Why Should You Join the SARYou can become a member of an active organization of patriotic men bought together by their heritage and welded into an organization dedicated to the preservation of Constitutional freedoms established by the founders of our nation. As a member of the SAR you will be able to take an active part in assuring your children of the same freedoms you enjoyed. The local chapters of the society afford an opportunity to become acquainted with men in your community with whom you have common interest. Joining SAR will afford you opportunity to serve your community to whatever degree your time permits. In furthering patriotic education and generating and preserving understanding and appreciation, of the principles of government which our forefathers established. SAR will guide you in researching your family lineage to establish your right to membership and once you become a member, will record and preserve this information making it forever available to your descendants. As in any organization, you get out as much as or more than you put into it. We are an organization of people who make good things happen.?Our PurposeThe purpose of the Sons of the American Revolution are patriotic, historical and educationalPerpetuating the memory of Revolutionary War Patriots.Promoting fellowship among their descendants.Inspiring the community with a reverence for the principles of government founded by our forefathers.Encouraging historical research of the American Revolution.Preserving the records of Revolutionary War Patriots.Marking the locations of the Revolution events and its soldiers.Celebrating anniversaries of the Revolution.Fostering true patriotism.Maintaining and extending institutions of American freedom.Carrying out the purposes of the Preamble of the Constitution.What we do Honor individuals for outstanding and unusual patriotic achievement on a national, regional and local level.Honor persons for outstanding bravery and self-sacrifice in the face of imminent danger.Honor members of the United States Congress for outstanding service to the nation.Honor outstanding high school students annually with the presentation of a Good Citizenship Award.Honor outstanding Junior and Senior ROTC cadets annually with the presentation of the ROTC Award.Honor Law Enforcement officials for outstanding service with a Law Enforcement Award.Select an outstanding Eagle Scout annually at the branch, state and national level. The national winner receives a college scholarship.Honor an outstanding student for winning the Knight Essay Contest.Assist veterans in Veterans Hospitals.Conduct a national historical orations contest annually.Sponsor Boy Scout troops and chapters of the Children of the American Revolution.Place SAR Markers at the grave sites of Revolutionary War Patriots and SAR memorate Revolutionary War Patriots with appropriate ceremonies.Participate in new citizenship swearing-in ceremonies.Observe patriotic anniversaries.Cooperate with the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Children of the American Revolution and other hereditary organizationWhat the SAR Means to MeThe SAR continues the struggle for our freedoms started by our Patriot ancestors in 1776. Every succeeding generation has answered the call. It is now our duty to do our part to stay the course by standing proud and telling those who will listen that we believe in what our ancestors fought for and that we are proud of all those who have sacrificed to give us the opportunity to continue to be free. We are carrying the banner and I am proud to be a member of this fine organization.The SAR gives me a means to honor the sacrifices my ancestors made in order to establish this great nation. And it gives me an opportunity to carry forward the ideals upon which it was founded.SAR membership is vital at this time in American history. The focus on political correctness and the de-emphasizing of the facts in American History in both our society and our schools is leading to a loss of respect and tradition for the American flag and Constitutional form of democratic government.“My SAR membership represents an important rallying point in the continuing battle to retain the rights, privileges and responsibilities of free men in our Nation . . . and by our example, to inspire all men everywhere to be free. ” ~ H. NICKERSON, JR., Lieutenant General, USMC“My SAR membership is especially meaningful to me as a reminder that together, as compatriots, we can preserve the great traditions of American freedom and that our task is proudly never ending.” ~ WINTHROP ROCKEFELLER, Governor of Arkansas“My SAR membership is a proud reminder that my ancestors shared in the fight for independence and liberty and have bequeathed me a heritage and a dedication to carry on the same proud tradition. It is also a constant reminder to me of the pride my father had in his membership and his desire that I also participate.” ~ G. MENNEN WILLIAMS, Ambassador to the Philippines “My SAR membership inspires me to remember always that my forebears, whose blood still runs in my veins, fought valiantly to establish that same freedom which is now entrusted to my generation, and to me, to preserve and defend.” ~ SPESSARD L. HOLLAND, U.S. Senator (FL) “In these most difficult times for our nation, all our citizens must be mindful of our heritage and the basic principles under which America has grown to greatness and prospered in freedom. I am proud of my membership in the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution because of the important role the Society plays in strengthening and preserving the American ideal.” ~ HERMAN E. TALMADGE, U.S. Senator (GA)“With the turmoil throughout the world and so many divisive forces within our country, I am proud to be identified with the Sons of the American Revolution, an organization that is ever reminding our citizens of our rich heritage of freedom and is dedicated to the preservation and perpetuation of the system of government that has brought our nation to greatness.” ~ CHARLES E. CHAMBERLAIN, U.S. Congressman (MI)“I am proud, indeed, to count myself among the members of the SAR. My membership serves as a reminder of the continuing value of our American heritage, and carries with it a sense of my own responsibility as an American citizen.” ~ PETER H. B. FRELINGHUYSEN, U.S. Congressman (NJ)“The Sons of the American Revolution are patriotism in action. We need staunch citizens in the United States. Remembering our goodly heritage from previous generations, the Sons of the American Revolution are devoted to our Country and its causes.” ~ JAMES G. FULTON, U.S. Congressman (PA) “The meaning of my SAR membership, simply stated, is that it constantly reminds me of the principles of dedication and spirit that founded our country, gave it strength in its growth, gave it courage in times of peril, and are those ingredients to which we must daily rededicate ourselves.” ~ HASTINGS KEITH, U.S. Congressman (MA) “SAR membership is a breadth of fresh, clean air in an atmosphere increasingly polluted by cynicism and license. It furnishes a valued opportunity to participate directly in affairs of importance to the Nation in association with other Americans who continue to believe in God and Country.” ~ LOUIS C. WYMAN, U.S. Congressman (NH)The SAR bears witness that there remains in our country a group which appreciates our heritage, honors those patriots who gave us our freedom and commits itself to the perpetuation of the American ideal. For these reasons, I am proud of my SAR membership.” ~ JOHN M. ASHBROOK, U.S. Congressman (OH) “The membership in the National Society, SAR, which I have recently received, serves as a source of strength in these turbulent times. It provides an awareness of how this nation came to be, how it struggled for survival and to become free, how it grew to a position of world leadership, and the necessity of maintaining those qualities in our individual and national life if the United States is to continue to be the kind of nation we want it to be. As I become older, I realize the importance of impressing these thoughts upon my five children. The SAR membership, hopefully, will help in this regard.” ~ ROBERT W. SCOTT, Governor of North Carolina “ ................

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