
Spring Semester History Final Study List Bingo 1 A Directions: Read a definition, students call out the correct term and mark with a shield on their sheets…keep a record

of each term used in a game…students win by getting BINGO across, down, or diagonal.

This party advocated expanding the federal government. Whig

The 1800s new revivalism rejected the traditional Calvinist idea that only a few were predestined for Salvation

The people who formed utopian communities believed that society tended to _____ humans Corrupt

Underlying the prison reform movement was a belief in…. Rehabilitation

The first step in the gradualism approach to ending slavery was to Stop slave imports

Abolitionists argued that enslaved African Americans should be freed immediately without owner… Compensation

In the North, citizens had a wider range of these about the abolitionist movement. Views

The Second Bank of the United States played an important role in keeping this supply stable Money

Large numbers of Irish immigrants began leaving their homeland in 1845 because Famine

Romanticism emphasized feelings, inner spirituality and this over manmade environments Nature

He told an audience he he “stole this head, this body from my master, and ran off with them.” Frederick Douglass

Mountain men played a vital role in western settlement because they carved out Wagon passages

Under the National Colonization Act, empresarios promised to fill land with Settlers

After winning independence from Mexico, most Texans voted for… Annexation

Supporters of James K. Polk cried “Fifty-four Forty or Fight,” which meant we wanted… Oregon

The Bear Flag Republic came to an end when United States troops occupied San Francisco and San Diego

Parts of Oregon had been claimed by… Great Britain

Mexico invited Americans and other foreigners to settle in Texas because Mexicans feared Indians

The Mexican government imprisoned Stephen Austin for… Treason

In the 1844 presidential race, Martin Van Buren would not take a stand on annexation and lost the Pres. nomination

An uprising by the settlers here resulted in a victory and the region’s independence Northern California

Mexico accepted the ____ as the southern border of Texas. Rio Grande

Conscience Whigs were Northern Whigs who Opposed slavery

The hope of finding land to settle led Americans called ____ across the continent. Overlanders

At approximately what line of latitude was the Oregon territory divided between the U.S. and Britain? 54 degrees

The original purpose of the Gadsden Purchase was to create a… Railroad

The Know-Nothings were anti-Catholic and Nativists

In his inaugural speech, he said he would not to interfere with slavery where it already existed Lincoln

Most members opposed the spread of slavery- it would be hard for free men to find work Free-Soil Party

The Supreme Court decision that declared free-soil unconstitutional was this case Dred Scott

Most notable member of the Underground Railroad Harriet Tubman

This right to choose to be slave holding or not is a compromise called Popular Sovereignty

The Cotton Whigs’ priority was to _______ their own livelihoods. Protect

Lincoln suspended writs of habeas corpus. As a result, you could be ____ indefinitely Imprisoned

Jefferson Davis wanted to avoid large battles and force the North to exhaust its resources – its called War of attrition

Citizens of the South suffered food shortages during the Civil War because transportation had Collapsed

President Andrew Johnson believed that the ____ caused the Civil War. Rich planter elite

Why was the Kansas territory acquired the nickname “Bleeding Kansas.” Violence over slavery

In response to the South’s treatment of African American troops, Lincoln stopped Prisoner Exchanges

Chattanooga was an important objective for Union forces because of railroad running to… Atlanta

The Amendment to the Constitution that banned slavery in the United States was the… 13th

The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in states at…. War with Union

The Confederate commander at Vicksburg surrendered because his troops were… Starving

Farragut’s victory here was important because blockade runners couldn’t use Gulf of Mexico Mobile Bay

Robert E. Lee struggled over his loyalty to the… South

Some small farm owners did not want rich planters to regain power. They were called Scalawags

Originally, the goal of this was to drive Union troops out of the South KKK

Democrats said these favored the rich because the poor paid for most of the cost. Sin taxes

Spring Semester History Final Study List Bingo 1 B

Directions: Read a definition, students call out the correct term and mark with a shield on their sheets…keep a record

of each term used in a game…students win by getting BINGO across, down, or diagonal.

In 1868, Ulysses S. Grant won several Southern states because of the presence of ____ Union troops

Ulysses S. Grant believed that the role of the president was to… Carry out laws

The election of 1876 initially resulted in no clear winner because of widespread election… Fraud

____ The harshest restrictions of the Wade- Davis Bill were on former… Confederate Officials

Early prospectors would extract shallow deposits of ore by this type of mining Placer

The Comstock Lode was a rich deposit of… Silver

____ In the early 1800s, some thought did cattle ranches on the Great Plains were practical because Tough prairie grass

The Freedmen’s Bureau impacted many aspects of the newly freed African Americans’ lives except… Religion

The overall objective of passing the Enforcement Acts was to ensure these for all citizens Voting rights

Under the Homestead Act, homesteaders could gain title to the land by living there for… 5 years

One approach to farming the Great Plains was to plant seeds deep to get to water…this is… Dry farming

A glut of wheat on the world market caused prices to drop, some farmers tried to survive by Mortgaging land

The Dawes Act attempted to help Native Americans by selling land and building this for them… Trust of money

After ore near the surface dwindled, mining corporations began digging deeper…this mining is… Quartz

This boomtown got its name from large deposits of lead with large amounts of silver in it…. Leadville

The end of long drives, transition to ranch hands and new breeds of cattle were a result of.. Fencing

____ Wheat had an advantage on the Great Plains because of… Drought resistance

The army encouraged white hunters to kill buffalo to force Indians onto Reservations

The confrontation here occurred because the chief’s followers continued to perform a ritual Wounded Knee

The Jacksonians replaced the caucus system with the… N’tl nominating convention

In his inaugural address, declared his intention to move all Native Americans to reservations… Jackson

Many South Carolinians threatened to secede when Congress levied what critics called the… Tariff of Abominations

The largest wave of immigrants, almost 2 million, came from… Ireland

Lyman Beecher said they should take charge of building a better society in a nation. Citizenry

The spirit of reform prompted Americans to consider ways to improve the… Prison system

In December 1816, the American Colonization Society moved some African Americans to… Africa

The most prominent African American figure in the abolitionist movement was… Frederick Douglass

Who was the senator that proposed popular sovereignty as the solution to slavery’s expansion? Lewis Cass

The first battleground between those favoring the extension of slavery and those opposing it was in… Kansas

This connected the West Coast to the rest of the country… Transcontinental RR

In 1858 the Illinois Republican nominee for the Senate was a relative unknown named… Abe Lincoln

The dissolution of the Union began in this state… South Carolina

Northern newspapers called Winfield Scott’s strategy for defeating the South the… Anaconda Plan

In the summer of 1862, Congress introduced a law that required states to draft people…this is… Conscription

Early in the war, the US and the Confederacy avoided holding large numbers of prisoners having Prisoner Exchanges

Frederick Douglass believed that serving in the military would help African Americans overcome… Discrimination

What Union victory cut the Confederacy in two? Vicksburg

Chattanooga, Tennessee was a vital RR junction

The North’s victory in the Civil War also strengthened the power of the federal government over the… States

Sherman’s troops burned down more than a third of what city? Atlanta

General Lee surrendered to General Grant on April 9, 1865, at… Appomattox Courthouse

Some Northerners sais the Freedmen’s Bureau should distribute Confederates lands to Emancipated slaves

Who did the Republican convention unanimously nominate for president in 1868? Grant

The Military Reconstruction Act divided the former Confederacy, except for Tennessee, into five.. Military disctricts

Fearing that the Civil Rights Act might be overturned in court, the Republicans introduced the… 14th Amendment

These housed schools, social events and political gatherings… Churches

The outcome of the election that made Rutherford B. Hayes president is known as the Compromise of… 1877

= When Jay Cooke and Company declared bankruptcy, a wave of fear began called the… Panic of 1873

In 1866, ranchers rounded up their cattle and drove them to Sedalia, Missouri- it was the first… Long Drive

Defying the government, the Lakota continued to perform a ritual called the… Ghost Dance


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