
Music & Memory TennesseeFirst Quarter Progress ReportGrant Period: February 1, 2019 – April 30, 2019 (1st quarter)RE: CMP 34305-23919Submitted: May 30, 2019What are the major goals and objectives of the project?Music & Memory Tennessee is a person-centered care program to improve quality of life and care for 2,205 residents, including those suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s in 147 of 322 skilled nursing homes across Tennessee. Key outcomes for residents include:- Reduced reliance on antipsychotic, anti-anxiety, and anti-depress medications- Reduced physical, verbal, and other adverse behavioral symptoms of participating residents- Increased access to activities that engage residents and enhance person-centered care by staffWhat has been accomplished in relation to those goals? In the first quarter of the project, key start-up activities were accomplished. The first Advisory council meeting, two (2) key implementation contracts were executed, staff was hired and four (4) outreach events to targeted audiences have occurred. As a result, more than 45 nursing homes have expressed interest in participating in the program. Specifically:Recruit and provide orientation for project director to coordinate the activities of the Tennessee program (original timeframe: Jan – March, 2019) – Quiteka Moten was hired as the Project Director on 05.06.2019Recruit and provide orientation for volunteer/data coordinator to coordinate activities of collecting data and managing volunteer organizations and participants (original timeframe: Feb – April, 2019) –Amanda Boulware was hired as the Volunteer/Data Coordinator 05.13.19Develop marketing materials and resource manuals for participating nursing homes (March – April, 2019) – One page Information Sheet and Website developed; Brochure development in progressPre-awards activity: Pilot music and instrument exploration program with the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in one nursing home to promote Music & Memory and to plan for expansion into additional facilities (Fall, 2018) – COMPLETED on 11.13.18Present on project to the TN Department of Health’s Board for Licensing Health Care Agencies at its quarterly meeting in the first quarter of 2019 - COMPLETED on 02.05.2019 Present at a quarterly meeting of the TN Commission on Aging and Disability Commission meeting about the project – COMPLETED on 02.12.19Present at a TN Health Care Association (THCA) meeting –To be accomplished at JULY 31 – AUG 2, 2019 at THCA’s annual conferencePresent at numerous TN Department of Health meetings and trainings:TN Department of Health’s Annual Long Term Care Provider Training meetings:May 15- Jackson, TN (West TN) - COMPLETEDJune 19- Nashville, TN (Middle TN)- SCHEDULEDJune 26- Morristown, TN (East TN) - SCHEDULEDSubmit AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps team engagement concept form by May 1, 2019 deadline and full application form by June 13, 2019 to request a team for the years 2019-2020. Request round 1 period of August 21-October 15, 2019 and repeat period of August 21 – October 15, 2020. Update: After revisiting our timeline, we decided to wait to submit for Round 2 so that the new program director and volunteer/data coordinator are on board. Round 2 concept forms are due July 1, 2019 and the full application is due August 12, 2019 with project dates being October 23 – December 17, 2019. By revising this timeline, the new staff can own the submission of the concept paper and application to more fully manage the entire volunteer process. Also, by this time, we’ll have nursing homes that are Music & Memory certified and are starting to implement the program which includes using volunteers to test the formation of personalized playlists. Conduct fifteen (15) regional recruitment and orientation kick-off sessions for nursing home administration and staff to increase their knowledge about and participation in the Music & Memory program. (April –October, 2019) - Six (6) of the 15 informational sessions are to be completed in conjunction with meetings and trainings that our partners have helped us reach our targeted audience:TN Hospital Association meetings:May 7 - Memphis (West TN) - COMPLETEDMay 14 - Knoxville (East TN)- COMPLETEDMay 20 - Nashville (Middle TN)- COMPLETEDTN Department of Health’s Annual Long Term Care Provider Training meetings:May 15- Jackson, TN (West TN) - COMPLETEDJune 19- Nashville, TN (Middle TN)- SCHEDULEDJune 26- Morristown, TN (East TN) – SCHEDULEDThe TN Arts Commission has signed contracts with the TN Commission on Aging and Disability for staff supervision & support and Music & Memory, Inc. for equipment and training.Developed “interest forms” to capture information from nursing homes that are interested in participating in the program. Over 45+ nursing homes are currently on the list.Music & Memory TN website - - has been developed to share key information about the project with nursing home staff, family members, and the public.The 1st Advisory Council meeting was held on 03.08.19 with all partners present.Additional M&M TN presentations have occurred at the following: - TN Senate Health Care Committee - 01.30.19- TN State Veterans Home – 02.22.19- Arts Advocacy Day – 03.06.19- TN Livability Collaborative Meeting – 03.12.19- National Healthcare Corporation – 04.10.19- TN CMP Advisory Committee (conference call) – 05.02.19- Volunteer Tennessee Board Meeting – 05.17.19 What has been accomplished in relation to those goals? See answers in question #1. What are your specific measures for the project? Have you collected any data during this reporting period?Since this is beginning phase of the program, we have not collected any data during this reporting period. Over the summer, we will work with the state’s quality improvement organization, Qsource, the TN Health Care Association, and the TN Department of Health to establish our baseline data and to refine our evaluations system for nursing homes to start reporting their quarterly data.What individual(s) and organization(s) have made significant contributions to the project so far? Please identify what role they have played in the project.Before the first Advisory Council meeting, the TN Arts Commission met one-on-one with representatives from each Advisory Council organization to discuss their roles, responsibilities, and benefit to the project. This helped to establish our relationship with each partner and to clearly define the following roles:TN Arts Commission – Devoted 202.5 hours for 4 staff to develop and enhance partnerships, secure contracts and budgets, develop recruitment and marketing/communication strategies, hire and orient staff, give statewide presentations about program, convene the Advisory Council, and create program infrastructure (forms, tools, resources, etc.) needed to start the program. TN Commission on Aging and Disability – Managed the interview process for staff positions; and is providing supervision and office location for M&M TN staff. TN Department of Health CMP Office – Finalized our contract; provided technical assistance on different areas; and connected the project to key health care organizations.TN Health Care Association – Helped refine the Participation Agreement, gave advice on recruitment and how to incorporate the program into nursing homes, and approved a workshop to present on M&M TN at their annual conference in July 2019. Alzheimer’s Association and Alzheimer’s TN – Both are part of the advisory council and will be giving input and training on how to best work with dementia/Alzheimer’s patients.Music & Memory Inc. – Contracted with the TN Arts Commission/State of TN and developed system to purchase and distribute equipment to certified nursing homes.Volunteer Tennessee– Provided assistance in AmeriCorps submission, development, and volunteer management. What evidence do you have of the project’s effectiveness? After the initial grant announcement in February and a wave of inquiries from nursing homes, the TN Arts Commission developed an “interest form” to capture the information of nursing homes that would like to participate in the program. Over 45 nursing homes throughout Tennessee expressed interest. At this beginning phase of the project, this high level of interest is encouraging. Also, we have been invited to present on M&M TN at legislative committee meetings, health care organizations, nonprofit boards, and other meetings. Many people are either hearing about and/or learning about the effectiveness of Music & Memory and the impact that it can have on nursing home residents. As we progress in the project, we will be able to further demonstrative its effectiveness as it relates to the actual nursing home residents.What partnerships have been utilized or developed in the implementation of your project? See Question #4 for this answer.What progress has been made in developing the deliverables identified in the project application? (If any deliverables have been developed, please attach along with your progress report) See Question #1 for this answer.How will results be communicated to communities of interest?As of February 2019, a website was created specifically for the Music & Memory TN program – – so that nursing home staff, family members, the public, and communities of interest could be informed about major milestones and results about the program. This website serves as a main point of communication for the project. Also, we are in process of developing a brochure for the project that will be used and distributed widely. Our partners on the Advisory Council requested that a brochure be created so that when their staff is at the nursing home, they can help communicate about the program to staff, residents, and family members.Since our statewide program is a part of Music & Memory, Inc., we are continually connected to other communities within and outside the state who use the Music & Memory nationwide through webinars, the M&M Care Community Website, and informal relationships that we have started with other state programs.Have you encountered any problems or delays? What actions will you take to solve them?During the week of May 20th, we learned that Music & Memory, Inc., as a nonprofit, is facing some financial challenges which may affect our contract with them including training/certification and equipment procurement processes. Currently, we are in process of working with our implementation partners on a contingency plan for implementing the program in case M&M Inc. is not able to fulfill its contractual obligations. Shortly after becoming aware of this development, we notified the TN Department of Health’s CMP office.As for the timelines in the original application, only two timelines do not align. First, we estimated that the two staff people would be hired by a March- April timeline. Due to the time it has taken to advertise, interview, and choose the right people, the timeline moved from March-April to May. Now that the two staff people are hired, we expect to move faster in implementing the program. Second, we will submit our request for volunteers to AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps for Round 2 instead of Round 1 as described in question #1. The Round 2 application is due by August 12, 2019 which will mean volunteers can start October 23, 2019. This decision was made because it gives the Volunteer/Data Coordinator, who will be responsible for the volunteer management of the project, time to get acclimated, write the AmeriCorps concept paper and application, and fully own the process of managing the volunteers for the project.What success have you had in your project? How do you plan to build upon them?Please provide any photos or additional documents you would like to showcase.Question #1 outlines many of the current successes of the project for this quarter. Again, we are excited about the qualifications of the two staff people who are starting as the Project Director and Volunteer/Data Coordinator. We believe they have the skill set to build the program to accomplish and even exceed the goals of the project. In addition to the hiring of our staff, we are elevated at the level of interest expressed from Tennessee nursing homes. When we announced the project through a press release, we did not imagine that we would receive the level of phone calls, emails, media interest, and presentation requests. We built on this success by capturing the information of nursing homes on an interest form that we developed and this is being used as the starting point for the staff to contact those homes who want to participate. Last, bringing together the partners on the Advisory Council has been critical for the project’s success. Each partner has shared its expertise and is assisting in key areas like recruitment, evaluations, knowledge of nursing home staff and environments, dementia/Alzheimer patients, and other areas.Additional documents are attached: Press release Website at .One page marketing document for public distribution Resumes for two (2) Music & Memory Tennessee staff Do you anticipate any changes to your evaluation methods, expected outcomes, or timelines for the next reporting period? If so, describe the changes and note the reason(s) for the change(s).During the next reporting period, we expect to meet with Qsource, the TN Health Care Association, and the TN Department of Health to capture our benchmark data and finalize the evaluation systems of how quarterly data will be reported. What opportunities for training and professional development did the project provide?As we learn more about the changes at Music & Memory, Inc. and what level of assistance they can provide, we will decide on future training and professional development opportunities. ................

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