Declaration by full-time Research Student Form for ...

University of Ireland, GalwayGRC Recommendation Report to CollegeTo be completed by the GRC after the annual review meeting with research (PhD, MD and Research Masters) students every year and submitted to the relevant College office.Name of StudentStudent IDYear of StudyPhD / MD / Research MastersDiscipline / SchoolFull or Part TimeName of Supervisor(s) Period covered by report Comments on Student Report, meeting and presentation (if applicable)Comments on Supervisor(s) ReportStudents nearing completion must provide a Completion Plan as part of GS 030i.e. all full-time PhD/MD students in years 3, 4 and later (part-time students in years 4, 5, 6 and later) and all full-time Research Masters students in all years (part-time students in years 2 and later).Has the student submitted a realistic and achievable Completion Plan?When does the committee expect the student to submit their thesis?For students on structured research programmes, Complete the tables below: GS Modules assessed by supervisor (e.g. GS501)CodeModule TitleECTSResultPass/FailGS Modules (with module owners) (e.g. GS506)CodeModule TitleECTSList of GS modules can be found at Specialised Modules (generally discipline-specific, e.g. CH503)CodeModule TitleECTSHas the student successfully completed any module in another Irish university during this period?If so, provided university name, module code, title of module, ECTS and result.Note: Students wishing to receive credit for such modules must register for them at NUI Galway. College Offices can advise on procedure.Is student on track to complete the minimum number of taught modules required in the structured research programme?GRC Recommendation on Student Progression (based on research)Office Use OnlyRecommendation(Tick one box only)Progress Yes / NoContinue with PhD/MD/Research MastersYesContinue but further review necessaryYesTransfer to Another Programme (Indicate which Programme)NoLeave research degree programmeNoStudent has discontinued studiesNoThesis has been submittedNoComments on the above recommendation:Date of GRC meeting with student: _______________________________________If the Student is past their time limit, when will the next GRC meeting take place?____________________________________________________________________Name of GRC Member (Print Please)SignaturesDateGS 030 and GS 040 forms and a copy of this completed form (GS 050) are to be retained by discipline/School. Note: Research students past their Time Limit (i.e. after 4 years for a full-time PhD, 6 year part-time PhD, after 2 years for full-time Masters and 3 years part-time Research Masters students) should meet more frequently with their GRC e.g. quarterly.University Guidelines for Research Degree Programmes ................

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