Kathy H. Barclay, Ed.D.

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Professor, Reading/Language Arts/Early Childhood Education


Ed.D., Major: Reading; Minor: Learning Disabilities. Northwestern State University,

Natchitoches, LA. July 1981.

M.A., Reading. Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA. August 1977.

B.A., Early Childhood/Elementary Education. Cum Laude, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA. November 1975.


University Teaching

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Western Illinois University,


Chair, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Western Illinois University, 1997-2004.

Temporary Part-time Assistant Professor of Education, Louisiana State University, Fall, 1 1982.

Temporary Part-time Assistant Professor of Education, Northeast Louisiana University,

Spring and Fall, 1991.

Doctoral Teaching Assistant, Northwestern State University, 1979-80.

Courses Taught

RDG 553: Integrating Reading and Writing Through Inquiry

RDG 569: Reading in the Preschool and Primary Grades

RDG 586: Language Development and Reading

RDG 588: Leadership in Reading

RDG 576: Psychology of Reading

LA 578: Language Arts for Diverse Learners

RDG 382: Literacy Development: Birth through Preschool

RDG 383: Literacy Instruction in the Early Grades

RDG 432: Corrective Reading in the Early Childhood

LLA 311: Literature for Young Children

C & I 476G: Parent and Community Involvement

Public School Teaching

Kindergarten Teacher, Early Education Center, Rayville, Louisiana. 1984-86.

Title I Reading Teacher, Grades 3-5, Rapides Parish, Alexandria, LA. 1978-79.

Title I Reading Teacher, Grades 3-5, Rapides Parish, Alexandria, LA. Summer Program,


First-grade Teacher, Rapides Parish, Alexandria, LA. 1977-78.

Kindergarten Teacher, Rapides Parish, Alexandria, LA. Spring 1977.

Fifth-grade Teacher, St. Francisville, LA. Fall, 1976.


Supervisor, Elementary Education/Reading; Louisiana Department of Education, 1981- 84.

Technical Assistant, Special Plan Upgrading Reading, Ouachita Parish School

Board/Louisiana Department of Education. August 1980-December 1981.

Editor, Illinois Reading Council Journal, 2004 – present.

Director, Illinois Center for Achieving Reading Excellence (ICARE). Grant funded by Illinois State Department of Education, 2002-2003.

Senior Reviewer, PRIMER A, Tools for Assessing Early Reading Development. Education Service Center, Region 20, San Antonio, Texas. 1998.

External Co-Chair, Illinois Right to Read Initiative, Illinois State Board of Education, 1997-1999.

Publications/Scholarly/Creative Activities (since 2000):


Together We Can! Uniting Families, Schools and Communities to Help ALL Children Learn, (2nd ed. 2010). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. 322 pp.

Together We Can! Uniting Families, Schools and Communities to Help ALL Children Learn, (2005). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. 272 pp.

Book Chapters

Linking Literacy and Lyrics through Song Picture Books, in Practical classroom

Application of language experience (1998) by Olga G. Nelson and Wayne

M. Linek (Eds.) Allyn & Bacon.

Beginning Writing: Where Does It Really Begin?, in Practical classroom

Application of language experience (1998) by Olga G. Nelson and Wayne M.

Linek (Eds.) Allyn & Bacon.

Journal Articles (Since 2000)


Thinking about the way children use language (September, 2011). International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(13) 157-161.

Helping parents understand homework (Spring, 2011). Utah Journal of Reading and Literacy. 14 (1), 6-14.

Using song picture books to support early literacy development (2009). Childhood Education. Vol. 86, No. 3, 138-145.

Click, clack moo: Designing effective reading instruction for children in the preschool and early primary grades (2009). Childhood Education. Vol. 85, No.3, pp.167-172.

Professional development: From Harry Potter to brain research (Spring 2009). Illinois Reading Council Journal. Vol. 37, No. 2, p. 50-53.

Parent involvement enhances emergent literacy, (2007). Illinois Reading Council Journal. Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 40-43. (With, Frances Steward, Diana Goff, and Sherelene Harris.)

Findings of the National Literacy Panel on language minority children and youth, (2006). Illinois Reading Council Journal. Vol. 35, No. 4, p. 67-69.

Overview of scientifically based research for adults and children (2005). Illinois Reading Council Journal. Vol. 34, No. 1, p. 65-68.


Using children’s books to help young children learn about problem solving (Fall 2009). Children and Families, Vol. 23, No. 3, 60-62.

Rhyming, alliteration, and more: Helping children develop phonological and phonemic awareness (Winter, 2009). Children and Families, Vol. 28, No. 1, 36-39.

How to get young children to love reading (Winter 2008). Children and Families. Vol. 22, No. 1, p. 58-59.

Getting a head start on parent-school partnerships: What NCLB has to say about parental involvement (Spring/Summer 2007). Children and Families. Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 16-22.

Helping parents support literacy development. Children and Families. Spring/Summer 2007. vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 50-51.

Walk a mile in my shoes: Using children’s books to support young children’s social competence. Children and Families. Winter, 2007. Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 58-59.

Junk food junkie or healthy eater? Books and activities that help young children learn the difference (Fall, 2006. Children and Families. Vol. 20, No. 2, p. 72-75.

Supporting emergent writing (Summer 2005). Children and Families. Vol. 18, No. 3.

You know parent involvement is important, but do you know why? (Spring 2005). Children and Families. Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 46-51.

Five take-home activities for parent-child interaction (Spring 2005). Children and Families. Vol. 18, No. 2, pp 48-50.

Language, literacy and play (Fall 2004). Children and Families. Vol. 17, No. 4, 48-51.

Writing in preschool: Keep it playful! (Fall 2004). Children and Families. Vol. 17I, No. 4,-76.

A recipe for a healthy start (Spring, 2004). Children and Families. Vol. 17:2, 74-76.

“I can’t go until I write a note!” Measuring Success in Early Literacy Development, (Winter, 2003). Children and Families. Vol. 17:1, 84.

Setting the stage: Meeting children’s early literacy needs. (Summer 2003). Children and Families. Vol. 17, No. 3, 82.

Using picture books to help young children cope with childhood fears ( Fall, 2002). Children and Families. Vol. 16:4, 82.

Miss Mary Mack: Preventing reading difficulties in young children (Winter 2002).

Children and Families. Vol. 16:1, 80.

Where do frogs sleep? And other important questions From preschoolers (Fall, 2001). Children and Families. Vol. 15, No. 4, 92.

Castles, kings, and kingdoms (Summer, 2001). Children and Families. Vol. 15, No. 3, 82.

Promoting healthy eating using children’s books (Winter 2001). Children and Families

Vol. 15, No. 1, 81-82.

Literacy based activities for exploring the world of work. (Fall 2000). Children and Families. Vol. 14, No. 4, 98-99.

Putting Humpty Dumpty back together again (Winter 2000). Children and Families. Vol. 14, No. 1, p.84.

Staff Development Materials

Reading First Virtual Online Academy for Teachers, K-3. Illinois Virtual School/Illinois State Board of Education, Summer, 2010. (10 modules per grade level, K-3.)

Reading First Academy for Administrators, K-3. (3 modules + 1 DVD with video segments filmed in IL Reading First schools). Spring/Summer 2007.

Reading First Academy: Professional Development Materials in Reading. Revised all Reading First modules, K-3, and trained 65 trainers to conduct training in each Reading First school, statewide, November 2006 – July 2007.

Reading First Academy: Professional Development Materials in Reading: Parental Involvement in Reading Training of Trainers Module. July, 2007.

Reading First Academy: Professional Development Materials in Reading,

Vocabulary, (2004). One module for grade three. ISBE/Curriculum Publishing Clearinghouse.

Phonics and Word Study, (2004). One module for grade three. ISBE/Curriculum

Reading First Academy: Professional Development Materials in Reading,

Vocabulary (2003). One module for grade kindergarten. ISBE/Curriculum Publishing Clearinghouse.

Reading First Academy: Professional Development Materials in Reading,

Vocabulary (2003). One module for grade one. ISBE/Curriculum Publishing Clearinghouse.

Reading First Academy: Professional Development Materials in Reading,

Vocabulary (2003). One module for grade two. ISBE/Curriculum Publishing Clearinghouse.

Meeting the Challenge: Grades 3-5, Reading Staff Development Series for Administrators (2002). Two modules, 227 pp; with one 45 minute videotape. Curriculum

Publishing Clearinghouse, Western Illinois University (Illinois State Department of

Education). 97 pp; with four 45 minute videotapes. Curriculum Publishing Clearinghouse, Western Illinois University (Illinois State Department of Education).

Meeting the Challenge: PreK-2, Reading Staff Development Series for Teachers (2000).

Curriculum Publishing Clearinghouse, Western Illinois University (Illinois State

Department of Education). Six print modules, 650 pp; six 30 minute videotapes.

Meeting the Challenge: PreK-2, Reading Staff Development Series for Paraprofessionals

(2000). Curriculum Publishing Clearinghouse, Western Illinois University. (Illinois

State Department of Education). Six print modules, 650 pp; six 30 minute Videotapes.

Meeting the Challenge: PreK-2, Reading Staff Development Series for Administrators (2000). Curriculum Publishing Clearinghouse, Western Illinois University (Illinois State

Department of Education). Three print modules, 350 pp; three 30 minute videotapes.

Meeting the Challenge: Grades 3-5, Reading Staff Development Series for Teachers &

Administrators: Helping Parents Support Their Children’s Reading Development (2002). Curriculum Publishing Clearinghouse, Western Illinois University (Illinois State Department of Education), 122 pp.

Meeting the Challenge: PreK-2, Reading Staff Development Series for Teachers &

Administrators: Helping Parents Support Their Children’s Reading Development (2002). Curriculum Publishing Clearinghouse, Western Illinois University (Illinois

State Department of Education), 147 pp.

Videos of Satellite Staff Development Broadcasts

Using Picture books to Enhance Reading Instruction, K-6, STARnet Region 20, Macomb, IL. January, 2003.

Reading Comprehension in the Elementary Grades, STARnet Region 20, San Antonio, May, 2002.

Making the Difference: The Parent Difference. STARnet Region 20, San Antonio, Jan., 2001.



What we Know About Early Literacy: How Contemporary Research and Brain-based Instructional Models Can Inform Our Teaching in K-2, Massachusetts Reading Association State Conference, April 8, 2011, Sturbridge, MA.

What Your Core Reading Program Can and Cannot Do For You, Illinois Reading Council State Conference, March 17, 2011, Springfield, IL.

Connecting the Teaching of Skills with the Joy of Reading, Illinois Reading Council State Conference, March 18, 2011, Springfield, IL.

So You Want to Be An Author? Writing for the Illinois Reading Council Journal, Illinois Reading Council State Conference, March 18, 2011, Springfield, IL.

Navigating the Super Neural Highway, Wisconsin Education Association Conference, October, 2010, Madison, WI.

Writing for the Illinois Reading Council Journal, Illinois Reading Council State Conference, March 18, 2010, Springfield, IL.

Engaging Parents in the RtI Process at the Elementary and Secondary Levels. International Reading Association 55th Annual Convention. April 27, 2010, Chicago, IL.

What Head Start Teachers and parents Need to Know About Language and Literacy Development. National Head Start Association 26th Annual Parent Training Conference. December 5, 2009, San Jose, CA.

Meeting Children’s Individual Literacy Learning Needs. 24th Southeast International Reading Association Regional Conference. November 30, 2009, New Orleans, LA.

Write On! Fostering Early Writing Interests & Abilities. National Head Start Association Conference. May 1, 2009, Orlando, FL.

Together We Can: Uniting Families and Schools to Help All Children Learn to Read,

International Reading Association Conference. Chicago, IL, May 2, 2006.

Understanding Families: Barriers and Bridges to Involvement. Association for Childhood Education International Conference. San Antonio, TX, April 15, 2006.

So You Want To Be An Author? Illinois Reading Council Conference. Springfield, IL, March 2006.

Leaving No Teacher Behind: Distance Learning in Higher Education. College Reading Association Conference. Savannah, GA, October 2005.

Overview of Scientifically Based Reading Research for Adults and Children. Keynote address at the Illinois State Board of Education’s Administrators Early Start Conference. Springfield, IL, August 25, 2005

Implementing Scientifically Based Reading Research in PreK-Programs. Invited session speaker, Illinois State Board of Education’s Administrators Early Start Conference. Springfield, IL, August 25, 2005.

Leaving No Teacher Behind: Online Graduate Courses in Reading, International Reading Association, San Antonio, TX, May 2005.

Writing for the Illinois Reading Council Journal, Illinois Reading Council Conference. Springfield, IL, March 2005.

Implementing Statewide Policies for Early Literacy Programs. International Reading Association, Reno, NV, May, 2004.

Becoming Literate: Long Term Implications of Early Literacy Experiences on Children’s Interests and Abilities. Association for Childhood Education International Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, April, 2004.

Implementing Statewide Policies for Early Literacy Programs. Oxford Round Table. Manchester College in the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, March, 2003.

Connecting Families, Schools, and Communities, IRA Annual Convention, New Orleans, May, 2001.

Redesign of the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program, ACEI Annual Convention, Toronto, April, 2001.

Redesigning Elementary and Early Childhood Teacher Education, AACTE Annual Convention, Chicago, February, 2000.

The Illinois Right to Read Initiative. IRA Annual Convention, San Diego, May, 1999.

Redesign Issues From the Administrator’s Perspective. AACTE Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., February, 1999.

Effective Use of Technology in Teacher Education Leads to Effective Use of Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom. IRA Co-Sponsored Technology, Reading and Learning Disabilities Conference. Framingham, Massachusetts, October, 1998.

Project ELIPSS: Head Start’s Emergent Literacy Initiative. ACEI, Tampa, April, 1998.



Member, Publications Committee of the International Reading Association, May 2005 – May, 2007; May 2009-present.

Member, Search Committee for the Editor of The Reading Teacher, International Reading Association, November 2005 – March, 2006.


Reviewer, Illinois State Board of Education, Comprehension Literacy Plan, June 2011.

Member, RtI in Early Childhood Steering Committee, Illinois State Board of Education, 2009-2010.

Member, Reading First Steering Committee, Illinois State Board of Education, October,


Member, Reading First Professional Development Design Team, Illinois State Board of Education, October 2002-2005

Proposal Reviewer, Reading First Grants, Illinois State Board of Education, Oct., 2002.

Member, Early Childhood Literacy Toolkits Committee, ISBE, January-July 2000.

Member, Illinois Reading and Literacy Partnership Council, ISBE. 1998-2000.

Local Schools/Professional Educational Agencies:

Presenter, Best Practices in Literacy. Child Care Resource & Referral Network, Bloomington, IL, May 10, 2011.

Presenter,What Can You Do With a Good Book? Illinois Resource Center, July 27, 2011,

Mt. Vernon, IL; August 2, Champaign, IL.

Presenter, What Can You Do With a Good Book? Using Children’s Books to Differentiate Instruction and Meet Individual Needs, Part I (2 hour webinar), March 22; Part II (2 hour webinar), April 5, 2011.

Presenter, Meeting Individual Literacy Needs: Literacy Learning Centers in Pre-K, Illinois Resource Center, Aurora, IL, February 25, 2011.

Presenter, Teaching with Intention, Illinois Resource Center (Webinar). February 8, 22, 2011; July 29, August 16, 2011.

Presenter, Building a Firm Foundation for the BIG FIVE: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension, Part I (2 hour webinar), November 16, 2010; Part II (2 hour webinar), Dec. 7, 2010

Presenter, Missing in Pre-K: Vocabulary and Comprehension, Part I (2 hour webinar, October 19, 2010, Part II (2 hour webinar), October 26, 2010

Presenter, Building a Firm Foundation for the BIG FIVE: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension, Baby Fold Training Center, Normal, IL, November 18, 2010.

Presenter, Implementing a Reading-Writing Workshop Approach in Pre-K, MacArthur School, Macomb, IL, November 12, 2010.

Presenter, Conducting Reading Workshops in Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms, Pekin Early Childhood Center, Pekin, IL, August 26, 2010.

Presenter, Building a Firm Foundation for the BIG FIVE: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension, MacArthur School, Macomb, IL, November 18, 2010.

Presenter, What Can You Do With a Good Book? Illinois Resource Center, Feb. 19, 2010. Champaign, IL; July 27, 2011, Mt. Vernon, IL; August 2, Champaign, IL.

Presenter, Using a Reading/Writing Approach to Meet Individual Needs, Illinois Resource Center, Carterville, IL, March 5, 2010.

Presenter, Missing in PreK: Vocabulary and Comprehension Instruction, Illinois Resource Center, Springfield, IL, March 12, 2010.

Presenter, Using Differentiated Learning Center to Meet Individual Needs, Illinois Resource Center, Lisle, IL, July 29, 2010

Presenter, Building a Firm Foundation for the Big Five: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension. Workshop sponsored by the Illinois Resource Center. Springfield, IL,. Dec. 5, 2008; Fairview Heights, IL, February 27, 2009.

Presenter, Linking Literacy and Lyrics. Workshop sponsored by the Illinois Resource Center. Champaign, IL, April 24, 2008.

Presenter, Planning and Implementing Learning Centers to Support Early Literacy

Development. Workshop sponsored by the Illinois Resource Center, June 26, 2007, Des Plaines; April 4, 2008, Tinley Park; Champaign, IL, April 3, 2009.

Presenter, Telling & Retelling. Workshop sponsored by the Illinois Resource Center, Peoria, IL, Nov. 30, 2007.

Presenter, Choosing and Using Children's Literature to Support Language and Literacy. Workshop sponsored by the Illinois Resource Center, Dec. 4 2007, Springfield, IL; Feb. 21, 2008, Arlington Heights, IL; Bloomington, IL, July 17, 2009.

Presenter, Fostering Language and Literacy Development in the Preschool Years. Workshop sponsored by Southern Region Early Childhood Programs, Rend Lake, IL, February 1, 2008.

Presenter, A Comprehensive Reading Program Deserves a Comprehensive Approach to Parent Involvement. Keynote address at the Illinois Reading First Conference, Chicago, February 16, 2007.

Presenter, Language and Literacy: What Teachers Need to Help Parents Understand. Workshop sponsored by Illinois Resource Center, December 1, 2005, Mt. Vernon, IL; March 10, 2006, Chicago Heights, IL; July 27, 2006, Des Plaines, IL; Peoria, IL, July 20, 2007.

Presenter, Linking Literacy and Lyrics. Workshop sponsored by the Illinois Resource Center and STARNet Region V. December 8, 2005, Oak Park, IL; Mt. Vernon, IL, January 25, 2006.

Presenter, Fostering Early Writing Interests and Behaviors. Workshop sponsored by the Illinois Resource Center, December 9, 2005, Elk Grove Village, IL; Rockford, IL, March 24, 2006.

Presenter, Fostering Language and Literacy Development through Children’s Books. Workshop sponsored by Illinois Resource Center, October 27, 2007, Chicago Heights, IL; November 10, 2005 Fairview Heights, IL; Rockford, IL, January 5, 2006.

Presenter, Kindergarten Literacy Development, Hartford Elementary School Literacy Workshop, June 2005.

Presenter, STARNet Literacy Workshop, September 2004.

Presenter, ISBE Reading First Summer Training of Trainers Academy, May, June, 2004.

Presenter, Comprehension and Vocabulary Development, Belleville ROE Reading Collaborative, October, 2003.

Presenter, ISBE Reading First Summer Training of Trainers Academy, May, June, 2003.

Presenter, Literacy Development in the Preschool, Children’s Home and Aid Society Preschool Training, May, 2003.

Presenter, Summer Institute, IL Center for Achieving Reading Excellence, Enhancing

Oral Language Development and Vocabulary in the Primary Grades. Springfield Public Schools,

July, 2002.

Presenter, Meeting the Challenge Professional Development in Reading, Grades 3-5 Reading Professional Development Sessions, Illinois State Board of Education, Belleville, July, 2001; Chicago, July, 2001.

Presenter, PreK-2 Reading Professional Development Sessions, Illinois State Board of Education, Springfield, December, 2000; Bloomington, Jan., 2001; Naperville, April/May, 2001.

Presenter, PreK-2 Reading Professional Development Sessions, Illinois State Board of Education, Rend Lake, IL, July 11-13, 2000; Glen Ellyn, IL, July 18-20, 2000.

University/Department: (Since 2005)

Member, University Writing In the Disciplines Committee, 2008-2011

Member, Department Committee on Committees, 2011-present

Chair, Department Scholarship Committee, 2008-2009

Chair, Department Personnel Committee, 2009-2010.

Member, Department Personnel Committee, 2008-2011

Member, Department Scholarship Committee, 2007-2010

Member, Department Undergraduate Committee, 2010-present

Chair, Early Childhood/Literacy Search Committee, Spring, 2010

Chair, Literacy Search Committee, Spring, 2007

Member, Early Childhood Search Committee, Spring, 2009


Illinois Reading Council Journal, Illinois Reading Council. Year Seven: $78,567. July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012.

Illinois Reading Council Journal, Illinois Reading Council. Year Six: $78,567. July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011.

Illinois Reading Council Journal, Illinois Reading Council. Year Five: $78,567. July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010.

Illinois Reading Council Journal, Illinois Reading Council. Year Four: $78,567. July 1, 2008-June 30, 2009.

Illinois Reading Council Journal, Illinois Reading Council. Year Three: $78, 567.

July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008.

Reading First Professional Development Project, Illinois State Board of Education, August, 2005 – July, 2007. $247,309.

Illinois Reading Council Journal, Illinois Reading Council. Year Two: $91,956. July 1, 2006-June 30, 2007.

Illinois Reading Council Journal, Illinois Reading Council. Year One: $78,567. July 1, 2005-June 30, 2006.

Illinois Reading First Professional Development Project, Grades K-3, Illinois State Board of Education, $247.309.00. 2005-2007.

Illinois Center for Achieving Reading Excellence, Illinois State Board of Education, March 2002, $290,000.00. Year two, $125,000, September, 2002 – August, 2003.

Meeting the Challenge: Literacy Staff Development for Grade 3-5 Teachers, Paraprofessionals and Administrators, Illinois State Board of Education, April, 2001. $200,000.00.

Meeting the Challenge: Literacy Staff Development for PreK-2 Teachers, Paraprofessionals and Administrators, Illinois State Board of Education. March, 2000. $250,000.00.


Alpha Upsilon Alpha Honor Society: Mu Chapter, 1987-present

Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1981-present

Association for Childhood Education International, 1988-present

International Reading Association, 1976-present

Illinois Reading Council, 1986-present

Western Illinois Reading Council, 1986-present

Literacy Research Association, 2011-present

National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1988-present


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