
Reading (50 points)

A Read the report and answer the questions that follow.

|5 |Use Your Knife and Fork! |

|10 |Fifty years ago, the typical British family sat at the dinner table for half an hour or more every evening. Children were expected to listen|

|15 |to their parents’ conversation quietly and eat carefully, using a knife and fork. They wouldn’t think of leaving their seats without asking |

|20 |permission, because they knew their parents would punish them. |

|25 |Jump to the 21st century. The members of a typical British family eat their meals in front of the television in less than 15 minutes, |

| |usually at different times. There isn’t much conversation. However, if there is, someone is likely to be talking with a mouthful of food or |

| |on a cellphone. |

| |Is this true? According to a study done in Great Britain in 2007, researchers found that the situation is, in fact, even worse. Eighty-five |

| |percent of the participants questioned in the study said that they always did something else while they ate dinner. Besides watching |

| |television, they used the computer, talked on the phone or read and sent text messages. The findings from |

| |a 2011 study showed that 44% of the participants had no problem with people eating with their fingers. |

| |Once, Britain was identified with politeness and good manners. Today, since fewer families eat together, parents don’t have an opportunity |

| |to teach their children good manners. As a result, many people aren’t bothered by bad table manners. Gwen Parker, a mother of three, says, |

| |“It’s easier to heat up some spaghetti in the microwave and let the kids eat in front of the telly, so I have some peace and quiet.” This is|

| |the opinion of many working parents who don’t have the time or the energy for a family meal. |

| |But that may be changing. Parents are beginning to understand that eating together as a family is necessary to improve their children’s |

| |manners. Researchers have found that, for this reason, many parents are making an effort to have a family meal at least three times a week. |

| |Surprisingly, even teenagers agree. One teenage boy who appeared on a local television show said that he liked the fact that his parents |

| |wanted them to eat together as a family. The reason? It made him feel important. |

1. In lines 1-7, the writer shows us … .

a. what people talk about at dinner

b. how table manners have changed

c. why table manners have changed

d. what families watch on television at dinner

(5 points)

2. What do we learn about the studies of British table manners? (lines 8-13)


a. how many people participated

b. what people watched on television

c. how people acted during dinner

d. what the researchers discovered

e. what the participants like to eat

f. what the researchers expected to find out

(2 x 5 = 10 points)

3. Why do many parents let their children watch television during the meal? (lines 14-19)

(5 points)

4. Why have table manners changed in Britain?

COMPLETE THE CHART. (lines 14-19)


|…………………………………………… | |Parents no longer teach their children good manners. |

|…………………………………………… | | |

(5 points)

5. “But that may be changing.” (line 20) What does “that” refer to?

a. parents’ conversation at dinner

b. children asking to leave their seats

c. families being too busy to eat together

d. parents’ opinions about family meals

(5 points)


In lines 20-25, the writer gives reasons why


(5 points)

7. “Once, Britain was identified with politeness and good manners.” (line 14)

Give TWO examples why this is no longer true. Take your answers from two different paragraphs.



(2 x 5 = 10 points)

B Do you think it’s important that members of a family have at least one meal a day together? Explain why or why not.

(5 points)

Vocabulary (20 points)

A Match A and B to make sentences. (7 points)


1. The most popular ice cream flavors

2. Your good grades reflect

3. Do you have a reasonable excuse

4. This scientist deserves a prize

5. The coach has high expectations

6. The 7:30 train is always so crowded

7. Ronny posted notices around the neighborhood


a. for not doing your homework?

b. because his dog ran away.

c. that the team will win.

d. the time you spent studying.

e. that I can never find a place to sit.

f. are vanilla and chocolate.

g. for his research.

B Complete the sentences with the words and expressions below. Make any necessary changes. (7 points)

rate offer passion for make a mistake hangout necessary tend to

1. Adults don’t usually come to this restaurant – it’s a teen …………………… .

2. Mark has a …………………… nature, so he does a lot of hiking.

3. The man …………………… me 300 shekels for my bicycle, but I wanted more money.

4. You should check your work carefully this time. Last time you …………………… .

5. The weather …………………… be very rainy in England, so pack an umbrella.

6. Before I see a movie, I read reviews to see how critics …………………… it.

7. I am looking for a job. My CV has all the …………………… information about me.

C Write three sentences about going to a restaurant. Use at least one of the following words or expressions in each sentence. You may change the form of the word or expression. (6 points)

make a reservation appealing ordinary (to) lack specialty dessert (be) worth it




Language (20 points)

A Circle the correct relative pronoun to complete each sentence. (6 points)

1. Tanya doesn’t like movies which / who / whose are violent.

2. We like to go away in July that / where / when it’s the summer vacation.

3. I don’t know whose / who / which wallet this is, so I’ll take it to the principal’s office.

4. We stayed at a hotel which / where / that there was an indoor pool.

5. She’s the best singer which / that / whose I’ve ever heard.

6. People when / whose / who are positive are likely to have more friends.

B Choose a suitable relative pronoun and complete each sentence below. Use each relative pronoun once. (4 points)

who which when where

1. Shira bought the dress .

2. My friend lives in a city .

3. I’ll never forget the day .

4. This café is looking for waiters .

C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple and Past Progressive. (10 points)

1. They …………………… (watch) the news on television while their mother …………………… (check) her emails.

2. The electricity …………………… (go) off while Sam …………………… (play) a computer game.

3. The students …………………… (not sit) at their desks when the teacher …………………… (enter) the classroom.

4. He …………………… (look) through his address book when he …………………… (find) the number of an old friend.

5. …………………… the storm …………………… (begin) while you …………………… (drive) home?

Writing (10 points)

The school principal wants to change the menu in the school cafeteria and would like to hear the students’ opinions. Write 60-80 words.

You may write about the following points:

• what kinds of food should be changed / added

• why you think these changes should be made

• why you think other students will agree with you

• what other changes you may want in the cafeteria


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