
State of Washington

Current Contract Information

Effective date: November 20, 2012

This page contains key contract features. Find detailed information on succeeding pages. For more information on this contract, or if you have any questions, please contact your local agency Purchasing Office or you may contact the Department of Enterprise Services at the numbers listed below.

|Contract number: |05706 |Commodity code: |5410 |


|Purpose: |Add Navajo and Ozark units. |

|Present Term: |March 20, 2011 | |March 19, 2013 |

|Contract type: |This contract is designated as convenience use. |

|Scope of contract |This contract is awarded to one contractor. |

|For use by: |All State Agencies, Washington State and Oregon State Purchasing Cooperative members, Qualified Non-profit |

| |Corporations, Participating Institutions of Higher Education (College and Universities, Community and Technical |

| |Colleges). |

| | | | |

|Contractor: |CXT Precast Concrete Products, Inc. |Contact: |Eric Kuester |

|Address: |3808 N. Sullivan Rd., Bldg. #7 |E-Mail: |ekuester@ |

| |Spokane, WA 99216 | | |

|Toll Free: |(800) 696-5766 |Cell: |509-994-9900 |

|Phone: |(509) 892-3255 |WA Tax No.: |601 279666 |

|FAX: |(509) 928-8270 |Supplier No.: |3556 |

|Website: | |Federal I.D. No.: |91-1498605 |

|Products available: |Pre-engineered, Pre-fabricated and Pre-cast Concrete Building for use as Vaulted Restrooms and General Purpose |

| |Utility/Storage Buildings. Building designs are to be attractive, low maintenance, vandal resistant, suitable |

| |for a variety of climates and settings, and available statewide. Models: Gunnison, Cascadian, Rocky Mountain, |

| |Tioga, Double Cascadian, Double Rocky Mountain, Mendocino, and Schweitzer, Montrose, Navajo, and Ozark. |

|Other Related Contract: | |

|Ordering information: |See page 2 Notes |

Department of Enterprise Services:

|Contract Administrator: |LeAnna Sandy | | |

|Phone Number: |(360) 407-9408 |Customer Service: |(360) 902-7400 |

|Fax Number: |(360) 586-2426 |Fax Number: |(360) 586-2426 |

|E-Mail: |LeAnna.Sandy@des. |Email: |csmail@des. |

Visit our Internet site:

Scope of contract 1





























25. REPORTS 46




AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

CPS Competitive Procurement Standards

DOH Department of Health

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

DES Department of Enterprise Services

PCI Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute

psf Pound per square foot

RCW Revised Code of Washington

WAC Washington Administrative Code

WSPC Washington State Purchasing Cooperative

|Payment address: |CXT, Inc., PO Box 643343, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3343 |

|Order placement address: |CXT, Inc. 3803 N. Sullivan Rd, Bldg. #7, Spokane, WA 99216 |

|Credit card acceptance: |VISA |

|Delivery time: |60 days After Receipt of Order (ARO) |

|Payment terms: |0% 30 days |

|Shipping destination: |Freight on Board (FOB) destination, as described herein. |

|Shipping Point: |Spokane, WA 99216 |

|Term Worth: |$500,000.00 / 2 years | | |

|Current participation: |$0.00 MBE |$0.00 WBE |$500,000.00 OTHER |$0.00 EXEMPT |

| |MBE 0% |WBE 0% |OTHER 100 % |Exempt 0% |


I. State Agencies: Submit Order directly to Contractor for processing. Political Subdivisions: Submit orders directly to Contractor referencing State of Washington contract number. If you are unsure of your status in the State Purchasing Cooperative call (360) 902-7400.

II. Authorized Purchasers: Only authorized purchasers included in the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC) and State of Oregon Cooperative Purchasing Program (DASCPP/ORCPP) listings published and updated periodically by DES and DAS may purchase from this contract. It is the contractor’s responsibility to verify membership of these organizations prior to processing orders received under this contract. A list of Washington members is available on the Internet and a list of the Oregon members is available at contractors shall not process state contract orders from unauthorized users.

III. Contract Terms: This Document includes by reference all terms and conditions published in the original IFB, including Standard Terms and Conditions, and Definitions, included in the Competitive Procurement Standards published by DES (as Amended).

Special Conditions:

1. Effective 11/20/2012, added Navajo and Ozark models.

2. Effective 10/01/2012, added Montrose model.

3. Effective 2/6/2012, Reduced Gunnison Unit Price by $302.00 to $12,865.00.

4. Effective 3/19/11, Extended contract for two years and increase all line items by 14%. Updated Prevailing Wage information to March 11, 2011.

5. Effective 3/3/10, Price increase of an average of 4.5% for most items.

6. Effective 3/20/09, Extended contract for two years.

7. Effective 3/20/2007, Awarded Contract.

8. All other terms, conditions, specification and pricing remain the same.

9. Effective 10/01/2012 Montrose Unit added per customer request.



|Primary Admin. Contact: |Eric Kuester |Alternate Contact: |James Alexander |

|Phone: |509-892-3255 |Phone: |509-892-3240 |

|Fax: |509-928-8270 |Fax: |509-928-8270 |

|Email: |ekuester@ |Email: |jalexander@ |

|After Hours/Cell Phone: |509-994-9900 |After Hours/Cell Phone: |509-435-6747 |

|Customer Service/Order |James Alexander |Payment address: |3808 N. Sullivan Rd, #7 |

|placement address: | | |Spokane, WA 98216 |

|Phone: |509-892-3240 |Contact for Billing: |Scott Wilhelm |

|Fax: |509-928-8270 |Phone: |509-921-8718 |

|Sales Representative: |Eric Kuester |Payment terms: |Net 30 |

|Territory: |Contract Service Area |Purchasing Card - VISA: |Yes |

|Phone: |509-992-9900 |Sell to WSPC members |Yes |

|WA ST UBI no.: |601 279 666 |Sell to Oregon Coop members |Yes |

|Transportation Companies: |None |T.I.N. |9101498605 |

|Subcontractor: |None |Web Site: | |


|Item |Comm. Code |Description |Qty |Unit |Unit Price |

| | | | | |Revised 2/6/12 |

| | |Building Categories | | | |


| | |Single Vaulted Buildings | | | |

|1 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$12,865.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Gunnison Style, Precast Single Vault Toilet Building, concrete | | | |

| | |textures: barn wood board wall finish and cedar shake roof finish. | | | |

|2 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$15,618.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Cascadian Style, Precast Single Vault Toilet Building, concrete | | | |

| | |textures: wainscot horizontal lap and upper section board and batt wall| | | |

| | |finish, and cedar shake roof finish. | | | |

|3 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$17,271.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Rocky Mountain Style, Precast Single Vault Toilet Building, | | | |

| | |concrete textures: wainscot rock finish (Napa, Flag Stone or River | | | |

| | |Rock) with upper section of horizontal lap or board and batt wall | | | |

| | |finish and cedar shake roof finish. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Double Vaulted Buildings | | | |

|4 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$24,510.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Tioga Style, Precast Vault Double Toilet Building, concrete | | | |

| | |textures: barn wood board wall finish and cedar shake roof finish. | | | |

|5 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$26,106.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Tioga with Chase Style, Precast Vault Double Toilet Building, | | | |

| | |concrete textures: barn wood board wall finish and cedar shake roof | | | |

| | |finish. | | | |

|6 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$29,184.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Double Cascadian Style, Precast Double Vault Toilet Building, | | | |

| | |concrete textures: wainscot horizontal lap and upper section board and | | | |

| | |batt wall finish, and cedar shake roof finish. | | | |

|7 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$31,008.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Double Cascadian with Chase Style, Precast Double Vault Toilet | | | |

| | |Building, concrete textures: wainscot horizontal lap and upper section | | | |

| | |board and batt wall finish, and cedar shake roof finish. | | | |

|8 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$30,780.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Double Rocky Mountain Style, Precast Double Vault Toilet | | | |

| | |Building, concrete textures: wainscot rock (Napa, Flag Stone or River | | | |

| | |Rock) with upper section of horizontal lap or board and batt wall | | | |

| | |finish, and cedar shake roof finish. | | | |

|9 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$32,946.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Double Rocky Mountain with Chase Style, Precast Double Vault | | | |

| | |Toilet Building, concrete textures: wainscot rock (Napa, Flag Stone or | | | |

| | |River Rock) with upper section of horizontal lap or board and batt wall| | | |

| | |finish and cedar shake roof finish. | | | |

| | | | | | |


|1 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$15,504.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Schweitzer - 10x12 | | | |

| | |10ft x 12ft, precast concrete building, 2/12 pitch roof design, with | | | |

| | |one (1) 3068 galvanized door and doorframe, concrete textures: barn | | | |

| | |wood board wall finish and cedar shake roof finish. | | | |

|2 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$24,852.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Schweitzer – 10x20 | | | |

| | |10ft x 20ft, precast concrete building, 2/12 pitch roof design with one| | | |

| | |(1) 3068 galvanized door and doorframe, concrete textures: barn wood | | | |

| | |board wall finish and cedar shake roof finish. | | | |

|3 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$15,390.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Mendocino – 8x10 | | | |

| | |8ft x 10ft, precast concrete building, flat roof design, with one (1) | | | |

| | |3068 galvanized door and doorframe, concrete textures: exterior | | | |

| | |vertical broom wall finish wall and mfr. standard roof finish. | | | |

|4 |5410 |Standard and Quality |1 |EA |$14,022.00 |

| | |Mfg.: CXT Inc. | | | |

| | |Model: Mendocino – 10x12 | | | |

| | |10ft x12ft, precast concrete building, flat roof design, with one with | | | |

| | |one (1) 3068 galvanized door and doorframe, concrete textures: exterior| | | |

| | |vertical broom wall finish wall and mfr. standard roof finish. | | | |

|Item |Delivery and Installation Cost Description |Qty |Unit |Unit Price |

| | | | |Revised 3/19/11 |

|A |Single Vaulted Units | | | |

|1 |Delivery WA, Charge per Mile |1 |Mi |$2.85 |

|2 |Delivery OR, Charge per Mile |1 |Mi |$2.85 |

|3 |Delivery, Minimum Charge for |1 |EA |$1,425.00 |

|4 |Installation Service |1 |EA |$1,162.80 |

|B |Double Vaulted Units | | | |

|1 |Delivery WA, Charge per Mile |1 |Mi |$6.27 |

|2 |Delivery OR, Charge per Mile |1 |Mi |$6.27 |

|3 |Delivery, Minimum Charge for |1 |EA |$2,052.00 |

|4 |Installation Service |1 |EA |$2,508.00 |

|C |Utility Buildings | | | |

|1 |Delivery WA, Charge per Mile, Size: 8x10 |1 |Mi |$2.85 |

|2 |Delivery OR, Charge per Mile, Size: 8x10 |1 |Mi |$2.85 |

|3 |Delivery, Minimum Charge for, Size: 8x10 |1 |EA |$1,425.00 |

|4 |Installation, Size: 8x10 |1 |EA |$1,482.00 |

|5 |Delivery WA, Charge per Mile, Size: 10x12 |1 |Mi |$2.85 |

|6 |Delivery OR, Charge per Mile, Size: 10x12 |1 |Mi |$2.85 |

|7 |Delivery, Minimum Charge for, Size: 10x12 |1 |EA |$1,425.00 |

|8 |Installation, Size: 10x12 |1 |EA |$1,653.00 |

|9 |Delivery WA, Charge per Mile, Size: 10x20 |1 |Mi |$2.85 |

|10 |Delivery OR, Charge per Mile, Size: 10x20 |1 |Mi |$2.85 |

|11 |Delivery, Minimum Charge for, Size: 10x20 |1 |EA |$1,425.00 |

|12 |Installation, Size: 10x20 |1 |EA |$1,653.00 |

|D |On-Site Assessment Charge by Contractor to support Installation Service | | | |

|1 |Washington State |1 |Job |No charge |

|2 |Oregon State |1 |Job |$627.00 |

|Item |Other Items Price Sheet |Qty |Unit |Unit Price |

| |Description | | |Revised 3/19/11 |

|1 |Marine package of commercial quality fiberglass door and fiberglass frame, non-corrosive |1 |EA |$3,573.90 |

| |window frames, hardware, clean-out hatch, vents, and embeds, upgrade price from standard, | | | |

| |Single Vault unit. | | | |

|2 |Marine package of commercial quality fiberglass door and fiberglass frame, non-corrosive |1 |EA |$809.40 |

| |window frames, hardware, clean-out hatch, vents, and embeds, upgrade price from standard, | | | |

| |Double Vault unit. | | | |

|3 |Tile Floors, per restroom, ADA approved, and Commercial grade. |1 |EA |$2,679.00 |

| |Option 1, included floor and walls tile to height of 36 inches. | | |$1,903.08 |

| |Option 2, floor tile only. | | | |

|4 |Urinal, Corner or Wall unit, White cross linked polyethylene or polystyrene heavy-duty |1 |EA |$108.30 |

| |heavy-impact material complete with stainless steel mounting hardware and run into the | | | |

| |vault. Mounted per ADA requirements. | | | |

|5 |Urinal, Corner or Wall unit, Stainless heavy-duty heavy-impact material complete with |1 |EA |$684.00 |

| |stainless steel mounting hardware and run into the vault. Mounted per ADA requirements. | | | |

|6 |Toilet Riser shall be stainless steel, 18 inches high, with stainless steel heavy-duty seat|1 |EA |$1,430.70 |

| |and lid complete with stainless steel mounting hardware. | | | |

|7 |Wind/Privacy Exterior Screen Gap |1 |EA |($100.00) |

| |Those units with a Privacy Exterior Screen around doorways shall have a 3-4 inch minimum | | | |

| |gap space between the floor slab and the screen for ease of maintenance, price from | | | |

| |standard. | | | |

|8 |Double Coat Hook |1 |EA |$53.58 |

| |Coat hook will be 304 stainless steel 16 gauge (1.5mm), formed construction with a satin | | | |

| |finish and have 3/16”x 7/8” nail in anchor. Upper hook will extend at least 2-1/2” inches | | | |

| |from the wall. Lower hook will extend at least 1-1/4” from the wall. | | | |

|9 |Kick Plate: Stainless steel 10” x 34” (inside only) |1 |EA |$267.90 |

| | | | | |

|B |Exterior Concrete Wall Textures: | | | |

| |Single Vault Unit, Model: Gunnison, | | | |

| |(upgrade price from standard of barn wood board finish): | | | |

|1 |Board and Batt |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

|2 |Brick finish (Bidder to specify): |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

|3 |Exposed Aggregate |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|4 |Split face block |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|5 |Stucco finish |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

| |Single Vault Unit, Model: Cascadian, | | | |

| |(upgrade price from standard of Horizontal Lap siding wainscot with Board and Batt upper | | | |

| |section finish): | | | |

|6 |Board and Batt |1 |EA |No charge |

|7 |Brick finish (Bidder to specify :) |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

|8 |Exposed Aggregate |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

|9 |Split face block |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

|10 |Stucco finish |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

|11 |Horizontal lap siding |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

| |Double Vault Unit, Model: Tioga, | | | |

| |(upgrade price from standard of barn wood board finish): | | | |

|12 |Board and Batt |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

|13 |Brick finish (Bidder to specify :) |1 |EA |$ 2,143.20 |

|14 |Exposed Aggregate |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

|15 |Split face block |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

|16 |Stucco finish |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

| |Double Vault Unit, Model: Cascadian, | | | |

| |upgrade price from standard of Horizontal Lap siding wainscot with Board and Batt upper | | | |

| |section finish): | | | |

|17 |Board and Batt |1 |EA |No charge |

|18 |Brick finish (Bidder to specify): |1 |EA |$ 2,143.20 |

|19 |Exposed Aggregate |1 |EA |$ 2,143.20 |

|20 |Split face block |1 |EA |$ 2,143.20 |

|21 |Stucco finish |1 |EA |$ 2,143.20 |

|22 |Horizontal lap siding |1 |EA |$ 2,143.20 |

| |Utility Building, Model: 8x10, Mendocino | | | |

| |(upgrade price from standard of exterior vertical broom wall finish wall): | | | |

|23 |Barn wood board |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|24 |Board and Batt |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

|25 |Brick finish |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

|26 |Exposed Aggregate |1 |EA |No charge |

|27 |Split face block |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|28 |Stucco finish |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|29 |Horizontal lap siding |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

| |Utility Buildings, Models: 10x12, Mendocino | | | |

| |(upgrade price from standard of exterior vertical broom wall finish wall): | | | |

|30 |Barn wood board |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|31 |Board and Batt |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

|32 |Brick finish |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

|33 |Exposed Aggregate |1 |EA |No charge |

|34 |Split face block |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|35 |Stucco finish |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|36 |Horizontal lap siding |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

| |Utility Buildings, Models: 10x12, Schweitzer | | | |

| |(upgrade price from standard of barn wood board finish): | | | |

|37 |Board and Batt |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|38 |Brick finish |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

|39 |Exposed Aggregate |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|40 |Split face block |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

|41 |Stucco finish |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

|42 |Horizontal lap siding |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

|43 |Horizontal lap siding wainscot with Board and Batt upper section |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

| |Utility Building, Model: 10x20, Schweitzer | | | |

| |(upgrade price from standard of barn wood board finish): | | | |

|44 |Board and Batt |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

|45 |Brick finish |1 |EA |$ 2,024.64 |

|46 |Exposed Aggregate |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|47 |Split face block |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

|48 |Stucco finish |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

|49 |Horizontal lap siding |1 |EA |$ 2,143.20 |

|50 |Horizontal lap siding wainscot with Board and Batt upper section |1 |EA |$ 1,789.80 |

| | | | | |

|C |Roof Concrete Textures | | | |

| |(upgrade price from standard roof finish of Cedar Shake): | | | |

| |Single Vault Units: | | | |

|1 |Exposed Aggregate Rock |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|2 |Ribbed Metal |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

| |Double Vault Units and 10x12 Schweitzer: | | | |

|3 |Exposed Aggregate Rock |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

|4 |Ribbed Metal |1 |EA |$ 1,071.60 |

| |Utility Building: 10x20 Schweitzer: | | | |

|5 |Exposed Aggregate Rock |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

|6 |Ribbed Metal |1 |EA |$ 1,429.56 |

| | | | | |

|D |Skylights and Windows: | | | |

|1 |Skylight, 2x2, fixed, double glazed acrylic polycarbonate dome, PVC Interior Frame with |1 |EA |$ 444.60 |

| |Bronze Aluminum Exterior, Crystalite or equal. | | | |

|2 |2x4 Skylight fixed, double glazed acrylic polycarbonate dome, PVC Interior Frame with |1 |EA |$ 894.90 |

| |Bronze Aluminum Exterior, Crystalite or equal. | | | |

| | | | | |

|E |Doors for Utility Buildings: | | | |

|1 |Steel Single Door, 3’0” x 6’8” x 1-3/4”, |1 |EA |$ 570.00 |

| |16 gauge galvanized/insulated right or left hand reverse metal doors with 16-gauge | | | |

| |galvanized frames. Doors and frames shall be bonderized and painted one coat of rust | | | |

| |inhibitive primer and one finish coat of enamel paint. | | | |

|2 |Steel Double Doors, 6’0” x 6’8” x 1-3/4”, |1 |EA |$ 1,065.90 |

| |16 gauge galvanized/insulated right or left hand reverse metal doors with 16-gauge | | | |

| |galvanized frames. No center post. Doors and frames shall be bonderized and painted one | | | |

| |coat of rust inhibitive primer and one finish coat of enamel paint. | | | |

|3 |Fiberglass Single Doors, 3’0” x 6’8” x 1-3/4”, |1 |EA |$ 1,311.00 |

| |with non-corrosive (or fiberglass) frame and Stainless Steel hinges. insulated right or | | | |

| |left hand reverse doors. Commercial grade. Purchaser to select color. | | | |

|4 |Fiberglass Double Doors, 3’0” x 6’8” x 1-3/4”, |1 |EA |$ 2,861.40 |

| |with non-corrosive (or fiberglass) frame and Stainless Steel hinges. Insulated right or | | | |

| |left hand reverse doors. Commercial grade. No center post. Purchaser to select color. | | | |

|5 |Deadbolt, |1 |EA |$ 114.00 |

| |Lori Lock standard model with a double cylinder, 6-pin, 2 ¾” backset, and US26D finish. | | | |

| |The cylinder will be a standard 11/8”-13/4” mortise cylinder with compression ring and 626 | | | |

| |finish. Need lever throw on inside that is ADA compliant, if used for privacy purposes. | | | |

| |Cylinder will be keyed to Purchaser’s key control system requirements. | | | |

|6 |Louver vent per door, installed |1 |EA |$ 92.34 |

|7 |Optional: 4 ft Roll-up Door, commercial grade (Mfr: Overhead Doors, 600 Series.) |1 |EA |$ 1,482.00 |

|8 |Optional: 6 ft Roll-up Door, commercial grade (Mfr: Overhead Doors, 600 Series.) |1 |EA |$ 2,177.40 |

| | | | | |

|F |Other Building Items: | | | |

|1 |Single Vaulted Units with thru screen only |1 |EA |No charge |

|2 |Wall Vents, as defined in specifications, precasted in building and installed |1 |EA |$0 for one with order, |

| | | | |additional $298.00 each|

|3 |Interior Concrete Wall Panel, Penetration of Building Envelope (wall to ceiling) 8 foot |1 |EA |$ 1,014.60 |

| |width | | | |

|4 |Interior Concrete Wall Panel, Penetration of Building Envelope (wall to ceiling) 10 foot |1 |EA |$ 1,208.40 |

| |width | | | |

|5 |Solar powered fan and light package |1 |EA |$ 718.20 |

|6 |Vent Pipe Cap: Vent Pipe shall have a chimney vent cap to prevent objects falling in the |1 |EA |$ 88.92 |

| |vent pipe or collecting on top of the vent pipe, cap shall not restrict airflow for proper | | | |

| |ventilation of vault. Cap shall be made of weather-resistant and durable materials, painted| | | |

| |black to match vent pipe and of rust resistant materials. Securely fasten for 120 mph | | | |

| |winds. | | | |

|7 |Roof Ventilators, static (Utility Building only) |1 |EA |$ 152.76 |

|8 |Roof Ventilators, electric |1 |EA |$ 615.60 |

| | | | | |

|G |Utility Building Packages: | | | |

|1 |Electrical Package (added to all models) |1 |EA |$ 2,205.90 |

| | | | | |

| |All electrical items shall be pre-wired and installed. | | | |

| |Does not include hook-up. | | | |

| |Installed Hardware includes: | | | |

| |(1) Circuit, 100 amp disconnect with 12 breakers. | | | |

| |1 1/2 inch gray PVC schedule 40 above or below slab (power into disconnect). | | | |

| |1/2 inch flexible conduit with 12 Gauge wire. | | | |

| |(1) 4 bulb, 4 foot fluorescent lighting fixture, 40 watt 120 V, T8 lamps, covered interior | | | |

| |light, switch activated, and ceiling mounted. | | | |

| |(1) 30 watt exterior lighting – Photocell activated, low sodium or cold weather fluorescent| | | |

| |exterior light fixture by door. | | | |

| |Electronic 7-day time switch for lighting. | | | |

| |Electrical plugs as required by code. | | | |

|2 |Communication Building: (lit and heated): |1 |EA |$ 8,037.00 |

| | | | | |

| |8ft x 10ft Mendocino unit includes: | | | |

| |Exterior vertical broom finish. | | | |

| |Insulated ceiling, R-30 Ceiling, Rigid Foam Board, Blue Board or equal. | | | |

| |Ceiling finished with ¾” Plywood, two coats of paint. | | | |

| |Building precasted for HVAC unit. | | | |

| |All HVAC/electrical items shall be pre-wired and ready for installation. Includes HVAC | | | |

| |mounting hardware. Does not include electrical hook-up or installation of HVAC. | | | |

| |(1) 3068 galvanized door and doorframe. | | | |

| |(1) 4 bulbs, 4 foot fluorescent lighting fixture, 40 watt 120 V, T8 lamps, covered interior| | | |

| |light, switch activated, and ceiling mounted. | | | |

| |(1) 5300 BTU, Bard heating and cooling, model # WA102-A005 or equal. | | | |

| |(1) 30 watt exterior lighting – Photocell activated, low sodium or cold weather fluorescent| | | |

| |exterior light fixture, mounted by door. | | | |

| |Electronic 7-day time switches. | | | |

| |(1) 150 amp electrical box. | | | |

| |(5) 4-plex outlets. | | | |

| |(1) 12in x 12in cast in wall vent. | | | |

|3 |Communication Building: (lit and heated): |1 |EA |$ 9,319.50 |

| | | | | |

| |10ft x12ft, Mendocino unit includes: | | | |

| |Exterior vertical broom finish. | | | |

| |Insulated walls and ceiling, R19 Walls and R-30 Ceiling, Rigid Foam Board, Blue Board or | | | |

| |equal. | | | |

| |Walls and ceiling finished with ¾” Plywood, two coats of paint. | | | |

| |All HVAC/electrical items shall be pre-wired and installed. Does not include electrical | | | |

| |hook-up. | | | |

| |(2) 3068 galvanized door and doorframe. | | | |

| |4 bulbs, 4 foot fluorescent lighting fixture, 40 watt 120 V, covered interior light, switch| | | |

| |activated, and ceiling mounted. | | | |

| |5300 BTU, Bard heating and cooling, model# WA102-A005 or equal. | | | |

| |30 watt exterior lighting – Photocell activated, low sodium or cold weather fluorescent | | | |

| |exterior light fixture, mounted by door. | | | |

| |Electronic 7-day time switches. | | | |

| |150 amp electrical box, | | | |

| |(5) 4-plex outlets, and | | | |

| |(2) 12in x 12in cast in wall vents. | | | |

| | | | | |

|H |Insulation Packages: | | | |

| |Utility Building, 8ft x 10ft | | | |

|1 |Roof Insulation Package, Rigid Foam Board: |1 |EA |$ 1,077.30 |

| |Securely fasten to ceiling, insulation covered by 3/4” fire resistant plywood, two coats | | | |

| |painted, approximately R-19. | | | |

|2 |Roof Insulation Package, Rigid Foam Board: |1 |EA |$ 1,128.60 |

| |Securely fasten to ceiling, insulation covered by 3/4” fire resistant plywood, two coats | | | |

| |painted, approximately R-30. | | | |

|3 |Wall Insulation Package, Rigid Foam Board: Securely fasten to walls, insulation covered by |1 |EA |$ 2,861.40 |

| |3/4” plywood, two coats painted, approximately R-19. | | | |

|4 |Wall Insulation Package, Rigid Foam Board: |1 |EA |$ 3,277.50 |

| |Securely fasten to walls, insulation covered by 3/4” fire resistant plywood, two coats | | | |

| |painted, approximately R-19. | | | |

|6 |Wall Insulation Package, Fiberglass Batts: |1 |EA |$ 3,630.90 |

| |Securely fasten to walls, insulation covered by 3/4” plywood, two coats painted, | | | |

| |approximately R-19. | | | |

| |Utility Buildings, 10ft x 12ft | | | |

|7 |Roof Insulation Package, Rigid Foam Board: |1 |EA |$ 1,368.00 |

| |Securely fasten to ceiling, insulation covered by 3/4” fire resistant plywood, two coats | | | |

| |painted, approximately R-19. | | | |

|8 |Roof Insulation Package, Rigid Foam Board: |1 |EA |$ 1,430.70 |

| |Securely fasten to ceiling, insulation covered by 3/4” fire resistant plywood, two coats | | | |

| |painted, approximately R-30. | | | |

|9 |Wall Insulation Package, Rigid Foam Board: Securely fasten to walls, insulation covered by |1 |EA |$ 4,941.90 |

| |3/4” plywood, two coats painted, approximately R-19. | | | |

|10 |Wall Insulation Package, Rigid Foam Board: |1 |EA |$ 4,525.80 |

| |Securely fasten to walls insulation covered by 3/4” fire resistant plywood, two coats | | | |

| |painted, approximately R-19. | | | |

|11 |Wall Insulation Package, Fiberglass Batts: |1 |EA |$ 4,941.90 |

| |Securely fasten to walls, insulation covered by 3/4” plywood, two coats painted, | | | |

| |approximately R-19. | | | |

| |Utility Building, 10ft x 20ft | | | |

|12 |Roof Insulation Package, Rigid Foam Board: |1 |EA |$ 2,262.90 |

| |Securely fasten to ceiling, insulation covered by 3/4” fire resistant plywood, two coats | | | |

| |painted, approximately R-19. | | | |

|13 |Roof Insulation Package, Rigid Foam Board: |1 |EA |$ 2,382.60 |

| |Securely fasten to ceiling, insulation covered by 3/4” fire resistant plywood, two coats | | | |

| |painted, approximately R-30. | | | |

|14 |Roof Insulation Package, Fiberglass Batts: |1 |EA |$ 2,502.30 |

| |Securely fasten to ceiling, insulation covered by 3/4” fire resistant plywood, two coats | | | |

| |painted, approximately R-30. | | | |

|15 |Wall Insulation Package, Rigid Foam Board: Securely fasten to walls, insulation covered by |1 |EA |$ 5,956.50 |

| |3/4” plywood, two coats painted, approximately R-19. | | | |

|16 |Wall Insulation Package, Rigid Foam Board: |1 |EA |$ 6,612.00 |

| |Securely fasten to walls, insulation covered by 3/4” fire resistant plywood, two coats | | | |

| |painted, approximately R-19. | | | |

|17 |Wall Insulation Package, Fiberglass Batts: |1 |EA |$ 7,147.80 |

| |Securely fasten to walls, insulation covered by 3/4” plywood, two coats painted, | | | |

| |approximately R-19. | | | |

| | | | | |

|I |Other Items | | | |

|1 |Echo Single Vault Toilet |1 |EA |$ 9,291.00 |

|2 |Standby Time |1 |HR |No charge |

|3 |Replacement Parts, Discount off List Price | | |10 % off of Price List |


|No. |Building Descriptions and Features for Pre-Cast Concrete Vaulted Restrooms and |Bidder to check|Describe Fully If Not As |

| |Utility Buildings |Yes/No As |Specified or Attach Explanation |

| | |Specified | |


|1 |Specifications cover the construction and installation of pre-cast concrete |YES | |

| |buildings. Buildings are to be complete with all items hereafter specified and as | | |

| |shown on drawings. The buildings are pre-engineered, pre-fabricated and | | |

| |transportable buildings for use as self-contained water-less vaulted restrooms and | | |

| |for general purposes of storage or utility buildings. Contractor is to furnish a | | |

| |complete building, delivered and placed on a customer or contractor prepared site as| | |

| |described herein. | | |

|2 |Design Criteria and Quality Assurance |YES | |

| |All buildings shall be delivered with stamped engineered drawings and calculations | | |

| |meeting all current state and local building requirements. Professional Engineer | | |

| |shall be licensed to practice in the state where the project is located. | | |

| |Contractor shall at a minimum provide three Wet Stamped sets of drawings and | | |

| |calculations. | | |

| |Building design and fabrication shall be adequate to resist wind and snow loads in | | |

| |accordance with governing building codes and the stresses and shocks common to | | |

| |buildings. | | |

| |Design calculations and shop drawings shall clearly state design loads and all | | |

| |criteria, safety factors, etc. used to arrive at design loads. | | |

| |All buildings shall be designed to withstand transportation and unloading stresses | | |

| |with a load capacity of 150 psf. | | |

| |Tolerances will be within the limits as dictated by the PCI Quality Control and | | |

| |Assurance Manual. | | |

| |Building is to be provided by Contractor with all necessary openings for pipes, HVAC| | |

| |units, vents, accessories, louvers, doors, windows, etc. as specified by the | | |

| |Purchaser in conformance with manufacturer’s structural requirements and design | | |

| |features as defined herein. | | |

| |All color selections shall be from the manufacturer’s standard colors for the item. | | |

| |Modular structures must comply with Labor and Industries RCW 43.22.450 through RCW | | |

| |43.22.490 and WAC 296.150F.0010 through WAC 296.150F.3000. Contact: State of | | |

| |Washington, Department of Labor and Industries, Specialty Compliance Services | | |

| |Division, Factory Assembled Structures | | |

| |PO Box 44430, Olympia, WA 98504-4430, Phone: (360) 902-5218. | | |

| | | | |

| |Products must meet the following: | | |

| |Codes - Meet all as adopted by the State and Local authorities at the time of bid | | |

| |award. | | |

| |Snow - Withstand a snow load of 250 pound per square foot per IBC and OR ASCE 7 can| | |

| |be used as approved by the local building department of the delivery location. | | |

| |Wind - Withstand the effects of 120 mile per hour wind load, (ASCE 7-95). | | |

| |Live Roof Load- 60 psf. | | |

| |Floor Load – 250 psf. | | |

| |Seismic Zone - Withstand the effects of a Zone-D earthquake. | | |

| |Seismic Load Performance Category “C”, Exposure Group III. | | |

| |ADA Designed to meet the current requirements of the Federal and State requirements| | |

| |for Americans with Disabilities Act and Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards at | | |

| |the time of bid award. Design shall provide for a minimum 60 inch diameter turning | | |

| |radius within the toilet rooms and as defined herein. | | |

| |ASTM C33 Concrete Aggregates | | |

| |ASTM C39 Method of Test for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens | | |

| |ASTM C143 Method of Test for Slump of Concrete | | |

| |ASTM C150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement | | |

| |ASTM C192 Method of Making and Curing Test Specimens in the Laboratory | | |

| |ACI 1211.1 Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal and Heavyweight| | |

| |Concrete | | |

| |PCI MNL 116 Quality Control for Plants and Production of Precast Prestressed | | |

| |Concrete Products | | |

| |AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code | | |

| |ACI-318-95 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete | | |

| |ASCE-7-02 Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and Other| | |

| |Structures | | |

| |Bullet Test Walls to be UL-752 Test Method Level 4 for bullet resistance, certified | | |

| |by an independent structural engineer. | | |

| |ASTM C94 Standard Specification for Ready-Mix Concrete | | |

| |CRI Concrete Reinforcing Institute, "Manual of Standard Practice” | | |

|B | | | |

|1 |Standard of Quality |YES | |

| |The products of CXT, Inc., restroom units Gunnison, Cascadian, Rocky Mountain, | | |

| |Tioga, Double Cascadian and Double Rocky Mountain, and utility units Mendocino and | | |

| |Schweitzer models are the standard of quality based on past performance. See | | |

| |Drawing section of IFB for floor plans and details. Visit CXT Web Site for more | | |

| |information. | | |

|2 |Roof Design |YES | |

| |1. Restrooms roofs are sloped or gabled as noted on the model drawings. | | |

| |2. Utility roofs are available either flat or sloped as noted on the model drawings.| | |

| |3. Roofs are one or two piece concrete monolithic slabs depending on model design. | | |

| |Privacy screened entry ways shall be roofed. | | |

| |4. Roofs shall have minimum 6 inch overhang (except the Mendocino and Schweitzer | | |

| |buildings). | | |

| |5. Roofs shall be weather and water-tight. | | |

| |6. Roofs shall have a 10-year structural and leaking warranty. | | |

|3 |Floor Design |YES | |

| |1. Buildings shall have a one piece concrete floor unit to prevent panels that | | |

| |migrate in different direction during periods of freeze/thaw stress. | | |

| |2. Finished floor shall be level along all walls. | | |

| |3. No area of the floor shall allow wastewater to accumulate. | | |

| |4. Concrete floor thickness shall be a minimum of 4 inches. | | |

| |5. Utility Buildings: There shall be a 1/2” turn down, the width of the wall panels,| | |

| |cast into the floor. The 1/2” turn down makes the interior floor surface 1/2” | | |

| |higher than the joint between the wall panel and floor slab preventing intrusion of | | |

| |water. | | |

| |6. Restroom Buildings: Shall have concrete cove base for ease of cleaning and in | | |

| |accordance to the requirements of Sweet Smelling Technology. | | |

|4 |Concrete Mix Design |YES | |

| |1. Concrete mix will be designed to ACI 211.1 to produce concrete of good | | |

| |workability. | | |

| |2. Concrete will contain a minimum of 610 pounds of cement per cubic yard. Cement | | |

| |will be a low alkali type I or III conforming to ASTM C-150. | | |

| |3. All fine and coarse aggregates used in the concrete mix design will conform to | | |

| |ASTM C33 with the designated size of coarse aggregate #67. | | |

| |4. Minimum water to cement ratio will not exceed 0.45. Slump will not exceed 4 | | |

| |inches at the time of pour. Slump may be increased using chemical admixtures | | |

| |provided that the concrete maintains same or lower water to cement ratio and does | | |

| |not exhibit segregation. | | |

| |5. Air-entraining admixtures will conform to ASTM C260. Water reducing admixtures | | |

| |will conform to ASTM C494, Type A for super plasticizer. Plasticizing admixtures | | |

| |shall conform to ASTMC 1017. Other admixtures will not be used without customer | | |

| |approval. | | |

| |6. All concrete used in the precast walls, roof, screens, and floor shall be minimum| | |

| |compressive strength of 5000 psi, and shall conform with the requirements of the ACI| | |

| |standard 318-83 and with a 28-day compression strength. | | |

| |7. Cement shall be gray Portland cement type 1 and shall conform to ASTM Spec. | | |

| |C-150. | | |

| |8. The water used in the mix shall be clean and non-detrimental to the mix. The | | |

| |water-cement ratio shall not exceed 5 gallons per bag of cement. | | |

| |9. A concrete mix review must be provided by an independent testing laboratory | | |

| |certified by the structural engineer. | | |

|5 |Concrete Testing |YES | |

| |The following tests will be performed on concrete used in the manufacture of the | | |

| |buildings. All testing will be performed in the PCI certified laboratories. | | |

| |Testing will only be performed by qualified individuals who have been certified ACI | | |

| |Technician Grade 1. Sampling will be in accordance with ASTM C172. | | |

| |1. The slump of the concrete will be performed on the first batch of concrete in | | |

| |accordance with ASTM C143. This slump will be in the 3”-4” range. Slump may be | | |

| |increased using chemical admixtures provided that the concrete maintains same or | | |

| |lower water to cement ratio and does not exhibit segregation. Slump will never | | |

| |exceed 9 inches. | | |

| |2. The air content of the concrete will be checked per ASTM C231 on the first batch | | |

| |of concrete. The air content will be in the range of 5.5% +/- 1.0%. | | |

| |3. The compressive strength of the cylinders will be tested to ASTM C39. Contractor| | |

| |will make one (1) cylinder for release, one (1) for 7 days, and one (1) for 28 days.| | |

| |The release must be a minimum strength of 2500 psi, the 7-day must be a minimum of | | |

| |4500 psi and the 28-day must be a minimum of 5000 psi. | | |

| |4. A copy of all test reports will be available by the Contractor to Purchaser as | | |

| |soon as 28-day test results are available upon request. | | |

|6 |Concrete Reinforcement |YES | |

| |Concrete components shall be reinforced with steel mesh and/or steel rebar for | | |

| |structural integrity as required by code and design requirements as identified | | |

| |herein. | | |

| |1. All reinforcing steel will conform to ASTM A615, Grade 60. All welded wire | | |

| |fabric will conform to ASTM A185. | | |

| |2. All reinforcement will be new, free of dirt, oil, paint, grease; loose mill scale| | |

| |and loose or thick rust when placed. | | |

| |3. Details not shown of drawings or specified will be to ACI 318. | | |

| |4. Steel reinforcement will be centered in the cross-sectional area of the walls and| | |

| |will have at least 1-inch of cover on the under surface of the floor and roof. | | |

| |5. The maximum allowable variation for center-center spacing of reinforcing steel | | |

| |will be ½ inch. | | |

| |6. Full lengths of reinforcing steel will be used when possible. When splices are | | |

| |necessary on long runs, splices will be alternated from opposite sides of the | | |

| |components for adjacent steel bars. Lap bars #4 or smaller a minimum of 12 inches. | | |

| |Lap bars larger than #4 a minimum of 24 bar diameters. | | |

| |7. Reinforcing bars will be bent cold. No bars partially embedded in concrete will | | |

| |be field bent unless approved by the customer. | | |

| |8. Diagonal reinforcement shall be placed around all openings. | | |

| |9. All reinforcing steel bars shall conform to ASTM 615 Grade 60 for deformed and | | |

| |plain billet-steel bars for concrete reinforcement (Fy=60 Ksi). Wire mesh and flat | | |

| |sheets used for reinforcing shall conform to ASTM 185 specifications for steel | | |

| |welded wire fabric, plain for concrete reinforcement. | | |

| |10. Reinforcing assemblies shall be prefabricated into single complete units with a | | |

| |minimum of 3/4 inch clearance from the edges and surfaces of the precast unit. | | |

| |11. All precast wall panels shall be welded together and be attached to the floor in| | |

| |such a way as to form a continuous unit. Wall and floor reinforcing should be | | |

| |permanently attached to each other. The welding procedure has to be submitted and | | |

| |approved by a professional engineer. All welding shall be done by welders having | | |

| |current valid certifications and having current experience in this type of welding. | | |

| |All construction shall be per American Welding Society Codes and Recommendations. | | |

| |All exposed steel plate assemblies both inside and out shall be painted over the | | |

| |shop coat. | | |

| |12. Place and secure in the forms all necessary anchors, clips, inserts, lifting | | |

| |devices, stud bolts, ties and any other device that is required for handling and | | |

| |installing the precast components and for the attachment of subsequent items. | | |

| |Optional Design: | | |

| |13. If post-tensioning is not used in the roof panel, the following guidelines must | | |

| |be followed to ensure a watertight roof design: | | |

| |Entire pre-cast concrete roof panel surface must be cleaned and primed with a | | |

| |material that prepares the concrete surface for proper adherence to the coating | | |

| |material. | | |

| | | | |

| |Entire pre-cast concrete roof panel surface shall be sealed with a 0.045 EPDM | | |

| |continuous membrane cemented to the concrete with a compound designed for this | | |

| |purpose. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Monocryl 50 |

|7 |Colored Concrete |YES | |

| |1. Concrete panels used for precast building panels for the roof, walls and screens | | |

| |shall be colored. | | |

| |2. Color additive and coloring process shall ensure uniform dispersion of the color | | |

| |through the concrete. | | |

| |3. Color additives will conform to ASTM C979. | | |

| |4. Concrete color pigment shall be permanent from exposure to sunlight and weather, | | |

| |lime proof and uniform as recommended by the Portland cement association in | | |

| |accordance with ASTM C-494. | | |

| |5. The same brand and type of color additive will be used throughout the | | |

| |manufacturing process. | | |

| |6. Contractor to provide an adequate color sample for Purchaser’s approval prior to | | |

| |manufacturing. | | |

|8 |Mixing and Delivery of Concrete |YES | |

| |Mixing and delivery of concrete will be in accordance with ASTM C94, section 10.6 | | |

| |through 10.9 with the following additions: | | |

| |1. Aggregate and water will be adjusted to compensate for differences in the | | |

| |saturated surface-dry condition. | | |

| |2. Concrete will be discharged as soon as possible after mixing is complete. This | | |

| |time will not exceed 30 minutes. | | |

|9 |Concrete Building Forms |YES | |

| |1. Forms for the precast components shall be constructed such that the finished | | |

| |components will have sharp definition, dimensional accuracy, and uniformity of shape| | |

| |and texture. | | |

| |2. Precast components shall be prefabricated to the sizes and shapes indicated on | | |

| |the project plans. | | |

| |3. No unfinished edges shall be exposed to view. | | |

| |4. Finished components shall be straight and square. Waxed, cracked, broken, | | |

| |spalled, stained, or otherwise defective units shall not be used. Components with | | |

| |imperfections in exposed surfaces shall not be used. | | |

|10 |Placing and Consolidating Concrete |YES | |

| |1. Concrete will be consolidated by the use of mechanical vibrators. | | |

| |2. Vibration will be sufficient to accomplish compaction but not to the point that | | |

| |segregation occurs. | | |

|11 |Curing and Hardening Concrete |YES | |

| |1. Concrete surfaces will not be allowed to dry out from exposure to hot, dry | | |

| |weather during initial curing period. | | |

| |2. Cold weather concrete placement will be in accordance with ACI 306. | | |

| |3. Concrete will not be placed if ambient temperature is expected to be below 35 | | |

| |degrees F. during the curing period unless heat is readily available to maintain the| | |

| |surface temperature of the concrete at least 45 degrees F. | | |

| |4. Materials containing frost or lumps of frozen materials will not be used. | | |

| |5. The temperature of the concrete will not exceed 80 degrees F. at the time of | | |

| |placement and when the ambient reaches 90 degrees F. the concrete will be protected | | |

| |with moist covering during cure period. | | |

| |6. Curing compounds, if used, will be colorless, complying with ASTM C309, type I or| | |

| |1-D. | | |

| |7. Precast concrete components shall be cured in forms according to PCI requirements| | |

| |for structural integrity. | | |

| |8. All exposed surfaces must be covered to control the loss of moisture and | | |

| |temperature. | | |

|12 |Finishing Texture Concrete |YES | |

| |1. Interior and exterior floor slabs will be floated and troweled until all marks | | |

| |are removed. Floor surface to be easily cleanable and meet ADA slippage | | |

| |requirements. Smooth steel form finish on all interior panel surfaces. | | |

| |2. The underside of the overhand will have a smooth finish. | | |

| |3. All exterior building walls, exterior screen walls and exterior roof panel’s | | |

| |textured surfaces will be casted per customer’s selected finish style. | | |

| |4. Standard concrete exterior wall texture shall be barn wood board and the roof | | |

| |standard texture shall be cedar wood shake style for Restrooms and sloped Utility | | |

| |Buildings, unless otherwise specified herein. | | |

| |5. Contractor to provide a selection of minimum of four (4) exterior wall textures | | |

| |and three (3) exterior roof textures. | | |

| |6. Exterior Flat roof finish will be the standard manufacture texture for a flat | | |

| |roof. | | |

| |7. Contractor shall provide sample finishes, if requested by the Purchaser, to | | |

| |confirm and validate quality, colors and textures. Samples will be used to provide | | |

| |comparison of delivered materials. | | |

|13 |Cracks and Patching |YES | |

| |1. Cracks in concrete components which are judged to affect the structural integrity| | |

| |of the building will be rejected. | | |

| |2. Small holes, depressions and air voids will be patched with a suitable material. | | |

| |The patch will match the color, finish and texture of the surrounding surface. | | |

| |3. Patching will not be allowed on defective areas if the structural integrity of | | |

| |the building is affected. | | |

|14 |Caulking, Grout and Adhesive |YES | |

| |1. All caulking will remain flexible and non-sag at temperatures from minus 50 to | | |

| |140 degrees Fahrenheit. | | |

| |2. Interior joints will be caulked with a paintable silicone based caulk. | | |

| |3. Exterior joints will be caulked with a tripolymer sealant caulk which compliments| | |

| |the exterior color. | | |

| |4. Grout will be a non-shrink type and will be painted to match the color of | | |

| |surrounding concrete as nearly as possible. | | |

| |5. Epoxy concrete adhesive will be two component, rigid, non-sag gel adhesive for | | |

| |bonding to dry or damp surfaces, moisture insensitive. | | |

| |6. Portland cement mortar will consist of one part Portland cement, three parts sand| | |

| |and enough water to make workable mixture. | | |

| |7. Cement base coating is formulated with a very fine aggregate system and a |NO |Rexthane Floor Paint |

| |built-in bonding agent. | | |

| |8. All joints will then be caulked with a non-sag, non-staining polyurethane | | |

| |caulking compound meeting ASTM C-920-79. Sika-flex is approved. | | |

| |9. Caulking: All joints between panels shall be caulked on the exterior and | | |

| |interior surface of the joints. Caulking shall be SIKAFLEX-IA elastic sealant or | | |

| |equal. Exterior caulk joint to be 1/2" x 1/2" square so that sides of joint are | | |

| |parallel for correct caulk adhesion. | | |

| |10. All caulking and sealant shall have a minimum twenty-five (25) year warranty for| | |

| |shrinkage and degradation. | | |

|15 |Structural Joints |YES | |

| |1. Wall components will be joined together with two welded plate pairs at each | | |

| |joint. Each weld plate will be 6 inches long and located one pair in the top | | |

| |quarter and one pair in the bottom quarter or the seam. Weld plates will be | | |

| |anchored into the concrete panel and welded together with a continuous weld. The | | |

| |inside seams will be a paintable caulk. The outside seams will use a caulk in a | | |

| |coordinating building color or clear. | | |

| |2. Walls and roof will be joined with weld plates, 3”x 6”, at each building corner. | | |

| |3. The joint between the floor slab and walls will be joined with a grout mixture on| | |

| |the inside, a matched colored caulk on the outside and two weld plates 6 inch long | | |

| |per wall. | | |

| |4. All anchors, clips and fasteners shall conform to ASTM A325. | | |

|16 |Paints/Stains |YES | |

| |All buildings shall be primed, caulked and painted ready for installation. Colors | | |

| |shall be selected by Purchaser. | | |

| |1. All paints and materials will conform to all Federal specifications or be similar| | |

| |“top-of-the-line-components”. Paints shall have a 10-year warranty. | | |

| |2. Paints will not contain more than .06 percent by weight of lead. | | |

| |3. An appropriate concrete curing time will be allowed before paint is applied to | | |

| |concrete. | | |

| |4. Some applications may require acid etching. A 30 percent solution of | | |

| |hydrochloric acid will be used, flushed with water and allowed to thoroughly air | | |

| |dry. | | |

| |5. Painting will not be done outside in cold, frosty or damp weather. Painting will | | |

| |not be done outside in winter unless the temperature is 50 degrees F. or higher. | | |

| |Painting will not be done in dusty areas. | | |

| |6. Type of paints: | | |

| |a) Interior floors will be a 2-component, catalyzed; water borne polyamide epoxy | | |

| |with a micronized polymer additive to provide uniform slip resistant texture or a | | |

| |1-part water based epoxy with a silica sand suspension to provide uniform texture | | |

| |and slid protection. | | |

| |b) Interior walls and ceilings will be a modified acrylic, water repellent | | |

| |penetrating stain or a modified acrylic penetrating pigment or will be 2 coats of a | | |

| |modified acrylic penetrating pigment, followed by one coat of clear sealer. | | |

| |c) Exterior walls and roof will be a pure acrylic water repellent penetrating stain | | |

| |in the same color as the walls or roof followed by a clear acrylic anti-graffiti | | |

| |sealer or will be 2 coats of pure acrylic water repellent penetrating stain in the | | |

| |same color as the walls or roof followed by one coat of clear acrylic anti-graffiti | | |

| |sealer. | | |

| |d) Weatherproofing sealer for exterior of building will be clear, low gloss, pure | | |

| |acrylic water repellant penetrating sealer. | | |

| |e) Metal surfaces both interior and exterior, will be primer and enamel with Direct | |Monocryl 50 |

| |to Metal (DTM) ALKYD. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Monocryl 50 |

| | | | |

|17 |Exterior Doors |YES | |

| |1. Doors will be flush panel type single 3'-0" x 6'-8" x 1-3/4" thick, 16-gauge | | |

| |galvanized/insulated, pre-hung steel door, prime coated steel panels with minimum 12| | |

| |gauge internal bracing channels with polystyrene core and galvanized steel top. | | |

| |Doors should be right or left hand depending building positioning. | | |

| |2. Doorframes will be knockdown or welded type, single rabbet, minimum 16-gauge | | |

| |prime coated steel, and width to suit wall thickness. Permanently attached to the | | |

| |building. Three (3) rubber door silencers will be provided on latch side of frame. | | |

| |3. Shall comply with Steel Door Institute "Recommended Specifications for Standard | | |

| |Steel Doors and Frames” (SDI-l00) and as herein specified. | | |

| |4. Doors and frames shall be bonderized and painted one coat of rust inhibitive | | |

| |primer and one finish coat of epoxy paint, painted Brown or Charcoal Gray, if no | | |

| |other color is specified by Purchaser. | | |

|18 |Door Hardware |YES | |

| |Meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and all | | |

| |applicable codes for the position of all the door hardware. All hardware shall be | | |

| |tamper-proof. | | |

| |1. Cylindrical Deadbolt (Both a lockset and deadbolt are required): | | |

| |a) Meet or exceed ANSI A156.2 Series 4000, Grade 1 cylindrical lockset for exterior | | |

| |door, (Deadbolt will be keyed to Purchaser’s key control system requirements). | | |

| |b) Keyed from the outside, blank (no operation) on the inside | | |

| |c) U.S. 26D finish. | | |

| |2. Spring Hinges: Adjustable tension, 3 per door, stainless steel, ball bearing 4 | | |

| |1/2” x 4 1/2” with non-removable hinge pins. | | |

| |3. Lockset (Both a lockset and deadbolt are required): | | |

| |a) Meet or exceed ANSI A156.2 Series 4000, Grade 1 cylindrical lockset for exterior | | |

| |door, (Lockset will be keyed to Purchaser’s key control system requirements). | | |

| |b) Lever handle both inside and out. | | |

| |c) Either handle operates latch. | | |

| |d) No Push-button Privacy lock, only lever type. | | |

| |e) Emergency slot on exterior so door can be unlocked from the outside with a coin, | | |

| |screwdriver or similar device. | | |

| |f) Inside lever always active. | | |

| |g) U.S. 26D finish. | | |

|19 |Wall Vents |YES | |

| |1. Minimum of two (2) wall vents in the Utility Buildings and one (1) in the | | |

| |Restroom Buildings, they are to be casted into the concrete wall with vandal proof | | |

| |materials and design. | | |

| |2. Vents shall be large enough to promote adequate air ventilation within the | | |

| |building. Approximately 144 square inches each. | | |

| |3. The frame will be C3 x 4.1 channel steel. | | |

| |4. The louver frame will be 3/16” x #3 flat bar or 18 gauge zinc coated steel with | | |

| |baked enamel finish. The louver will be inverted Y, no vision 2”x2”x1/8” angle. | | |

| |5. There will be an insect screen between louvers. | | |

| |6. All steel will be primed and painted as defined in metal painting specification. | | |

|20 |Windows |YES | |

| |1. Windows openings shall be cast into the concrete wall. | | |

| |2. Window frames will be constructed from steel 18 gauge zinc coated steel. | | |

| |3. All steel will be primed and painted as defined in metal painting specification. | | |

| | | | |

| |4. Window glazing will be ¼ inch thick translucent LEXAN polycarbonate and pebble | | |

| |finished mar-resistant texture. | | |

| | | | |

|C |RESTROOM BUILDINGS, below specifications are particular to vaulted toilet buildings.| | |

|1 |Basis Features |YES | |

| |Building is complete with roof, walls and floor, and concrete vault. The vault is | | |

| |designed as the building foundation. All restrooms accessories as specified shall be| | |

| |installed and ready for use. Buildings may be a factory assembled or field assembled| | |

| |depending on the delivery location and model design. Designed for both a right and | | |

| |left building orientation dependent of site and Purchaser’s needs. | | |

|2 |Vault Design and Liner |YES | |

| |The containment vault shall have an underground storage area for on-site sewage that| | |

| |is referenced herein and drawings. | | |

| |1. On-site sewage system shall be water-tight and accessible for sewage | | |

| |pumper/hauler to empty the vault. | | |

| |2. Sewage System must meet Washington State Department of Health, Water Conserving | | |

| |On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems - Recommended Standards and Guidance for | | |

| |Performance, Application, Design, and Operation & Maintenance. | | |

| |(These above mentioned DOH documents are available at doh.wastewater.htm | | |

| |) | | |

| |3. Vaults shall incorporate all design aspects of Sweet Smelling Technology as | | |

| |outlined by Briar Cook for the U.S. Forest Service (“In Depth Design and Maintenance| | |

| |Manual for Vault Toilets” – July 1991 – Publication no. 9123 1601) and Fly-Free | | |

| |Design Tanks. | | |

| |4. Units shall have a certified anti-buoyancy test; results shall be available upon | | |

| |request of Purchaser. | | |

| |5. Minimum vault containment system to hold at least 1,000 gallons of waste for | | |

| |15,000 uses per vault. | | |

| |6. Vaults shall have a primary and secondary containment system, and both | | |

| |containment systems shall have a 10-year warranty for material and structural | | |

| |failure. | | |

| |7. The primary containment vault shall be concrete. | | |

| |8. The secondary containment material shall be firmly secure to the concrete walls | | |

| |and bottom of the vault to prevent dislodging, separation, or bulging from the | | |

| |concrete vault. | | |

| |9. Any coating materials used as a secondary containment material shall be applied | | |

| |in such a way as to seal all the interior vault concrete surfaces and meet all | | |

| |National Sanitation Foundation requirements for such application. | | |

| |10. Coating materials shall not delaminate, separate or crack. Contractor shall | | |

| |assure there is adequate coating thickness for durability and application for entire| | |

| |covered area. Coal tar epoxy and paints are not allowed for use in this type of | | |

| |application. | | |

| |11. The secondary containment materials shall be impervious to and protect the | | |

| |interior of the vault against the corrosive effects of chemicals (strong acid or | | |

| |alkaline solutions), sewage and other associated treatment chemicals with a vault | | |

| |toilet facility. | | |

| |12. Secondary containment material shall be durable, easily cleaned and strong | | |

| |enough to resist tears and suction from pumper’s equipment and rake when cleaning | | |

| |out sewage, debris, diapers, rocks, bottles, etc. | | |

| |13. Each toilet room shall have a separate vault. | | |

| |14. Restroom vaults shall be designed to prevent cross ventilation of odors between | | |

| |toilet rooms. | | |

| |15. Vault top perimeter concrete surface shall be level, smooth, unbroken and the | | |

| |full width of concrete vault wall. | | |

| |16. Building shall be supported evenly over a steel reinforced concrete waste | | |

| |containment vault. | | |

| |17. Vault structure to run the full length and width of the building and acts as the| | |

| |footing/foundation for the building. | | |

| |18. Vault shall be warranted against leakage/seepage in or out of the vault for a | | |

| |period of ten years. | | |

| |19. If a vault is replaced, then the Contractor shall dispose of the materials | | |

| |according to local jurisdiction requirements and provide a certification of disposal| | |

| |for such. | | |

| |20. If a vault fails during the warranty period and needs to be repaired or | | |

| |replaced, and if requested by the Purchaser, then the Contractor shall provide an | | |

| |alternative acceptable toilet facility until the restroom is ready for use. | | |

| |Containment Vault Liner: The concrete vault shall be a one piece plastic waste | | |

| |containment liner completely covering the vault surfaces. No seams allowed. Vault | | |

| |liner shall be made from a single sheet ABS/750 virgin plastic with a minimum final | | |

| |stamped thickness of a 0.06 (1/16) inch. | | |

|3 |Concrete Pad Design |YES | |

| |Covered entryways for Restroom shall a minimum 60 inches of concrete in the front of| | |

| |the door to meet ADA requirements, all other units shall have a minimum 12 inches of| | |

| |concrete in front of the door entry. | | |

|4 |Wind/Privacy Exterior Screen Gap |YES | |

| |Those units with a Privacy Exterior Screen around doorways shall have an 8 inch | | |

| |minimum gap space between the floor slab and the screen for ease of maintenance and | | |

| |visual security purposes. | | |

|5 |Chase Design |YES | |

| |Those units that have a chase shall provide for storage of cleaning supplies and | | |

| |restroom supplies. Chase shall be accessible by an outside lockable exterior door. | | |

| |See Drawing section of IFB for the details per model style. | | |

|6 |Door Stop |YES | |

| |Door stop will have a cast metal base, U.S. 26D finish with gray rubber 2-3/8” | | |

| |diameter bumper with a 1” projection, meeting ANSI 156.16. | | |

|7 |Coat Hook |YES | |

| |Double Coat hook will be 304 stainless steel 16 gauge (2.8mm), formed construction | | |

| |with a satin finish and have 3/16”x 7/8” nail in anchor. Upper hook will extend at | | |

| |least 2-1/2” inches from the wall. Lower hook will extend at least 1-1/4” from the | | |

| |wall. | | |

|8 |Door Sweep |YES | |

| |Door sweep will be provided at the bottom of door and will be an adjustable brush | | |

| |type. | | |

|9 |Vault Vent Stack |YES | |

| |1. Vent system shall consist of a 12 inches HDPE vent stack. This vent will be | | |

| |installed to create an air flow from the vault to 3 feet above the roof peak and | | |

| |must be oriented to take advantage of the solar heating of the black HDPE vent pipe | | |

| |to create a thermal draft upward. | | |

| |2. A permanent wall louver will be installed just above the building floor in close | | |

| |proximity to the toilet to provide an unrestricted air flow. | | |

| |3. A top flange 15 inches cast iron clean-out with cover will be installed. | | |

|10 |Vault Cleanout Cover |YES | |

| |Cover plate for vault cleanout cover shall be ¼ inch thick diamond plate steel, | | |

| |galvanized. Cleanout cover shall be within the rain line of the roof. The cover | | |

| |base shall have minimum 1 inch lip to prevent water inflow around cover perimeter. | | |

| |Cleanout cover frames and hinges will be constructed from steel, galvanized. Lid | | |

| |will be hinged and configured so that it can be locked with a padlock. A gasket | | |

| |will be provided around the entire perimeter of the lid to provide water tight seal | | |

| |and airtight seal. Cleanout access is an adequate size for standard pumping truck | | |

| |service hose. | | |

|11 |Toilet Riser |YES | |

| |Riser shall be 18 inches high, with white cross linked polyethylene or polystyrene | | |

| |heavy-duty heavy-impact seat and lid complete with stainless steel mounting | | |

| |hardware. | | |

|12 |Wall Urinal (Double Vaulted Units) |YES | |

| |White cross linked polyethylene or polystyrene heavy-duty heavy-impact material | | |

| |complete with stainless steel mounting hardware and run into the vault. Mounted per | | |

| |ADA requirements. | | |

|13 |Grab bars |YES | |

| |Grab bars will be 18 gauge, type 304 stainless steel and with 1-1/2” clearance. | | |

| |Grab bars shall have a safety grip finish, concealed mounting, and fastened to the | | |

| |wall in a way that will withstand a 300 pound top loading. | | |

|14 |Toilet Paper Holder |YES | |

| |Building must include a Washington State ADA compliant toilet paper holder capable | | |

| |of holding three (3) standard rolls of toilet paper (1000 sheet/roll). | | |

| |Holder shall be constructed of at least ¼ inch thick steel that has enamel finish or| | |

| |a type 304 stainless steel finish. | | |

| |The vandal resistant (lockable) toilet paper holder should be fastened to the wall | | |

| |in a way that will withstand a 300 pound top loading. | | |

|15 |Signage |YES | |

| |Buildings shall be signed as required by state code. | | |

| |Molded plastic signs with etched surfaces shall have the international handicapped | | |

| |symbol and shall have raised Braille characters. Signage shall comply with ADA | | |

| |requirements. | | |

| |Signs shall be tamper-proof and resistant to weather and sunlight. | | |

|16 |Electrical |YES | |

| |No Electrical Items shall be furnished. Optional electrical items are available. | | |

| | | | |

|D |GENERAL PURPOSE UTILITY BUILDINGS, the following specification are particular for | | |

| |utility/storage buildings. | | |

|1 |Basis Features |YES | |

| |No foundation required, complete with roof, walls and floor. Buildings designs may | | |

| |be a monolithic, factory assembled or field assembled buildings, see drawings for | | |

| |specifics. Delivered fully assembled or field assembled by Contractor per model | | |

| |design. Designed to set on a level base material of gravel, concrete or asphalt. | | |

| |Designed with two cast-in wall vents. Doors, vents and windows can be relocated and| | |

| |door and window sizes can be changed to meet specific requirements. | | |

|2 |Dimensions |YES | |

| |Interior floor to ceiling dimension minimum approximately 8 feet. | | |

| |Wall thickness minimum approximately 3 inches. | | |

| |Roof panel thickness minimum approximately 6 inches. | | |

| |Floor thickness minimum approximately 5 inches. | |Roof Nominal 5 inches |

|3 |Flat Roof Design |YES | |

| |Roof panel shall be minimum sloped 1 inch from front to back. The roof shall extend| | |

| |a minimum of 3 inch beyond the wall panel on each side and minimum of 3 inches on | | |

| |door wall, and have a turndown design which extends 1/2" below the top edge of the | | |

| |wall panels to prevent water migration into the building along top of wall panels. | | |

| | | | |

|E |Publications | | |

|1 |Maintenance Manual and Materials |YES | |

| |Contractor to provide a maintenance manual, replacement parts list, warranties, | | |

| |touch-up paint kit (pint size per color for concrete surfaces and for metal | | |

| |surfaces) and set of building plans will be provided with each delivered unit. | | |

|2 |Safety Information |YES | |

| |Safety data information (MSDS) must be supplied on all items used in the production | | |

| |and furnishing of this building and foundation. All technical specifications are to| | |

| |be delivered to the Purchaser upon delivery of the building and foundation to the | | |

| |job site. | | |

| | | | |


|1 |Responsibilities of Purchaser |YES | |

| |1. Apply and pay for Installation permits. | | |

| |2. Select a site that does not have problems with soft soils, steep hills, rocks | | |

| |and sloped areas surrounding the site. | | |

| |3. Confirm soil conditions are adequate for the building (i.e., subgrade preparation| | |

| |to account for conditions such as frost heave, differential settlement, expansive | | |

| |soils, rocks, etc.). | | |

| |4. Ensure that the physical site attributes are accessible for a normal highway | | |

| |truck and all administrative arrangements are in place as necessary to ensure public| | |

| |awareness and safety during installation. | | |

| |5. Confirm site is level unobstructed area large enough for crane and | | |

| |tractor/trailer to park adjacent to pad and proper clearance exists for crane | | |

| |operations. Site free of overhead and/or underground obstructions. Crane must be | | |

| |able to place outriggers within 5 feet of edge of pad and truck and crane must be | | |

| |able to get side-by-side under their own power. No overhead lines may be within 75 | | |

| |feet radius of center of pad. | | |

| |6. Prepare the site by clearing a 20 foot radius out from the center of the | | |

| |selected location, including trees that might interfere with the swing of the crane | | |

| |arm. | | |

| |7. Notify the Contractor in writing of any known road or bridge restrictions along | | |

| |the access route related to weight or weekend transport limitations, traffic | | |

| |restrictions, etc., and of any known low bridges, tight switchbacks, roads, culverts| | |

| |and bridges not rated for highway loads, roadway width or grade, unimproved roads or| | |

| |any other possible obstacles or difficulties to access the delivery location (i.e. | | |

| |within Park area). Structures are typically designed for AASHTO HS-20 traffic | | |

| |loading. | | |

| |8. Stake exact location of building is to be set, including orientation and | | |

| |elevation. Purchaser will specify a finish floor elevation for building. | | |

| |9. All utilities for the building as necessary for operation and stubbed up 12 | | |

| |inches above the prepared pad. | | |

|2 |Purchaser Prepared Site Work |YES | |

| |1. If Purchaser handles the excavation and backfill, then Purchaser is to confirm | | |

| |that the site is properly prepared according to Contractor’s specifications prior to| | |

| |delivery. | | |

| |2. Purchaser accepts responsibility for the Purchaser’s installation and any | | |

| |structural failures and problems that may occur if the site conditions are not in | | |

| |compliant with Contractor’s specifications, unless the Purchaser can establish that | | |

| |it tested the soil or other conditions such as fill or concrete loading and the | | |

| |Purchaser was within the external loading pressures applicable to the product. | | |

| |3. Excavation material should not be placed between the excavated hole and the | | |

| |installer’s access point. The installer needs a clear path between the crane and | | |

| |the excavated hole. | | |

| |4. Contractor shall be responsible for the unloading, placing the building and | | |

| |set-up the building for completion of the installation. | | |

| |5. Purchaser shall be responsible for any necessary grading, backfilling and site | | |

| |clean-up. | | |


|1 |Scope of Work |YES | |

| |Work specified under this Section includes excavation, backfill, placement, finish | | |

| |grading, and site clean-up of precast concrete vault toilet and utility buildings in| | |

| |compliance with all other local and state laws and Prevailing Wage requirements at | | |

| |the delivery location. Work not covered under this contract is clearing, grubbing, | | |

| |and site grading, nor blasting. | | |

| |Contractor shall be responsible for the proper installation of the building to | | |

| |prevent tilted or settling. | | |

|2 |Site Utilities for Installation |YES | |

| |Contractor must provide water, power and utilities as necessary for completion of | | |

| |installation. Does not include hook-up of utilities. | | |

|3 |Building Assembly |YES | |

| |Contractor shall be fully responsible for off-loading, assembling and set-up | | |

| |building pieces as required for completion of installation. | | |

|4 |Construction Site Use |YES | |

| |Contractor to minimize areas used for equipment, storage and parking. During | | |

| |construction period, the Contractor is to confine use of premises to actual areas of| | |

| |construction and to such additional areas as approved by Purchaser. Contractor | | |

| |shall take necessary precautions to protect marring or damaging landscape features. | | |

|5 |Site Work |YES | |

| |Earthwork operations shall not be performed in the weather conditions, in the | | |

| |opinion of the Purchaser or the Contractor, are inappropriate. Work in muddy or | | |

| |frozen ground will not be allowed without prior written Purchaser’s approval. | | |

| |Temporary sediment and erosion control measures shall be provided and maintained as | | |

| |necessary by the Contractor to prevent run-off from entering bodies of water or | | |

| |adjacent properties. | | |

|6 |Excavation and Elevation |YES | |

| |1. Comply with all applicable State and OSHA rules and regulations for excavation. | | |

| |2. Excavate for the installation of the building to a depth that will allow the | | |

| |structure site to be free draining after installation is completed. Allow for a 2 | | |

| |inches leveling course beneath the building. | | |

| |3. No building shall bear directly on rock(s) where there is a potential for point | | |

| |loading the building. If necessary the Contractor shall remove the rock(s) and fill | | |

| |the void with an approved fill material. | | |

| |4. Stockpile topsoil in a separate pile at sites. | | |

| |5. Finish floor elevation will be 4-6 inches above natural grade measured at the | | |

| |front (entrance) of the exterior slab unless otherwise approved by the Purchaser. | | |

| |6. Ensure that water on the floor slab will drain towards the door. | | |

| |7. Install building with the floor elevation within a plus or minus 0.05 feet of the| | |

| |specified floor elevation. | | |

| |8. All excavations shall be kept free from standing water. Contractor shall provide| | |

| |and maintain, at all times during the installation, ample means and devices with | | |

| |which to promptly remove and properly dispose of all water without damage to | | |

| |adjacent property or structures. | | |

| |9. No excavation will be left open more than seven days unless otherwise approved by| | |

| |the Purchaser. | | |

| |10. Any excavations left open overnight will be fenced with wire mesh or plastic | | |

| |mesh fence secured to steel posts all around the excavation. The bottom of the | | |

| |fence will generally follow the contour of the ground, with a maximum spacing of ten| | |

| |feet between steel posts, and a minimum fence height of 36 inches. | | |

|7 |Soil Materials |YES | |

| |1. Bedding material to be sand or 3/8” minus crushed or screened aggregate. | | |

| |2. Backfill materials shall be sandy clay, sand, gravel, soft shale, or other | | |

| |suitable materials free from brush, organic material, dirt clods, and stones, frozen| | |

| |materials or boulders larger than six (6) inches in greatest dimension. | | |

| |3. All materials use in the installation shall be generally dry with low moisture | | |

| |content. Contractor shall take necessary steps to maintain the dryness of any | | |

| |materials used. | | |

|8 |Backfill and Compaction |YES | |

| |Backfilling and compaction shall be immediately started once the building is set in | | |

| |place with no delays unless approved by Purchaser in writing. | | |

| |Depending on the soil type, the Contractor may be asked to over excavate the area | | |

| |and to supply new compaction material should the excavated material not be suitable | | |

| |for that purpose. | | |

| |For Restrooms | | |

| |1. Compact the natural ground at the bottom of the vault excavation with a minimum | | |

| |of three passes with a whacker-type mechanical compactor or equal approved by the | | |

| |Purchaser. | | |

| |2. Install sand or aggregate bedding material for leveling course. Compact leveling| | |

| |course with one pass with a whacker-type mechanical tamper or equal approved by the | | |

| |Purchaser. | | |

| |3. Grade leveling course so there will be no high spots in the middle of the vault | | |

| |bottom. Compact with a second pass with a whacker or approved equal tamper. | | |

| |4. After compacting and leveling the bottom of the hole, a minimum of 2 inches or | | |

| |more as required by code of a compacted ¾” minus material base of gravel (i.e. road | | |

| |base) should be placed for support, leveling and drainage purposes. | | |

| |5. The base must be confined so as to prevent washout, erosion or any other | | |

| |undermining, and to limit frost action. | | |

| |6. The bearing of the soil and base should be a minimum of 1,500 pounds per square | | |

| |foot. | | |

| |7. Set vault in place. | | |

| |8. Backfill around structure. Use excavated material for backfill except if does | | |

| |not meeting Backfill materials specification. Contractor shall notify Purchaser if | | |

| |excavated materials are not suitable for backfill materials and Purchaser shall | | |

| |provide alternative materials. Rocks larger than four (4) inches in dimension shall | | |

| |not be placed within twelve (12) inches of the exterior vault walls. Backfill to be | | |

| |compacted as necessary. | | |

| |9. Fill, adjacent to the building entry, will have excavated material placed in | | |

| |eight (8) inch loose lifts and compacted with a minimum of three passes with a | | |

| |wacker-type mechanical compactor of equivalent approved by the Purchaser. | | |

| |For Utility Buildings | | |

| |1. Compact the natural ground of the excavation with a minimum of three passes with | | |

| |a whacker-type mechanical compactor or equivalent approved by the Purchaser. | | |

| |2. Install sand or aggregate bedding material for leveling course. Compact leveling| | |

| |course with one pass with a whacker-type mechanical tamper or equivalent approved by| | |

| |the Purchaser. | | |

| |3. After compacting and leveling, install a minimum of 6 inches of a compacted, ¾” | | |

| |minus material base of gravel (i.e. road base) for support, leveling and drainage | | |

| |purposes. The base also limits frost action. Stone shall be placed within a | | |

| |perimeter form with flat and level top edge for screeding. | | |

| |4. The base must be confined so as to prevent washout, erosion or any other | | |

| |undermining. Base to be at least 2 feet larger than the length and width of | | |

| |building. Form material shall remain around stone until after building is set. | | |

| |5. The bearing of the soil and base should be a minimum of 1,500 psf. | | |

| |6. If building is placed on asphalt base or concrete slab, substrate below pavement | | |

| |or slab must have a vertical soil capacity of 1,500 psf. | | |

| |7. The building shall be leveled, shimmed as required, and set in a grout bed | | |

| |sufficient to fill all cavities between the foundation slab and the building floor | | |

| |slab. | | |

| |8. Set building in place. | | |

| |9. Backfill around structure. Use excavated material for backfill, unless it does | | |

| |not meeting backfill materials specification as specified herein. Contractor shall | | |

| |notify Purchaser if excavated materials are not suitable for use as backfill | | |

| |materials, if unsuited, then Purchaser shall provide acceptable alternative | | |

| |materials. Backfill to be compacted as necessary. | | |

|9 |Finish Grading |YES | |

| |1. Spread excess excavated material around structure with Purchaser’s approval. | | |

| |Intended final grade is flush with the top of the front slab. Allow for placement | | |

| |of topsoil to reach that grade. Grade backfill away from structure from structure | | |

| |at maximum slope of five (5%) percent unless otherwise approved by the Purchaser in | | |

| |writing. | | |

| |2. Spread stockpiled topsoil as final layer after rough grading is completed. Areas| | |

| |disturbed by excavation, backfilling and stockpiling of excavated materials to be | | |

| |hand raked to remove exposed rocks over one (1) inch in maximum dimension. | | |

|10 |Caulking and Sealant for Vault Top and Toilet Riser |YES | |

| |1. Silicone caulk will be applied between toilet riser flange and concrete floor | | |

| |before the toilet riser is installed. | | |

| |2. Caulking between vault and toilet floor to be minimum 2”wide x 2”thick Butyl | | |

| |tape. There shall be no gaps or partial coverage of vault top edge. | | |

|11 |Vault Vent Stack Seal |YES | |

| |After vent stack is installed, seal using silicone or polyurethane caulking around | | |

| |pipe at top and underside of roof, and around pipe at top of slab. | | |

|12 |Installation Warranty |YES | |

| |Installation will be warranted for a minimum of one (1) year against the building | | |

| |listing to one side or the other and or sinking at the site due to poor compaction | | |

| |or leveling of the excavation site prior to the installation of the building. | | |

|13 |Clean-up and Disposal |YES | |

| |Contractor must remove all extra construction materials from the installation site. | | |

| |The disturbed area shall be finished to as natural an appearance as possible unless | | |

| |otherwise approved by the Purchaser in writing. All excess excavated materials and | | |

| |other construction debris shall be disposed of at a Purchaser supplied disposal site| | |

| |located within a 20 miles distance from delivery site at no cost to Purchaser as | | |

| |necessary. | | |

The following contract provisions were excerpted and abridged from the contract IFB and Amendment:



a) Contractor and subcontractor(s) shall, without additional expense to the State, obtain and maintain current any licenses and permits necessary for compliance with federal, state and local laws, regulations, rules and standards for services provided under this contract.

b) Contractor is to keep all licensing/permitting information current with the Department of Enterprise Services to notify the state if Contractor loses, fails to maintain or suffers revocation of any necessary licenses or permits to operate under this contract.


Contractor shall provide proof of insurance, as required in Competitive Procurement Standards, Standard Terms and Conditions section, paragraph 44, upon award of contract. The CPS is available on our website at . Contractor shall provide proof of insurance annually.


Contractor shall furnish the state with a performance guarantee within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of notice of award. Performance guarantee shall be payable to Washington State as surety for performance of contract(s) resulting from this bid. Said guarantee shall be in the form of a(n):

Bond on a form furnished by the state and completed by an approved surety;

Escrow agreement on a form furnished by the state;

Irrevocable letter of credit;

Certified check; or,

Cashier’s check.

Note: Bidder shall identified type of guarantee in bid information submittal. The cost of guarantee shall be fully borne by Contractor. The escrow agreement or certified or cashier’s check must be drawn on a bank or trust regulated by State of Washington. Certified or cashier’s checks are held by the state for the contract term and any subsequent extensions, and do not yield interest payable to the Contractor.

Amount/Duration: The performance guarantee shall be for an amount, which is not less than $50,000.00 for a minimum period of one (1) year and automatically renewed for any additional period(s) to cover contract term. Contractor shall provide proof of performance bond in subsequent contract extensions.


Bidder to provide contact information and service areas for representative(s) as required in IFB.

a) Representative to function as the primary point of contact, ensuring supervision and coordination, and take corrective action as necessary to meet contractual requirements.

b) Representative, or designee, to be available during normal working hours (Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM Pacific Time) and return Purchaser’s calls by the next business day.

c) Contractor to maintain current contact information and service areas information for representative with the Department of Enterprise Services.


a) All bids shall include unit prices where applicable and be otherwise in the format requested, unless otherwise stipulated herein. Bid prices shall be expressed in US dollars ($).

b) Pricing shall be FOB Destination, freight prepaid and included, as described herein. Price Sheet items shall be full compensation for furnishing all equipment, tools, materials, and labor to accomplish the work, as specified herein. No additional compensation will be permitted for lost, broken, and/or abandoned equipment/tools utilized in the progress of the work. Purchaser shall under no circumstances be responsible for the use, maintenance or damage of Contractor equipment. There shall be no surcharges for fuel.

c) For those service areas that may require the use of a ferry, Bidders are advised to visit ferry terminals and ride ferry routes to over-water locations for the purpose of work familiarization and bidding.

d) Bidder may submit pricing for other types of similar products/services with the Price Sheets as Optional Other Items; the state reserves the right to not award these other optional service items. Optional Other Items will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and will not affect the outcome of the bid evaluation.

e) The state reserves the right to request clarification and justification of Bidder’s prices if they significantly vary from industry norm/standard and other Bidders. State reserves the right to not award a particular line item(s) if pricing significantly varies from industry norm/standard and other Bidders.

f) If a Bidder agrees to extend contract pricing to State of Washington WSPC members, then their orders are subject to the same contract terms, conditions and pricing as state agencies.

g) If a Bidder agrees to extend contract pricing to State of Oregon ORCCP members, then Bidder may charge per mile from Contractor’s shipping point location to delivery site to accommodate freight costs, providing such charge is indicated in the bid submittal.

h) Bidder is to identify any prompt payment discounts and volume discounts in bid response.


a) General Requirements: The state, in conjunction with Purchasers, monitors and maintains records of Contractor performance. Said performance shall be a factor in evaluation and award of this and all future contracts. Purchasers will be provided with product/service performance report forms to forward reports of superior or poor performance to the Department of Enterprise Services.

b) Liquidated Damages: The state has an immediate requirement for the materials, equipment or services specified herein. Bidders are urged to give careful consideration to the state’s requirements and to the manufacturer’s production capabilities when establishing a delivery date(s). Liquidated damages will be assessed in the amount of actual damages incurred by the state as a result of Contractor’s failure to perform herein.

c) Cost of Remedying Defects: All defects, indirect and consequential costs of correcting, removing or replacing any or all of the defective materials or equipment will be charged against the Contractor.

d) Punch List: Any Punch List items and Warranty work shall be completed within sixty (60) calendar days after notice to Contractor, unless the Purchaser grants more time. Final payment may be withheld until all punch list items are completed to the satisfaction of the Purchaser.

e) Warranty Work: All warranty work will be performed at the physical location of the unit, unless the work can not be reasonably performed on-site, then the Contractor will be responsible for all shipping costs.

f) Non-Warranty Repair Parts: Contractor agrees to deliver all part(s) ordered by Purchaser for non-warranty maintenance related work and associated with products purchased using this contract within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of an official order document (Field Order) from Purchaser.


Unless otherwise specified herein, full parts and labor warranty period shall be for a minimum period of one (1) year after receipt of materials or equipment by the Purchaser. All materials or equipment provided shall be new, unused, of the latest model or design and of recent manufacture. Contractor shall submit a copy of warranty(ies) with items delivered under this contract. In the event of conflict between contract terms and conditions, and warranty submitted, to afford the state maximum benefits, the contract terms and conditions shall prevail. The contract shall comply with the warranty requirements as identified in Competitive Procurement Standards, Standard Terms and Conditions, paragraph16, Warranties.


Contractor agrees to comply with federal, state and local laws and regulations, including applicable Washington State Labor and Industries code requirements, and Fire and Building codes, as may be amended, and any standards and regulations, which may be promulgated during the contract. Contractor further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the State from all damages assessed against the State as a result of the Contractor’s failure to comply with these laws, standards and regulations.


Unit shall be new (unused) current standard production model, meeting specification identified herein, and shall be completely prepared for Purchaser delivery. Each unit shall include all inspection coupons, certicards, or warranty identification cards furnished to the trade in general in accordance with standard warranty policy. All accessories as listed herein shall be identical to those regularly supplied to the dealer by the original equipment manufacturer, and shall be of the identical quality and design as those normally installed on units for sale through normal commercial channels. Units supplied shall have all the latest changes and features offered as standard whether called for in these specifications or not.


Contractor shall be required to furnish all materials, equipment and/or services necessary to perform contractual requirements. Materials and workmanship in the construction of items for this contract shall conform to all codes, regulations and requirements for such items, specifications contained herein, and the normal uses for which intended. Materials shall be manufactured in accordance with the best commercial practices and standards for this type of item.


Bidder is to provide with their bid response a standard “after receipt of order” (ARO) delivery date, this ARO will establish a standard product delivery lead-time; although the actual delivery date may be more or less by 30 calendar days dependent on the size of the order. When an order is placed, the Contractor shall establish a firm delivery date that is mutually agreed upon.


Contractor shall accept mailed, fax, telephone, and email orders. Contractor shall provide order acknowledgments within three (3) business days after receipt of an order, and a manufacturer production date confirmation and deliver date within ten (10) business days after receipt of order. Order acknowledgments and production confirmations shall be sent to the customer’s bill to address or email address, unless otherwise requested by the customer. The acknowledgment shall include field/purchase order number, ship to address, item ordered, contract pricing, delivery charge and ship date.


a) Bidder is to identify in bid submittal the charge for an on-site assessment. The charge shall be a flat fee for statewide coverage and apply to a single job, which may include multiple buildings at a delivery location (e.g. Park). If there is separate on-site assessment charge for Oregon, then Bidder shall identify such in their bid submittal.

b) Contractor is responsible to make a thorough survey of the delivery route and installation site to assess necessary delivery, accessibility and installation requirements.

c) Contractor may examine the work site to determine the site/soil conditions, working area, access, topography, tree/flora protection requirements, and the nature of the work in general and shall notify the Purchaser of any foreseeable problems or issues for the delivery or installation.


a) Contractor shall provide all necessary vehicles, equipment and personnel for services as defined herein. There shall be no additional costs to the Purchaser for different types or sizes of delivery trucks or installation equipment with the exception of extraordinary situations as defined herein.

b) Extraordinary situations are when nature of the service requires the use equipment, supplies, or subcontractors, (e.g. barges, airlift, extra large cranes, etc.) that are outside of typical or normal delivery/installation perimeters for industry, in these rare cases, the Contractor shall be reimbursed for actual documented and verifiable costs for providing extraordinary trucks, equipment and/or personnel, but Contractor shall obtain prior approval from Purchaser.


a) Contractor shall provide an advance four (4) weeks delivery notice before shipping, and then follow-up with a three (3) working day final delivery notification. Purchaser shall immediately notify the Contractor of any delays in the schedule and coordinate a new mutually agreeable delivery schedule.

b) Occasionally, circumstances arise beyond anyone’s control that may delay delivery (weather, highway construction, concurrent site activities, administrative actions, etc.) or allow delivery slightly ahead of schedule. With minor delays and other unavoidable circumstances, the trucks and crane may arrive at any time from dawn to dusk and spill over onto weekends (though this condition is to be avoided if possible). In these circumstances delivery shall be by mutual agreement of both parties and there shall be no additional charges to the Purchaser.


a) Bidder is to identify in bid submittal a Delivery Charge and if there is a minimum mileage charge. Delivery Charge shall apply for each building unit delivered, units described herein.

b) Bidder is to identify the Contractor’s Shipping Point location in bid submittal; this shipping point location will be use in computing the corresponding Delivery Charge.

c) Delivery Charge consists of moving of all buildings, vehicles, tools, equipment, personnel and materials necessary to complete the work as specified from the Contractor’s shipping point location to the Purchaser’s delivery site.

d) Delivery Charge shall include the all associated cost and be full compensation for the delivery, unloading and setting in-place the building at the Purchaser’s site, including but not limited to the use of cranes, Pilot cars and all related expenses. The setting in-place of a building includes assembling the individual building components for a complete building, but is separate from the installation service as defined herein.

e) There shall be no extra charges allowed for delivery and unloading beyond the Delivery Charge, except for extraordinary situations or unanticipated change of condition situations, any extra charges are to be pre-approved by the Purchaser in writing.

f) Delivery Charge shall be based on mileage, with the mileage computed on shortest one-way route traveled within the State of Washington borders from Contractor’s shipping point location to delivery site, with a minimum delivery charge, if applicable. For Oregon Purchaser, the Delivery Charge will be computed on the shortest one-way route from the Contractor’s Shipping Point to the delivery site.

g) Contractor shall not charge for daily travel to site or any per diem charges, these items are inclusive in the unit contract price. Per Diem and mobilization charges are not allowed under this contract, unless otherwise noted in the contract.

h) Special Road Permits/Fees or bridge restriction may impact delivery charges for a location. Any fees and permit costs necessary for transportation shall be direct pass through with no additional fees or charges by Contractor to Purchaser.

i) State Ferries: If the delivery route involves the use of a state ferry, Contractor shall pay any tolls and fees as required. Fares shall be reimbursed provided proper documentation is presented to the Purchaser with the invoice that relates to a specific job. In few rare cases because of emergencies or weather conditions, the state ferries may be temporarily shut down, which may cause Contractor’s personnel or equipment to be required to remain on the ferries between terminals or they may be required to remain on a ferry over night or find another return route, if this is the case, the state will pay the state Per Diem per person or compensate the Contractor for additional mileage and labor expenses. Standby Ferry Charge applies to ferry time delays and the time on a ferry.


a) Typical delivery locations shall be level, have adequate access, adequate overhead clearance, no underground obstructions, adequate turn around for delivery truck, and be readily accessible from Interstate or similar roads by an industry standard delivery truck (e.g.18-wheeler) and trailers. Contractor is to anticipate that some of the usage may represent rural access road areas. Purchaser shall provide an alternative delivery location if a delivery site is not adequate for a safe delivery as determined by the Contractor. Additional delivery charges may apply to a delivery location if a delivery location does not meet the above description.

b) At the time of delivery, if conditions of access are hazardous or unsuitable for truck and equipment due to weather, physical constraints, roadway width or grade, then Contractor may require an alternate site with better access be provided to ensure a safe and quality installation. In any such case, additional costs for cranes, trucking, and etc. may apply.

c) Contractor shall be reimbursed for additional delivery charges providing Contractor provides supporting documentation and received prior Purchaser’s approval of any additional delivery charges.


a) Bidder shall provide an Installation Service cost per building type as identified on the IFB Price Sheet.

b) The installation service contract price shall be full compensation for mobilizing and demobilizing all equipment, tools, materials and personnel necessary to complete the work as specified herein.

c) Installation Service charge shall be a flat contract fee. There shall be no extra charges allowed for installation, except for extraordinary situations or unanticipated change of condition situations, any extra charges are to be pre-approved by the Purchaser in writing.

d) Contractor shall provide Installation Service, if requested by Purchaser, services are described herein. Installation work may occur at various sites in the State with varying degrees of access and weather. Installation shall be performed in a professional manner. The site and building shall be left in a clean and safe condition.


Contractor shall provide one training session, if requested by the Purchaser, by a qualified technical support person at no additional expense to the Purchaser at the delivery site or at a Purchaser sponsored location. Training, as appropriate to the unit purchased, will be designed to familiarize personnel with preventative maintenance, operating characteristics, safety hazards, and other topics as determined by the Contractor.


This bid is subject to prevailing wage requirements (reference Chapter 39.12 RCW and 296-127 WAC). Wages to be paid workers, laborers or mechanics, pursuant to this contract shall not be less than the prevailing rate of wage in the same trade or occupation in the locality within the state where the labor is performed. By submission of a properly signed and completed bid, bidder agrees to comply with all provisions of these chapters.

In compliance with Chapter 49.28 RCW, Contractor agrees that no worker, laborer or mechanic in the employ of the Contractor or subcontractor shall be permitted or required to work more than eight (8) hours in any one calendar day, or forty (40) hours in any one calendar week, provided that in cases of extraordinary emergency such as danger to life or property, the hours of work may be extended but in such cases the rate of pay for time employed in excess of the above shall be at the prevailing overtime rate of pay. Except, contracts will not require the payment of overtime rates for the first two hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day when the employer has obtained the employee’s agreement (as defined in WAC 296-127-022) to work a four-day, ten-hour work week.

The Department of Labor and Industries will publish prevailing wage rates on the first business day of February and August of each year. The wage rates will become effective thirty days following publication. For all contracts, the prevailing wage rates which are in effect on the bid opening date are the wage rates that must be paid for the duration of the contract.

See Prevailing Wage Rates Section for the applicable Prevailing Wages for: Backhoe Operator, Crane Operator, Painters, Carpenter and General Labor.

The appropriate labor classifications and prevailing wage rates for in effect on the bid opening date are identified at the Labor and Industrial’s web site for individual counties. In addition, applicable Benefit codes are as follows: Overtime Codes: Overtime calculations are based on the hourly rate actually paid to the worker. On public works projects, the hourly rate must be not less than the prevailing rate of wage minus the hourly rate of the cost of fringe benefits actually provided for the worker. These include: Overtime - all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Saturdays, except make-up days, shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked after 6:00pm Saturday to 6:00am Monday and on Holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (8). Note: Workers on Hazmat Projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows: Level A: $0.75, Level B: $0.50, and Level C: $0.25. These minimum wage rates and benefits are made part of this contract.

Questions should be directed to the Industrial Statistician, Department of Labor and Industries, Prevailing Wage Section, PO Box 44540, Tumwater, WA 98504-4540 (Telephone (360) 902-5335 or the Contract Administrator.

The Contractor must submit to the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries a “Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages.” A copy of the approved intent statements must be submitted to the payment agency in order to receive the first progress payment on this contract. Following final acceptance of the project, Contractor must submit to the Industrial Statistician an “Affidavit of Wages Paid.” An approved affidavit must be submitted to the payment agency before they are authorized to release the retained funds.

Each “Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages” or “Affidavit of Wages Paid” submitted for approval to the Industrial Statistician must be accompanied with the current filing fee.

Vocationally handicapped workers, i.e. those individuals whose earning capacity is impaired by physical or mental deficiency or injury, may be employed at wages lower than the established prevailing wage. The Fair Labor Standards Act requires that wages based on individual productivity be paid to handicapped workers employed under certificates issued by the Secretary of Labor. These certificates are acceptable to the Department of Labor and Industries. Sheltered workshops for the handicapped may submit a request to the Department of Labor and Industries for a special certificate which would, if approved, entitle them to pay their employees at wages lower than the established prevailing wage.

Prevailing wage requirements do not apply to:

a) Sole owners and their spouses.

b) Any partner who owns at least 30% of a partnership.

c) The president, vice-president and treasurer of a corporation if each one owns at least 30% of the corporation.

d) Workers regularly employed on monthly or per diem salary by state or any political subdivision created by its laws.

A copy of the approved Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages shall be posted at the job site with the address and telephone number of the Industrial Statistician, where a complaint or inquiry concerning prevailing wages may be made. If a dispute arises as to what are the prevailing rates of wages for a specific trade, craft or occupation, and such dispute cannot be adjusted by the parties in interest, including labor and management representatives, the matter shall be referred for arbitration to the Director of the Department of Labor and Industries, and his decision shall be final, conclusive and binding on all parties involved in the dispute.


No “up front” or “down payments” will be provided to the Contractor per State law RCW 43.88.160.


Bidder is to indicate in Bid response which purchasing card(s) you presently accept. State is encouraging agencies to use the state contracted purchasing card to facilitate small dollar purchases. While at the present time, it is not mandatory that contractors accept credit card purchases, we encourage all state contractors to consider this alternate payment process. The current card available for state agency use is a VISA product. There shall be no additional cost to a Purchaser for the use of purchasing cards as a payment method.


Legislation allows nonprofit corporations to participate in state contracts for purchases administered by DES. By mutual agreement with DES, the contractor may sell goods or services at contract pricing awarded under this contract to self certified nonprofit corporations. Such organizations purchasing under this contract shall do so only to the extent they retain eligibility and comply with other contract and statutory provisions. The contractor may make reasonable inquiry of credit worthiness prior to accepting orders or delivering goods or services on contract. The state accepts no responsibility for payments by nonprofit corporations. Their use of the contracts may significantly increase the purchase volume. Their orders are subject to the same contract terms, conditions and pricing as state agencies.


The Contractor shall maintain, for at least three years after completion of this contract, all relevant records pertaining to this contract. This shall include, but not be limited to, all records pertaining to actual contract performance from the date of contract award. It shall also include information necessary to document the level of utilization of MWBE’s and other businesses as subcontractors and suppliers in this contract as well as any efforts the contractor makes to increase the participation of MWBE’s. The contractor shall also maintain, for at least three years after completion of this contract, a record of all quotes, bids, estimates, or proposals submitted to the Contractor by all businesses seeking to participate as subcontractors or suppliers in this contract. The State shall have the right to inspect and copy such records. If this contract involves federal funds, Contractor shall comply with all record keeping requirements set forth in any federal rules, regulations, or statutes included or referenced in the contract documents.


Contractor shall provide the following report(s) to Department of Enterprise Services.

a) Quarterly usage reports through the Contract Sales Reporting System located on the internet at . Reports must be submitted within thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar quarter, i.e., no later than April 30th, July 31st, October 31st and January 31st.

b) Annual Contract Summary Report: Annual Contract Summary Report is due by the l5th of January. Contractor shall supply the report in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format as supplied by the DES or otherwise mutually agreed upon format. Reports are to be emailed to the Contract Administrator. Reports shall provide information in the following specific information:

▪ Date of Sell

▪ Type of Unit Sold, Number of Units Sold

▪ Customer Name and Site Location

▪ Total dollar amount for order

▪ Total dollar amount for year

c) Contract Administrator Required Report: This report shall be designed by the Contract Administrator to obtain information needed for IFB design, contract negotiation, or any other Contract Administrator determined need.


The prevailing wages are:

State of Washington


Prevailing Wage Section

Telephone (360) 902-5335

PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540

PREVAILING WAGES listed in the below embedded document include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects, workers' wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements is provided on the Benefit Code Key, to view Benefit Code notes, double click on hyperlink or go to:



To DES Customers:

Please take a moment to let us know how our services have measured up to your expectations on this contract. Please copy this form locally as needed and forward to the Master Contracts and Consulting Purchasing Manager. For any comments marked unacceptable, please explain in remarks block.

|Procurement services provided: |Excellent |Good |Acceptable |Unacceptable |

|Timeliness of contract actions | | | | |

|Professionalism and courtesy of staff | | | | |

|Services provided met customer needs | | | | |

|Knowledge of procurement rules and regulations | | | | |

|Responsiveness/problem resolution | | | | |

|Timely and effective communications | | | | |


|Agency: | |Prepared by: | |

|Contract No.: |05706 |Title: | |

|Contract Title: |Pre-Cast Concrete Vault Restroom and Utility Buildings |Date: | |

| | |Phone: | |

Send to:

Purchasing Manager

Department of Enterprise Services

Master Contracts and Consulting

PO Box 41017

Olympia, Washington 98504-1017


Complete this form or go on-line at to report problems with suppliers or to report unsatisfactory product or services. You are also encouraged to report superior performance. Agency personnel should contact suppliers in an effort to resolve problems themselves prior to completion and submission of this report.

Contract number and title: 05706, Pre-Cast Concrete Vault Restroom and Utility Buildings

Supplier’s name: Supplier’s representative:


| |Contract item quality higher than required | |Damaged goods delivered |

| |Contract item quality lower than required | |Item delivered does not meet P.O./contract specifications |

| |Other: | | |


| |Late delivery | |Slow response to problems and problem resolution |

| |Incorrect invoice pricing | |Superior performance |

| |Other: | | |


| |Terms and conditions inadequate | |Additional items or services are required. |

| |Specifications need to be revised | |Minimum order too high |

| |Other: | | |

Briefly describe situation:

|Agency Name: |Delivery Location: |

|Prepared By: |Phone Number: |Date: |Supervisor: |

| | | | |

Send To:


Master Contracts and Consulting

PO BOX 41017

OLYMPIA WA 98504-1017


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