
Advantages of Diuretics in Natural Sources

Diuretics are any substance that, when consumed, promotes urine production. Many people will assume that the best way to contend with the effects of fluid retention in our bodies is to take some sort of doctor prescribed or over-the-counter diuretic medication, when the reality is that we do not necessarily need these synthesized medications to do the job. Next time you are feeling bloated and uncomfortable, try eating foods that have large amounts of water in them, or ones that are known to help flush water out from the system. Although as one disclaimer, before starting with a diuretic diet lifestyle, it is advisable to consult a doctor to make sure you are not taking any medications that could potentially create an adverse condition in your body from interacting with your new diet. Some of the most prominent diuretic foods, veggies, and fruits will be listed and discussed below:

To start off the list of important diuretic foods, let's start with vegetables. As it turns out, there are a few different veggies out there that are naturally occurring diuretics. Included in this group of diuretic vegetables, we have artichokes, watercress, and asparagus. These are the most important veggies to consider with regard to your diuretics diet, but we should also consider that it is important to eat a broad range of different vegetables for the purpose of being able to add some significant volume to your new diet without piling on an overabundance of calories.

With regard to fruits that will be important for any diuretic diet, we cannot understate the role of fruits like honeydew melon, cantaloupe, and watermelon for their extremely high water content. It is advisable to eat a large amount of this kind of fruit (melons), because of the fact that when your body takes in more and more water, this serves as a signal to your kidneys letting them know that water can be let out instead of retained in the cells.

While melon type fruits are going to be the most advantageous for the high-volume water intake, this same benefit can be reaped in smaller measure from other fruits such as nectarines, oranges, or grapefruits. The fruits that are going to provide you with the best natural diuretic supplement are going to be strawberries, apples, and cherries. These are three very important fruits to consider when beginning any type of serious diuretic dietary regimen.

Another rich and often overlooked source of natural diuretics can be found in various different herbs. Specific herbs that serve as natural diuretics can be mixed into different kinds of food, or used in teas, for the purpose of utilizing their diuretic function in the body. Some of the most potent herbs that fit this diuretic bill are parsley, dandelion, juniper berries, celery seeds, and oregano.

Now that we have identified a large number of foods that can encourage healthy fluid processing in the body, it is time to discuss some of the foods that have a negative effect on our bodies by actually encouraging this type of bloating fluid retention. Basically, it is imperative that you steer clear from most processed foods and foods high in sodium, like pizza or burgers/fries. Also, sugary foods should be avoided for the same reason, which is that all of these types of processed and salty/sweet foods serve the function of encouraging fluid retention in our bodies. Even some starchy carbs like rice, bread, grains, etc. can also cause severe bloating and fluid retention.


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