Chapter 8

Chapter 8 T H E D I V I N E P A R A D O X


Before working the other exercises in this chapter, write definitions of each of the key terms from the chapter. Place the cursor in the brackets. Begin typing. Your words will be displayed within the brackets.

Dual: { }

Partially: { }

Comparative: { }

Vanity: { }

Presumptuous: { }

Folly: { }

Perfected: { }

Paradox: { }

Microcosmic: { }

Meditation: { }

Postulated: { }

Opposition: { }

Realm: { }

Inexplicable: { }

Instincts: { }

Phantasmagoria: { }

Impermanence: { }

Unsubstantiality: { }

Mortal: { }

Faculties: { }

Dictum: { }

Composite: { }

Visualizations: { }

Hierarchy: { }

Subservient: { }

Corroborates: { }

Hypotheses: { }

Materialism: { }

Hypnotized: { }

Intuitions: { }

Digress: { }


This summary, when completed, gives you a comprehension of the primary points of the chapter in the text. Fill in the brackets with words or phrases that complete the ideas.

1. "The universe IS [ ], still IT [ ]; everything is dual; everything has at least [ ] sides; all [ ] are but partial truths." -- Summum

2. The truly wise, knowing the [ ] of the universe, use Law against [ ]; the higher against the [ ]; and by the Art of [ ] alter that which is undesirable into that which is[ ], and thus prevail. Mastery consists not in abnormal [ ], visions and [ ] imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower; escaping the pains of the lower field by [ ] to the higher; always remembering [ ] and realizing the fields are fixed in [ ] and [ ]. [ ], not presumptuous denial, is the tool of the master.

3. To THE INFINITE SUMMUM, this universe, its laws, its powers, its life, its [ ] are as things witnessed in a state of meditation. Yet to all that is finite, the [ ] must be treated as [ ]. Life, action and [ ] must be based thereupon, accordingly, although with an ever increasing understanding of the [ ] states; each according to its own level and laws.

4. When human beings live, act and think of the [ ] as merely a [ ] (like their own finite dreams), then certainly it becomes so for them. Like [ ] walkers they stumble ever around and around in circles, making no progress, and are forced into an [ ] at last by their falling bruised and bleeding over the [ ] laws which they have ignored. Keep your mind ever alert on the [ ], but let your eyes watch over your footsteps.

5. The Law of [ ] is an aspect of the Principle of Opposition. Opposition draws its [ ] from the essence of SUMMUM, and [ ] is generated by the [ ] of Creation. Therefore, the [ ] of [ ] exhibits the realm of the opposites -- NOTHING and [ ] in their copulating bond.

6. The ancient writings are filled with references to the appearance of the [ ] in the consideration of the problem of [ ] and being. The teachers are constantly [ ] their students against the [ ] of omitting the "other side" of the story or [ ]. Their warnings are particularly directed to the problem of the essence of the [ ] and the Relative which perplex all students of [ ], and which cause so many to think and act contrary to what is generally known as "common sense."

7. Summum's teachings do not proclaim the unsubstantiality of the universe in any stronger terms than those more familiar to you, although the [ ] of the subject may seem somewhat startling. Anything that has a beginning and an [ ]must be, by [ ], impermanent. The [ ] comes under the rule in all disciplines of thought. From the [ ] of the Absolute point of view, there is [ ] real except SUMMUM, no matter what you may use in thinking of or discussing the subject.

8. The essence of the Absolute point of view [ ] merely one side of the [ ]. The other side is the [ ] one. The essence of Absolute [ ] has been defined as "[ ] as the mind of [ ]knows them," while Relative Fact as "things as the highest [ ] [ ] understands them."

9. The report of the Summa Individuals is that your difficulty with the [ ] of [ ] is that the finite [ ] mind observes one thing at a [ ], while the Infinite Mind of [ ] observes all [ ] as one. There are infinite degrees of [ ] between the [ ] and SUMMUM.

10. Your [ ] build a superconducting [ ] to find ever smaller particles of matter as they look for clues to the [ ] of the [ ]. However, it would be just as well to [ ] space, as [ ] and [ ] space are both ruled by the same laws.

11. You need not dwell upon the feature of illusion. Rather, recognize the real [ ] of the [ ]. Seek to understand its [ ] laws. Endeavor to use them to the best effect in your upward [ ] through life as you [ ] from level to level of being. The [ ] of the universe are nonetheless "fixed [ ]" because of the [ ] nature. Everything except [ ] is [ ] by them, and the essence of SUMMUM is the Laws.

12. You are HELD FIRMLY IN THE [ ] [ ] [ ] SUMMUM and there is nothing to [ ] you or for you to fear. There is no power outside of [ ] to affect you, so you may rest calm and secure. There is a world of comfort, security, and peace in this realization when attained. Then you will sleep calmly and peacefully, [ ] in the [ ] of the [ ] -- resting safely on the [ ] of the [ ] of [ ] [ ], which is SUMMUM. Truly, in [ ] do you [ ], move and have your being.

13. While in the field of matter, you must recognize its phenomena. You may control [ ] (as all masters of higher or lesser degree do), but you do so by applying the higher forces.

14. You overcome the lower laws by [ ] still higher ones -- and in this way [ ]. You CANNOT [ ] [ ] or rise above it [ ]. Nothing but [ ] can [ ] Law -- and that is because SUMMUM is [ ] Itself from which all laws emerge. The most advanced [ ] acquire the abilities usually attributed to the [ ] of humankind. There are countless degrees of being in the great hierarchy of life whose power transcends even that of the highest [ ] among humankind, and to a magnitude [ ] by mortals.

16. So the student of [ ] need not [ ] aside any of their scientific[ ] regarding the universe. All they are asked to do is to [ ] the underlying [ ] of the copulation of [ ]. "SUMMUM is Mind; the universe is [ ], held in the [ ] of SUMMUM."

17. Take advantage of [ ] and learn to know, use and apply the laws resulting from it. Do not yield to the temptation which, as [ ] states, overcomes the partially wise and causes them to be [ ] by the apparent unreality of things. The consequence is that they wander about like people living in a dream, ignoring the practical work and life of humankind, and are [ ] into an [ ] at last by their [ ] bruised and bleeding over [ ] [ ] which they have ignored.


Enter the number of the appropriate answer in the brackets in front of the description. There is one correct answer for each blank.

[ ] IS NOT, still IT IS

[ ] The truly wise knowing the nature of the

universe, alter that which is undesirable

into that which is perfected by the Art of

[ ] The Divine Paradox of the universe is a

result of the Principle of

[ ] It takes the bonding of the male and the

female to create

[ ] To THE INFINITE SUMMUM, this universe,

its Laws, its Powers, its Life, its Phenomena

are as things witnessed in the state of

[ ] An aspect of the Principle of Opposition is

the Law of

[ ] When speaking about stories and questions

teachers are constantly warning their

students against the error of omitting the


Type your answers within the brackets.

Using the Systematic Law of Learning, apply the following Principles.

2. Use the Divine Paradox to illustrate how there is always two sides to every story, and how all truth is but partial truth.

a. Explain why organization within nature is necessary, and then why it is not.

{ }

b. Explain why organizations of societies are necessary and then why they are not.

{ }

c. Give examples showing how the Law of Paradox is an aspect of the Principle of Opposition.

{ }


Formulate answers to these questions. Refer to both your text and your lecture notes. You need not write out the answer in full sentences, but make notes on all the details you would include in a full answer. Review your answers with someone else in the class after each of you has completed the exercise. Type your answers within the brackets.

1. Explain how something can only be partially true.

{ }

2. Why are there two sides to everything?

{ }

3. How is everything dual?

{ }

4. Explain how two different people can see the same thing and tell the truth about it but have opposite stories.

{ }

5. What is the Divine Paradox an effect of?

{ }

6. Describe why to THE INFINITE SUMMUM, this universe, its Laws, its Powers,its Life, its Phenomena are as things in the state of meditation.

{ }

7. Why must the universe be treated as real by you?

{ }

8. Explain how light is an example of the Divine Paradox.

{ }

9. Why have conscious teachers throughout time always warned their students against the error of omitting the ``other side'' of the story or question?

{ }

10. Explain why the thinking human revolts when they discover the idea that the universe and all it contains is a mere illusion.

{ }

11. Why do all problems have to be considered from the essence of the Absolute and Relative points of view?

{ }

12. Explain how you are an actor in the world of action.

{ }

13. Why do not the Summum teachings proclaim the unsubstantiality of the universe?

{ }

14. Describe the condition of which anything which has an beginning and an ending must be subject to.

{ }

15. If the essence of the Absolute point of view shows merely one side of the picture, what is the other?

{ }

16. Explain the difficulty of the human when they observe one thing at a moment, and the Mind of SUMMUM observe all moments as one.

{ }

17. Discuss the aspects of Large and Small in relation to the Principle of the Divine Paradox.

{ }

18. When does the vision of the illusionary universe vanish?

{ }

19. Explain why there is nothing to fear when you understand that you are HELD FIRMLY IN THE INFINITE MIND OF SUMMUM.

{ }

20. When will you sleep calmly and peacefully, rocked in the Cradle of the Deep -- resting safely on the bosom of the Ocean of Infinite Mind, which is SUMMUM.

{ }

21. Who is able to control matter and how?

{ }

22. Who can escape the laws of the universe and how?

{ }

23. Why cannot the Laws which SUMMUM emanates as governing Laws not be defied or argued away?

{ }

24. Does the student of Summum have to abandon any of their scientific views,and if not why?

{ }

25. How does the Summum Principle of Psychokinesis change the scientific conceptions of the universe?

{ }

26. What can be done with Psychokinesis and how?

{ }

27. Why should you not live in a world of dreams?

{ }

28. Who knows the meaning of life?

{ }

29. How do you avoid the mistakes of the partially wise?

{ }


Place an ‘X’ next to the phrase that most correctly completes each statement.

1. The Divine Paradox is an effect of the Principle of

a. Gravity.

b. Natural Selection.

c. Opposition.

d. Falling Bodies.

2. The Divine Paradox has to do with duality, for when you talk about anything in Creation, you must talk about TWO creating

a. the answers to these questions.

b. one.

c. the problems which cause difficulty in understanding.

d. none of the above.

3. The universe IS NOT, still

a. sometimes the answer to all the question don't matter.

b. organization of the universe does not mean anything.

c. wants you not to be organized or belong to one.

d. IT IS.

4. All truths are but

a. things to avoid.

b. things to believe.

c. partial truths.

d. things to argue against.

5. Those who imagine they can escape the laws of the universe are

a. on their way to cosmic understanding.

b. partially wise.

c. far ahead of the average person.

d. prepared to over come death and never die.

6. The truly wise, knowing the nature of the universe, use Law against laws; the higher against the lower, and alter that which is undesirable into that which is perfected, and thus

a. prevail.

b. never die.

c. be able to escape all laws totally

d. none of the above.

7. Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions and fantastic imaginings or living, but in

a. positive affirmations.

b. the idea which ignores the natural laws of the universe.

c. using the higher forces against the lower, escaping the pains of the lower field by rising to the higher.

d. avoiding organizations which assist you in mastering the laws.

8. To THE INFINITE SUMMUM, this universe, its laws, its powers, its life,its phenomena are as things witnessed in a

a. exhibits at Disneyland.

b. theater when a science fiction movie shows

c. court when the trials are held.

d. state of meditation.

9. Some Humankind like sleep walkers stumble ever around and around in circles, making no progress, and are forced into an awakening at last by

a. the correct positive affirmation.

b. refusing to submit to any organized direction.

c. knowing the only right way.

d. falling bruised and bleeding over the natural laws which they have ignored.

10. The Law of Paradox is an aspect of the Principle of

a. Falling Objects.

b. Winding Forces.

c. Opposition.

d. none of the above.

11. Depending on the experiment the example of light can act as particle or

a. wave.

b. wind.

c. bit.

d. bite.

12. The first thought that comes to thinking humans after they realize that the universe is a mental creation of SUMMUM, is that the universe and all that it contains is a mere illusion; an unreality; against which

a. they must struggle and fight.

b. they are going to have to try to outwit.

c. their instincts naturally revolt.

d. the system is set to be unfair to them.

13. From the essence of the Absolute point of view, there is nothing real except

a. true love.

b. a good time doing your thing.


d. coke.

14. The other side of the picture from the essence of the Absolute point of view is

a. the Relative one.

b. position of oblivion.

c. found only in one book.

d. none of the above.

15. The report of the Summa Individuals is that your difficulty with the Principle of Paradox is that the finite human mind observes

a. well enough to know all if given the chance.

b. both sides of the story simultaneously.

c. the information necessary to form an opinion of judgement.

d. one thing at a moment.

16. The Infinite Mind of SUMMUM observes

a. all moments as one.

b. deep into the mysteries of the human mind.

c. through space-time to find out your innermost secrets.

d. the importance of the Humankind in the scheme of things.

17. Inner and outer space are both ruled by

a. the USSR.

b. the USA.

c. the same laws.

d. an entity with a beard and looks like a man.

18. In reality there is no such thing as smallest or largest size is --

a. dependent on modern measurement.

b. important only to those who need more.

c. found to be the key to all knowing.

d. infinite in both respects.

19. The visualizations of the artist or sculptor, as they endeavor to reproduce in stone or on canvas, seem very real to them. So do the characters in the mind of the author or dramatist, which they seek to express so that others may recognize them. If this is true in the case of your finite minds, what is the degree of reality in the mental images

a. it will be 12 degrees off true north.

b. it can be the degree of reality only found in one book.

c. created in the Mind of the Infinite?

d. created for the entertainment of the wealthy?

20. Everything in the universe is bound by the laws except

a. the enlightened guru.

b. the Gods.


d. the essence of relativity.


a. no hope of ever escaping.

b. nothing to harm you or for you to fear.

c. no need to resist for escape is impossible.

d. a secret affirmation which when said properly will allow you to slip out of the incarceration.

22. There is no power outside of SUMMUM to affect you, so you may

a. may avoid learning the Principles of Creation and spend your time in meaningful gossip about those trying to learn the Principles.

b. may polarize yourself against the apposite sex and accuse them of discriminating against your sex.

c. may spend your time dealing with everything except understanding the Principles of Creation, for you are afraid of the responsibility.

d. rest calm and secure.

23. You may control matter (as all masters of higher or lesser degree do), but you do

a. not need to apply yourself in Mastering the Principles of Creation,just purchase a recorded tape of New Age channeling.

b. not need to be concerned about this text for there must be an easier way to gain power.

c. so by applying the higher forces.

d. so by reading as many books as possible.

24. Those laws which SUMMUM emanates as governing laws are not

a. of any concern to you.

b. worth finding out about.

c. as important as the current events.

d. to be defied or argued away.

25. The universe exists by virtue of these

a. Masters of the universe.

b. higher intelligences.

c. Gods who voted to create it.

d. laws which form its framework and which hold it together.

26. Science often corroborates these Summum teachings, except for the theory of the

a. rebounding spheres.

b. mental creation of the universe.

c. law of gravity.

d. correspondence between levels.

27. The student of Summum need not lay aside any of their scientific views regarding

a. channeling.

b. past life regression.

c. the universe.

d. heaven.

28. The student will find that the Principles of Summum will fit into their scientific knowledge, and will serve to bring out obscure points and throw light in

a. dark corners.

b. laser beams.

c. opposite directions.

d. crystal balls.

29. Do not yield to the temptation which, as Summum states, overcomes the partially wise and causes them to be hypnotized by the apparent unreality of things. The consequence is that they wander about like people living in a dream, ignoring the practical work and life of humankind, and forced into an awakening at last by

a. powerful video on the teachings of an earth bound disembodied spirit.

b. a verse from the only true book.

c. their falling bruised and bleeding over natural laws which they have ignored.

d. work shop on body massage.

30. You are all on your proper path, and the road leads ever upward, with

a. a winding path.

b. a need to avoid its journey.

c. frequent resting places.

d. no where to rest.




1. Paradox

2. The universe

3. meditation

4. new life

5. psychokinesis

6. Opposition

7. other side


NOT, IS Principle, Paradox, human

two, truths moment, SUMMUM

nature moments, observation

laws, lower human

Psychokinesis scientists, supercollider

perfected creation

dreams, fantastic universe, explore

rising, DESTINY inner, outer

cause, effect nature, universe, mental

Psychokinesis progress

Phenomena travel, laws

universe, real laws, mental

thought SUMMUM, bound


universe harm

dream SUMMUM

sleep rocked, Cradle

awakening Deep, bosom, Ocean

natural Infinite Mind, SUMMUM

stars live

Paradox matter

nature, SUMMUM applying

copulation, Law only, escape, laws

Paradox entirely, SUMMUM, escape


paradox, life masters

warning god

error, question masters

Absolute, philosophy unthinkable

Presentation Summum, lay

end, definition views, grasp

universe principles, creation

essence, nothing mental, Mind

show psychokinesis

picture, Relative Summum

Fact, things hypnotized

God forced, awakening

human kind falling, natural, laws


2, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1, 7


1. c 11. a 21. b

2. b 12. c 22. d

3. d 13. c 23. c

4. b 14. a 24. d

5. c 15. d 25. d

6. a 16. a 26. b

7. c 17. c 27. c

8. d 18. d 28. a

9. d 19. c 29. c

10. c 20. c 30. c


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