Year 8 Narrative Writing Assessment


Year 8 ? English

Strand ? Creative writing (narrative style)

Due date ?

Grade ? 30% of overall grade

Your task is to write a narrative story using one of the ideas below to inspire you. Change the title to something that has meaning for you. The person who will read your story is a 13 year old student from Australia.

? Comfort Zone ? 5 Seconds to go ? Impossible ? A Bad Dream

You will be assessed on

? Your ability to reach your audience ? Use both long and short sentences throughout your essay ? Use 1-2 metaphors only ? Use ellipses in your writing ? Describe using the 5 senses ? Use a narrative structure for your writing ? Create an exciting start ? Finish your story well ? Grammatically correct ? Use new vocabulary (look on the Internet)

The teacher would like to see the following in your writing -

? A strong introduction, ? Two body paragraphs ? A powerful conclusion to leave the reader feeling satisfied. ? Word length 500 words


guide Writing Techniques

guide Audience

guide Structure

guide Describe using

Weighting 30%

A 30 - Very high level of knowledge and understanding Used 1-2 metaphors -Used Ellipses -Both long and short sentences are used -Create flow by using different words to describe the same person or object

10 10% Story is appropriate to

target audience. Level of wording is appropriate for your target audience (13 year old Student)

20 20% Create an exciting

start, good transitions between paragraphs and a well thought out conclusion.

20 20% 4-5 senses (sight,

B 24 - High level of knowledge and understanding -Excessive use of metaphors, but student clearly understands them. - Attempt made at ellipses - long and short sentences in most paragraphs - work flowed well 8 A 13 year old student will understand what you have written.

16 Introduction, conclusion and paragraphs are clearly defined. Conclusion links back to the introduction.

16 3 senses are used

C 18 - Sound level of understanding No metaphors used -Attempt at ellipses Some long and short sentences -Work flowed from one paragraph to another

6 Unable to reach target audience, but thought has gone into trying to make the story suitable for young students

12 A reasonable attempt has been made at the structure of the essay, and the student will improve with practice.

12 1-2 senses are

D 12 - Limited level of understanding - No metaphors used -No ellipses used - Only used short sentences or only used long sentences - limited flow between paragraphs

4 The story was not appropriate to the target audience.

8 The paragraphs moved in different directions, and the reader ended up getting lost.

8 Only one sense

E 6 - Very limited level of understanding - Student needs to review Metaphors; Ellipses; Sentence; structure; and How to make paragraphs flow

2 No thought was given to who the target audience is.

4 Student needs further lessons in how to construct a narrative essay

4 Your story did

the 5 senses

sound, smell, touch and taste) are used to create powerful writing, describing both people and scenes

to describe elements in your essay

used to describe elements in your story

guide Vocabulary

guide Grammar




10% Used thesaurus,

New words were New words were

dictionary and the

used to describe used to describe

Internet to find new on more than 6- on more than 3-

vocabulary, adding

8 occasions

5 occasions

power throughout your

essay on 9 or more






Excellent grammar

One ? two

Three ? five

with no mistakes





Several criteria included here from the reporting Standards of the Queensland Studies Authority (2012)

was used to describe something in your story

4 One ? two new words were used in essay

4 More then six grammar mistakes


not uses the senses of sight, sound, smell, touch and taste to describe people or scenes

2 No new words where used in the creation of this essay

2 Essay was unreadable due to grammar mistakes


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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