went down but he drink it all up and wanted another. “That is pretty ballsy kid; do you want a drinking competition? I bet I could take your punk ass down. One drink will not claim you a dragon my boy”. Simmons got up from the bar and walked over to Brandon’s booth and sat down across from him and stared him down. Brandon smirked and asked for two more dragon kisses, one for him and one for Simmons. The waiter brought the drinks to the table, Brandon picked up the big goblet and stared at Simmons. Simmons just folded his arms and watched Brandon chug the drink down. Everyone at the bar stopped what they were doing and turned around to see what Brandon was doing. He felt massive burning in in his throat and finished the last bit of drink. He slammed it down on the table and said I told you so to Simmons. Simmons just laughed and picked up his goblet and threw the entire drink in his maw and swallowed. Brandon’s mouth dropped to his chest. He already was buzzed from one drink. “So kid, shall we go again, or are you going to chicken out and be a sissy”. Brandon was now under pressure, he knew if he did not drink another one, Simmons would swallow him whole again. “Hey waiter, I will have another one please. Simmons rolled his eyes to the other dragons at the bar and one by one they started sitting at the surrounding tables at Brandon’s booth. The waiter held his paw out to collect the goblets. He filled each up again to the very top, and served the two dragons. Brandon looked at the drink in the goblet. He knew after this one he would have blacked out. The next day was training, and in front of the world deadliest poison dragons, Sini. Brandon did not care; he took the goblet with both paws and started gulping the drink. He started seeing blurriness and the room started spinning. He was drunk. Two dragon kisses taken down by Brandon. The dragons started rooting for Brandon, their original predictions on Brandon started changing, and Simmons did not like this. He took his goblet in his paw and dumped the drink in his maw once again and swallowed. Nothing for Simmons, he did not even feel the slightest buzz. “You know kid, you can quit at any time, you are clearly drunk as a skunk. If you have another one, you’ll more than likely pass out on the floor. So, you proved me wrong, you can drink, ill give you that. You are also a newbie, that means you can’t handle the strong alcohol like the rest of us can. I am warning you, stop while your ahead”. Brandon took this as he was weak and struggled to speak to the waiter,Losco busted down the door and grabbed Brandon, It was time to go and he was furious, not only sneaking out the castle to drink, but getting so drunk that he could not even breathe. Losco led Brandon back to the castle and drug him across the floor to his room. He put Brandon on his couch and put a blanket on him. Brandon was so intoxicated he was blacked out. He laid there snoring away. Losco was so disappointed in Brandon, knowing that Sini was going to be grading him the next day on his training tests. Losco had to go to bed. Losco went off to his bedroom and closed the door behind him. It was going to be a very big day tomorrow and Brandon was not even flinching to get up. Losco pulled down the pillows and got comfy on his bed. He switched the light out and fell asleep. Morning rolled around and it was time to get up and start the day. Big day for everyone, as the guest was there. Losco heard several dragons outside heading to the big arena behind the castle, that is where Losco was taking Brandon to become a dragon. Losco saw Sini and the security dragons walking to the arena. Losco threw the curtains back and ran into the living room. Shaking Brandon awake, he finally got him up, but Brandon was feeling kind of sick. Losco pulled him off the couch and saw a spot on the couch.“um Brandon, what is that on my nice couch”? Brandon put his paw on it; it felt like goo of some kind, or slime. Brandon looked at Losco who was not in the mood for games.“That is disgusting Brandon, you know, there is a lot of names I want to call you right now, but I am not. All that will do is get me worked up and I cannot afford to put my rank on the line, for your stupidity. Now get your butt up, go in that bathroom, and straiten yourself up. I am not in the mood for your foolishness today Brandon. Let’s go.” Brandon hurried up and got himself somewhat ready for the big day. Losco grabbed his dorm key and pushed Brandon out the room. Brandon followed with a little bit of distance from Losco. He knew something was on his mind, and he probably knew what it was too. Brandon followed Losco down to the main lobby and foyer of the castle. They ventured into the nice warm early morning air, the sun was shining bright in the rising point and the city looked beautiful so early in the morning. Losco led Brandon behind the castle and came to a brick path leading to the arena behind the castle. When Brandon and Losco made it to the arena Brandon saw many dragons mostly kids trying to earn their place in the dragon’s family. Losco led Brandon through several training yards and finnaly came to the one that was marked Brandon Mason on it. Losco was setting everything up to prepare Brandon for his tests. “Now look kid, you’re not looking at me!! Boy, ill slice you up, pay attention alright? Now we have three training tests we will test you on, 1: agility test, 2: QuickTime, 3: Flying control. So, which one you want to start with first Brandon”? Brandon was already nervous as it was. Brandon decided to start with the flying tests first. Since this was probably the most important test, he wanted to get flying down first. Losco took Brandon into the flying dome. This is where the dragon’s learned to fly for the first time. Losco went to the very center of the giant dome room.“Brandon come stand right here, this is how I get you to fly. Stand right here, over here danget, stop playing with me Brandon. Stand on the yellow circle zone on the floor!! Brandon was getting impatient and mad, Losco was furious with him and he would not tell him why. Losco went around Brandon getting him in stance. “Now lean forward a bit and lift your wings out to your sides. Once you are in stance and your wings are out like a glider, you will kick your feet off the ground like so, and you will lift into the air. Your wings will be your guide. Now go ahead and try this now”. Brandon gulped and got into position. Losco stepped into the viewing room to watch Brandon’s progress. Brandon leaned forward and spread his wings out to his side like air plane wings, and then he kicked off the ground and did nothing. He tried this several more times and Losco was losing patients. Finally, Brandon took his wings and spread them straight out and kicked hard and used his wings to glide up. He started flapping them up and down, up and down until he rose high in the dome. He now had to figure out how to control his flight and that is when Losco came out and flew to where Brandon was. Now Losco showed him how to control his flight. His wings were the key. He showed him how the winhs made him go up and stay straight, or bend down to dive down. Losco did a couple of laps around the dome and Brandon watched. Losco told Brandon to do what he just did. Use his wings to control his flight path and direct where he wanted to go. Brandon did so. He started flying higher and then dipped down into a dive to lower his altitude. He was now flying, what a freakon miracle. Losco had some happiness in his face; he was pleased to see Brandon now could fly. A big black and purple dragon entered the viewing room. It was Sini! He walked up to Losco and shook his paw, then rolled his eyes to Brandon. Sini made his way to Brandon and studied him closely. Brandon was nervous.“You afraid of me chump, don’t worry, and if I wanted swallow you I would have done that already. Name is Sini, I am a western poison dragon. I have come a very long way to see the new trainer. I had no idea it would be an adult dragon, what the heck is wrong with you”? Brandon did not know how to answer Sini. Sini just judged him as he was walking over to the evaluation sheet.“So kid, you did not know how to fly until now, you don’t know how to use your element within you, and you don’t know how to be strong like a dragon. Strength, element and combat make you a strong dragon”. Brandon interrupted,“I thought intelligence, courage, and confidence were important traits to have. At least in my world that’s what you want to be, especially smart”. Sini rushed up to Brandon at full force. He wanted to end him but resisted the urge. He rolled his eyes to Losco who just stood there fearing for his life. Sini looked at Brandon with evil eyes and put some modivation in Brandon to finally get serious,“This is not a game kid!! I am trying to give you every benefit of the doubt to succeed. I really don’t know if you will pass as a dragon here. You surely would be TV dinner back where I come from, because I am telling you, the dragons where I come from are true dragons. If they see a dragon that can’t pull his way in the tribe, he is eliminated. But you Brandon, I see the fire within you to succeed. I just want you to screw your head on straight and get serious. Otherwise I will have no other alternative but to fail you! Now get your punk ass back in that field and learn something and make me proud. GO RIGHT NOW!!” Brandon ran back out into the arena. Losco now respected Sini for his words of motivation towards Brandon.“Thank you Sini, I don’t think I could have handled that like you did.” Sini just rolled his eyes at Losco,“Losco, I am going to be real with you, you probably not going to like my answer, but you need to quit being so hard on this kid. Yeah I don’t like him, but I see the fire of him wanting to try. You need to have patience. I have seen Lesslies and the other dragon that came through here. Honestly, I hope Brandon becomes aware of the situation and gets in the game and do what must be done. He needs a leader and mentor. Not an enemy. Guide him and make him powerful and strong. Between you and me, this guy Lord Roello, I don’t trust him. If Brandon gets powerful enough, he might have what it takes to stand against Roello and end the suffering and evil here. Please Losco, if not for Brandon, do it for Havenview. These dragons don’t deserve to suffer like this.” Losco took Sini’s lecture and put it to use. Brandon walked back out into the arena where Brandon was waiting for him. “Alright Brandon, let’s see how agile you are, time to test and see how many rocks you can avoid without getting hit. This test is extremely important especially for Fieron. Speed and QuickTime will be your friend in Fieron and Poisonai.” Losco started launching rocks; Brandon got hit with every single rock that Losco fired. Losco was about to lose it, until Sini knocked on the window in the viewing room. Losco sighed and took a deep breath and showed Brandon how to avoid the incoming threats. Swaying the body quickly and dolphin diving on the ground and rolling to either side would also help. Losco went back up to the launcher. Brandon felt like he could do it this time. The only thing Brandon was achieving today was impressing Sini and Losco. So he fixed his eyes on Losco and focused real hard. Losco launched more rocks, they were coming fast. Brandon quickly jumped to the side. Losco started getting crazy and fired three in a row. Brandon dolphin dived and rolled to his left avoiding the other oncoming rocks. He now felt agile and his QuickTime was impressive. Sini started announcing Brandon’s score over the loud speaker,“Congratulations Brandon, you earned a ninety five percent for my rating. The other judges agree. Now your final test is strength. If you can lift one hundred and fifty pounds off the ground, you pass the three tests. Then you get a personal mission from me. This mission will let me determine if you have received enough training. Good luck Brandon on the final test.” Brandon started rushing over to Losco. There was a big weight set sitting on the ground in front of them. Brandon looked at it with big eyes and looked at Losco.“This is your final test Brandon, and then you can get the task from Sini. Once you complete that, then you are set to start your actual quest. Look Brandon, I am sorry I have been giving you a hard time. I’ve been on your tail ever since I met you and it is not fair to you. So, complete this final test and go meet up with Sini for that personal quest.”Brandon walked up to the weight set. He starting reaching for it and started pulling on it. He pulled as hard as he could and picked it right up. Brandon raised the weight over his shoulders and held it high in the air. Then Brandon put it on his back and started flapping his wings and rose to the ceiling of the arena. Losco looked at Sini who was mind blown by what he was seeing. He winked at Losco and Losco was so happy. Brandon started coming down and threw the weights back on the ground, creating a loud boom-like noise. Losco was so proud of Brandon; they looked at Sini in the window of the viewing room. Sini now felt bad for what he said. Sini marked the third and final checkmark by strength test and smiled at the two dragons down below. Sini got on the loud speaker and made his announcement,“Congratulations Brandon, you have successfully passed all three test with no problems or errors that I could see. Come see me for your final task and then you can begin your real quest.” Losco was so proud of Brandon, finally no more judging or yelling or calling him names. Brandon was happy too. Brandon flapped his wings and rose in the air and flew up to the viewing room, losco followed him. When they arrived Sini had the biggest smile on his face and was ready to reveal the final test.“Wow Brandon, I truly underestimated you. You really have gotten it together. So how come you couldn’t do this from the beginning? Losco told me that he had to fly you all the way to the surface on his back, come on dude. But I will admit, you turned around and I am impressed. So, all you need to do now is complete my mission I have for you and then I can be on my way.” Brandon was scared and excited at the same time. He really wanted to impress Sini for good so he could finally get to work on breaking his curse or contract as the dragons called it. Sini rolled out a map on the table and laid it all out for Brandon,“So here is a map of Havenview, I have hidden my poison gem up on the tallest mountain top. Your mission is to fly up there and complete the puzzles and acquire my gem. You cannot miss it it will shine a beautiful purple color. You will bring it back to me and I will pass you as a dragon. You got this kid, I know you can do this. Good luck.” Sini rolled up the map and put it away. Brandon and Losco walked through the exit, and came back outside. Brandon looked way out into the distance and had eyes on the tallest mountain top. Brandon gulped and was just about to go when Sini stopped him,“Wait kid, you might need this. It is a poison shield; your dragon skin will be destroyed by the poisons emitted from the gem. This will protect you, it will absorb the poisons and keep you safe. Now off you go good luck kid.” Brandon snapped on the shield and started flapping his wings. He kicked off the ground and started rising in the air. He set course for the mountains and flew gliding slowly enjoying the view. He now felt free and did not want to come down, Brandon for the first time in his life felt like he was finally doing what he wanted. He started getting closer to the mountains and further away from the villages and castle. It was now getting dark and was starting to get scared. He landed up on the highest point and had a path leading to a sealed door. The stone path felt very unstable and was getting ready to cave in. Brandon’s heart started pounding and he really felt like he regretted doing this assignment. Sure enough, as soon as he took a couple steps the ground started crackling and crumbling into a pit bellow him. Rocks started falling and headed straight for Brandon. He remembered his training, side to side, dolphin dive and roll. When Brandon looked behind him there was a giant hole in the ground that led to a endless pit. Brandon now had the impression that Sini was testing him for real what he learned in training. So what would be the next challenge? He made it to the door and opened it. He was greeted with a blocked path leading to the next room. Brandon saw a sign next to the barricade: ‘He who is weak, will never find the light at the end of the tunnel. The strong, however, will make it through the dark tunnel and find the light at the end. Only the strong will make it to the next area.’ Brandon read the sign and new it was a message. It was a riddle. Brandon saw the debris and started picking at it slowly, he removed everything but a giant structure remained. It looked like it weighed a ton. Bingo, strength was the test here. He grabbed the structure and flung it off to his left and revealed the next door. Brandon entered the next area and saw a ice structure blocking the door. Brandon did not know how to get through it. There was another sign next to the structure. He ignored it at first and started picking at the ice with his claws. It was not going anywhere. There was a shovel on the ground, he picked it up and started swinging as hard as he could. The ice was not even cracking. Brandon was about to give up, until he saw the sign and read it: ‘Attention dragon, as you can see this structure is frozen solid. Hitting it, beating it, scraping it with your claws will not help. The flame of the breath is the only choice here. So if you are a fire dragon than use the flame of the breath’ Brandon now finally understood what the message was saying. He had to use his fire element to get through the next area. The only problem was, he had no idea how to use it. He started fuming his stomach and he really focused. The only thing he was thinking about is how to impress Losco and Sini. He walked up to the structure and powered up and blew his fire brrath all over the ice structure. It slowly started melting and cracked and turned into water rolling down the cave wall. The door was now accessible for Brandon. He opened the door and was revealed a long narrow hallway. Straight down at the very end was a bright purple glowing object, Sini’s gem! Brandon knew that this room was going to throw everything at him. He was ready and started walking down the path. He stepped on a switch which launched two sharp knives directly at him! He dodged them and they went into the wall behind him. He kept going and stepped on another switch. This one shot out arrows, Brandon dolphin dived on the floor avoiding the arrows. Then he picked up his sped and stepped on two more switches whicj launched a big giant rock in his way and a block of ice about to fall on him. Brandon used his fire breath and melted the ice and picked up the rock and threw it behind him. Unfortunately, when Brandon did this, he created a cave in. Rocks were falling into the cave and started closing in on Brandon. He ran as fast as he could and just made it by a hair. The cave sealed off and Brandon was now in the sacred resting place of Sini;s poison gem. ‘Mission complete’, Brandon thought to himself. He picked up the crystal and put it in his pouch. He now was ready to become a dragon. Brandon saw a pool of slimy stuff just before he left. He jumped in the pool and absorbed it. He started getting stronger, he grew bigger and taller now. Brandon absorbed the slimy stuff which he called XP kind of like a video game, rank up to the max rank and take down the big boss, in this case was Roello. Brandon took off to the sky and made his way back to havenview Castle. His new big form was amazing, as he now felt a little more powerful. He saw the arena and started lowering his altitude he flew lower and lower until he touched down on the trail leading to the viewing room. When he got there Sini and Losco were waiting. They both saw Brandon coming in his new form. Sini was indeed very pleased. He held his paw out for the gem. Brandon handed Sini the gem and the poison shield. Sini passed Brandon and fist bumped him. “Damn kid, I am truly proud of you. You have successfully passed my mission and you even grew stronger in the process. I am assuming you absorbed the dragon’s energy in the pool right?” Brandon said yes. Sini put the gem in his pouch and said his farewells. Just as Sini was about to fly off Brandon stopped him. “SINI, WAIT!! You can’t leave. I need your help in breaking my contract and facing Roello. Sini turned around and smiled at him,“No kid, this is your quest, not mine. I truly believe you now have what it takes to save these poor dragons and saving yourself of course. You will power up enough to face Roello in the end. Good luck kid, I will always remember you. Oh and good luck back in your world once you return, good-bye Brandon! Sini flapped his wings and took off into the sky. Brandon watched as Sini slowly disappeared into the clouds above. Brandon walked inside the viewing room. Losco put his paw on Brandon’s shoulder. He knew he would miss Sini. Losco nudged Brandon. “It’s time Brandon, you are ready to enter the sacred woods, and take down Lesslies AKA Ronald Veljohnson. If it is really an escape your friend has come to this world for, then he needs to be put down. He has the army of rodents, the potentials and the close guards wolf pack led by Salazar is the meanest Alpha wolf in this world and will stop at nothing in protecting Lesslies. So hed back to my room and draw up a plan. I feel if we plan we will know what to expect on this first area. The two dragons left the arena and walked back down to the main street. Faloorous was walking back to her house when she saw Brandon and Losco. She did not recognize Brandon’s new form until he got close up. She saw he has grown and got a lot stronger since the last time she saw him. She invited them inside for dinner and wanted to know what has been going on. Losco told her everything, she now was convinced if Brandon played his cards right, he would become the most powerful dragon in Havenview. She served the boys their dinner and sat down with them and chatted for a good while. Brandon now was motivated to see this mission through and make it back to his family. Losco was sipping on some soup while Faloorous was prepping the main meal. Some meat, potatoes vegetables and a fruit cake for desert. The three dragons hung out and ate their dinner. The next day was the first challenge to the main problem at hand. ................

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