Focus Lesson Planning Sheet

Focus Lesson Planning Sheet

|Focus Lesson Topic |Starting with Turning Points - Grade 4 |

| | |

| |(Adapted from Calkins & Kesler, 2006) |

|Materials |Strategies for Generating Personal Narrative Writing anchor chart from previous lessons, chart |

| |paper, markers, paper or notebooks for student writing, clipboards (optional) |

|Connection |Yesterday we studied some published stories and noticed how the authors crafted their personal |

| |narratives. For example, when we looked at [mention specific story], we noticed that the story |

| |is not just about one small moment. Instead, there were some moments at the beginning that lead |

| |up to the main small moment – the most important part of the story – and then a few smaller |

| |moments that help to end the story. Usually the stories we read follow this pattern. There is a|

| |beginning – and then something happens to change things, and then there is an ending. The moment|

| |that things change is called a turning point and writers think about turning points to help them |

| |to craft important, powerful stories. |

|Explicit Instruction |Today I want to teach you one more strategy for generating ideas for personal narratives. When I|

| |need an idea for a personal narrative, I find that it helps me to list times from my life that |

| |have been turning points for me. These are often first times or last times. |

| | |

| |Let me show you how I use this strategy. In order to come up with first times, I say to myself, |

| |“When was the first time I ….?” I might think about the first time I did something new or the |

| |first time I did something that I now do all the time. In my mind, I try to remember exactly |

| |what that first time was like. For example, I remember the first time I [give example and |

| |briefly tell the story of this first time.] I think that I could write a personal narrative |

| |about this first time, so I will jot it down on my chart under “First Times.” |

| | |

| |I would follow the same steps to think of a last time. I ask myself, “When was the last time I |

| |saw a special person or special place? I remember the last time I ... [give example and briefly |

| |tell the story of this last time.]” I think that I could write a personal narrative about this |

| |last time, so I will jot it down on my chart under “Last Times.” |

|Guided Practice |Let’s try this strategy together. Write the words “First Times” at the top of your paper. I am |

| |going to suggest some ideas and I want you to try to think of a turning point story that you |

| |could write. As you think of ideas for stories, jot them down on your paper. |

| | |

| |[Begin posing ideas for first time turning points, pausing after each suggestion for students to |

| |think and record their ideas. Topics for first time turning points might include: Think of the |

| |first time that you did something that felt hard or scary, like playing a new sport or riding a |

| |roller coaster. Think of the first time you saw a person, maybe a new baby brother or sister or |

| |new friend.] |

| | |

| |Follow the same guided procedure for last times. It may be wise to warn students that last times|

| |can be sad times and that as writers they must decide what experiences they are comfortable |

| |writing about and/or sharing. Ideas for last time turning points might include: Think of the last|

| |time you saw a person (or pet). Think about your last time in a place, maybe your last day in a |

| |different home or school. |

|Send Off [for Independent |I want you to always remember that when you want to pick a topic for a personal narrative that |

|Practice] |will make a really good story and one that will have the shape of a real story – a beginning, |

| |middle, and end – and a story that really matters to you, it often helps to think about turning |

| |points. Today during independent writing, I would like you to spend some time thinking about |

| |your list of turning points. Then select one, picture it in your mind, and begin writing an |

| |entry about that turning point. If you finish writing all you can about one turning point, just |

| |choose another and begin a second entry. |

|Group Share |Please meet with a partner to share the entry or entries that you wrote today. Then talk |

| |together about your writing. What did you try to do or show in your writing? How is your |

| |writing similar to or different from the personal narratives that we explored yesterday? |

Sample Anchor Chart

Strategies for Generating Personal Narrative Writing

- Think of a person, place, or thing that matters to you. Think of small moments related to these people, places, or things. Choose one small moment and write the story.

- Think of first times and last times. Write about one of these moments.


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