Bible Quiz

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Bible Research

1. Jacob (also known as Israel) had twelve sons by four women.  Which woman bore him the most number of sons?  (Genesis 29-30)

2. At midnight of the first Passover, on the first night of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the firstborn sons were killed in all the homes where there was not what on the doorposts?  (Exodus 12:15-28)

3. Who was Israel’s first king?  (1 Samuel 10:17-21, 11:14-15)

4. Who was hanged on his own gallows for planning the destruction, slaughter, and annihilation of the Jews, including of Queen Esther?  (Esther 7:1-10)

5. Who spoke to the prophet Daniel about the yet-future period of 70 “heptads” (or “weeks of years”), culminating in a final 7-year period which would begin with a covenant involving many (presumably including Daniel’s nation, Israel)?  (Daniel 9:20-27)

6. When Jesus expelled a “legion” (large number) of demons out of a man, the demons went into a herd of what?  (Luke 8:27-33)

7. After Jesus rose from the dead, He miraculously caused His disciples to catch a large number of fish.  How many fish were in the net that they dragged ashore?  (John 21:11)

8. Following the disciple Judas’ death, who was chosen to replace him?  (Acts 1:18-26)

9. In the New Testament, Jesus is described as being many things, including the Christ (or Messiah—John 4:25,26).  Which is not something that Jesus is described as being in the New Testament? An Angel, High Priest, Son Of God, or Word Of God.(John 1:1,2,14,18; Hebrews 1:1-8, 4:14,15, 5:5, 7:23,24, 8:1,2)

10. Which precious stone is not listed as decorating the foundations of the New Jerusalem, the great heavenly city which one day will sit upon the earth? Amethyst, Pearls, Diamonds, or Gold (Revelation. 21:18-21)

11. Who was destined to be "the mother of nations"? (Genesis 17:15-17)

12. How did God appear to Moses? (Exodus 3:1-6)

13. In what year was Jesus born? (Matthew 2:1)

14. Where does the devil live? (John 12:30-33, 14:28-31, Job 1:7)

15. Who led the Israelites when Jericho fell? (Joshua 6:1-5)

16. What was the name of the first king of Israel? (1 Samuel 9:17)

17. What judge of Israel was renowned for his great strength? (Judges 14:5-6)

18. Jesus teaches that a man must be born again before he can enter the kingdom of heaven. What are the two things one must be born of in order to make this possible? (John 3:5)

19. What special dignitary visited King Solomon to test his wisdom? (1 Kings 10:1)

20. The book of Ecclesiastes was the basis for which song by the group The Byrds? (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

21. What did God do on the 7th day of creation? (Genesis 2:2)

22. What does a cherub look like? (Ezekiel 1:3-10, Revelation 4:6-8)

23. How many Wise Men visited the baby Jesus? (Matthew 2:1-11)

24. What great sin did King David commit? (2 Samuel 11: 1-13)

25. Who won a beauty contest to become the Queen of Persia? (Esther 2:1-18)

26. What did God tell Noah to build? (Genesis 6:11-16)

27. Abraham's wife's name was changed from what to what? (Genesis 17:15)

28. Who is the person whose jealous brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt? (Genesis 37)

29. How many commandments did Moses receive from God on Mount Sinai? (Exodus 20:1-17)

30. What was the name of the giant killed by David? (1 Samuel 17)

31. Who begged to go home to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law? (Ruth 1:16-19)

32. Who were thrown into the fiery furnace? (Daniel 3:19-20)

33. What was David before he was a king? (1 Samuel 17:34)

34. What was Jonah swallowed by (Jonah 1:17)

35. In the six days during which God created everything, each day had an evening and a morning. Therefore, on which day did God create the sun? (Genesis 1:5-19)

36. What did Eve eat, which she was commanded not to? (Genesis 3:3,6,12)

37. What are the three things Jesus tells Thomas he is that can guide them to God? (John 14: 5-8)

38. People have sworn oaths invoking God's name, but who would God swear by? (Hebrews 6:13-14)

39. Where did the Wise Men visit the baby Jesus? (Matthew 2:11)

40. How did the serpent move around in the Garden of Eden? (Genesis 3:13-14)

41. Who cut off Samson's hair? Why did that take away his strength? (Judges 16:19-20)

42. Who is the first tailor mentioned in the Bible? (Genesis 3:21)

43. Where will believers spend eternity with God? (Ezekiel 37:24-28, 43:7, 9)

44. How did Noah and his family herd all those animals onto the ark from all over the world? (Genesis 7:13-16)

45. How many people did Jesus feed with the five loaves and two fish? (Matthew 14:21)

46. What does the Bible say about reincarnation? (Hebrews 9:27)

47. What were the names of Adam and Eve's children? (Genesis 4:1-2,25)

48. Paul shows how one is put into Christ. What two conditions are necessary for this to happen, according to this passage? (Galatians 3:26-27)

49. After they sinned, for what specific reason were Adam and Eve banished from the Garden of Eden? (Genesis 3:22-23)

50. How many of each animal did Noah and his family take on the ark? (Genesis 7:1-3)

51. Do angels really carry harps? (Revelation 5:8, 14:1-3, 15:2)

52. Fill in the blanks: " The wolf shall live with the ________, the ________ shall lie down with the kid"(Isaiah 11:6)

53. Since God is omnipotent, is there anything He cannot do? (James 1:13)

54. Where did Noah get the meat to feed the lions, tigers, etc., on the ark? (Genesis 1:29-30) (Genesis 9:1-3)

55. Who parted the waters of the Jordan River so that the Israelites could cross it on dry ground? (Joshua 4:14-18)

56. Scientists say that the sun will eventually expand and become a red giant, engulfing and destroying the earth in the process. Will God allow the earth to be destroyed? (2 Peter 3:10-12)

57. How far back does the New Testament trace Jesus' ancestry? (Luke 3:23, 38)

58. Upon how many tablets of stone did God write the Ten Commandments? (Exodus 32:15-16)

59. Joseph had what kind of coat? (Genesis 37:3)

60. What two conditions are specified that one must do in order to have sins forgiven? (Acts 2:38)


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