
HR Modules Capstone ProjectFollowing the Guidelines of the American Psychological AssociationNameProfessorSchoolCourseDateIntroductionThis assignment is comprised of five modules pertaining to the role and function, the environmental and organizational factors, unions/labor and management relations, compensation and recruitment and selection of an HR Department. In the first Module 1 Capstone assignment included in this report, I will present the purpose and role of human resources in a large manufacturing organization. I will assess the five most important duties/responsibilities of an effective human resources department, detailing how these duties and responsibilities specifically support and enhance the organization’s ability to meet its strategic objectives. The second Module 2 Capstone Assignment addresses the environment and organizational factors of an HR Department. I will present the major social, economic, and technological issues that will impact an organization in the next 3-5 years. For each social, economic, and technological issue, I will offer one strategy that an organization should consider to take advantage of this issue or mitigate its impact on the organization’s future performance or profitability. For the third Module 3 Capstone Assignment, this will deal with unions/labor and management relations. I will explain the impact that unions have on the operations of an organization. I will also describe the principle reasons labor/management relations are challenged and result in conflict. I will also recommend three strategies an organization should follow to promote positive and conducive relations between unions and management. In the fourth component of this report, Module 4 Capstone Assignment, I will deal with the issue of compensation as it relates to an HR Department. I will explain the main reasons that employees are motivated to perform in the workplace. In other words, what are the strategies or actions that motivate a typical organizational employee? I will describe the role of compensation in the workplace, including its effect/impact on employee performance. I will create a compensation plan or model for Ellard Williams to adopt that will meet the needs of the employees, help attract talented employees, and not be cost prohibitive to adapt. My compensation plan or model will reflect aspects of my motivation philosophy. I will also note that at present, Ellard Williams does not have the financial resources to compensate employees at market; therefore, its compensation plan or model must reflect this limitation. The fifth component of this Module 5 Capstone Assignment will include recruitment and selection. I will explain the critical mistakes to avoid in the recruitment process, mistakes that may have resulted in the recruitment challenges at Ellard Williams. This information will be beneficial to tailor the recruitment processes at Ellard Williams with current realities in the marketplace. I will describe the general recruitment process that should be followed to attract the most talented employees, regardless of the type of organization. In particular, I will present the three most important steps or strategies that should be utilized to create a broader and more talented pool of candidates (for example, a strategy could be for a human resources representative to visit high schools, colleges, civic clubs, or local events to promote the organization). I will summarize the traits and characteristics of the most qualified applicant to a typical firm. A concern at Ellard Williams is that it may not be hiring the right person for the position and the CEO has requested that my consulting firm present Ellard Williams with a summary of the traits and characteristics that the most talented and employee should have.I will begin with the first component of Module 1 Capstone Assignment which is related to the role and function of an HR Department.Module 1 Capstone Assignment: Role and Function of an HR DepartmentThe key roles and functions of an HR Department according to the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (2016) are: hiring, promotions, reassignments, position classification and grading, salary determination, performance appraisal reviews and processing, awards reviews and processing, personnel data entry and records maintenance, consultation and advisory services to management and employees include conduct problems and performance problems, policy development, technical policy interpretation, work permitting immigration Visa program, benefits including health care insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, retirement, voluntary accidental death and dismemberment insurance, leave transfer program, tuition assistance program, training opportunities and combined federal campaign, employee assistance referral and workers’ compensation.Below is an example of an organizational chart that can help to envision the structure of the various roles and functions of an HR Department using the example of a fire department? This chart includes the structure of the entire organization of the fire department, not just the HR Department; however from this chart you can also see where the HR Department fits into the network of a large organization and how it is situated, as well as how it is structured:Figure 1: Organizational Chart for a HR DepartmentIn Figure 2, I show how an HR Department can be differently structured solely focusing on the HR Department itself. Figure 2: HR Department StructureIn Figure 2 you can see that the structure of personnel of an HR Department has the Human Resources Director at the top of the department. The HR Service Manager and the HR Advisory Manager are on par with each other in terms of level of responsibilities. Under the HR Service Manager are the Immigration Section Head and the HR Systems Section Head. Connected to the HR Systems Section Head is the Helpdesk Unit Head. As well, reporting directly to the Human Resources Director are the Staff Development Section Head and the Transaction Service Section Head. The Career Resources Section Head is underneath in ranking to the latter mentioned section heads, however does report directly to the Human Resources Director. The Staff Development Section Head supervises the Talent and Training Section Head and the Performance Management Unit Head. Under the HR Advisory Manager are the Foundation and Research HRA Section Head and the Educational Subjects Section Head. Reporting to the HR Advisory Manager is the Recruitment Section Head for different subjects Section Head, and the Administration HRA Section Head. Although the information of the source of this diagram from Google Images is limited, it is obvious from working through the diagram that the HR Department that this diagram in Figure 2 relates to is an educational institution.Module 2 Capstone Assignment: Environment and Organizational FactorsImportant environment and organizational factors that influence HR Departments is the law. Legislation that is applied to Human Resources Departments by the federal government is known as Human Resources Management legislation. According to Inc. (2016), here is some the history behind how Human Resources Management legislation was formed:One of the most important pieces of HRM legislation, which affects all of the functional areas, is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent amendments, including the Civil Rights Act of 1991. These acts made illegal the discrimination against employees or potential recruits for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. It forces employers to follow—and often document—fairness practices related to hiring, training, pay, benefits, and virtually all other activities and responsibilities related to HRM. The 1964 act established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to enforce the act, and provides for civil penalties in the event of discrimination. The net result of the all-encompassing civil rights acts is that businesses must carefully design and document numerous procedures to ensure compliance, or face potentially significant penalties. Another important piece of legislation that complements the civil rights laws discussed above is the Equal Pay Act of 1963. This act forbids wage or salary discrimination based on sex, and mandates equal pay for equal work with few exceptions. Subsequent court rulings augmented the act by promoting the concept of comparable worth, or equal pay for unequal jobs of equal value or worth. Other legislation related to Human Resources Management law that also bears mentioning is the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 is a law which requires the payment of minimum wages to non-federal employees. The Norris-Laguardia Act of 1932 where this law protects the rights of unions to organize, and prohibits employers from forcing job applicants to promise not to join a union in exchange for employment. The Wagner Act of 1935 where this law, also known as the National Labor Relations Act, is the main piece of legislation governing union/management relations, and is a chief source of regulation for HRM departments. The Social Security Act of 1935 was as enacted as a law in order to protect the general welfare by establishing a variety of systems to assist the aging, the disabled, and children. The Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act of 1936 provides a law which was designed to ensure that employees working as contractors for the federal government would be compensated fairly. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 is an important law mandated by the employer compliance with restrictions related to minimum wages, overtime provisions, child labor, and workplace safety. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 is a law created for provisions that severely restrict the activities and power of labor unions in the United States. The Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959, also known as the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), the Landrum-Griffin Act deals primarily with the relationship between a union and its members. This law grants certain rights to union members and protects their interests by promoting democratic procedures within labor organizations. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 is legislation which was strengthened by amendments in the early 1990s, essentially protects workers 40 years of age and older from discrimination. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 is an act which was established the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and designed to force employers to provide safe and healthy work environments and to make organizations liable for workers' safety. Today, thousands of regulations, backed by civil and criminal penalties, have been implemented in various industries to help ensure that employees are not subjected to unnecessarily hazardous working conditions. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 is a law that was passed to provide employees who qualify with up to 12 work weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in a 12-month period for specified family and medical reasons. It also requires group health benefits to be maintained during the leave as if employees continued to work instead of taking leave. The Act became effective on August 5, 1993 and applies to companies who employ 50 or more people.Module 3 Capstone Assignment: Unions/Labor and Management RelationsFrom the Office of Personnel Management (2016) with the federal government in the United States, there are mandated legislations again that protect the relationships between unions/labor and management relations. Here are the words from the Office of the Personnel Management (2016) on their official stance and policy concerning unions/labor and management relations:Labor Relations, together with Employee Accountability, form the Partnership and Labor Relations program office within Employee Services in the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Labor Relations provides technical expertise to the Director of OPM and federal agencies on issues arising under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute. Labor Relations also facilitates training and collaboration among agencies on issues concerning labor unions. Finally, Labor Relations consults at the national level with labor organizations, agency managers and labor relations officials in the development of human resource policy and on Government rules, regulations, and binding directives affecting conditions of employment.It would appear from the stance of the Office of Personnel Management (2016) from the federal government that the government is in favor of unions with the current government in power and promotes the well-being of the employees of any organization that operates in the United States. Module 4 Capstone Assignment: CompensationFigure 3 below illustrates the compensation wages of Human Resource Managers across the United States:Figure 3: Salary for Human Resource Managers The education of an employee is a primary factor in determining the compensation that an employee will receive. This is one of the reasons why the education industry in the United States is profitable. Below in Figure 4 is an illustration of how compensation is dispersed according to the educational levels of Americans:Figure 4: Education and CompensationHuman Resource Departments also need to factor in the experience of an employee when determining the level of compensation to award to an employee. Below in Figure 5 is an illustration of the compensation levels of Americans based on years of experience in the given occupation:Figure 5: Years of Experience and CompensationThe occupation that an employee is in will also determine the level of compensation that an employee would receive. Figure 6 is an illustration of compensation as it relates to occupation: Figure 6: Occupation and CompensationAll of these main factors of education, experience and occupational type play a role in the compensation levels of employees that HR Departments work with.There are also other factors to consider as well. If a particular organization that has an HR Department does not have a lot of money in which to pay their employees at the national averages according to the qualifications of the employee, the employee may then be paid less than the national averages that are shown and that are indicated in Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6. Such is the case for Ellard Williams.In the case of Ellard Williams who privately owns a company, a compensation model that would fit his business could be based on the example below in Figure 7. First we will begin with the suggested compensation for Ellard Williams himself as owner:Figure 7: Suggested Compensation Model for Ellard WilliamsFor Ellard Williams’s employees, a structure such as is illustrated in Figure 8 would accommodate the limited funds that Ellard Williams has in order to run his business:Figure 8: Proposed Employee Compensation Model for Ellard Williams’s CompanyModule 5 Capstone Assignment: Recruitment and SelectionAccording to the University of California, Riverside (2016), their Human Resources Department employs eight steps into their hiring process. The first step involves identify the need to hire someone into a vacant position. There are two categories under this first step: new positions and replacement positions. In the newly created positions both external and internal applicants are invited to apply, however priority in hiring is given to the internal applicants. For the replacement positions, again, both external and internal applicants are invited to apply, however priority is given to the internal applicants. The same criterion that is used to evaluate compensation is also used to determine the best applicant candidate for the position. There are also soft skills that are factored into the hiring process as well, such as the personality of the individual, their level of ease with dealing with authority, their creativity skills, their listening skills, their fit into the corporate and or non-corporate atmosphere of the organization, as well as their references are checked for the position to ensure that the potential employer and the HR Department have a good sense of how well the employee has performed in prior work experiences, or references from teachers, professors and instructors who can attest to the academic achievement of the individual who is applying for the job.In stage two of the hiring process, the HR Department develops a position description that most closely details in full what are the requirements of the job, the qualifications that are needed, as well as the functions and duties of the particular employment that will be eventually awarded to an individual or individuals. At this point the job description could require particular licensing qualification, education levels, certifications, number of years of work experience, number of years spent in education (particularly for the University of California, Riverside), as well as any testing that is required to be passed in order for the applicant to be more fairly assessed for the position. In most cases a job description will also note that only those applicants who meet the qualifications of their job description will be contacted to discuss the potential of an interview. In stage three of recruiting for an HR Department, this involves developing a timely recruitment plan to ensure that an orderly time period passes and occurs between the initial posting of the position to the end point of awarding the position to the successful applicant and/or applicants. This timeline needs to be based on when the HR Department has been directed most likely by their superior whom they report to as to when this position needs to be filled. During this process, testing, interviewing and the like would occur.In stage four of the recruiting process for an HR Department involves selecting the search committee to find the desired applicant. Sometimes within an organization supervisors and HR personnel will volunteer to be on the search committee to gain experience with their own hiring knowledge and expertise within the organization. As well, there are those people who would need to be present during the interviewing and testing phase of the recruitment such as the HR Manager. Being present and available on search committees is a duty of the HR Manager. In stage five of the recruitment process, the posting and gathering of applications occur.In stage six of the recruitment process, a review of the applicants is done and a short list of the applicants who have applied is developed. In stage seven of the recruitment process, interviews are conducted. These interviews could occur with either the HR Manager or a key figure in the organization either over the phone or through email initially in order to shorten a long short list even further. Most interviews are done in person and the interpersonal skills and presentation skills of the applicant are assessed during the interview, as well as their knowledge of the job that they are applying to. Every HR Department is looking for the “right” person for the job – “a good fit.” As well, advocacy towards diversity issues and government mandated legislation plays a role in the selection process and recruiting process to ensure a fair and just recruitment process for all Americans who would be qualified for a given position.In stage eight of the recruitment process, this is the final step – this is when the person that has “jumped through all of the hoops” successfully is awarded the position.In the case of Ellard Williams who is working with a smaller HR Department than the average organization, being a small business, here is a suggested model of how Ellard Williams could successfully recruit employees for his organization in Figure 9:Figure 9: Using Agencies to Help with RecruitmentEllard Williams could be using agencies in order to help him to find “the perfect fit” for his positions which are available in his organization. This will cut down on the demands of his own organization and basically outsource the needs of the HR Department to allocated agencies.ConclusionThis assignment is comprised of five modules pertaining to the role and function, the environmental and organizational factors, unions/labor and management relations, compensation and recruitment and selection of an HR Department. In the first Module 1 Capstone assignment included in this report, I presented the purpose and role of human resources in a large manufacturing organization. I assessed the five most important duties/responsibilities of an effective human resources department, detailing how these duties and responsibilities specifically support and enhance the organization’s ability to meet its strategic objectives. The second Module 2 Capstone Assignment addresses the environment and organizational factors of an HR Department. I presented the major social, economic, and technological issues that impact an organization in the next 3-5 years. For each social, economic, and technological issue, I offered one strategy that an organization should consider to take advantage of this issue or mitigate its impact on the organization’s future performance or profitability. For the third Module 3 Capstone Assignment, this dealt with unions/labor and management relations. I explained the impact that unions have on the operations of an organization. I also described the principle reasons labor/management relations are challenged and result in conflict. I also recommended three strategies an organization should follow to promote positive and conducive relations between unions and management. In the fourth component of this report, Module 4 Capstone Assignment, I dealt with the issue of compensation as it relates to an HR Department. I explained the main reasons that employees are motivated to perform in the workplace. In other words, what are the strategies or actions that motivate a typical organizational employee? I described the role of compensation in the workplace, including its effect/impact on employee performance. I created a compensation plan or model for Ellard Williams to adopt that meets the needs of the employees, help attract talented employees, and not be cost prohibitive to adapt. My compensation plan or model reflects aspects of my motivation philosophy. I also noted that at present, Ellard Williams does not have the financial resources to compensate employees at market; therefore, its compensation plan or model must reflect this limitation. The fifth component of this Module 5 Capstone Assignment included recruitment and selection. I explained the critical mistakes to avoid in the recruitment process, mistakes that may have resulted in the recruitment challenges at Ellard Williams. This information was beneficial to tailor the recruitment processes at Ellard Williams with current realities in the marketplace. I described the general recruitment process that should be followed to attract the most talented employees, regardless of the type of organization. In particular, I presented the three most important steps or strategies that should be utilized to create a broader and more talented pool of candidates (for example, a strategy could be for a human resources representative to visit high schools, colleges, civic clubs, or local events to promote the organization). I summarized the traits and characteristics of the most qualified applicant to a typical firm. A concern at Ellard Williams is that it may not be hiring the right person for the position and the CEO has requested that my consulting firm present Ellard Williams with a summary of the traits and characteristics that the most talented and employee should have.ReferencesHarvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. (2016). HR: Functions. Boston: Harvard University. Retrieved from: Inc. (2016). Human Resources Management and the Law. New York: Inc. Retrieved from: . (2016). Labor-Management Relations. Washington, DC: United States Government. Retrieved from: University of California, Riverside. (2016). Recruitment & Selection Hiring Process. Riverside, CA: University of California. Retrieved from: ................

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