|grazed range |

|a. soil resource quality criteria |

|resource concern |definition |indicator and target values |assessment tools |

|A.1. Soil Erosion | | |

|A.1.a. Sheet and Rill |The detachment and transport of soil |Indicator: |NRCS National range and Pasture |

|A.1.b. Wind |particles by surface runoff, and |Departure in Soil/Site Stability attribute relative |Handbook; |

|A.1.c. Concentrated |runoff that is concentrated in |to Ecological Site Description and/or Ecological |Ecological Site Descriptions for |

|Flow |channels, and/or the detachment and |Reference Area; |Rangeland; |

|A.1.d. Classic Gully |transport of soil particles by wind |Target Value: |USDA/USDI Technical Reference |

| |forces resulting in a loss of soil |Rangeland Health Evaluation Worksheet Indicator |1734-6 Interpreting Indicators of |

| |productivity or a negative impact to |Summary for area evaluated scores a rating between |Rangeland Health; |

| |other resources. |None to Slight and Moderate for Soil/Site Stability |NV-ECS-01 (page 2) Rangeland Health|

| | |attribute; and, Indicators 3, 4, 5, & 9 have no more|Evaluation Worksheet; |

| | |than a Slight to Moderate departure; | |

|A.1.e. Streambank |The movement of soil from sloughing of|Indicator: |NRCS National range and Pasture |

| |streambanks caused by overbank flow, |Functioning Condition of streams and associated |Handbook; |

| |unstable soils, bank scour at |riparian or wetland areas relative to Ecological |Ecological Site Descriptions for |

| |obstructions, unstable channel bottom,|Site capability and potential; |Rangeland; |

| |or all of these conditions resulting a|Target Value: |BLM TR 1737-9 (1993) Process for |

| |in a loss in soil productivity or |Riparian area assessment shows a Functional Rating |Assessing Proper Functioning |

| |negative impacts to riparian habitats.|of either Proper Functioning Condition or |Condition; |

| | |Functional-At Risk with an Upward Trend; |Proper Functioning Condition |

| | | |Standard Checklist; |

|A.2. Soil Condition | | |

|A.2.a. Soil Crusting, |Crusting reduces soil prod-uctivity |Indicator: |NRCS National range and Pasture |

|Water infiltration, |with the formation of a thin |Departure in Hydrologic Function attribute relative |Handbook; |

|Organic Matter |(generally 50% where trees are | |

| | |the dominant potential streamside vegetation; | |

|B.2.o. Aquatic |The quality of surface waters to |Indicator: |Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Guides |

|Habitat |support aquatic life is limited by |Habitat Suitability Rating as determined using |– Nevada NRCS Technical Note |

|Suitability |inadequate habitat. Habitat |Wildlife habitat Evaluation Guides for Cold water |TN-BIOLOGY-41; |

| |suitability includes riparian habitat,|Fish Streams, Riparian Areas, and Wetlands; |USDA/NRCS (1989) Water Quality |

| |thermal conditions, flow regime, |Target Value: |Indicators Guide: Surface Waters. |

| |stream morphology, and floodplain |For lands where improving fish and wildlife habitats |SCS-TP-161; |

| |function. Invertebrates, amphibians, |are not the primary management objective: | |

| |and fish, as well as other aquatic and|Habitat Suitability Rating of 0.35 or above for Cold | |

| |terrestrial species, require habitat |water Fish Streams; | |

| |suitability to survive and prosper. |Habitat Suitability Rating of 0.38 or above for | |

| | |Riparian Areas; | |

| | |Habitat Suitability Rating of 0.32 or above for | |

| | |Wetlands; | |

|C. air resource quality criteria |

|C.1. Air Quality |

|Airborne Sediment |Airborne sediment (PM ................

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