U.S. Department of Defense

Inspectors General Checklist RANGE AND TRAINING AREA MANAGEMENT (3550)This checklist applies to all Commands and Installations with range and training areamanagement responsibilities.Functional Area Sponsor: RTAM Branch, TECOM Name of CommandSubject Matter Expert: Mr. Carlos Hathcockcarlos.n.hathcock@usmc.mil Date(DSN) 278-4480 (COML) 703-784-4480InspectorRevised: 01 January 2020Final AssessmentDiscrepancies: Findings: Overall Comments: Place Here Subsection 1 - RANGE SAFETY AND OPERATIONS (applies to all commands)0101Has a range safety program been established? Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-2, para 4(a); MCO 3570.1C, Page 1, para 1-5ResultComments 0102Has a deviation authority process been established?Reference: MCO 3570.1C, Page 13 and 14, par 3-1d and 3-2a; MCO 3550.9 , Page 3, para 4(f)ResultComments 0103Are approved deviations from range safety policy on file and available forinspection?Reference: MCO 3550.9, Page 7, para 5cResultComments 0104Are certification/recertification checklists and other supporting documents completed and available for inspection?Reference: MCO 3550.9, Page 6 and 7, para 5a(6) and 5b(2)ResultComments 0105Have all ranges been certified/recertified by the installation commander?Reference: MCO 3550.9, Page 3, para 4c; MCO 3570.1C, Page 10, para 2-1dResultComments 0106Have range managers implemented a range clearance program topermit the sustainable safe use of operational ranges?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, par 4(a) and Chapter 2, par 3(b)2; MCO 3550.12, Page 6, Para 4b(5), MCO 3570.1C, Page 5, para 1-9a(5) and Page 5, para 1-9c(4)ResultComments 0107Has a training and certification program been established for range safetyofficers and officers-in-charge? Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-3, para 4(a)5; MCO 3570.1C, Page 6, para 1-9b(13) and Page 7, para 1-9c(9)ResultComments 0108Do designs for steel target ranges, shooting houses, military operationsin urban terrain and breaching facilities have CG, MCCDC (C465)approval? Reference: MCO 3550.9, Page 3, para 4(c)ResultComments 0109Has the Range Control Officer (RCO) been appointed in writing by theinstallation commander and a copy provided to CG, MCCDC (C465)?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-2, para 3(e); MCO 3570.1C, Page 5, para 1-9a(2)ResultComments 0110Has the RCO attended the Inter-service Range Safety (Intermediate) andMilitary Airspace Management Courses?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-2, para 3(e); MCO 3570.1C, Page 7, para 1-9c(21)ResultComments 0111Does range control have a primary and alternate means ofcommunication with each range and/or training organization?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-10, para 4(b)7(b)ResultComments 0112Are all range safety, communications, and surveillance equipmentsupported by an un-interruptible power supply and continuously recordedand archived?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-10, para 4(b)7(c)ResultComments 0113Have loss of communication procedures between range control and eachrange and/or training organization been established?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-10, para 4(b)7(b), (c)ResultComments 0114Does installation range control facility primary radar/sensor feed Providea real-time tracking capability of aircraft within SUA? [Integrated RangeStatus System (IRSS)]Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-10, para 4(b)8ResultComments 0115Does the RCO approve the entry of personnel or aircraft into a Rangeand Training Area (RTA) deconflicting hazardous activities?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-9, para 4(b)5ResultComments 0116Does the RCO maintain a site map that depicts required range andtraining area compliance with applicable standards? Reference: MCO 3550.9, Page 5, para 5a(2); MCO 11000.25A, encl 2ResultComments 0117Is information on existing range availability, scheduling, usage, and expenditures captured and maintained?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Appendix C, Page C-1; MCO 3570.1C, Page 6, para 1-9c(4)ResultComments 0118Is the Range Facility Management Support System the sole RTAmanagement tool?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Appendix C, Page C-1; MCO 3570.1C, Page 6, para 1-9a(14)ResultComments 0119Have requests from other Services or external agencies that involvepriority or dedicated use of existing RTAs, or the building of new rangesand/or range-related facilities for other Services or external agencies onMarine Corps bases and stations been forwarded to CG, MCCDC (C465)via the appropriate chain of command for decision?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-1, para 3(b)ResultComments 0120Is National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation completedand approved for RTA projects?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-11, para 4(d)ResultComments 0121Have training jackets been established and maintained for eachindividual providing range control services?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-14, para 5(c)ResultComments 0122Do range Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)/Range Regulationsaddress range safety and operations in accordance with the references? Reference: MCO 3570.1C, Page 7, para 1-9c(17); MCO 3550.9, Page 6, para 5a(4); MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-4, para 4(a)10(a)ResultComments 0123Are SOPs/ Range Regulations reviewed annually and revised asrequired?Reference: MCO 3550.9, Page 6, para 5a (4); MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-5, para 4(a)10(m)ResultComments 0124Are the most current version(s) of the Range Managers Tool Kit (RMTK)used for the generation of applicable danger zone or analysis?Reference: MCO 3570.1C, Page 14, para 3-1(b); MCO 3550.12, Appendix BResultComments Subsection 2 - RESOURCING (applies to all commands)0201Are Base Operating Support (BOS) and facilities resourcing funding insupport of RTAs tracked annually?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 3, Page 3-9, para 10(a)ResultComments 0202Has a gap analysis of training requirements been conducted that can beused to identify and prioritize RTA resources and equipment funding?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 1, Page 1-5, para 8(e)ResultComments 0203Are RTA investment projects submitted into the Ground RangeSustainment Program database during the fourth quarter of each FY?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 3, Page 3-12, para 11(b)5ResultComments 0204Has a range safety program been established that ensures propermanning of the range control and ensures appropriate training for rangesafety professionals and other personnel? Reference: MCO 3570.1C, Page 1, para 1-5 and Page 5, para 1-8; MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-12, para 5(a)ResultComments 0205Are range capability and encroachment assessments based upon servicelevel/HHQ defined standards?Reference: MCO 11011.23C, par 2CResultComments Subsection 3 - AIRSPACE MANAGEMENT (applies to all commands)0301Have and are airspace for military operations issues and requirementsbeen coordinated with CG, MCCDC (C465)?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 1, Page 1-5, para 8(f)ResultComments 0302Has specific and comprehensive Special Use Airspace (SUA)information been published? Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-9, para 4(b)4(d)2ResultComments 0303Is the RCO executing the responsibilities of the Using Agency for FAAdesignated SUA?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-6, para 4(b)4(a)ResultComments 0304Have bases with Using Agency responsibilities that do not have organicATC facilities, assigned Command Airspace Liaison Officer (CALO)duties to the RCO?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-8, para 4(b)4(d)1ResultComments 0305Have all current letters of agreement/letters of procedure for airspace formilitary operations been forwarded to CG, MCCDC (C465) for review via the appropriate chain of command?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-3, para 4(a)10ResultComments 0306Are procedures in place to ensure that all aircrew receive appropriateinstallation range safety briefings prior to operating within SUA?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-9, para 4(b)4(d)4ResultComments 0307Have no-fly areas, minimum altitudes for flight over installations and civilian residential areas, and other local airspace restrictions been established and published?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-9, para 4(b)4(d)5ResultComments 0308Have procedures and control measures to integrate close air and simulated close air support, aerial lasing, unmanned aerial vehicle, and forward arming and refueling point operations been developed and published?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-9, para 4(b)4(d)7ResultComments 0309Have procedures and control measures for aviation ordnance deliverybeen developed and published?Reference: MCO 3550.10, Chapter 5, Page 5-9, para 4(b)4(d)8ResultComments ................

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