2017 PEW RESEARCH CENTER’S AMERICAN TRENDS PANEL WAVE 28 AugustFINAL TOPLINEAugust 8 – August 21, 2017TOTAL N=4,971ASK ALL:EXPECTLIFEAll in all, how would you say things are going at this point in your life?[RANDOMIZE RESPONSE OPTIONS, ALWAYS KEEP 3 LAST]Aug 8-Aug 21201731Better than you expected24Worse than you expected44About as you expected1No answerASK ALL:SATLIFENext, please tell us whether you are [RANDOMIZE: (satisfied) or (dissatisfied)] with the following aspects of your life. [RANDOMIZE ITEMS a THROUGH d][SHOW RESPONSE OPTIONS IN SAME ORDER AS STEM]Very satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedNo answera.Your family lifeAug 8-Aug 21, 20173939156*b.Your social lifeAug 8-Aug 21, 20172446218*c.Your personal financial situationAug 8-Aug 21, 201716382620*ASK IF EMPLOYED OR DID NOT RESPOND TO PROFILE SURVEY[N=3,164]:d.Your current job or careerAug 8-Aug 21, 2017274221101ASK ALL:HLTHRATEWould you say that in general your health is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor?Aug 8-Aug 212017Apr 5-May 22016Jul 7-Aug 4201410Excellent111030Very good323833Good373620Fair14136Poor43*No answer10ASK ALL:POL1DTDo you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as President?ASK IF ANSWERED POL1DT (POL1DT=1,2):POL1DTSTRDo you [IF POL1DT=1: approve; IF POL1DT=2: disapprove] of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as President…Aug 8-Aug 212017Apr 4-Apr 182017Feb 28-Mar 12201736NET Approve394426 Very strongly273010 Not so strongly1213* No answer**63NET Disapprove615649 Very strongly454313 Not so strongly1512* No answer**1No Answer11ASK IF POL1DT=1,2 & FORM 1 [N=2,536]:DTCNCRN[IF POL1DT=1: And while you approve of the job Donald Trump is doing, what] [IF POL1DT=2: What], if anything, concerns you most about how Trump is handling his job as president? OPEN-ENDED RESPONSES NOT SHOWNASK IF POL1DT=1,2 & FORM 2[N=2,370]:DTLIKE[IF POL1DT=2: And while you disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing, what] [IF POL1DT=1: What], if anything, do you like most about how Trump is handling his job as president?OPEN-ENDED RESPONSES NOT SHOWNASK ALL:FAM1When you were growing up, who did you live with MOST of the time? Aug 8-Aug 21201769Both parents23Your mother, but not your father4Your father, but not your mother4Neither parent1No answerASK ALL:FAM2What was the marital status of your parents during most of the time you were growing up? Aug 8-Aug 21201769Married16Divorced4Separated3Widowed8Never married*No answerNow, thinking about your general news habits…ASK ALL:NEWS_PLATFORMHow often do you… [RANDOMIZE]OftenSometimesHardly everNeverNoAnswera.Read any newspapers in print?Aug 8-Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971] 18253225*Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654] 20283121*Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]27272719*b.Listen to news on the radio?Aug 8-Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971] 25312221*Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654] 25342417*Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]26302718*NO ITEM Cd.Watch local television news?Aug 8-Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971] 37272115*Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654] 46271710*Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]46261711*OftenSometimesHardly everNeverNoAnswerNEWS_PLATFORM CONTINUED…e.Watch national evening network television news (such as ABC World News, CBS Evening News, or NBC Nightly News)?Aug 8-Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971] 26252525*Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654] 30272517*Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]31282418*f.Watch cable television news (such as CNN, The Fox News cable channel, or MSNBC)?Aug 8-Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971] 28272322*Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654] 31272418*Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]24282621*g.Get news from a social media site (such as Facebook, Twitter, or Snapchat?)?Aug 8-Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971] 202720330Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654] 18261838*h.Get news from a news website or app?Aug 8-Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971] 33311917*Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654] 28281826*ASK ALL:EASIER All things considered, who do you think has it easier in our country these days?[RANDOMIZE RESPONSE OPTIONS 1 AND 2; ALWAYS KEEP 3 LAST]Aug 8-Aug 21201735Men9Women55No difference1No answerASK THOSE WHO SAY MEN HAVE IT EASIER (EASIER=1) [N=2,098]:WHYEASIER1In what ways would you say men have it easier in our country these days?OPEN-ENDED RESPONSES NOT SHOWNASK THOSE WHO SAY WOMEN HAVE IT EASIER (EASIER=2) [N=395]:WHYEASIER2In what ways would you say women have it easier in our country these days?OPEN-ENDED RESPONSES NOT SHOWNASK ALL FORM 1 [N=2,565]:COMTYPE1F1How would you describe the community where you currently live? [REVERSE ORDER FOR RANDOM HALF OF SAMPLE]Aug 8-Aug 21201734A city27A suburb25A small town14A rural area*No answerASK ALL FORM 2 [N=2,406]:COMTYPE2F2How would you describe the community where you currently live? [REVERSE ORDER FOR RANDOM HALF OF SAMPLE]Aug 8-Aug 21201726Urban45Suburban27Rural1No answerASK ALL:THERMOWe'd like to get your feelings toward a number of groups on a “feeling thermometer.” A rating of zero degrees means you feel as cold and negative as possible. A rating of 100 degrees means you feel as warm and positive as possible. You would rate the group at 50 degrees if you don’t feel particularly positive or negative toward the group.How do you feel toward [INSERT ITEM; RANDOMIZE]? [Enter the number in the box between 0 and 100 that reflects your feelings]Rating of 0 to 24Rating of 25 to 49Rating of 50Rating of 51 to 75Rating of 76 to 100No AnswerMeanratingASK FORM 1 [N=2,565]:RepublicansAug 8-21, 20173116241412241Nov 29-Dec 12, 20162310281521350Mar 2-28, 20162516291316245DemocratsAug 8-21, 20172814231618145Nov 29-Dec 12, 20161913261424352Mar 2-28, 20162212261623251College professorsAug 8-21, 2017168261633258Rating of 0 to 24Rating of 25 to 49Rating of 50Rating of 51 to 75Rating of 76 to 100No AnswerMeanratingTHERMO CONTINUED…Police officersAug 8-21, 2017108161945267ASK FORM 2 [N=2,406]:LiberalsAug 8-21, 20172410331318247ConservativesAug 8-21, 20171615331420251TeachersAug 8-21, 201744141859178Nov 29-Dec 12, 201644151757378People in the militaryAug 8-21, 201732111270183Nov 29-Dec 12, 201633141167282Mar 2-28, 201652121071183ASK ALL:RPRESNTHow well would you say the member of Congress from your district represents your own political views?Aug 8-Aug 2120178Very well38Fairly well36Not too well16Not at all well2No answer[PROGRAMMING NOTE: CREATE VARIABLE SOCASSIGN, RESPONDENTS SHOULD BE RANDOMLY ASSIGNED A VALUE OF 1-4 TO RECEIVE ONE OF SOCVALM, SOCDISCM, SOCVALW, OR SOCDISCW]ASK SOCASSIGN=1 [N=1,228]: SOCVALM Thinking about MEN in our society these days…What traits or characteristics do you think people in our society value most in men? [Please list up to 3] [PROGRAMMING NOTE: PLEASE INCLUDE THREE SINGLE-LINE TEXTBOXES]OPEN-ENDED RESPONSES NOT SHOWNASK SOCASSIGN=2 [N=1,264]: SOCDISCMThinking about MEN in our society these days…What traits or characteristics do you think people in our society believe men should NOT have?[Please list up to 3] [PROGRAMMING NOTE: PLEASE INCLUDE THREE SINGLE-LINE TEXTBOXES]OPEN-ENDED RESPONSES NOT SHOWNASK SOCASSIGN=3 [N=1,230]: SOCVALWThinking about WOMEN in our society these days…What traits or characteristics do you think people in our society value most in women?[Please list up to 3] [PROGRAMMING NOTE: PLEASE INCLUDE THREE SINGLE-LINE TEXTBOXES]OPEN-ENDED RESPONSES NOT SHOWNASK SOCASSIGN=4 [N=1,249]: SOCDISCWThinking about WOMEN in our society these days…What traits or characteristics do you think people in our society believe women should NOT have?[Please list up to 3] [PROGRAMMING NOTE: PLEASE INCLUDE THREE SINGLE-LINE TEXTBOXES]OPEN-ENDED RESPONSES NOT SHOWNASK ALL:WHADVANTOn a different subject…How much, if at all, do white people benefit from advantages in society that black people do not have?Aug 8-Aug 212017June 7-July 5201626A great deal2429A fair amount2928Not too much2516Not at all191No answer2ASK WOMEN WHO ARE NOT PARENTS AND ARE AGES 18 TO 49 AND MEN WHO ARE NOT PARENTS AND ARE AGES 18 to 59 [N=1,070]:LIKECHILDThinking about the future, would you say you…Aug 8-Aug 21201743Want to have children someday27Don’t want to have children28Are not sure if you want to have children1No answerASK IF NEVER MARRIED OR IF CURRENTLY LIVING WITH PARTNER [N=1,201]:MARRYPREF1Thinking about the future, would you say you…Aug 8-Aug 21201756Want to get married someday15Don’t want to get married28Are not sure if you want to get married1No answerASK IF DIVORCED OR WIDOWED [N=873]:MARRYPREF2Thinking about the future, would you say you…Aug 8-Aug 21201721Want to get married again someday49Don’t want to get married again29Are not sure if you want to get married again1No answerASK IF CURRENTLY LIVING WITH A PARTNER OR HAS NEVER BEEN MARRIED AND WANTS TO GET MARRIED OR NOT SURE (MARRYPREF1=1,3) [N=1,003]:REASNOTMAR Here are some things people have mentioned as reasons why they are not currently married. For each of the following, please indicate whether it is a major reason, a minor reason or not a reason why you are not currently married. [RANDOMIZE ITEMS a THROUGH c]Major reasonMinor reasonNot a reasonNoAnswera.You are not ready to settle downAug 8-Aug 21, 2017222949*b.You are not financially stableAug 8-Aug 21, 2017382735*Major reasonMinor reasonNot a reasonNoAnswerREASNOTMAR CONTINUED…c.You have not found the right personAug 8-Aug 21, 2017541432*[RANDOMIZE QUALHUSB AND QUALWIFE. PLEASE INCLUDE AN INDICATOR FOR WHETHER QUALHUSB OR QUALWIFE CAME FIRST IN THE MAIN DATASET]ASK ALL:QUALHUSBPeople have different ideas about WHAT MAKES A MAN A GOOD HUSBAND OR PARTNER. How important, if at all, do you feel it is for a good husband or partner to… [RANDOMIZE ITEMS a THROUGH d IN SAME ORDER AS QUALWIFE]Very importantSomewhat importantNot too importantNot at all importantNo answera.Be able to support a family financiallyAug 8-Aug 21, 2017712531*b.Contribute to household choresAug 8-Aug 21, 20175735611c.Be well educatedAug 8-Aug 21, 20173848122*d.Be caring and compassionateAug 8-Aug 21, 20178612111[RANDOMIZE QUALHUSB AND QUALWIFE]ASK ALL:QUALWIFEPeople have different ideas about WHAT MAKES A WOMAN A GOOD WIFE OR PARTNER. How important, if at all, do you feel it is for a good wife or partner to… [RANDOMIZE ITEMS a THROUGH d IN SAME ORDER AS QUALHUSB]Very importantSomewhat importantNot too importantNot at all importantNo answera.Be able to support a family financiallyAug 8-Aug 21, 20173250162*b.Contribute to household choresAug 8-Aug 21, 2017633241*c.Be well educatedAug 8-Aug 21, 20173549142*d.Be caring and compassionateAug 8-Aug 21, 2017909*1*ASK ALL: EQUAL1 How important, if at all, is it for women to have equal rights with men in our country?Aug 8-Aug 21201781Very important15Somewhat important3Not too important1Not at all important*No answerASK ALL:WOMRIGHTSWhen it comes to giving women equal rights with men, do you think the country [RANDOMIZE: (has gone too far), (has not gone far enough)] or has been about right? [SHOW OPTIONS 1 AND 2 IN SAME ORDER AS QUESTION STEM; ALWAYS KEEP 3 LAST]Aug 8-Aug 21201710Has gone too far50Has not gone far enough38Has been about right1No answerASK ALL PARENTS OF CHILDREN UNDER 18 [N=1,345]: TIMECHILDThinking about the time you spend with your children, do you think you spend…[RANDOMIZE RESPONSE OPTIONS 1 AND 2; ALWAYS KEEP 3 LAST]Aug 8-Aug 2120176Too MUCH time47Too LITTLE time46The right amount of time1No answerASK IF R SAYS THEY SPEND TOO LITTLE TIME WITH THEIR CHILDREN (TIMECHILD=2) [N=620]:TIMCHLDREASWhat would you say is the main reason that you spend too little time with your children? [RANDOMIZE RESPONSE OPTIONS 1 THROUGH 4; ALWAYS KEEP 5 LAST]Aug 8-Aug 21201759Your work obligations10Other family or household obligations13Your children don’t live with you all of the time10Your children are too busy with other activities7Something else (specify)0No answer[RANDOMIZE RAISEKIDS1 AND RAISEKIDS2]ASK ALL:RAISEKIDS1Thinking about young GIRLS today…Do you think it is [RANDOMIZE IN SAME ORDER AS RAISEKIDS2: (a good thing) or (a bad thing)] for parents of young girls to encourage them to play with toys or participate in activities that are typically associated with boys?[SHOW RESPONSE OPTIONS IN SAME ORDER AS STEM]Aug 8-Aug 21201729Very good thing49Somewhat good thing16Somewhat bad thing6Very bad thing1No answer[RANDOMIZE RAISEKIDS1 AND RAISEKIDS2]ASK ALL:RAISEKIDS2Thinking about young BOYS today…Do you think it is [RANDOMIZE IN SAME ORDER AS RAISEKIDS1: (a good thing) or (a bad thing)] for parents of young boys to encourage them to play with toys or participate in activities that are typically associated with girls?[SHOW RESPONSE OPTIONS IN SAME ORDER AS STEM]Aug 8-Aug 21201724Very good thing41Somewhat good thing24Somewhat bad thing11Very bad thing1No answerASK ALL INTERNET USERS [N=4,752]:SNSDo you use any of the following social media sites? [Check all that apply] [RANDOMIZE WITH “OTHER” ALWAYS LAST] BASED ON TOTALSelectedNot SelectedNo Answera. FacebookAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971]6634-Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654]6733-Mar 13-15, 20-22, 2015 [N=2,035]66341Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]6436*b.TwitterAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971]1585-Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654]1684-Mar 13-15, 20-22, 2015 [N=2,035]17831Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]1684*NO ITEM Cd. LinkedInAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971]2179-Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654]2080-Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]1980*e. InstagramAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971]2674-Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654]1981-Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]1288*NO ITEM Fg. TumblrAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971]496-Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654]496-Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]496*h. YouTubeAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971]5842-Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654]4852-Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]5149*RedditAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971]694-Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654]496-Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]397*j.SnapchatAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971]1882-Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654]1090-k.WhatsAppAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971]1189-SelectedNot SelectedNo AnswerSNS CONTINUED…l. OtherAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=4,971]595-Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=4,654]1189-Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=5,173]397*ASK IF AT LEAST YES TO 1 ITEM SNS; SHOW ONLY THOSE SITES USED (SNSA-K=1):SNSNEWSDo you ever get news or news headlines on any of the following sites? By news we mean information about events and issues that involve more than just your friends or family. [RANDOMIZE]YesNoNo AnswerBASED ON FACEBOOK USERS:a. FacebookAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=3,635]68321Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=3,210]6634*Mar 13-15, 20-22, 2015 [N=1,343]6337*Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=3,268]47530BASED ON TWITTER USERS:b.TwitterAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=1,088]74251Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=908]59411Mar 13-15, 20-22, 2015 [N=347]63370Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=736]52480NO ITEM CBASED ON LINKEDIN USERS:d. LinkedInAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=1,540]23761Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=1,348]1981*Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=1,107]13870BASED ON INSTAGRAM USERS:e. InstagramAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=1,390]27712Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=933]23761Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=467]13870NO ITEM FBASED ON TUMBLR USERS:g. TumblrAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=226]39601Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=198]3169-Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=159]29710YesNoNo AnswerSNSNEWS CONTINUED…BASED ON YOUTUBE USERS:h. YouTubeAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=3,180]32671Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=2,542]21771Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=2,506]20800BASED ON REDDIT USERS:RedditAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=369]6832*Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=288]7030*Aug 21-Sep 2, 2013 [N=114]62380BASED ON SNAPCHAT USERS:j.SnapchatAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=787]29702Jan 12-Feb 8, 2016 [N=439]17821BASED ON WHATSAPP USERS:k.WhatsAppAug 8- Aug 21, 2017 [N=585]23743[RANDOMIZE PRESSURE1 AND PRESSURE2]ASK ALL:PRESSURE1In general, how much pressure, if any, do you think MEN face in our country these days to do each of the following… [RANDOMIZE ITEMS IN SAME ORDER AS PRESSURE2] A lotSomeNot too muchNone at allNoanswerASK FORM 1 [N=2,565]a.Be an involved parentAug 8-Aug 21, 2017 50321431b.Support their family financiallyAug 8-Aug 21, 20177518521ASK FORM 2 [N=2,406]c.Be successful in their job or careerAug 8-Aug 21, 2017682831*d.Be physically attractiveAug 8-Aug 21, 201727482221[RANDOMIZE PRESSURE1 AND PRESSURE2]ASK ALL:PRESSURE2In general, how much pressure, if any, do you think WOMEN face in our country these days to do each of the following… [RANDOMIZE ITEMS IN SAME ORDER AS PRESSURE1] A lotSomeNot too muchNone at allNoanswerASK FORM 1 [N=2,565]a.Be an involved parentAug 8-Aug 21, 2017 7716521b.Support their family financiallyAug 8-Aug 21, 201741451211ASK FORM 2 [N=2,406]c.Be successful in their job or careerAug 8-Aug 21, 20174446911d.Be physically attractiveAug 8-Aug 21, 20177124311Now on a different topic…[PROGRAMMING NOTE: RANDOMIZE ORDER OF DESCREP/DESCDEM AND AGREEREP/AGREEDEM AS BLOCKS. RANDOMIZE ORDER OF QUESTIONS WITHIN EACH BLOCK.][RANDOMIZE ORDER OF DESCREP AND DESCDEM]ASK ALL:DESCREPWould you say the term “Republican” describes you…Aug 8-Aug 212017Mar 2-Mar 28201631NET Well359Very well823Fairly well2767NET NOT well6325Not too well2942Not at all well341No answer2[RANDOMIZE ORDER OF DESCREP AND DESCDEM]ASK ALL:DESCDEMWould you say the term “Democrat” describes you…Aug 8-Aug 212017Mar 2-Mar 28201642NET Well4113Very well1128Fairly well3057NET NOT well5723Not too well2734Not at all well301No answer2[RANDOMIZE ORDER OF AGREEREP AND AGREEDEM]ASK ALL:AGREEREPThinking about political issues, how often do you tend to agree with the positions of the Republican Party?Aug 8-Aug 212017Mar 2-Mar 2820166Almost always619More than half of the time2120About half of the time2425Less than half of the time2628Almost never222No answer2[RANDOMIZE ORDER OF AGREEREP AND AGREEDEM]ASK ALL:AGREEDEMThinking about political issues, how often do you tend to agree with the positions of the Democratic Party?Aug 8-Aug 212017Mar 2-Mar 2820169Almost always824More than half of the time2522About half of the time2521Less than half of the time2223Almost never202No answer2[RANDOMIZE ROLES1 AND ROLES2]Thinking about the roles men and women play at home and in the workplace…ASK ALL:ROLES1In general, would you say society these days is [RANDOMIZE IN SAME ORDER AS ROLES2: (too accepting), (not accepting enough)], or about right when it comes to MEN taking on roles that are TYPICALLY ASSOCIATED WITH WOMEN?[SHOW RESPONSE OPTIONS IN SAME ORDER AS STEM; ALWAYS KEEP 3 LAST]Aug 8-Aug 21201714Too accepting47Not accepting enough38About right1No answer[RANDOMIZE ROLES1 AND ROLES2]ASK ALL:ROLES2In general, would you say society these days is [RANDOMIZE IN SAME ORDER AS ROLES1: (too accepting), (not accepting enough)], or about right when it comes to WOMEN taking on roles that are TYPICALLY ASSOCIATED WITH MEN?[SHOW RESPONSE OPTIONS IN SAME ORDER AS STEM; ALWAYS KEEP 3 LAST]Aug 8-Aug 21201714Too accepting49Not accepting enough36About right1No answerASK ALL:CHANGE1 As you may know, more women now work outside the home and men are more involved in household chores and childcare than in the past. In general, do you think these changes have made things [RANDOMIZE: (easier), (harder)], or have they not made much difference… [RANDOMIZE ITEMS a THROUGH d][RANDOMIZE ITEMS e THROUGH g][SHOW OPTIONS 1 AND 2 IN SAME ORDER AS STEM; ALWAYS KEEP 3 LAST]Have made things easierHave made things harderHave not made much differenceNoanswerASK FORM 1 [N=2,565]:a.For parents to raise childrenAug 8-Aug 21, 20174233251Have made things easierHave made things harderHave not made much differenceNoanswerCHANGE1 CONTINUED… b.For WOMEN to lead satisfying livesAug 8-Aug 21, 20174927231c.For MEN to lead satisfying livesAug 8-Aug 21, 20173927331d.For families to earn enough money to live comfortablyAug 8-Aug 21, 20174725261ASK FORM 2 [N=2,406]:e.For marriages to be successfulAug 8-Aug 21, 20173831301f.For WOMEN to be successful at workAug 8-Aug 21, 2017551925*g.For MEN to be successful at workAug 8-Aug 21, 20172526481ASK ALL:IDIMPORTHow important is [IF F_RACETHN_RECRUITMENT=1: being white; IF F_RACETHN_RECRUITMENT=2: being black; IF F_RACETHN_RECRUITMENT=3: being Hispanic; IF F_RACETHN_RECRUITMENT=4,9: your racial background] to how you think about yourself?Aug 8-Aug 212017Nov 29-Dec 12201617Extremely important1917Very important1720Moderately important2315Only a little important1730Not at all important231No answer1ASK IF MARRIED OR LIVING WITH A PARTNER AND BOTH EMPLOYED [N=1,519]:PARTNERINCWhich of the following applies to your household income? [RANDOMIZE OPTIONS 1 AND 2; ALWAYS KEEP 3 LAST]Aug 8-Aug 21201742You earn more than your spouse or partner40Your spouse or partner earns more than you18You and your spouse or partner earn about the same*No answer ................

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