Charm City Scrabble® Tournament

Charm City Scrabble? Tournament

Saturday, June 3, 2017

at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, Catonsville, Maryland

Enjoy a day of fun and competitive play.


Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. Games begin at 10 am. A short award ceremony will be held immediately after results are complete for the final game.

LOCATION: University of Maryland Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, Maryland, 21250 Sherman Building A-Wing ? Rooms 208 and 210 ? see reverse for directions


Seven games - Five rounds Swiss pairing, followed by 1 King-of-the-Hill (no repeats) and 1 straight King of the Hill round. There will be a lunch break after game three. Limited food is available on-site and many options are available via a short drive. Pizza and deli are available for delivery. All participants must be current members in good standing of the National Scrabble Players Association (NASPA). If you are not a current member of NASPA by May 20, 2017, you can join NASPA at the tournament by bringing the full membership fees in cash (see reverse for information about joining NSPA and fees).

DIVISIONS: There will be two or three divisions based on NSPA ratings. Division cutoffs are at the discretion of the directors. A Collins Division will be available if there are at least four players.

ENTRY FEE: $35 ? includes $3.50 for NASPA fees. All entry fees after expenses will be distributed via the prize pool.

REGISTRATION: Players must RSVP by noon on Friday, June 2, 2017 on Facebook, mail, e-mail, or phone. All players must pay and be registered by 9:45 am on the day of the event. Players paying at the door must pay in cash. See reverse for additional information.

Directors Linda Oliva ? lindainlisbon@ phone: 443 340-8469 and Dave Engelhardt ? daveengelhardt4@ phone: 443-506-9327

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return registration to: Dave Engelhardt, 8109 Clyde Bank Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21234. Include $35 registration fee by check payable to David Engelhardt.

Name: _______________________________ Address: __________________________________________________

e-mail: __________________________ Phone numbers: __________________________ _____________________

Please confirm that you are a current member in good standing of the North America Scrabble Players Association? ____ If you are not a current member, please join by May 20, 2017 or bring cash to join NASPA at the tournament (see reverse for information about joining NASPA.)

Charm City Scrabble? Tournament Saturday, June 3, 2017 at the University of Maryland Baltimore County

To join the North American Scrabble Players Association, please see their web site at Full year membership costs $30.

UMBC is located in Catonsville, Maryland. Parking in the metered Administration Lot is FREE on Saturdays. Enter the lot from Administration Drive or the

front circle by the flagpoles. You can also park on Hilltop Circle. For more information and maps, see the UMBC website at



From the north, take Interstate 95 to Route 166 (Exit 47B, Catonsville) or take Interstate 83 to the Baltimore Beltway (I-695, west) and then take Exit 12C (Wilkens Avenue, west); follow the signs to UMBC.

From the south, take Interstate 95 to Route 166 (Exit 47B, Catonsville); follow signs to UMBC.

As you enter campus from Route 166 or Wilkens Avenue, turn right on Hilltop Circle. Hilltop Circle surrounds the campus. Turn into Administration Drive (only one way) and park in metered lot.

From the Administration Lot - walk into campus between the Administration Building and the gym (Retriever Activities Center). Immediately after the Administration Building, take a left and you will see Sherman Hall Awing towards your right. (It is behind Sherman Hall B-wing and the courtyard.) Enter the building and walk two floors up (or take elevator) and Rooms 208 and 210 are down the hall on your left.

If you have difficulty finding the location, please call Linda Oliva at 443-340-8469 or Dave Engelhardt at 443 506-9327.

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Park here or around Hilltop Circle


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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