“ MIDTERM FUNCTIONAL AND RADIOLOGICAL OUTCOMES FOLLOWING PRIMARY TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT WITH ALL POLYETHYLENE TIBIA COMPONENT, AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY”.DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THENATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi)IN FULFILLMENT OF THE REGULATION FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE OF SECONDARY DNB IN ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERYEXAMINATION TO BE HELD IN DECEMBER 2018BY DR.CHETANKUMAR BHARATBHAI ZALAVADIYAGUIDEDR.RAJEEV MOHAGAONKAR (MS,D.ORTHO,DNB,MNAMS,FAGE) HOD DEPARTMENT OF ORTHOPAEDICS SETH NANDLAL DHOOT HOSPITAL AURANGABAD-431210MAHARASHTRA, INDIAC E R T I F I C A T E Date:-This is to certify that, DR. CHETANKUMAR BHARATBHAI ZALAVADIYA (DNB ORTHOPAEDICS Trainee Provisional Registration no:227-31197-171-213088) has been a DNB Trainee from May 2017 to May 2019 at Orthopaedics Department, Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharasthtra and prepared the dissertation entitled “ MIDTERM FUNCTIONAL AND RADIOLLOGICAL OUTCOMES FOLLOWING PRIMARY TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT WITH ALL POLYETHYLENE TIBIA COMPONENT, AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY.” is a bonafide research work carried out under my guidance and supervision as a part of the regulations of the award of the degree of Secondary DNB in Orthopaedics. This dissertation is submitted to National Board of Examination, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, in partial fulfillment of the regulations for the award of the degree of Secondary DNB in Orthopaedics.The dissertation was done under my guidance & to my entire satisfaction.DR.RAJEEV MOHAGAONKARDr. VIJAY BORGAONKARMS,D.ortho,DNB,MNAMS,FAGEMS, MNAMSGuide & P.G. TeacherMedical Director & CEOHead of Department,Head of the InstitutionSeth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital,Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital,AurangabadAurangabadDECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATEDate:-I hereby declare that this dissertation entitled “ MIDTERM FUNCTIONAL AND RADIOLOGICAL OUTCOMES FOLLOWING PRIMARY TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT WITH ALL POLYETHYLENE TIBIA COMPONENT, AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY.” is a bonafide and genuine research work carried out by me under the direct guidance of my guide Dr. Rajeev Mohagaonkar, HOD, Department of Orthopaedics at Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital, Aurangabad and co guide Dr Uday Phute, Senior Consultant, Department of Orthopaedics at Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital, Aurangabad. This dissertation is submitted to National Board Of Examination, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi in partial fulfillment of the regulations for the award of the degree of Secondary DNB in Orthopaedics of the “NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATION, NEW DELHI.”I declare that this dissertation represents original and honest work and that this work has not been submitted by me previously, for the award of any degree or diploma at any other university.Dr. Chetankumar Bharatbhai ZalavadiyaDNB Trainee(Orthopaedics)Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital Aurangabad, Maharashtra.DEDICATIONDedicated to my beloved parentsMr.Bharatbhai Zalavadiya.Mrs.Kailashben Zalavadiya.My Soulmate my wifeMrs Vaishali Zalavadiya.AndMy sister Rinkal and My brother Prashant.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTDissertation would not have been possible without the guidance and help of several individuals who in one way or the other contributed and extended their valuable assiatance in the preparation and completion of this thesis. I am hereby extending my sincere thanks to all of them.First and foremost thanks to the god almighty for his love and blessings.I owe my deep sense of gratitude to DR. RAJEEV MOHAGAONKAR, my guide, head of the department of Orthopaedics for his inspiration, keen interest, able guidance, scholastic advice, constant encouragement and continuous supervision with his extensive knowledge and experience without which this work was not possible. I am very fortunate to be his student.I also thank Dr. UDAY PHUTE, my co guide and Dr. SARANG VYAWAHARE, consultant orthopaedic for their valuable suggestions and constant support with guidance throughout the study. The burden of obligations may not be lifted but I can relieve it partly by expressing my sincere thanks to my colleagues, co residents, our orthopaedic department manager Mr VISHAL ISADKAR, Xray department, Operation Theatre assistants and other staff members for their unconditional love and valuable support. I would like to acknowledge the academic and technical support of Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital and thank them for providing me an opportunity to work here as a post graduate student. The library and computer facility have been very helpful. I also thank the ethics committee of Dhoot Hospital for permitting me to carry out this study.I am Very thankful to Dr. MURALI for his immense help in statistical analysis.I thank all the patients and their relatives for their valuable and humble co-operation, without which this study would have been incomplete.I express my sincere gratitude to my parents, my family, my brother, my sister, my in laws who continue to support me in all my ventures. Especially my beloved wife Dr. VAISHALI ZALAVADIYA who has always stood by me and shall always continue to do so for the coming future. Dr. Chetankumar Bharatbhai Zalavadiya DNB Trainee in ORTHOPAEDICS ................

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