Migration, Narration, Communication - Toc

[Pages:3]Text - Meaning - Context: Cracow Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture 1

Migration, Narration, Communication

Cultural Exchanges in a Globalised World

Bearbeitet von Alicja Witalisz

1. Auflage 2011. Buch. 207 S. Hardcover ISBN 978 3 631 60672 8 Format (B x L): 14 x 21 cm Gewicht: 380 g

Weitere Fachgebiete > Ethnologie, Volkskunde, Soziologie > soziale Gruppen; Altersgruppen > Soziologie von Migranten und Minderheiten schnell und portofrei erh?ltlich bei

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1. Preface ........................................................................... 77

Literature .............................................................................. 99

2. Christoph Houswitschka Literary views on cosmopolitanism in Europe .............................. 11

3. Pilar Cuder-Dom?nguez Masculinities and intergenerational strife in recent Black British fiction .............................................................................. 23

4. Dorota Mihulka "I am a woman cracked by multiple migrations" ? the search for self through space in the works by South Asian American women writers .... 3311

5. Monika Wojdan Latino identity in the poetry of Emanuel Xavier ............................ 43

6. Beata Pitek Colm T?ib?n's Brooklyn: emigration as double life ........................ 5555

7. Dorota Rygiel When the West becomes the Home: the portrayal of Bangladeshi immigrants in Monica Ali's Brick Lane ...................................... 6611

8. Simona Hevesiov? Unaccustomed Earth: generation at the crossroads ......................... 71

9. Patrycja Austin Multilingual India in Amit Chaudhuri's Afternoon Raag and Vikram Seth's A Suitable Boy ............................................. 779

Migrating humour ................................................................... 87

10. Christie Davies How jokes migrate and how they change as they migrate .................. 889



11. Joanne Paisana Anglo-Portuguese colonial rivalry in late nineteenth-century Africa: visual commentary in contemporary satirical journals ..................... 1013

12. Anna T. Litovkina ? D?ra Boronkai Appreciation of humor in Anglo-American and Hungarian anti-proverbs ..................................................................... 111157

Language contacts and translation ............................................... 113335

13. Megan Case Experiences of idiolect change among English speakers in Sweden ..... 1375

14. Alicja Witalisz Linguistic globalisation ? a contribution to linguistic homogenisation or the creation of linguistic difference? ....................................... 14479

15. Marcin Zabawa The influence of English on international Internet slang .................. 1657

16. Clare Vassallo Roses by different names ? do they smell as sweet?: style, status and invisibility in literary translation .......................................... 1813

Erasmus mobility as modern European migration .............................. 1957

17. Colin Swatridge Does the Erasmus Programme foster a European identity? ............... 1979


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