Wolf dragon hybrid names


Wolf dragon hybrid names

w: Nazwy OC, Wings of Fire, Wings of Fire Fanon, Work in Progress Comments (340) Udostpnij Oto kilka nazw hybrydowych smok?w. Niekt?re kategorie, takie jak wikszo mieszac?w Pantalan /Pyrrhian, nie maj tylu nazw. Zapraszam do dodawania wlasnych! Wystarczy pamita, nie nazwy art prosz. :) Dodajc nazwy, spr?buj umieci je alfabetycznie, aby zmniejszy potrzeb ich reorganizacji. Treci[show] Moesz uy kt?regokolwiek z tych nazw bez pytania. Pyrrhian Hybrid Nazwy MudWing / IceWing Oddzial Brash Caribou Clump Crystal Delta Dust Fossil Fox Frost Glade Glowworm Lichen Moose Mudce Permafrost Renifer slush Swan Taiga Twig Whooping Crane Verglas IceWing/NightWing Arcticmoon Arcticnight Arcticshadow Auspicious Australis Aurora Aurore Blackice Blackout Blizzard Blizzardshashasha boreas Boreas Brightscales Brightscales Blackfrost BlackFreeze Carbon Clearblue Clearfrost Clearsnow Cloud Strider Coldnight Coldnight Coldstar Coldwings Coldtalons Comet Constellation Crystalshadow Crystalshadow Crystalwings Crystalstar Darkfreeze Darkfrost Darkice Darkout Destinymaker DiamondScales Deathbreath Enderfreeze Enderfrost Eveningtail Fallenstar Zamraanki Frost Froststar FrostBite Frostbreath Frost

ath Frostnight Frostwings FrozenMoon Frozenstar Frozenstalker Gemstone Glaciernight Lodolamacz Icemoon Icemoon Icenight Icenight Iceshadow Icespike Mind Ice Melter Mirrorwalker Mooncrystal Moondrift Moonase moonscales Moonstone Moonshadow Moonshad Moonshatter Moonshard Navigator NightGazer Nightglacier Nightce Nightice Nightstorm Northern Lights North Lights North NorthEyes Nova Nebula Przepi?rka ShadowFury Shadowglacier Shadowmaster Shadowmoon Shadownight Shadowice Shardglacier Shardhunter Shardice Shardmoon Shatter ShatteredStar ShatteredStar ShatteredMoon Shattering Ice Silver Beauty Silverscale Silverspot Snowspot Snowstar Stalactite Stalagmite Starberg Stardrop Starfreezer Starghost Stargazer Starrunner StarShade Storm Stormchaser Stormclaws Stormwatcher Thoughtseeker Whitescales Whiteout Windturner Windrunner Winterwanderer WhiteTail Wolfhunter Sliver Cloud Black Snow IceWing/RainWing: Aurora Borealis Blue Water Beatle Bellflower Boreal Bright Light Brisk Coldtalons Iceberry Cloud Crystal Dawn Dew Dove Dragonfruit Flurry Freeze Freeze Rain Frost Frostbreather Frostflower Gem Glitter Glow Glisten Hail Heuchara Ice Cube Icebreaker Icebreaker Icerain Socicle Iron Melting Mirror Monkshood Moonlight Nitrogen Opal Passionfruit Pine Prism Rainbow Reflection Rivers Sapphire Shimmer Shinh Bear Snowberry Snowbird Snowblossom Snowdrop Snowdew Snowflower Snow Leopard Snows Snows Sowa Starshine Storm Taiga Topaz Timber Wolf Vanilla Vine Verglas IceWing/SandWing: IceWing/Sea Holowanie: Atlantica Atlantic Atlantis Arcticsea IceWing/Skywing: MudWing/NightWing: Blackmud Blackriver Bloodmud MudWing/RainWing: MudWing/SandWing: MudWing/SeaWing: Rivulet Salt Swamp Seagrass Night Lily Nightpetal Night Phlox Mudwing /SkyWing Amber Autumn Bittern Blackbird Bluebird Bronze Burgundy Copper Crane Egret Finch Fire Heron Highswamp Ibis Maroon Mountain Monsoon Mud Mudflare Rail (ptak bagnisty) Salamander Spoonbill Sternidae Summer Volcano NightWing/SandWing: Darkheat Dawn Desertshadow NightWing/SeaWing: NightWing/SkyWing: RainWing: RainWing SandWing: RainWing / SeaWing: Dewdrift Desktop Karmienie Dewflower SeaWing / SkyWing: SeaWing / SandWing: SkyWing / RainWing: SkyWing / SandWing: Pantalan Hybrydy HiveWing / LeafWing: HiveWing / SilkWing / SilkWing: Pantala / Pyrrhia Hybrydy HiveWing / IceWing: HiveWing / MudWing: Hiv Holowanie/NightWing: HiveWing/RainWing: HiveWing/SandWing: HiveWing/SeaWing: HiveWing/SkyWing: LeafWing/IceWing LeafWing/MudWing: LeafWing/NightWing: LeafWing/RainWing: LeafWing/SandWing: LeafeWing/SeaWing: Algae Coral Dew Plankton Kelp Lily pad Moss Seagrass Seaweed Waterplant LeafWing / SkyWing: Alpine Maple Agnitite Amber Ash ashfall Ashleaf Ashwood Bark Brick Burningleaf Christmas Copper Crackle Centurion Ember Emerald Flamesky Forestfire Freckle Geode Grizzly Haricot Hyperion Highsky Honey Magma Maple Ragestorm Rocky Sap Sunoak Shrub Topsoil Treetop Weasel Woodpecker Whirlwind SilkWing/IceWing : Dazzle Echo Emperor Karner Opalizujcy Jade Tern Sapphire Snowflake SilkWing/MudWing: Amber Auburn Cattleheart Crescent Eggar Haze Darksilk Gatekeeper Gia Longwing Leafroller Metalmark Monarch Moth Obsidian Regal Silkywing Whitetail SilkWing/RainWing: Agrias Apricotwing Butterfly Butterfly Clipper Emerald Hairstreak Hibiscus Lavender Prism Rainbow RedWorm Rosepetal Sakura Silkbug Swallowtail Tigermoth Venus Flytrap Violet Wildfire Wildfire SilkWing/SandWing: Checkerspot Desertmoth Lux Mantis Grasshopper Pricklypear Sphinx SilkWing/SeaWing: Angelfish Cuddlefish Euphaedra Emerald Fishnet Gold Lilly Lilac Net Reaf River Rose Sea Glass Silver Swamp SilkWing/SkyWing: Amberstorm Ernest Firefly Firework Garnet Ruby Rose Sunset Sunshimmer Sungaze Sunfire Sunlow Tulip Wildfire R?ne i AllWings R?ne Echo Beauty Crescent Crevasse krystal Equinox Gleam Screech Solstice Sunrise Zircon Mightywings Cheerful AllWings Bright Crystal Dream Eurasia Miracle Mixture Pandora Power Rainbow Rebirth Sandstone Seraphim Sky Whisper Wysper Spirit Pogoda OC Names Wings of Fire Wings of Fire Fanon Work in Progress Zawarto spolecznoci jest dostpna w cc-by-sa , chyba e zaznaczono inaczej. Wikimedia lista artykul Ten artykul ma wiele problem?w. Pom? go ulepszy lub om?wi te kwestie na stronie dyskusji. (Dowiedz si, jak i kiedy usun te wiadomoci szablonowe) Ta rzeczowa dokladno tego artykulu jest kwestionowana. Odpowiednie dyskusje mona znale na stronie dyskusji. Prosz pom?c w zapewnieniu, e sporne instrukcje s niezawodnie pozyskiwane. (wrzesie 2018 r.) (Dowiedz si, jak i kiedy usun t wiadomo szablonu) Ten artykul additional citations for verification. Please help in this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Uns out-of-commissioned materials may be challenged and removed. Find sources: List of hybrid creatures in folklore ? news ? newspapers ? books ? scholar ? JSTOR (September 2018) (Learn how and when to delete this message template) (Learn how and when to delete this template message) Below is a list of hybrid entities from a folklore record grouped morphologically based on their constituent species. Hybrids not found in classical mythology, but developed in the context of modern pop culture are listed in a separate section. For real hybridization in zoology, see Hybrid (biology)#In different taks. Partially human Further information: therianthropy upper part of the human horse hybrids (centauroid) Centaur fighting man Anggitay - strictly a female creature that has the upper body of a man with the lower body of the horse. Centaur ? A creature that has the upper body of a man with the lower body of a horse. Onocentaur ? a creature that has the upper part of the human body from the lower part of the donkey. Ipotane ? A man with the back quarters of a horse. Satire - Originally an ancient Greek spirit of nature with a human body, but a long tail and pointed ears of a horse. [1] From the beginning, satire has been inextricably linked to drunkenness and fish, known for its love of wine, music and women. [1] [2] During the Hellenistic period, satire gradually began to be portrayed as people with goat horns and legs, presumably because of confusion with the Lord[1][2] They were eventually condensed with Roman fauna, and from about the second century AD they were indistinguishable from each other. [1] [2] Silenos is a Dionysus teacher who is virtually identical to satire and usually indistinguishable, though sometimes portrayed as more senior. [3] Hybrids of man-goat satire men, satire women and children satire. Goat humans are a class of mythological beings that physically resemble humans from the waist up, and have goat-like characteristics, usually including the hind legs of goats. They fall into different categories, such as sprites, gods, demons, and half-gods. Fauna ? an ancient Roman spirit of nature with the body of man, but the legs and horns of a goat. [1] Initially, they differed from Greek satirism because they were less associated with drunkenness and fish and were seen as timid forest creatures. Beginning in the first century BC, the Romans often combined them with satire, and after the 2nd century AD they are virtually indistinguishable. [1] [2] Glaistig is a Scottish fairy or spirit that can take the form of a goat hybrid. [6] [7] The Lord? The wild God and the protector of the shepherds, who has the body of man, but the legs and horns of the goat. It is often heard on the flute. Krampus Satire - Germecki form of unclear origin. It is often depicted with the legs and horns of a goat, the body of a man and animal facial features. Hybrids of a human bird Medieval harp image as a bird-woman Alkonost - a creature from Russian folklore with the head of a woman with the body of a bird, said to make beautiful sounds that make anyone who hears them forget everything they know and do not want anything else. Gamayun ? Russian creature depicted with the head of a woman and the body of a bird. Inmyeonjo ? Human face with bird body creation in ancient Korean mythology. Harps - a half-bird, half-female creature of Greek mythology, presented sometimes as a woman with bird wings and legs. Kinnara ? Semi-human, half-bird in later Indian mythology. Lamia ? A woman with duck feet. Lilitu ? A woman with bird legs (and sometimes wings) found in Mesopotam mythology. Mermaid - A half-bird, a half-female creature of Greek mythology who lured sailors to death with their singing voices. Sirin ? Half-bird, half-human creature with the head and chest of a woman from Russian folklore. Its half of the bird is generally that of the body of an owy. Uchek Langmeidong - a half-woman and half-hornbill creature in Manipuri folklore, depicted as a girl who was transformed into a bird to escape the torture of her stepmother in the absence of her father. Human hybrids and fish Atargatis ? human face, fish body. Ichthyocentaurs ? Creatures that have torsos of a man or woman, the front legs of a horse, and the tails of a fish. Jengu - the spirit of matsya water - Avatar Lord Vishnu, who is a half-man half-fish. Mermaid / Merman - a breed of half-human, half-fish creatures. Sirena ? Mermaid from Filipino folklore. Siyokoy ? Mermen from scaled bodies from Filipino folklore. It is the male equivalent of Sirena. Triton is a Greek God and son of Poseidon, who has the same description as Merman. Some shows have it with two fish tails. Ceasg is a Scottish mermaid. Hybrids of man and snake Nure-onna, as shown in Hyakkai-Zukan Draconope Sawaki Suushi's Draconope (snake-feet) - Snake-feet are large and powerful snakes, with faces very similar to human virgins and necks ending in snake bodies, as described by Vincent of Beauvais. [8] Echidna is a half-female and semi-snake monster who lives in a cave. Fu Xi - God said they were made by Nu Wa. Ketu - Asura, who has the lower parts of the snake and said four arms. Lamia - Like a mermaid, but with the lower body like a snake and is usually female. Nga ? A term referring to a man/aislier mixture of all kinds. N? Wa ? A woman with the lower part of a snake in Chinese folklore. Nure-onna ? Creation with the head of a woman and the body of a snake. Tlanchana ? water bareness, which is part of a woman and part of a snake. Zhuyin ? Creation with the face of man and the body of the snake. Other Hybrids Adlet ? A man with dog legs. Bes is an Egyptian god with the rear quarters of a lion. Keibu Keioiba - Tiger-headed man in Manipuri folklore. Kurma ? The upper half of man, the lower half of the turtle. Kusarikku ? Demon with the head, arms and torso of man and ears, horns and hind quarters of the bull. Nandi ? Some Puranas describe Nandi or Nandikeshvara as bull-faced, with a human body that resembles a shiva in proportion and aspect. Penghou ? Creation with the face of a man and the body of a dog. Scorpion Man ? Half-man half-scorpion. Manticore - a creature with a human face, the body of a lion, the wings of a bat or dragon and the tail of a human-headed scorpion, a complex body (often with parts of many animals) Assyrian lamassu of 721, BCE Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago. Avatea - God of manga, who has the right half of the man and the left half of the fish. Bai Ze ? A creature from Chinese mythology with a human head and a cow's body with six horns and nine eyes. Buraq ? A creature from Arabic iconography, which has the head of a man and the body of a winged horse. Hatuibwari is a dragon creature with four eyes, a snake body and bat wings. Kamadhenu ? Creature booster with human head, cow body, pigeon wings, and peape tail. Jellyfish is a sea creature from Russian folklore with the head of a virgin and the body of a striped beast, with a dragon tail with snake mouth and elephant legs with the same snake mouth. Sphinx ? A creature with a human or cat's head, a lion's body, and an occasional eagle wing. Lamassu ? A deity, which is often depicted with a human head, the body of a bull or lion's body, and the wings of an eagle. Man with animal head Main article: Theriocephaly Ganesha, with the head of elephant Horus, with the head of the Falcon Abraxas - a god-like Gnostic creature with many different types of portraits, many of which as different types of hybrids. Anubis ? Jackal-headed Egyptian God. Baphomet - Traditionally depicted as an anthropomorphic creature with a goat's head Bastet - cat-headed Egyptian goddess. Goddess of birds - Vinca figures of a woman with the head of a bird Cernunnos - an ancient Gaulish / Celtic God with a deer head. Chi You - a creature from Chinese mythology with a bull's head, human torso and ears and hind quarters of bear Cynocephalus - a dogheaded creature. Daksha ? His head was replaced by a goat after beheading. Ganesha ? God with the head of an elephant. Garuda ? A creature that has the head and wings of an eagle and a human body. Hayagriva is an avatar with a horse's head. Heqet ? Frog-headed Egyptian god. Horse-Face ? horse keeper or a kind of guardian of the Underworld in Mythology. Horus, Monthu, Ra and Seker ? Each of these Egyptian gods has the head of a falcon or a hawk. Karasu-tengu ? Tengu type crow. Karura ? Divine creation of Japanese Hindu-Buddhist mythology with the bird's head and torso of man. Keibu Keioiba - Tiger at the head of a man who was a priest voluntarily transformed his body, in manipuri folklore. Khepri ? Dung beetle-headed Egyptian God. Khnum ? Ram-headed Egyptian god. Kuk ? The male Kuka has the frog's head, while its female form has the head of a snake. Maahes, Pakhet, Sekhmet and Tefnut ? Each of these Egyptian gods has a lion's head. Meretseger is a cobra-headed Egyptian goddess. Minotaur ? A creature with a bull's head and a human body. Some images also have a sports tail and/or a posterior bull quarter. Nandi ? Some Puranas describe Nandi or Nandikeshvara as bull-faced, with a human body that resembles a shiva in proportion and aspect. Narasimha is an Indian deity with a lion face. Ox-Head - ox-headed guardian or a kind of guardian of the Underworld in Chinese mythology. Pratyangira is an Indian goddess who has the head of a lion. Sekmet ? Lioness-headed Egyptian goddess. Set ? Dog-headed Egyptian god. Sobek ? Crocodile-headed Egyptian god. Tavern ? Hippo-headed Egyptian goddess. Thoth - an ibis-headed Egyptian god. Varaha is a wild boar avatar. Zhu Bajie ? pig-headed main character of the novel Journey to the West. Capelobo - A creature from Brazilian folklore with the head of an an anthoud, the trunk of a man and the legs of a goat. Cuca - A creature from Brazilian folklore, which is depicted as a witch with the head of an alligator, will catch and eat children who are not obedient to their parents. A man with the addition of animal parts Goat horns and ram, goat fur and ears, nose and fanies of a pig, a typical image of the devil in Christian art. Goat, ram and pig are consistently associated with the devil. [9] Details of jacob de Backer's 16th-century painting at the National Museum in Warsaw. Winged Angel ? Humanoid creatures that are usually depicted with bird-like wings. In Abrahamic mythology and zoroastrian mythology, angels are often portrayed as benevolent celestial beings who act as messengers between God and men. Fairy ? Humanoid with insect-like wings. Mothman is a humanoid moth. Seraph ? Elite angel with many wings. Genie wing ? Humanoid with bird wings. Legs of Anansi - God of West Africa, also known as Ananse, Kwaku Ananse and Anancy. In the Americas he is known as Nancy, Aunt Nancy and Nancy Sis. Anansi is considered the spirit of all knowledge of stories. He is also one of the most important figures of West African and Caribbean folklore. Anansi is presented in many different ways: sometimes it looks like a regular sometimes it is a spider dressed in clothes or with a human face, and sometimes it looks more like a man with elements of a spider, such as eight legs. Drakaina is a female species in Greek mythology. Horned Hathor is an Egyptian goddess with cow horns. Horned God ? God with horns. Bat ? Egyptian goddess with horns and cow's toes. Snake-haired Gorgon ? Each of them has snakes in place of their hair; sometimes also presented with a hose like the lower part of the body. Part of the animals, the human part (passage between them) Garuda carrying his master Vishnu. Garuda has an eagle's head, wings and Selkie's legs - a seal that becomes human, shedding skin on land. Werecat ? A creature that is part cat, part human, or switches between them. Werewolf - a creature that becomes a wolf / man like a beast during a night full of moons, but is a man differently. Inhuman Quadrupeds with wings of the bird Pegasus, as a horse muse, were placed on the roof of the Pozna Opera (Max Littmann, 1910) Pegasus ? Horse with wings of a bird. Periton ? Deer with bird wings. Winged cat ? Cat with wings of a bird. Lion wing ? Lion with wings of a bird. Two types of animal parts See also: Wuzzles Detail embroidered Apkallu dress, showing a pair of 4-legged winged animals. With Nimrud in Iraq. 883-859 BC Ancient Orient Museum, Istanbul Gajasimha, Cham Allocamelus Sculpture Museum - Heraldic creature that has donkey head and camel body. Cockatrice - A mixture of chicken and reptile. Cerberus is a Greek mythological dog that guarded the gates of the underworld, almost always depicted with three heads and occasionally having a mane of knives, as well as the front half of one for the tail. Criosphinx ? Sphinx, which has a ram head. Feathered Snake - A Meso-American spiritual cart that had a snake-like body and feathery wings. Gajamina ? A creature with an elephant's head and a fish body. Gajasimha ? Creature with the elephant's head and the body of a lion. Griffin is a creature with eagle front quarters and lion rear quarters. Gye-lyong ? Creature with chicken head and dragon body. Hieracosphinx is a genus of Sphinx. Hippalectryon ? A creature with the front catch of a horse and the rear catch has the wings, tail and legs of a rooster. Hippocampus (or Hippocamp) - a Greek mythological creature that is a half-horse half-fish. Hippogriff ? Creature with eagle front quarters and horse hind quarters. Longma ? Winged horse with dragon scales. Merlion ? A creature with a lion's head and a fish body. Ophiotaurus ? A creature that has the lower part of the bull upper body of the snake. Pamola - A creature from Abenaka mythology with a human body, elk head and eagle wings and feet that protects maine's highest mountain. Capricorn ? a creature that is a half-goat half-fish, and equated with the constellation Capricorn. Serpopard ? A creature that is partly snake and partly African leopard. Shug Monkey - a creature that is partly a monkey and part of a dog. Skvader is a Swedish creature with quarters of the front and hind legs of a hare and back, wings and tail of a female wood. Tatzelwurm ? Creature with a cat face and a serpentine body. Ushi-oni ? Ykai with the bull's head and the body of a spider. Three types of animal parts Ammit - an Egyptian creature with a crocodile head, the front legs of a lion, and the hind legs and hind quarters of a hippo. Chalkydri ? Creatures with twelve angel wings, the body of a lion and the head of a crocodile listed in 2 Enoch[10] Chimera - a Greek creature of mythology with the head and front legs of a lion, the head and hind legs of a goat, and the head of a snake on its tail. It is said that he is able to breathe fire from the mouth of a lion. Jackalope ? jackrabbit with pronghorn horns and sometimes tail and / or pheasant legs. Sharabha is an Indian mythological creature with a lion's head, deer legs and bird wings. Simurgh ? like a griffin creating Persian mythology with the dog's head, lion's body and hawk wings. Wyvern ? A creature with a dragon's head and wings, a reptile's body, two legs and a tail often ending in a diamond or arrow tip. Four types of animal parts Enfield - Heraldic creature with fox head, front legs and sometimes eagle wings, lion body and wolf tail. Hatsadiling ? A mythical creature with the head and body of a lion, the trunk and tusks of an elephant, a rooster comb and a bird's wings. [11] Monoceros is a creature with a deer's head, a horse's body, an elephant's feet and a pig's tail. Nue ? Japanese creature with monkey head, tiger legs, dog body and front catch of snake on tail. Questing Beast - a creature with the head and tail of a snake, deer feet, the body of a lion and leopard haunches. Tarasque is a French dragon with a lion's head, six short legs similar to the legs of a bear, the body of an ox, the shell of a turtle and the tail of a scorpion. Wolpertinger ? creature with rabbit head, deer antler, and bird legs and wings. Yali ? Indian creature with the head of a lion, elephant fands, the body of a cat and the tail of a snake. Ypotryll ? Heraldic creature with a boar's head stabbed, tanned camel's body, legs and hooves of beef or goat, snake tail. Five or more types of animal parts, Navagunjara, have limbs representing eight animals, including the human hand. Alebrije is a brightly colored creature from Mexican mythology. Baku ? Japanese creature with elephant head, rhino ears, tiger legs, bear body and cow tail. Calygreyhound ? A mythical creature described as having the head of a wild cat, the torso of a deer or antelope, the claws of an eagle as submitted, beef hooves, antlers or horns on its head, the hind legs of a lion or antelope and the tail like a lion or poodle. Fenghuang ? Chinese creature with the head of a golden pheasant, the body of a mandarin duck, a pead tail, crane legs, parrot mouth and swallow wings. Navagunjara ? Indian creature with a rooster's head, pead neck, bull's back, tail as snake, three legs of an elephant, tiger and deer or horse, the fourth limb is a human hand holding a lotus. Pulgasari [ko]/Bulgasari - see Pulgasari for modern rendering of Pyinsarupa - a Burmese creature made of bullock, carp, elephant, horse and dragon. Qilin ? Chinese creature with dragon's head, deer antlers, fish scales, beef hooves and lion tail. The Japanese version is described as a deer-shaped dragon with an ox tail. Wolpertinger - Descriptions are different. Contemporary fiction The following hybrid creatures appear in contemporary fiction: Beast (Beauty and the Beast): The beast from disney's film Beauty and the Beast, has the structure of a buffalo's head and horns, the arms and body of a bear, gorilla eyebrows, jaws, teeth and mane of a lion, wild boar fanks and the legs and tail of a wolf. Cecaelia ? half-human, half-octopus. Ursula from Disney's The Little Mermaid is a cecaelia. [citation needed] Cheetaur ? Half-man, semi-cheetah. They are presented in the quest for glory video games. [citation needed] Cervitaur is a deer centaur. This description was also used for The Golden Hind of Hercules: Legendary Travel. Dracotaur ? Half-man, half-dragon. He made his debut in Dungeons & Dragons. It also has a Dragonspawn equivalent of the Warcraft series. Dragoon from the Monster Rancher series also fits this description, as it is a combination of Dragon and Centaur. [citation needed] Drider ? Half-Drow half-spider. He made his debut in Dungeons & Dragons. Gnoll - A vicious hybrid with the human body and hyenas like a head. He debuted in Dungeons & Dragons and also appeared in World of Warcraft. Inspired but not reminiscent of gnomes conceived by Lord Dunsany. Considered one of the five main humanoid races in AD&D by Paul Karczag and Lawrence Schick. Bear gorilla ? creature with gorilla's head, body and legs and teeth bear's arms. He made his debut in Dungeons & Dragons. Gwazi ? Creature with the tiger's head and the body of a lion. It is the mascot of a de-existent roller coaster at busch gardens in Tampa, Florida. Jaquin ? A creature that resembles a jaguar with wings and macaw feathers. She performs in Elena with Avalor. [citation needed] Kalidahs - Half tiger, half bear creatures first appearing in the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum. ManBearPig ? half a man, half a bear, half a pig. He made his debut in the animated series South Park. Blinking - a mythical sea creature that is a half-killer whale, a half-Kermode bear, which is one of the mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics. Owlbear ? a creature that is a half-bear half-owl. He made his debut in Dungeons & Dragons. Posleen is a crocodile-headed centaur reptile from Legacy of the Aldenata. Sumi is a ghost keeper with Thunderbird wings and the legs of an American black bear that is one of the mascots of the 2010 Winter Paralympics. Unitaur is a unicorn centaur. [citation needed] Ursagryph ? Creature with the head, claws and wings of an eagle and the body of a bear. Predacon Darksteel from Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising transforms into a mechanical Ursagrypha. Vampire-werewolf hybrid - These semi-vampire half-werewolf hybrids have been shown in various media such as AdventureQuest (as Werepyre), AdventureQuest Worlds (also as Werepyre), Axe Cop (as Wolvye), Supernatural, The Elder Scrolls, The Vampire Diaries, Underworld franchise (as Lycan dominant vampire hybrids and Lycan-Corvinus hybrid strain), and Werewolf: The Apocalypse Vinicius ? Part-cat, part-monkey, partbird from Rio 2016. Wemic ? Half-man, half-lion. He made his debut in Dungeons & Dragons. It also has an equivalent in the form of Liontaur from Quest for Glory video games. Wolftaur ? Half-man, half-wolf. He made his debut in Dungeons & Dragons. Some images of this creature also have wolf heads, such as Celious from the Monster Rancher series (which is depicted as a combination of Tiger and Centaur) and AdventureQuest 3D (as Lychimer). [citation needed] References ^ a b c d e f Riggs, Don (2014). Faun and Satire. In Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew (ed.). Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Film Monsters. New York, New York and London, England: Ashgate Publishing. p. 233?236. ISBN 978-1-4094-2563-2.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link) ^ a b c d e f g Hansen, William F. (2004). Classical mythology: A guide to the mythical world of the Greeks and Romans. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. p. 279?280. ISBN 978-0-19530035-2.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link) ^ a b West, Martin Litchfield (2007). Indo-European poetry and myth. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. p. 293. ISBN 978-0-19-928075-9.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link) A b c Miles, Geoffrey (2009) [1999]. Classical mythology in English literature: Critical anthology. New York, New York and London, England: Routledge. p. 30. ISBN 978-0-203-19483-6.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link) ^ Nathan Robert Brown (September 30, 2014). Grimm mythology: Fairy tale and folklore roots of a popular TV show. Publishing Group WORD sp z o.o. p. 195?. ISBN 978-0-698-13788-2. ^ Fr. J. G. Campbell, Superstition of the Islands and Highlands of Scotland, Scottish Celtic Review 4 (1885), pp155, 157, recorded in J. G. McKay, The Deer-Cult and the Deer-Goddess Cult of the Ancient Caledonians Folklore 43.2 (June 1932), pp. 144-174). p. 152. ^ Sue Weaver (April 16, 2011). Backyard Goat: Introducing a guide to keeping and using Pet Goats, with feeding and casings to create your own cheeses. Storey Publishing, LLC. p. 142?. ISBN 978-1-60342-699-2. ^ Franklin-Brown, Mary (2012). Reading the world : encyclopedic writing in the scholastic era. Chicago London: University of Chicago Press. p. 258. 9780226260709. Fritscher, Jack (2004). Popular Spells: Straight from the Witches' Mouth. Popular press. p. 23. ISBN 0-299-20304-2. Pig, goat, ram -- all these creatures are consistently associated with the devil. ^ Platt, Rutherford (1926). The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden. Entry: Book of Mysteries Enocha Chapter XII ^ Stratton, Carol (2004). Buddhist sculpture of northern Thailand. Serindia Publications, Inc. ISBN 9781932476095. ^ Forest, Richard W. (2014). Dungeons & Dragons, Monsters in. W Weinstock, Jeffrey (ed.). Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Film Monsters. Ashgate Publishing House. ^ Schick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: A story and guide to role-playing games. Prometheus books. p. 92. ISBN 0-87975-653-5. Source

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