

Some men on reaching a certain age, begin to behave outlandishly, as they may be withstanding “Midlife crisis” or “Male menopause” or “Andropause”. Just as puberty is the mutation from childhood to adulthood, midlife is the mature central period of adulthood. Women are not the only ones who undergo the repercussions of changing hormones, men too sustain symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. However, unlike menopause in women where hormone production ceases, Testosterone reduction in men is a slow affair. A healthy male is capable of producing sperm well into his eighties or even longer.

Midlife is a climacteric phase in male evolution that is misinterpreted. Now, the question is that what is “midlife”? Is it the age or is it a state of mind, and at what age would one call themselves middle aged? Midlife can be a very demanding, volatile and complicated period. This syndrome usually affects men between their 30‘s to 50‘s, when men go through a period of transition and acclimate to a new outlook on life. As life reaches its mid point, some men start realizing that the time is running out and they have not yet consummated their ambitions, whereas some men have accomplished so many goals that they wonder if there is anything left to do. They start discerning a sense of mortality due to deterioration of health. Some men feel trapped in a loveless and sexless marriage, but still live together with their spouse for the sake of their children. Men in their middle age start doubting whether they still have a role in their homes, especially when their children mature and leave home, they start to feel empty and futile in the family. Working around younger colleagues makes them feel insecure and less confident at work, as they see tons of responsibilities pilling up in front of them and they are not sure whether they will be able to fulfill all of them. Middle age is the most vulnerable age for men as they work too hard to have any hobbies or leisure time. They fear retirement as they do not know what to do after retirement.

Midlife is a normal but transformational stage of life that most of us deny but are unable to get away from. As we advance towards seniority and anticipate our own mortality, we get inspired to look within, reassess our life, work and relationships besides considering how we wish to live the second half of our life.

Causes of Male Mid life Crisis Syndrome:

• Unknown.

• Psychological - loss of virility, uncertainty about their future role, insecurity at work, the changing role and relationships in life as kids are growing up, marital issues, loss of parents, etc.

• Hormonal changes.

Symptoms of Male Mid life Crisis Syndrome:

• Diminished sexual drive, premature ejaculation or Erectile dysfunction.

• Night sweats with hot flashes.

• Hair loss.

• Weight gain.

• Irritability, insecurity, mood changes, feelings of denial, shock, anger, depression, lack of motivation.

• Unhappiness, boredom, confusion and feeling a need for change and adventure.

• Fantasizing about younger women.

• Sleep disturbances.

• Fatigue.

• Suicidal thoughts.

Homeopathic approach to Male Midlife Crisis Syndrome:

Pressure of Midlife crisis affect men’s health in various ways. Men facing the challenges of aging, retirement and finding new identities for themselves, find a particularly appropriate therapy in Homeopathy which addresses them on mental, emotional and physical levels. Homeopathy offers optimum support in cases of Midlife Crisis Syndrome. Homeopathic remedies are known to control symptoms related to hormonal imbalances and regulate the reduced hormonal levels breeding a sense of well being and comfort. Unlike the conventional modality, the constitutional approach of Homeopathy encourages people to talk about their entire life. Most men would not agree for psychotherapy or counseling, but would feel more comfortable talking about their mid life crisis to a Homeopathic practitioner. Homeopathic approach focuses on helping men, can reverse Andropause and low hormone symptoms. The remedies will help in reclaiming energy and enthusiasm, will maintain energy and passion to enjoy your partner. Homeopathic treatment along with healthy living and a sense of purpose in life can minimize the changes that happen during this period.

The purpose of Homeopathic approach is to vitalize the body's natural healing and self-repair ability to create the highest state of health and well-being. Homeopathic remedies are natural, safe, non–habit forming, have no addictive characteristics and are FDA approved.

Self care measures to deal with Male Midlife Crisis Syndrome:

• Be positive about your aging.

• Accept the fact that you are no longer young and that you are not eternal.

• Broaden your interests, travel, learn new work skills, or take up a new hobby.

• Find ways of dealing with stress, like Yoga, Massage, exercise, new hobbies, etc.

• Open your lines of communication with your spouse, talk to them about your fears and desires.

• Eat a healthy diet, exercise and stay physically fit.

• Accept the change in your sex life, don’t fight it.

• Reorder your priorities and find a balance between work and home.

Hence, do not suffer in silence. Consider Homeopathy and mature graciously to find a fresh perspective on the other side of the Midlife transition. Remember, that life can begin at 40, 50, or whenever you want it to start again. Homeopathy can help survive through the Midlife changes, so you can graduate to the fuller life beyond, by regaining your sense of purpose, meaning and satisfaction.


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