right60388500166052561341000left58483500OUTBACK OASIS – (MINE NOT HIS) TAG ALONG TOUR JOIN IN ON THE TAG ALONG TOUR FOR CHRISTMAS GOING OUTBACK CENTRAL WESTERN QUEENSLAND TO GET SOME REAL BUSH EXPERIENCES. GOING WHERE THE CROWDS CAN'T GET TO AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING TO, BUT WE ARE - SMART FOUR WHEELERS, REAL ALLIES TO THE BUSH AND THE OUTBACK.WE ARE GOING TO TOUR THROUGHOUT CENTRAL QLD VISITING CARNARVON GORGE AND OTHER NATIONAL PARKS, IT’S A REAL HAVEN FOR THEM AND A LOT LESS PEOPLE THEN ON THE COAST FOR CHRISTMAS.Depending on the number we may be staying on some private stations, visiting friendly towns like Roma, Mitchell, Emerald, Springsure, Charleville, and the stars at night and challenging ourselves in the BUSH.This tour you can join from the date mentioned and leave when it suits you or stay the whole month, you can join in at a later date if you have other plans during the holiday breaks.IT IS BEING ORGANISED FROM A LADIES ASPECT AND INVITING SINGLE OR FAMILY LADIES WHO HAVE THEIR OWN FOUR WHEEL DRIVE, MEN ARE WELCOME WITH THEIR GIRLFRIENDS AND WIVES.We aim hopefully to be an inspiration along the way to women to be more active with their 4wd passions or buy one and get into it. We may film our journey and it be part of Real Alliance - Real TV projects we have planned. Move over Roothie - the girls can make Docos too, if you have a Go Pro or similar camera, bring it.Invite your girlfriends if you have a 4wd to travel with you - and bring the tents, camper trailer or offroad caravan, roof top tent, if your caravan, camper trailer is not offroad that’s OK. We will have the camp cooking equipment. Bring your own safety and rescue equipment and solar setup if you have it, or buy it online.Real Alliance and Real Reserves aim to raise funds to purchase 66,000 acres near Carnarvon Gorge to become a state of the art, first in Australia - Outback Oasis - A Bush Camp - eco tourism facility with an inland beach and lake and courses and tracks for 4wds and other scintillating adventure and relaxation based activities.arealventure@ Call SAVVY - 0488 642 155 Visit the Give 4 Real Page on our website, if you wish to come along to BOOK YOUR TRIP. Only $120 single, $200 - Couple, $250 - family, This is to hire a Trailer for the Tour and other equipment. Outback Oasis – Tour Essentials - Get your Eco-Friendly Also visit the Natural Health Food Store - Kunara in Forest Glen if you are travelling from the South, just off the highway after the Mooloolaba Exit, FOR ECO FRIENDLY PRODUCTS, especially as only organic or bio-degradable hair and body care, clothes washing, dish washing etc products are to be used when participating in Real Alliance ventures as the environment likes them more. ?Or you can visit your local health food and products store and many other shops stock them these days including: Shampoo and conditioner, Body Soaps, Creams and Cleansers,Toothpastes, Mouth Gargles.Sunscreens, Insect repellent, Natural perfumes, Makeup etc. Dishwashing liquids,Laundry powder and liquid,Cleaning products and Car cleaning products. Even Coconut and other healthy oils bio-degrade better than many of the oils we normally use.Bio-degradable plastic or paper bags for rubbish if possible.We will try and eat mainly fresh meat, fruit and vegetables on the trip and as few tinned and packaged products as possible and make it as sustainable a trip as we can.You can buy a hydrogen generator to reduce fuel usage by up to 50% via Real Alliance to reduce your environmental footprint and save thousands per year1099185445770007937537211000528510545783500 ................

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