
|Name:       |Date:       |


A narrative poem tells a story in verse. In a personal narrative, the poet starts from his or her own experience. The poet uses figurative language, rhythm, and repetition. The poem usually directs the reader’s attention to the meaning of the personal experience:

The day was blue and bright in northern Wyoming. We were far from home.

In the distance Old Faithful spewed its hot water and foam.

We wandered on the boardwalk, our eyes wide at the wonder of water whirls.

Look! Look! Look!

Then my younger brother was lost. We didn’t see him leave.

Only five years old, friendly, outgoing, disobedient,

A little boy with big brown eyes and a rope to tie up his blue jeans.

We ran this way, desperately searching. We ran that way, calling his name.

Sweaty, exhausted in afternoon shadows, we finally spied him, eating ice cream

And entertaining the park rangers with his stories.

My younger brother always got all the attention and all the ice cream.

A. Directions: Fill in the chart with information about the narrative poem above.


| |(the aim is 1-3 details for each box) |

|Personal experience |* |

| | |

|Figurative language used: |* |

| |* |

|Rhythm |* |

|& Repetition examples: | |

|What the personal experience means |* |

| |* |


A. Directions: Read the following narrative poem. Answer the questions below.

I have planted my vegetable garden. In it

Grow peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers.

The plants all stand at attention,

Awaiting the day’s ration of water,

Getting ready for market duty.

Guardians of the crops, the marigolds lift their yellow faces to the sun.

Their bright intensity surrounds the vegetable troops and protects them from enemy pests.

Below the earth, the worms roll and tumble, eating their way through

Carrot peelings, eggshells, old cabbage leaves. The worms are sleek, silent, and unnoticed.

Without the loose, rich soil, without the worms and their work, we would all wither.


| |(the aim is 1-3 answers each box) |

|Personal experience |* |

|Figurative language used: |* |

| |* |

|Rhythm & Repetition examples: |* |

|What the personal experience means |* |

| |* |

|What do the worms represent? |* |

| |* |


Directions: Write a narrative poem of your own.

INCLUDE: Title, A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, pictures (to better illustrate what is going on), FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE, RHYTHYM, and REPETITION


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